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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2019 in all areas

  1. When I got an apartment down the street I really didn’t consider that fireworks would often ruin the suspense lol
    4 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Millenial here: I prefer to watch games on my digital device with headphones in, not talking to anyone. Games are too expensive (ESPECIALLY PARKING, HARUMPH), not to mention the mayo on the foods! Plus I like to be taking selfie photography to upload to my friends on a SOCIAL NETWORKING device, and the WiFi at the baseball ball park is TERRIBLE. Also baseball is slow and my attention span is no
    4 points
  4. I seriously cannot believe that people don’t remember how terrible the situation was around Ozzie and his sons in 2009-2011. He’s lucky to even be tangentially involved in Sox business.
    4 points
  5. Fulmer with the win...eat it Benintendi
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. The hatred for bunting on this board astounds me. The deciding factor for a manager actually being competent is not whether or not he calls for the bunt more than the next guy. I get the concerns about it, no one needs to explain them to me, but Bunting is actually a legitimate strategic play that can work very well under the right circumstances.
    3 points
  8. Dear Lord. These should be bannable posts. Unless of course you’re joking and making fun of people who post like this, then it’s my favorite post.
    3 points
  9. When people talk about the team's drafting, this pick is conveniently ignored. From a value standpoint to date, it's one of the best picks in that entire draft.
    3 points
  10. I think it is absolutely crazy that some of you want to find a reason to blame the white sox organization for the rash of TJ injuries. due to scouting? Really? full stop pitching a baseball is one of the most unnatural things you can do to your arm. Every single person who does it is putting a gun to their head and playing Russian roulette. It’s not something you can see coming.
    3 points
  11. Covey over Lambert or anyone else is so predictable and simply exhausting. Not sure how many times the White Sox need to see Covey. He's the pitcher version of Engel. Undeserved chances over and over.
    3 points
  12. It's amazing that folks have such a short memory. Fuck Ozzie he quit on the team. He should be blackballed from the Sox org.
    3 points
  13. Please try to contain your excitement.
    3 points
  14. There are few more enjoyable things in this life than seeing disappointment on the face of a Red Sox fan.
    2 points
  15. oh dear god that 2nd pitch to Rondon wasn't close to a strike.
    2 points
  16. The only real downside to this is that we can't potentially trade him at the deadline this year. Honestly the ship has really sailed on him being dominant in this league. And he can think he has ten years left in this league just the same way that all those banner ads tell me I can grow 3 inches in a month!!
    2 points
  17. Better give that same pitch to Gio
    2 points
  18. Maybe when a pitcher’s velocity is way down for a couple of starts, they should be more proactive. Same thing happened with Kopech.
    2 points
  19. Stupid Sox. Taking a guy out of Juco in the 1st round. Kenny loves his athletes! His defense is terrible! Poor scouting! Oh great, Rick signed him to an extension- waste of money! This organization is a complete joke! the Sox can’t identify young talent!
    2 points
  20. I really don't mind Covey as a long man in the pen but as a regular in the rotation?....I think I would rather be tied to a chair and forced to listen to the Kars for Kids jingle on a constant loop than watch him face a lineup more than once
    2 points
  21. I seriously don't get it. They should be throwing a new guy out there every time someone goes down, not recycling the trash.
    2 points
  22. UNVERIFIED: Eloy Jimenez to miss at most 2 weeks.
    2 points
  23. Bullets in a lost season in the majors are more useful than bullets used to dominate AAA
    2 points
  24. I'd love to see the Sox continue their slow evolution as an organization and aggressively promote someone like Jimmy Lambert. He's not a top tier prospect for you and can continue his development at the big league level. He throws strikes and lives up in the zone with his fastball. Both of those work on the modern game.
    2 points
  25. This is a bad year to take a lesser talent just to try to float a guy. There is a very clear top 3 players so we shouldn't skip on that third guy to risk floating a guy when the Diamondbacks have more pool money and 4 picks between our picks. On top of the risk that floating him doesn't work, you are also doing it for a high school righty, basically the most risky demographic in the draft. So we would just be compounding risk upon risk if that is our plan.
    2 points
  26. Oh Sox fans. When the Sox keep pitchers healthy, it's that they're "teaching them to pitch to contact and falling behind the times." When they let pitchers rip and the pitchers get hurt "they suck and they need to blow it up." Personally, I think some pitchers are just more injury prone.
    2 points
  27. That's a pipe dream. With so many teams with multiple picks there is no chance they get Priester to 45.
    2 points
  28. Why on earth would the team performing better be due to Rick Renteria? Why not due to Anderson, Moncada, Abreu, Rodon, etc?
    2 points
  29. He actually should be a hero. White Sox fans like to complain. He's given us many reasons. Rick reminds me of the guys that used to make Dick Vitale's all airport team. Guys who looked good at the airport but couldn't play worth a damn. Rick is a bright guy, talks a good game, makes everything seem to make a lot of sense, and then loses,and loses, and loses. He looks and sounds the part, but the evidence suggests he should be doing something else.
    2 points
  30. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope.
    2 points
  31. Take it easy, I trust Ricky and the Boyz.
    2 points
  32. Don't worry everyone. Ricky will eventually be replaced by Omar Vizquel... who.also.loves.bunting. Awww, hell. Fuck it all.
    2 points
  33. This. So much this. As much as I think Ozzie would be a great manager for this group, the chances are zero.
    1 point
  34. Yes, Ricky is terrible due to his love for the bunt and his decisions last night were awful but Ozzie loved the bunt every bit as much when he was coaching the Sox. He can talk all the BS he wants now but his actions as Sox manager were pretty much aligned with Ricky’s. They both love bunting and so does the next Sox manager, Omar Vizquel. It isn’t going to get any better my friends.
    1 point
  35. Nah you're good, no need to apologize. I know that the learn baseball stuff was more directed to the other guy anyway. I still disagree with you, and not sure I'd like to discuss it further since I highly doubt it would get anywhere (given how much we have already tried). I have no issues with a disagreement like that, as long as it doesn't get personal, which it didn't since you're a good poster too
    1 point
  36. Or maybe he was appalled by the bunt call which was so so dumb. Why stifle? He's never going to manage again. He might as well "tell it like he thinks it is." Full disclosure on my take: I love Ozzie.
    1 point
  37. Yes! Rally Engel! Tie it up! Give me more awful baseball!
    1 point
  38. At least Eloy didn’t try that. Last time, he looked like one of Spider-Man’s victims
    1 point
  39. And now he's up to an .896 OPS and 137 wRC+. But don't worry, next time he goes 0-4, the whole board will be here to remind us that he's a washed up bum who is actually 40
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Time for all of us to go get a dog
    1 point
  42. Waste of a pick. He'll never develop any power.
    1 point
  43. Older hitters are regressing earlier because pitchers are pitching at peak velocity. The average fastball is just under 93 mph and has hovered between 92.5 and 93.1mph over the last few seasons. As a hitter ages, it gets harder to catch up with these fastballs. In 2010 the average fastball was just under 91 mph. Huge difference.
    1 point
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