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  1. Moncada's line since this post: .381/.435/.643/.1.078. His OPS went from .811 to .856.
    9 points
  2. If you dare to look at their minor league numbers, you’ll want to die too.
    5 points
  3. How many times has Carson Fulmer been brought up the last few years? Irrelevant. How many times has he deserved to be called up? Maybe one... 2017... but it's hard to say affirmatively that he ever looked good down there. Carson Fulmer is a classic case of why you may choose NOT to rush your pitchers up. Which is why I find your analogy here to be very puzzling. What would be the harm in bringing Cease up? What GOOD does it do, exactly? Do you think an unfinished Dylan Cease product is going to turn this team into a World Series contender? What do we stand to win? I don't get it. As far as what we stand to lose. How is a potentially damaged psyche and setback (even ruined) career for you? He gets battered around like a pinball machine. His mechanics never develop as he's constantly pitching under pressure and in trouble. He winds up devolving and never recovering. Do you realize how rare a guy like Giolito is? To get utterly obliterated like he did upon coming up and then suddenly turn around to produce a Cy Young bid? More guys in his shoes like that wind-up like Carson Fulmer than the finished product he now looks like. Young pitchers are delicate. Why are you so intent on forcing him up before he's ready? Before this team is ready for a run? So we can MAYBE win 80 games instead of 77? That's if he actually performs well, I mind you. He could potentially be just as bad as what we have. Would you force your kid into advanced calculus classes before he's mastered basic algebra? Why? So he can feel like an idiot? Cease would of been called up by most MLB teams by now. Quantify this... or please stop saying it. Show me where pitchers with Cease's reoccurring struggles are continually getting plucked up to the majors after 2+ months into his first AAA season to permanently fill a rotational spot. Good luck finding data which will support you. I suspect that you will need a whole lot of it my man. As I stated before, if Cease would of signed the contract extension this past spring, I have no doubt that he would be pitching for the White Sox now. K
    5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. ESPN's Keith Law joined Clinton Cole on the latest FutureSox Podcast! Does he like the White Sox farm? How did he perceive the team's draft strategy?
    3 points
  6. I’m at the game here in Charlotte.
    3 points
  7. Probably why he sucks so bad, throwing with the wrong hand and what not
    3 points
  8. Let it be known that I take grave offense to someone named Odrisamer Despaigne being right handed. That is a lefty name if I have ever seen one in my life.
    3 points
  9. This melodramatic narrative with Cease really needs to stop. Nobody is losing on purpose - certainly not at this point. Cease has been in AAA for a grand total of 3 months. He still can't get his control down, he falls behind hitters, walks them frequently, jacks his pitch count up and hardly ever lasts past the 5th inning at that level. This is not some grave injustice. His progress is coming along fine and he's made progress in his last few starts. However, he is most certainly not dominating at that level. Not rushing a player who is still experiencing struggles early on into AAA is FAR from being an asinine thought process.
    3 points
  10. That's crazy, I thought he was out for weeks according to the medical experts on this forum.
    2 points
  11. Holy shit that first pitch to Eloy was a bad call
    2 points
  12. I'll give you two reasons why we should bring Cease up now 1) The difference between Giolito this year and Giolito last year. 2) The difference between Moncada this year and Moncada last year. Sox did the same thing with both guys: brought them up for a brief time in August of 2017. Going through September, everything looked peachy. But for both guys, 2018 was a huge let down, using the word terrible (less for Moncada) is not off base. But this year?!!! Given a full year, then an off season to ferment and correct things, the White Sox have two very special players now. Since we saw what happened with both of them when they were brought up in August and how the next year was a lost year, why repeat that mistake with Cease? I say don't follow that formula. Bring Cease up now, give him more than 8 or 6 weeks in the majors to learn and (yes) struggle. I say give him the end of June, then July, August, and September; whatever he can take for pitched innings, but let it be facing major league pressure and major league bats. Giolito and Moncada had to struggle first, let's get that struggle over with Cease now. Why waste next year? Here's a crazy idea (and I know I keep putting this out there), but let's try to win. Let's try to win now, and absolutely, let's try to win next year. Is Cease great? Is he perfect? I don't know, but he's a hell of a lot better than the guy we're throwing against the Nats tonight. Pitch Cease in the majors and let him start taking his lumps and learning, just like Lucas and Yoan did last year, but let's get that out of the way so that the Sox can start winning for real next year.
    2 points
  13. They have a comparable offense right now lol. 95 to 91 OPS+. Replace Yonder Alonso with someone remotely competent and you probably already have a more productive lineup.
    2 points
  14. I merged them but I just want everyone to know I did it before I saw this so it had no influence.
    2 points
  15. It’s been two weeks. I still do not think he will put up an .800 OPS this year or in 2020 or 2021. Don’t be impatient- just come back and talk to me then.
    2 points
  16. This is nonsense. Before yesterday's start he was the 2nd best pitcher in the entire international league. The league is averaging like 6.5 runs per team per game. Cease had been dominating. Dont scout the stat line solely. Adjust for league and park.
