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  1. Uh collins is 3 years younger and catches and this is his first ever taste of the majors. Palka is the worst defensive player in MLB baseball and cant hit and has had like 600 mlb at bats. Weird that you cant seperate the two.
    4 points
  2. Collins is a 1st round pick with actual prospect pedigree?
    4 points
  3. Way to move those goal posts. Nothing more entertaining than just hating on everything white sox on this board I guess.
    3 points
  4. Ha have you noticed a trend with yourself ? Almost everything is bad or terrible or the worst. I really hope you laugh a lot and not the kind of laughter where you laugh at someone.
    3 points
  5. I doesnb't matter how many minor league at bats a minor league player has..it just doesn't. And it doesn't matter if Madrigal hits home runs. That is not his game.
    3 points
  6. Without fail I have been critical of the move, but at this point I have to say it. The Nova acquisition was absolutely worth it.
    2 points
  7. my only philosophy on baseball (as a young person) is that old players like colome are useless (as are saves, since I am a statnik) and should be force retired. If that's not possible, flipping them is an okay consolation prize. White sox should seek to ensure their roster is as young player as possible, as the old players may rub off on them and turn them old.
    2 points
  8. Um no thanks. 5% BB vs a 32.5% K rate. Unsustainable .375 BABIP. He’s going to be a 2 outcome player in the MLB if he even gets there. Sure let’s trade a catcher who earned his way to MLB for a flavor of the month who had one hot month. There are plenty to b**** about White Sox player development but missing on Sam Huff is far from one of them.
    2 points
  9. The bigger question is why are talking about a dude every team passed on 6+ times. Want to comb through who should have drafted Bush? Get over it.
    2 points
  10. Why? Huff has never been the prospect collins is or was. Could he become one or better? Sure, anything is possible but he certainly isnt one yet. Just because you watched a guy in a futures game today you think he is more valuable? Ok. Have a good one.
    2 points
  11. Listen watching the futures game and just asking every at bat why the Sox didn’t draft that player is boring and nobody cares.
    2 points
  12. Nobody wants to keep him for the sake of winning a few more games this year. It's to have a good bullpen moving forward in to next year and beyond. Why are you against him being our closer for the next 2-4 years? At a certain point you have to say it's time to build this up, instead of continuing to tear it down. The Sox have the pieces to move full steam ahead.
    2 points
  13. Former White Sox legend Ken Griffey Jr. in the booth
    2 points
  14. Joe Borchard hit the ball hard. He just didn't hit it enough. When I say he cant hit I'm pointing moreso to his 219 career average and his 171 k's in 141 games.
    2 points
  15. Cutting this game to 7 innings is annoying as hell
    2 points
  16. Sheets a 950 OPS his last 90 ab's. In that park that's great.
    2 points
  17. Sheets just went deep again.
    2 points
  18. Somewhere in the City of Chicago, Bruce Levine is getting ready to break the following story....Theo Epstein is reaching out to the Chicago White Sox front office about the availability of Eloy Jimenez. The Cubs are now willing to offer Kyle Schwarber in the deal.
    2 points
  19. Bummer is pitching pretty well for someone who’s arm has fallen off. ?
    2 points
  20. No your charade needs to stop. Every game your b****ing, moaning and complaining about everything. You complain about how a fricken player uses his Fucking uniform for crying out loud. Just stop already
    2 points
  21. I'm fine promoting Robert all the way if it means I never have to see Charlie Tilson again.
    2 points
  22. If I was Hahn, I'd pull Ricky aside and tell him he'll be unemployed if Collins doesn't end the season with 76 total games played (barring unforeseen injuries). It's a dick move and it probably interferes with your manager's duties, but when your manager is a complete idiot, shit like this is necessary. And if you're not prepared to be hated, you're not prepared to lead.
    2 points
  23. Sox and Cubs play today! Great, let's get a guest into the booth for Jason and Steve! How about the credit lending regional guy for Wintrust who coincidentally is the most boring man on the planet. Perfect!
    2 points
  24. Kasper was terrible yesterday. I think AJ was annoyed at times yesterday
    2 points
  25. Like when he gave up the first pitch homer then nothing else last time against this team...
    2 points
  26. We're watching a super star before our eyes, Sox fans.
    2 points
  27. Both are in the starting lineup for the AL.
    2 points
  28. And it sounds like Logan Glass is signing as well.
    2 points
  29. You have brought this one game sample up so many times as if that is indicative of anything. Andruw Jones at one point certainly misplayed a ball that cost his team an utterless meaningless game as well.
    2 points
  30. The game is at 6 CT on MLB Network fwiw
    1 point
  31. Oh 1st time i think anyone ever put me in a tag. Thanks .
    1 point
  32. Yea I'm sure he just loves having "LIttle" in any nickname to further emphasize his stature instead of being just a ballplayer'
    1 point
  33. I agree and I am slowly learning more about using using them. I think it's just harder for the older fan to get into the advanced math used for advanced stats than the simpler math required for the old stats. Even the more mathematically inclined still have to put in a lot of time to really understand them which is why they are so misused by the new generation of advanced stats users because not even they take the time to really understand their exact function. Also there are so many new advanced stats that learning about how to use them makes it even more difficult . Batting average , RBI etc have been around 100 years. I'd just like to see if many of the new stats survive the cut in a few years or will they continue to come up with more and more of them to boggle my mind even more . And not just my mind but apparently many of those who use them constantly.
    1 point
  34. i just got in but it seemed gio was not feeling good in the 5th...bending over to stretch and looked like he tweeked an ankle.
