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  1. Couldn't be a pulled muscle since he doesn't have any
    6 points
  2. I'm just glad you're a fan and not an actual decision maker for the team. How does it not matter if they are literal black holes in the lineup batting .040 or .120? How is it beneficial for their development if they're getting destroyed at the major league level? This team was NOTORIOUS for rushing prospects because of need, which failed MISERABLY (outside of Sale, who is a freak). Why fall back into old habits that were obviously foolish when it's 100% unnecessary at the moment?
    2 points
  3. Robert with a BB. Then steals 2nd and 3rd, and scores on an error.
    2 points
  4. Yea, a guy who acts in a professional manner instead of a showboating clown is a real clubhouse cancer.
    2 points
  5. Did the Sox suddenly get a new owner? Cole ain't happening. Dude is going to want guaranteed $ not some incentive laden nonsense the Sox will offer him. We will get Wacha or Alex Wood.
    2 points
  6. I've seen the upright OK sign mentioned before, but I've never seen anyone give them the power to take away the circle game as well. This is so ridiculous. Also banned from Wrigley Field effectively immediately are Reece, Malcolm, and Stevie.
    2 points
  7. They are also giving Elijah Tatis $500K. That leaves them with about $3 million
    2 points
  8. For me, the frustrating thing with this crop of AAAA types was the stupid and uneven way they were handled. Engel has 1 MLB caliber tool, but his complete and utter lack of any sort of ability to hit made his 857 MLB PAs seem to be a waste of time. Him being scouted by the Doug Laumann Clown College, and [snicker] signed in the 19th round by a failed front office meant that he was likely never a prospect in the FIRST PLACE. Tilson was actually scouted, drafted, and developed by a [then] successful and intelligent front office in St. Louis. Him being drafted in the 2nd round, and then his relative prospect status in a decent organization makes me more interested in what he might do with more of a look. His injuries aside, I can't understand why he's only had 123 PA leading into this season. Cordell doesn't seem to have any PLUS tools, but then, he doesn't suffer from an abject and crippling LACK of any one tool that would prevent him from at least having more of a look. Though, again, his injury history has also sidetracked him hereto fore. I suppose on balance, Engel's utter shittiness at hitting, yet him having 9,999 lives in the MLB roster was typical of a stupid organization like this one. In a rebuild, a team HAS TO get lucky with the odd AAAA type becoming a cromulent piece of the 25 man. Yet, 857 PAs were squandered on a 19th round no-hoper who could never fucking hit, when other, less flawed options are/were available. Were they too stupid to figure out that Engel isn't MLB caliber, or was it simply Tilson's/Cordell's health? Who knows. And yes, I recognize that Tilson and Cordell and Delmonico are all probably AAAA nothing burgers. But, they have to find out if any of them can provide more value than Engel's one MLB caliber tool, rather than wasting PAs on players who don't have the requisite level of OVERALL ability.
    1 point
  9. This forum is about discussion not arguments. State your point of view and let others discuss it or offer other ways to look at it. When people are just trying to make others look dumb...they're not changing anyone's mind. We all love the Sox just not what we might see out of them from day to day. Even when I agree with you it doesn't make either one of us right.
    1 point
  10. I would disagree with this. the doctors job is to get them healthy. this encompasses both goals. there is nothing that would get them in the field that wouldn't make their body feels good at 50. this is the difference in the Derrick rose meniscal surgeries where one took him a year to recover and the other took 6 weeks. sometimes they can save tissue sometimes they cant. I would say the bigger issue is that just because a physician is the team physician for a pro sports team doesn't mean he is the best physician. it just means his company paid what was needed to get that job.
    1 point
  11. Just keep in mind “[Drake] was a leader in the locker room.” I understand protecting the kid but that’s maybe the most emberassing line in mlb history.
    1 point
  12. The sad reality (right now) is that after Collins, Robert, Madrigal, & Cease graduate by early next year, the Sox will have a bottom 10 farm system if not worse. Hopefully some of the guys that are struggling rebound and change that for the better. But right now, things look really grim after the top guys.
