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  1. This is pretty lame. We all know Abreu is a leader in the clubhouse, nobody is gonna be like "dude your obp sucks this year you can't talk to me like that"
    7 points
  2. Maybe Jose is tired of the non-stop losing. Maybe is tired of following an incompetent and bunt happy manager. Maybe he is tired of Rick Hahn using a bunch of big words to say nothing at all at every press conference. Maybe he is tired of the tanking.
    4 points
  3. There is still momentum, just a ton of bad players at the moment, especially on the pitching side. The good news is by mid April of next year our lineup should feature Moncada, Anderson, Jimenez, Abreu, McCann, Robert, & Madrigal and our rotation will have Giolito, Cease, & Kopech as foundational pieces. There is still plenty of work to do, but with our financial flexibility there is zero excuse for Hahn not to put a contender out there next year.
    4 points
  4. @vilehoopster probably thinks Jeter is the GOAT defensive shortstop based on his gold gloves
    3 points
  5. Time for me to defend Abreu, AGAIN. First about the frequently stated idea that Abreu is in an obvious decline is just wrong. But it's been said on here so often that many people just accept it as fact, when there is no fact to it at all, none. The guy who brought up the batting averages is just using that stat because it fits this continued false narrative that Abreu is in decline. Steve Stone has said over and over during the telecasts that Abreu has made the conscious decision to sacrifice his batting average to drive in more runs. And you know what? It's working. The most RBIs he has ever had are 107 in a season, he has 68 already and 63 at the all-star break (If I remember correctly). He's basically on pace to get a 120 RBIs. Clearly his best RBI season in his career. Is that the evidence of a guy clearly in decline? No way. I wanted to throw in doubles as another example of his increased power, but too much math comparing the doubles year by year, so I'm gonna use total bases as another example of him having his best year EVER. Before this year, his best year ever for total bases was 343 in 2017. He already has 187 total bases. Let's be conservative and say he only gets 160 more bases the rest of the year, he will still break his all-time record. Does that sort of thing happen to guys in decline? Of course not. And you guys how talk about his lack of range on defense, such an abstract, unprovable thing. Let's talk about how he's scooping up bad throws better than he ever has and throws very well for a 1st baseman, again, Steve Stone mentions that all the time, how good he is throwing to 2nd and 3rd. So he's not declining defensively either. Also, I am so tired of this "He's an average 1st baseman" stuff. He's not. Do average players represent the AL at the All-star game? He was an all-star 1st baseman this year; he was one last year, and he'll be one next year as a White Sox. Another thing that somewhat cracks me up is the irony of people on here suggesting that Abreu should just shut up or play or implying that he has no right to his opinion because he's part of the problem. Jose is saying exactly the same thing that 95% of the people on this board are saying: he's upset with a whole lot of the wtf personal moves by management. Isn't that exactly what we all have been saying pretty much this entire year?
    3 points
  6. Hello minor league gamethread. Please save me from the vitriolic teeth gnashing echo chamber that has become the main forum.
    3 points
  7. Even though the run differential is bad, I do 100% believe that with 5 MLB pitchers and not Gio and a bunch of crap, we’d be ok. Moncada, Eloy, Tim, McCann, Gio, Bummer have all taken strides. A week ago everyone thought this team turned a corner. One bad stretch without Tim and an Eloy injury shouldn’t change opinions. Let the season play out and evaluate afterwards. If they win 10 in a row everyone will be happy again. Don’t be so influenced by immediate results and look at the full picture.
    3 points
  8. There's a game going on. Nothing to complain about yet. I assume that's why there wasn't a gamethread.
    2 points
  9. Luis Robert is that player you create on The Show and think "Haha, if only in real life... "
    2 points
  10. Thomas is an actual legit player where the other family members kids are just favors. Also they most likely didn't want the added pressure of being Alan's son and being a home town kid. Let him make a name for himself in another organization. That's a very common practice.
    2 points
  11. FYI, Glass and Krogman making their professional debuts. Both are in the AZL lineup tonight (playing RF and LF respectively).
    2 points
  12. I expect him to be a doubles machine when he takes over in RF in 2021. He will be able to spray the ball around the field and also turn on some balls for HR. He might just not have the power many want in a RF but I'm looking for a 1-9 lineup that puts the pressure on opposing pitchers with no let up.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. This is the new Sox Talk. Sad isn't it? So often a bad team causes forum members to attack others.
    2 points
  15. Here's something for your peanut brain to consider: 317 290 293 265 273 which way is that list trending? That's his batting average, a not very advanced stat.
    2 points
  16. It's because Jose isn't looking at the long term as Rick Hahn would say. Give it a decade. Then we'll be in Portland.
    2 points
  17. Hahn is a good diplomat. He'll find a way to say "tough shit, Jose".
    2 points
  18. Tell it like it is Jose! This team is a sinking ship and the whole organization seems ready for the season to end.
    2 points
  19. Engel might get another Gold Glove nomination with all the homers he gets to rob with this pitching staff.
    2 points
  20. Ok, I don’t get it. Can someone tell me what the hell is going on? The same stuff written over and over again. How are people confused about what is going on. Very frustrating really
    2 points
  21. So glad Rick gave them a relaxed schedule coming out of the Athletics series it really did wonders. I'm tired of having a moronic baby sitter as a manager. Joe Girardi is tanned rested and ready.
    2 points
  22. I would say if they don't spend a bunch of money this off season you have every right to be upset. This is another rebuilding year and we got destroyed by injuries. Next year should be really interesting and I am fairly certain our roster and rotation is going to be vastly improved.
    2 points
  23. But coming up in the 8th inning, stay tuned for an exciting segment where Benetti asks Yolmer what is his favorite vegetable.