    1 point
  35. Can't fuck with Moncada right now.. he is dangerous.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Look who’s agreeing with me now
    1 point
  38. I'm yearnin' for Yermin. Dude can hit, and oh man, do we need a bat at the DH spot mre dangerous than Jon Jay.
    1 point
  39. Home runs have never been part of this kids game, so I wouldn’t worry too much about how many he hits this yearI am sure the Sox will work on getting him stronger, and eventually he will reach the seats enough to shut up the doubters. That said, he and Robert started in A ball this year. And going by recent history, if Madrigal gets another promotion this year, it will be to AAA. I would say if that happens, let them finish out the season there, and see them in spring training. 4 levels in one season is a bit much, and with Roberts history of injury, you probably would be playing with fire having play an extra month after really hardly any playing for 2 or 3 years.
    1 point
  40. Am I alone in thinking that Robert has the highest ceiling in the system? He’s plays up the middle in CF, he’s super toolsy with all five of his tools above average at the very least and looks to be an offensive force. I think he’s up in September.
    1 point
  41. WAR is a far more relevant stat because it removes the contrasts in playing style and demonstrates overall, raw contribution. I also brought up batting average. Because... ya know... you did. Before you conveniently decided it wasn't in your best interest. offensively he's never going to put up the numbers Rios did and that's a statistical fact Wrong. He'll never put up the power numbers. This year, he IS contributing more than Rios did in every single solitary season, besides one. And (again) he's more valuable defensively. All you can do in this argument is hide behind Rios's home runs. Which is like using Micheal Vick's rushing yards as a QB to say he's better than Tom Brady or Peyton Manning.
    1 point
  42. You've argued it forcefully, but you haven't provided any evidence, so it's not a great argument. For example, you made up a stat in your original post where you would find the percentage of RBI that a batter converts to an RBI. You hypothesized that it would correlate well with who you already think good hitters are. I imagine it WOULD correlate pretty well. Probably about as well as RBIs correlate, in fact. But you know what would correlate even better? wRC+. And there's tons and tons of research that proves it. I'm guessing, based on the stance you're taking, that you don't understand wRC+, but I bet if you read about it, you'd like it a lot. The basic premise behind it is pretty similar to your RBI/chances stat, actually, it just uses events that are actually stable and predictive of future performance, unlike RBI. If I'm sounding condescending, I'm really not trying to. I'm not suggesting that you aren't smart or can't understand wRC+, I'm just saying I don't think you've tried -- maybe because it isn't interesting to you or you already have negative feelings associated with other stats like it. I don't think you'd get snide remarks very often if you took the time to learn about the stats that you're railing against. Like, if you made an informed argument about why wRC+ ISN'T better than RBI or RBI/chances, in terms identifying the most productive hitting seasons, I don't think anyone would react negatively, even if he/she disagreed with your conclusion. That's where the anti-vaxxer analogy came from. I used it because I assumed you WEREN'T an anti-vaxxer. As you know and have demonstrated, it makes all kinds of sense to vaccinate your child. For someone to believe he/she SHOULDN'T do so, that person would have to believe some things that aren't true about vaccines, which means that person would have to have not really done much research on the subject. The whole "but different sites can't even agree on a formula for WAR!" thing actually tracks pretty well with that. Lots of people hear that line, and decide simply to dismiss the whole concept without ever checking the veracity of the statement. So I think the analogy works. It's not meant to call you ignorant, but it is meant to illustrate that ignorance is the result of choosing to be uninformed on a topic.
    1 point
  43. To some extent he won't be wrong either. His splits with RISP are really F***ing good. Career .320 average, .949 OPS, 2019 .337 average, .947 OPS. You put him 5th in this lineup next year where he's following a bunch of good young hitters and he might knock in 120 runs. We shouldn't ignore this, those are solid numbers. He knows how to approach an at bat with runners on base, we should take advantage of this. That 2/$25, I'd be ok with that. He's really good at this, if he's willing to DH, that's a solid contract for him. You could talk me into a few million more than that. But that thing he's really good at doesn't mean I'm going to overlook his other numbers. With no one on base this year, .243 average, .286 OBP, .778 OPS - those are Palka numbers. He's a really good RBI guy. He's got good power even as other things weaken. He's a limited hitter and a limited player in other ways, and it annoys me that I have to point that out because some people want to pretend that all we need to care about for him is the stats where he looks good and the others don't count for whatever reason. That prompts people like me to point out the stats that are good and the stats that aren't so good, and anything but eternal praise is somehow judged as an insult by certain people. I want that to stop. I just spent a whole paragraph praising how good he is with RISP and saying why that is valuable, let's accept that as a good situational hitter. Finally, please, for God's sake, can we never mention him in the same breath as #35 again. Jose Abreu is a good player, particularly with RISP. Frank Thomas put up a career 1.019 OPS with RISP, and that's counting the years when he was declining. Jose Abreu is a solid player and a really good RBI man. Frank Thomas is a f***ing legend.
    1 point
  44. Let's just give him a year. Sure nobody saw zero power coming but he had a long season and a wrist injury. It is not unusual that college players are a bit down the first year and then take off the second year. Bregman hit 4 homers his first year and then 20+ the second. Sure madrigal doesn't have that much power but I wouldn't be suprised if madrigal hit .300 with 13 homers this year. Sure if he hits 4 homers this year it would be a concern but let's give him this year before making a judgement.
    1 point
  45. Rushing players to the majors. That is a White Sox staple.
    1 point
  46. What’s wrong with pulling up “the most polished college bat” 2 years after drafting him?
    1 point
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