    1 point
  13. A desultory, corpse-ball like effort today. On to Toronto.
    1 point
  14. Easiest complete game shutout of Carrasco's career I'm assuming.
    1 point
  15. Do these kids have to be at least 16 to sign a professional contract with a MLB team? Could someone offer the future Vlad Guerrero the Third a few million to sign when he is 10?
    1 point
  16. anything to get Alonso less at bats is fine with me. I am totally OK with Eloy DHing some, I just want him in the field most of the time. He is young enough that he can still improve out there. He will never be a good OF, but things get a whole lot easier if he can at least be a passable LF for the next 4-5 years.
    1 point
  17. Because at the end of the year, having played the red Sox will grade out as a difficult match-up but had you played them in April, it was actually an easier match-up than 99% of teams. The streaky nature of the game, and the limited scoring in baseball, means that there really isnt much difference at all between the easiest and hardest schedule in the league. When you play someone, who you face, the health of the team and etc pretty much normalize any SOS discrepancies and make SOS a pointless baseball stat.
    1 point
  18. Moncada's error got changed to a hit. I agree with that. Now change Tilson's to an error
    1 point
  19. Lol. Palka had the 43rd best OPS+ in the American League last year (those over 400 PA). I don't think this guy is the savior and I have no problem with him in AAA right now after his putrid start. But he could be a useful platoon piece as a DH and occasion OF, and he will be back at some point, likely whenever the Sox cut bait on Alonso. Apologies on Daniel banging your girlfriend.
    1 point
  20. How do you figure? If you’re playing the Royals and Orioles a lot, aren’t you likely to have a better record than teams with harder schedules off the bat?
    1 point
  21. There may not be anything more worthless than MLB SOS when evaluating a team.
    1 point
  22. Turned on the stream just i time to see our RF fall over backwards while camped under a fly ball. Turned off stream. Not worth the phone battery.
    1 point
  23. Jordan Guerrero: 7 Starts, 1-4, 8.31 ERA, 2.41 WHIP Jordan Stephens: 6 starts, 2-3, 9.48 ERA, 1.91 WHIP Donn Roach: 6 starts, 0-2, 10.25 ERA, 2.05 WHIP Spencer Adams: 3 starts, 1-0, 8.00 ERA, 2.39 WHIP
    1 point
  24. Thanks. All I remember is he missed the whole season.
    1 point
  25. Wasn't Chris Stewart a catcher who went on to have a decent career with the pirates
    1 point
  26. How one inning killed a pitcher’s career
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. "Lonzy is a veteran. We just need to keep plugging him in out there. He's a clean up hitter. He's our clean up hitter. He's been having some great at bats lately. Seeing some pitches. Working some count. Real professional. We love Zo." -Ricky, most likely
    1 point
  29. Actually, they are not if production matters at all. There's a reason he won a Silver Slugger in a bad, injury plagued season for him. Your hate is, always has been, and always will be, ridiculous. He's made you look a fool so many times, you would think by this point you would just stop.
    1 point
  30. I think both guys deserve a chance to play most days going forward. Tilson is a better defensive outfielder than just about anyone else on the roster, and his bat has been a pleasant surprise so far. Cordell is decent in the OF, and although he's cooled down at the plate, he's still a better option than Palka. The only way we'll know what we have with these guys is to let them play.
    1 point
  31. Lineup aside, we won 2 out of 3 against the Indians on the road. That is at least a positive.
    1 point
  32. He's batting in the .270's and hitting cleanup for Tampa Bay. Signed for 6 million. Sounds like he would have been a good deal compared to Alonso.
    1 point
  33. 695 posts in and your just noticing this?!?!? Hahahaaaaaaa....geezus.
    1 point
  34. Sox would be over .500 if they kept Avi , still haven't found a replacement.
    1 point
  35. This is such a meatball Sox fan thread I can't even start to get into how dumb this is. Adam Eaton? Yikes.
    1 point
  36. Abreu is retiring a White Sock. He will not be traded this season, he will receive an extension and rightfully so. He is blocking no one and there isn't anyone on the market better than him. He still has some good years left. He's staying. And for his sake, he wants to stay, I really hope he stays long enough to at least win a playoff round with the Sox. He's been on losing teams his whole career. Dude definitely deserves to end it on a winning note.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. This...just doesn't make sense. Today's lineup is even worse than yesterday's with McCann being given a break. Anderson needs to be hitting cleanup in this lineup, even with his current regression, and with honestly Tilson leading off and Moncada hitting 2nd.
