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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2019 in all areas

  1. It's a dumb title on a fucking message board, get over yourself.
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. At the game. Absolute BOMB. 839 OPS, 31 homers, 112 RBI but he sucks ?
    3 points
  4. Pittsburgh Steelers from 1933 to 1971 won a total of zero playoff games. The next eight years they went to the playoffs 8 times and won 4 Super Bowls. Art Rooney owned the team the whole time. The past is not the future. If you can't get excited about what's happening now with the White Sox future there's really no point in being a White Sox fan.
    3 points
  5. Jose has vaulted past Devers and opened up a lead in the AL RBI race. He has set a new career RBI record which he will keep adding to. Combined with TA's AL leading BA, we have seen some outstanding individual offensive performances this season.
    2 points
  6. Is this some sort of common joke about the Angels’ name, or did you invent it so you could let us all know how smart you are?
    2 points
  7. We get it, you wanted your original title to be clickbait so people would think you were shilling for Abreu once again.
    2 points
  8. When your choices are Ross Detwiler, Dylan Covey or Hector Santiago, does it really matter who starts? Their depth got destroyed by injuries. I know that these three guys suck, but they really don't have any other viable options. Why is that so hard for you people to understand???? There is nobody else to start a game. If they were trying to win, they'd use an opener but they really don't care about the W-L record this year. It's better that they lose games. I'd start Detwiler/Santiago the rest of the season instead of Nova to be honest. Lose more games.
    2 points
  9. Them adding a 2 WAR RF and 2 WAR DH gives them about 10 more wins from this season. They are not that far away at all. They need to hit on some FAs and spend money over the next 2 years.
    1 point
  10. After the Bears' game, seeing the LOLions shit themselves was a nice consolation prize.
    1 point
  11. Bringing back Abreu is fine but he should give up 1B as soon as Vaughn is ready and finish his career as a DH.
    1 point
  12. Please...go get a new hobby. Hating the White Sox and constant whining about the management on every thread and every conversation makes the whole sight boring. Yes rebuilding is hard and suffering through losing seasons to become a great team is taxing...but this isn't random...the rebuild has been well calculated and well executed. If you can't enjoy where we are right now in the evolution of the team, seemingly on the cusp of greatness...there's no hope that you will ever enjoy the team. Go find something that makes you happy.
    1 point
  13. No, you stand corrected Well your comment was that the only reason the Sox won a few games vs HOU was because they didn't face Verlander or Cole while referencing a box score where they scored 21. The two aren't correlated
    1 point
  14. So before JuJu was drafted, let alone have a 1400 yard season. Maybe they would have kept increasing. We'll never really know. If you come up with some number that tops Julio, who knows, he could still get it. It only takes one organization...
    1 point
  15. Most have already played themselves off the roster. How much bad do you have to see ?
    1 point
  16. And your point is? That Jerry Reinsdorf is Art Rooney V2.0, and that we should just forget the last 39 years of his horrible record as owner of our White Sox and just sit back and be supremely confident about things to come? The past is the future as it relates to the current owner. No reason whatsof*cking ever that this fan base should give him or his FO a vote of confidence on anything at this point. They simply haven’t earned it, not one iota. All the weary fan base can do at this point, after all of the losing of recent years, and after over a decade now of no postseason play, is simply hope for the best. To expect anything more from any fan is beyond ludicrous on your part.
    1 point
  17. Not sure what to make of Mendick, but he’s hit a lot of balls right on the button so far. Would love to see him play every day the next 3 weeks
    1 point
  18. I forgot about Ricky. He manages like he doesn't have any.
    1 point
  19. I don't mind Abreu, but I think he should be a DH only.
    1 point
  20. Cease has to get over this 1st inning mental block
    1 point
  21. This was a common joke that we used to do on WSI about 10 years ago. It started out as LAASWCUSA but it became this, the joke was to be as specific as possible about the location of Anaheim, CA. It started on WSI. I didn't even come up with it. It was a couple posters on WSI named kittle42 and voodoochile.