    2 points
  24. The one excuse the Sox organization keeps using to explain the slump is that Timmy being out has hurt them on and off the field. That is such crap and it’s disappointing to hear guys like Stone continue to repeat it.
    2 points
  25. Until we start hitting, maybe it should not be called the heart of the order....maybe the spleen or the appendix?
    2 points
  26. Great, you have made your statement and we all know where you stand. No need to repeat ad nauseam
    2 points
  27. Well when you present two polar opposite contracts, one that is way over the top and one that is borderline insulting, of course the team and the player wouldn't pick either. It's almost like the Gm could negotiate something that works for the both of them and gets the player to the majors earlier than the service time dictates
    2 points
  28. The Sox are 10 months away from having one of the best young cores in baseball that runs between 7 and 10 guys deep, all pre-arb or on long extensions. Doubt the FO all you want, but 6 games in June doesn’t change the fact that they’re in the best long term position they’ve ever been, and that that position is real close to being bearing fruit.
    2 points
  29. Giolito is not looking like fool’s gold because he didn’t keep up his insane pace in his last two starts. McCann is still a great pickup. Also..... your timeline makes no sense. They aren’t going to tank next year. Another thing.... other than last year, if you are .500, you are competing for a wild card spot. I don’t know why you have that as some benchmark that differs from 2021. We also don’t know what the division looks like in 18 months.
    2 points
  30. I mean, all you keep repeating is pretty much everything will go wrong next year. It's tiring. they will be attempting to compete next season, not punting for a higher draft pick again. Whether they are successful will depend a large amount on their developed players like Anderson moncada Robert Kopech Cease Giolito etc. if their plan was to actually stretch this to 2023 like you keep saying, then the rebuild is a massive failure
    1 point
  31. They might not compete, but it won't and absolutely should not be for a lack of trying. Punting another year of controllable assets to get like the number 8 pick at best is the absolute dumbest thing they could do.
    1 point
  32. Dude, I'm not saying the rebuild is doomed to failure. I'm saying that the Sox are going to need a miracle, and for everything single thing to break in their direction in order to compete next year. Also, you are acting like it is extremely easy to go out and fill 8 rosters spots via free agency in one offseason. Have you not been paying attention to Rick Hahn's free agency signings over the past decade? His track record is absolutely horrendous and it is scary to think about him signing a bunch of tier 2/3 free agents this offseason. Robert, Madrigal, and Kopech are unlikely to even be on the opening day roster next year. We will probably see Adam Engel or Ryan Cordell out there in center on opening day and Yolmer Sanchez at second. As the saying goes, you can't win a Division in April but you can certainly lose it.
    1 point
  33. Yes and we see players like mike trout not wanting to deal with that process despite being incredibly close to cashing in. Also I think Robert will be amicable seeing as how the Sox let him play in DSL year 1 to maximize his earnings. I know that may have been an incentive to sign, but still was something Sox did.
    1 point
  34. I would say 8-10 years of financial security that greatly exceeds his 26 million dollars is quite an incentive. There are no guarantees for himself that everything works out perfectly, if the Sox wave a big contract in his face it would be super dumb to say no only because he already made money
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. The point is replacing a lot of roster spots is very much possible and like 90% of our core will be in place next year. We’ll need a couple big additions no doubt (RF & SP), but acting like a couple bench spots and the last guy in the bullpen are what will hold us back is absurd. The resources are there to fill our major holes, Hahn just has to execute a strong offseason for once.
    1 point
  37. If we are giving Schneider and Thomas all the credit in the world for their string of success for nearly 15 years having the best track record in the business keeping guys off the DL (It was our biggest competitive advantage, arguably), then how can the exact opposite be just bad luck?
    1 point
  38. God it was so nice when the the team overachieving because it prevented you from screaming this ridiculous narrative over and over again. But to act like they can’t put a winning product on the field next year is beyond ridiculous. Keep: Moncada (3B), Anderson (SS), Eloy (LF), Abreu (1B), McCann (C), Leury (UTL), Giolito (SP1), Cease (SP4), Kopech (SP4), Lopez (SP5/LR), Colome (CL), Bummer (SU), Fry (MR), Herrera (MR) Promote: Robert (CF), Madrigal (2B), Collins (BC) Acquire: RF, DH, IF, OF, SP2, SP5/LR, SU, MR That’s eight spots we’d have to fill worst case scenario (there are internal options at some of these spots), but only say five of any real significance (it’s hilarious you think every team has perfect 25 man rosters). There is zero reason Hahn can’t fill those five spots when he should have a good $70M to work with even after extending Abreu.
    1 point
  39. None of what he posts makes sense because he’s trolling. He repeats the same ridiculous comments in every thread simply to garner attention.
    1 point
  40. That's the first thing I think of when someone gets injured too. What an incompetent FO.
    1 point
  41. They were playing way above their skis in the first half. The run differential is putrid and they have 1.5 ML pitchers. They also play in the worst division in baseball and are still bottom 3rd in most stats. This is a 72 or so win team. Which is actually pretty remarkable with this lineup and rotation.
    1 point
  42. Pilkington hitting 94 in the 6th.
    1 point
  43. Cameron Simmons (who was mentioned by a couple of guys here) was promoted to Kannapolis. Already 1-1, RBI, R.
    1 point
  44. I feel like they should make it a snake draft if they are going to do arbitrarily by division. That would at least allow the bottoms teams to pick first in the 2nd round.
    1 point
  45. Maybe if you review this year instead of 2017 it will look a little deeper, just saying
    1 point
  46. Dr. Google is the best I've ever had. He's caught my cancer early over 20 times now!
    1 point
  47. He will be fine and we will be fine and everything will be fine
    1 point
  48. Promoted today to Kanny. Nice to see!
    1 point
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