    1 point
  39. I would rather just bring Robert up ASAP
    1 point
  40. Would rather try and pluck someone like Scherzer from them to lead the rotation for the next couple of years.
    1 point
  41. Elijah Tatis for Adam Eaton
    1 point
  42. So I make a couple of good points about Tilson and all of a sudden he's not worth discussing when you were discussing him in the 1st place. Maybe they don't sniff a good team's roster but I guess I have to remind you we are not a good team and are rebuilding so your point makes no sense. This is what rebuilding teams do . They take flyers on injured guys, reclamation projects etc, and see if they can win the lottery . I agree it was a terrible off season. There's not enough lipstick in the world to make that pig look good and you serve a purpose of reminding us of that, They don't deserve our trust. I have made many posts regarding that situation. However it is still a rebuild so I/we have to realize that there is going to be a good amount of suck. I just prefer not to dwell on the suck or in the past and look ahead .
    1 point
  43. Definitely a great question.
    1 point
  44. Ok...I'll be Devil's Advocate here. 1st...everybody thought at the time acquiring Giolito, Lopez and Dunning was a ridiculously one-sided score at the time. It's not really Hahn's fault that for some reason Giolito and Lopez really hasn't developed as fast or even at all like most thought. So then you come down to...is it Cooper's fault? Is it Hahn's fault Dunning had to have TJ? Same with Kopech...not Hahn's fault he needed TJ as well. On the flip side....you have Cease who is going to be a star IMO...and when Kopech gets back he eventually will be as well. Hopefully that pushes Giolito and Lopez as well. Most figured when Eloy showed up it would push Moncada...and he hasn't disappointed. Yoan is quasi super star status right now IMO. We haven't even touched what Eloy can do yet...and he will rake. It's a matter of time. And let's not forget the young super star in waiting down in Birmingham either...Mr Luis Robert. So yeah...it sucks right now that the Sox haven't lived up to everyone's hopes and expectations...but a lot of this is hardly Hahn's fault. Not landing Manny...partially. Giving idiotic contracts to the likes of Jon Jay and Jones...yeah. But there really is a light at the end of the tunnel IMO. And last but not least...he really scored with the signing of McCann...who's been nothing short of spectacular so far. His only mistake was only making it a one year deal.
    1 point
  45. He does. I agree, I think killing his sister and their unborn child seems like a big ask of him at this point. It's kind of funny that most people seemed to dislike like last week's episode but liked this one and I'm the opposite. Whereas a lot of battle strategy/convenient plot armor points were no a big deal to me in the first episode, some of the stuff this week was just beyond stupid. Euron being able to hit the dragon, not once, but like three times, while on a ship bobbing up and down in the water? Dany not seeing Euron's fleet despite being hundreds/thousands of feet in the air? Dany really thinking she and her 45 person army can take King's Landing? Dany continuing to think her one dragon can take on all of those crossbows (which again, apparently have heat seekers on them)? I like Sansa playing the Littlefinger role and telling Tyrion about Jon to get Dany out of the way. I like Arya and the Hound leaving together. Everything else? Meh. We're two episodes away and Bran is still the most useless character in the show. Is he really not going to play a significant part of the end of the story? His role was to worg into some birds during the Battle of Winterfell and act as bait for the NK and now he can just spend his days in Winterfell? Sam has no further role? He confirmed what Bran already knew, told Jon, kept himself from being killed and now he's just going to be a dad? Ugh, and the whole main end here - Dany v. Jon. So fucking stupid. Absolutely none of that is earned at this point.
    1 point
  46. I had a new water line put in and it tore up part of the lawn. I ended up putting seed down a few weeks ago just before the heavy rain. Really sprouted up nicely last week.
    1 point
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