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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2019 in all areas

  1. It means that anyone who believes Collins was actually 1-1 on our board is very gullible and therefore probably bad at poker.
    5 points
  2. Fire Cooper and find a pitching coach from the Astros system
    4 points
  3. I'm looking forward to seeing Collins. He's not a perfect player but he might be perfect for this team. He's a left handed bat who will get on base and knock the ball out of the yard. He and Eloy are going to be fun to watch.
    3 points
  4. Hey why don't you put some icing on that Blake Rutherford cake since once you do that it means the cake is ready to eat. If Blake Rutherford was a cake he's still baking in the oven, He's barely 22 and .230 is actually him hitting much better lately getting used to the temperature in the oven called AA, He's a kid give him a chance . I don't know how many times this has to be repeated but development is not linear, In order to succeed you must taste failure.
    2 points
  5. I think Cashmans reply would be"Rick, the legalization of weed in Illinois doesn't start until January, don't get caught."
    2 points
  6. ...oh my Cashman might turn that down as a professional courtesy
    2 points
  7. Last year when Frazier was struggling with concussion symptoms and couldn't return to the field? I appreciate someone putting forth a worse trade proposal than mine at least.
    2 points
  8. If there's one thing I've noticed, evaluation of a minor league catcher's defense is usually really bad. People simply don't know enough about what they're seeing to make a proper evaluation. Catcher is a very nuanced position. Collins might not be a future star, but to say he's a barely above DFA level is fucking absurd.
    2 points
  9. Mariano Rivera had a career strikeout rate of 8.22 K/9. I wonder if teams thought he was just a guy too.
    2 points
  10. A little humor from Jordan Stephens on Zack getting called up.
    2 points
  11. Somebody on these boards was going to move his or her family to Nashville based on their failure to land Machado this past offseason. The aforementioned leaps pale in comparison.
    2 points
  12. Those are going to have to some highly paid players! The Sox have $18M committed to next seasons payroll. Your takes are so bad.
    2 points
  13. No. I expect that Hahn will make more of the same moves he made this past offseason. Spread money out among a group of 5 or so mediocre players instead of signing a couple top tier free agents.
    2 points
  14. Can you please post their salaries again because there may be a poster or two who joined the site in the past 24 hours who hasn’t seen you reach the double digits yet in terms of mentioning this.
    2 points
  15. I hope the kid is tied to McCann by the hip and becomes a sponge. McCann's work ethic off the field preparing to call a game is second to none.
    2 points
  16. You get to shit on Abreu but get upset if anyone questions the rebuild? How does that make any sense?
    2 points
  17. Neat. I'm ready for strikeouts, bombs, and sub par catching. Good luck kid.
    2 points
  18. With the payroll so low next year there is no excuse for not going hard after Cole. I have zero faith Hahn and co. can land him after the Manny debacle last offseason
    2 points
  19. I don't care about strikeouts or high average with him. Just give me an OBP of .340 to .350 with power and I'm good with him. I just don't want to see our typical stiff of a LH power bat hitting .180 with meh power numbers.
    1 point
  20. He would find Anderson bat flips more endearing when done on his behalf.
    1 point
  21. He may only hit .230 or so, but his OBP should be around .360+. That would put him 2nd behind McCann on this team.
    1 point
  22. "Jay sprains his whatever" would make an interesting article for sure.
    1 point
  23. Use your eyes Balta. You've seen them both. McCann is the best all around catcher we've had since AJ. I know it's fun to debate these issues but I'll bet you think so too.
    1 point
  24. Haven’t read what others have posted here, but my ideal preference would be to kick Yonder/Castillo to the curb and have Collins rotate between 1b/dh/backup catcher. I’m guessing he will probably struggle. I’m not really that high on him, personally. But might as well see what we have with him rather than waste at bats on washed up duds.
    1 point
  25. Now you’re just being ridiculous. This offseason’s goal was whale or bust. Two of the moves you can’t stop citing where highly (or in Yonder’s case entirely) based on improving their chances of landing Machado. Rip them for the strategy all you like, but those moves have no bearing whatsoever on our go forward strategy for free agency. Adding Herrera wasn’t dumpster diving as he’s a highly paid, highly qualified setup man (whether the move works or not). McCann was a dumpster dive that has actually worked out. Nova was a bizarre acquisition (no idea how they thought his stuff would play up in the AL) but he wasn’t exactly a dumpster dive given his $9M salary. Santana was the one true dumpster dive that didn’t work out and I’m all for ripping it in hindsight, although even there Hahn had a get out of jail free card. I’m still not sure how you don’t get they simply didn’t want to commit long-term dollars for 30+ year old free agents a year before they felt they were ready to compete. I actually wish they were more aggressive, but alas they decided to be conservative given their assessment of where the team was at. That by no means suggest they will go cheap moving forward and rock sub $100M payrolls as you are suggesting. You are making giant, irrational leaps based on the anger you have over this past offseason. They likely won’t get Cole or Rendon, but “the money will be spent” on quality players this offseason and likely many of them. And when that happens, I hope you apologize to the rest of the board for bringing down its overall quality with your repetitive, nonstop whining.