    2 points
  17. I think the article lost me with its premise that the Sox punted all value for the 3rd pick, which is an unknown at this point.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Our shopping list for the offseason simply has to include 2 quality starters.
    2 points
  20. Yoan is on pace for about 35 doubles, 35 home runs and 98 RBI's.
    2 points
  21. Madrigal in 52 games in 2019 .296/.362/.399 20 SB 5 CS. .761 OPS
    2 points
  22. Just be honest and say, I’m sorry Sox fans that I’m the worst manager in the majors. ?
    2 points
  23. So you don't think he will put up an .800 OPS last year? Really going out on a limb, Sir.
    1 point
  24. Look at run prevention for top prospects in the PCL compared to the MLB the past decade. It has been more difficult to prevent runs in the PCL than the big leagues- especially for certain teams - for nearly a decade now. Run prevention is, by definition, more difficult when the total runs scored is much greater than that of the big leagues. No one is saying it's easier to be good (when compared to your peers) in the big leagues than it is to be good in the PCL. It's easier to prevent runs though which is why that league ERA is significantly higher than the average MLB ERA. The average ERA in the IL right now is like 6.
    1 point
  25. Fathom is busting out the kleenex and lotion for this.
    1 point
  26. It will be really interesting to see what the Sox do this offseason. I can't imagine they will punt another offseason but you never know with this Front Office and owner.
    1 point
  27. I will repeat. Castillo serves a purpose on this team. You calling up Collins to sit on the bench 5 days a week? You calling up Collins to make McCann the back up. The only way you can get Collins DH at bats where he probably should be most of the time is keeping Castillo around.
    1 point
  28. Yah, I don't think he did himself any favors in getting up here "soon" though. That being said, I am about 3 weeks away from saying just leave Cease in AAA until next May. If you're going to use a year, may as well get your moneys worth an get him up here ASAP. I am fine with him in AAA, and I do think he has more refining to do (3 BB in 2/3 of an inning yesterday would state as much) but waiting to call him up for until mid August for a handful of meaningless starts is so dumb.
    1 point
  29. Slight edge? When you have another year of control, throw lefty and strike hitters out....that’s a lot more than slight edge.
    1 point
  30. Wow, I totally forgot Dunn hit 41 homers in 2012. I just remember all of the bad ??.
    1 point
  31. Maybe you'd have more fans if the team won more than one World Series in 102 years, not to mention the club has never even won a wild card spot.
    1 point
  32. Looked up this dudes stat... yeah tank private first class all the way.
    1 point
  33. Did you miss the part where Kimbrel says he likes to play in front of fans. That's why we end up with Dunn and Keppinger.
    1 point
  34. I came here to ask the same thing. He had said June 1st back in the spring.
    1 point
  35. One was nice (2012). 2013 was less nice, but still much better than Alonso. 41 HR's 96 RBI's and an All-Star appearance in 2012... I know his WAR was only 1.6 - but I'd kill for that about now from Alonso. lol Dunn had legitimate power to be reckoned with during his time here. Yeah, he was a pain in the ass a lot of the time - but the f**ker could also run into one at any moment, against any pitcher and shoot it to the moon. You had a legitimate hope for that every AB. Alonso has a very legitimate ability to... uh... line/ground the ball somewhat hard directly into the shift. Then, every once in rare while - he'll accidentally elevate one which sneaks over the wall. Inciting a "Hey, look... holy shit! How about that?" from the crowd. lol
    1 point
  36. After two multi-hit games in a double header today, Madrigal now has 8 hits in his first 12 AA at-bats!
    1 point
  37. I don't doubt that the FO gave him 2+ months of shitty non-performance as cover for yet another vet mistake. But running him out there over and over going forward serves absolutely no purpose. He is not part of the future, there is nothing further to evaluate in his (lack of) performance, and there are AAA/AAAA hitters more deserving of his roster spot. If the FO cares about putting together a productive roster moving forward, there is absolutely zero reason Alonso should remain on the roster period.
    1 point
  38. After seeing Bumgarner's reaction to someone pimping a moonshot off him, I'm not so sure that he's a fit in this clubhouse.
    1 point
  39. No offense but I believe it when I see it. These are the White Sox remember where being "fiscally responsible" is more important than winning.
    1 point
  40. Good to see Lopez right the ship a bit.
    1 point
  41. Cease imploded in 1st inning today. Hopefully just a bad day and not a physical issue.
    1 point
  42. I know we’ve had our disagreements in the past, but I fully agree with you here. They will have to spend significantly just to avoid the “cheap” label. And with the young core taking some major strides this season, they’ve simply run out of excuses. There will be some serious spending next offseason.
    1 point
  43. I pulled stats "out of my butt?" I was off by ONE at bat. That's some serious skill and my anus must be pretty lucky. Honest to god dude, you're completely miserable. You come onto this forum daily and act foolish by making ridiculous claims and predictions. You clearly can't stand anything that's going on with this organization, so why even bother?
    1 point
  44. Don't forget 1983-Fisk,Baines,Kittle, Luzinski. That was some middle of the order, those guys could thump.
    1 point
  45. Yeah exciting is never the issue. Converting is.
    1 point
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