    1 point
  26. I’m happy for you getting turned on and all, but I really just want fewer strikeouts.
    1 point
  27. People spent the entire offseason telling me "you can only trust baseball prospectus numbers when it comes to the quality of a catcher's defense and framing" and McCann is well, poor on the numbers people told me to trust, yet people praise him constantly. I will totally admit that Narvaez was bad defensively last year but with a better coached franchise he's showing improvement, and he's only a thin margin behind McCann's defensive performance this year. Based on the standard people told me to use to evaluate Narvaez, McCann isn't good either.
    1 point
  28. I guess I just don’t see the free agency strategy changing at all. They have shown that they aren’t going to spend on top free agents. So we will be seeing more signings like this going forward.
    1 point
  29. it says that the best prospects for. the rebuild aren't quite ready. the end of this year into next year is when the prospects from the last few drafts should be ready.
    1 point
  30. Eloy's still only 22 and playing his first 46 games in MLB, all while getting hurt. In 24 games since coming back from the IL he has a 264/319/585 line. Since coming back from injury that's a .905 OPS, with a .322 ISO. wRC+ at 137. He averages a HR once every 15.45 ABs this season. Over 600 ABs that would come out to around 39 HRs. Again from a 22 year old rookie. If he stays healthy he's got a pretty decent chance to get to 30 HRs as a rookie, which has only been done 28 times in MLB history (since 1871). Since 2000 a rookie has hit at least 30 HRs 7 times. Those players are Trout, Judge, Pujols, Abreu, Braun, Bellinger, and Chris Young. Pretty good company. If he gets to 500 ABs this season, he would be on pace to hit 32.5 HRs. As for Collins, even if he K's a ton he is going to get on base. In every MILB stop where he had over 100 PAs, he has never had an OB% below .365. In AA and AAA it's been .422 and .382 over the last 182 games. Castillo with the Sox had a .304 OB% last year and currently has a .289 OB%. Zavala in AAA has had a .267 and .282 OB% that last 2 seasons.
    1 point
  31. no, because they were just cheap agers to fill out the MLB roster until the real prospects and players are ready. these players weren't acquired to be long term. this year was all about Anderson, mo.cada, giolito, Lopez bummer and players for the future to show progress. Most have.
    1 point
  32. Because people still have hope the Sox will actually go after some big names in free agency. I won’t fall for that again. It’s not happening. They will continue to dumpster dive.
    1 point
  33. That’s fine but doesn’t it make you lose some faith in your GM when it comes to free agency when he decided to give these bums any sort of money?
    1 point
  34. you do realize these players are just pace holders until they start to get good. None of these players were being counted on as pieces for the future.
    1 point
  35. I don’t know what’s so funny. Add it to the other money he wasted this past offseason. Herrera ($18M) Alonso ($9M) Jay ($4M)
    1 point
  36. Hahn thought Nova was worthy of $9 million and Santana was worthy of $4.3 million. He brought in 4 starters that have all been terrible. A bad move is a bad move. Is it b****ing or are you sugarcoating Hahn’s shortcomings?
    1 point
  37. Jones sucked when they tried him as their closer. Matt Thornton was another guy. Dominant setup man that sucked hard whenever they’d try him as closer.
    1 point
  38. I would rather have Colome and McCann. McCann has convinced me he's a damn fine ballplayer and unselfish. Colome has done a fine job. But at this point I don't wanna trade either!!
    1 point
  39. I keep the Abreu criticism to my threads for the most part. You take your garbage to every thread. Sox calling up a former 1st round pick? Sounds exciting for most. For you, an opportunity to bash the rebuild and Hahn
    1 point
  40. Hitting .253/.307/.795 That's not raking at all.
    1 point
  41. The rebuild has been good but the same GM acquired these guys as starter solutions. Pretty awful. Nova Santana Banuelos Despaigne
    1 point
  42. Very happy to see this. Nothing to lose.
    1 point
  43. Ummm....Eloy Jimenez.....
    1 point
  44. Collins bat probably is ready, and his catching and pitch handling is probably at a place where he can best learn at the major league level. His .374 OBA and .855 OPS mitigates for a few strike outs. His walk to ab ratio is similar to a Mookie Betts and way better than any of the current White Sox players. Collins is 24 years of age and is one of those guys who should be allowed to show what he can do.
    1 point
  45. I’d bet a lot of money on Collins not being that guy
    1 point
  46. Bias in the press. Who knew.
    1 point
  47. Hoerner mashed in AA so far. Looks much better than Madrigal
    1 point
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