    1 point
  22. They're better than Seattle, Detroit and KC. They should win most of those games. What's infuriating is losing series or getting swept by mediocrity like the Angels. However, this roster is a more extreme version of the 2015-16 teams there are stars(Moncada, Giolito) good players (Anderson, Colome, Bummer, Lopez in the 2nd half) and a lot of absolute crap. Just having competence at RF and DH this year would have probably been worth 10 extra wins over the course of the season. They've been that bad. Do you realize how bad those positions have to be to be worth -5 fWAR combined? Adam Dunn was worth -1.6 fWAR in 2011. Think about that.
    1 point
  23. It seems the concept of "short term pain for long term gain" is lost on some people.
    1 point
  24. Are they making the playoffs this year? Is it September? The answer is no and yes respectively. I want the Sox to lose, while the key players continue to perform. I don't care if the Sox win when Covey and Nova are starting. You do realize that getting a higher draft pick helps the team improve in the future, right? Remember that 4 wins was the difference between Andrew Benintendi and Carson Fulmer in 2015. That's what I don't want to happen. Right now, it's better that they lose. In 2020 it's a completely different story. It's like all of the times the Bears had 2 or 3 wins going into week 14 and ruined their chances of getting a HOF QB because they went on a late season meaningless win streak. Does it guarantee that they'll get a better player? No, that's up to their scouts. But it increases the odds. That's where I'm at. I want what's best for the team. Right now, you and I disagree about what that is. We both want the Sox to win another WS. That I can assure you. At the point of the rebuild they are in there is a balance between individual performance and team performance. They've done a decent job of having their important players be good and still losing enough games to get a top pick. This is the last year of the rebuild. In 2020 it's win or die trying. Kopech and Rodon's injuries really hurt the 2019 team. That can't be stated enough. Anyone with a brain knows that.
    1 point
  25. Anderson out of the lineup today. Really don't get that with him so close to the qualifying threshold. Let the kid play.
    1 point
  26. Calhoun is fine assuming they resign Abreu, sign someone like Grandal to C/DH/1B and sign some SP and bullpen help. If Abreu and Calhoun are the two biggest AAV adds, add me to the group of people doubting this FO can make this thing work.
    1 point
  27. Pretty soon we can have our own Crime Scene Investigation program...
    1 point
  28. As long as Hahn is GM, the Sox will have some stiff like Renteria as manager.
    1 point
  29. Unfortunately I seriously doubt Ricky is going anywhere anytime soon.
    1 point
  30. They absolutely get credit for getting the deal done. I was trying to find a list for highest paid prospects, and I couldn't find one. I'm pretty sure most teams would balk at throwing 50 mil at an unproven prospect, no matter how heralded they are. So kudos to the Sox on that.
    1 point
  31. Seeing Covey on the mound is physically painful. But then following him up with Fulmer? Pure sadism. That said, the Sox have a massive 40 man purge coming up. By my count, as many as 13 guys could be going bye bye. I think they want to know what they have in Covey for sure before they drop him. Personally, I would rather watch Detwiler. As far as trying to lose, they are basically locked in to picking 9th, maybe 8th. Their good first half ensures that despite their horrific run differential.
    1 point
  32. bring back Ozzie. tell him to leave his sons at home.
    1 point
  33. A manager of that caliber will want full control over the selection of his staff. Reinsdorf will insist on retaining Cooper which would be a non-starter. Of course it's a moot point because Reinsdorf doesn't believe managers have much impact on-field outcomes - translation: he ain't paying the type of money required to lure Girardi.
    1 point
  34. Next year you're looking at Gio Kopech Cease Lopez FA? I don't think you're seeing Covey next year unless he is either the opposition or we suffer many injuries. Perhaps also as a mop up guy. You're overreacting. Anyone who goes to games this year should expect there will be some level of trash going on. At least the Sox made it kinda exciting.
    1 point
  35. The Ross Detwiler fanclub is furious. They will not stand for this
    1 point
  36. The guy was an all-star this year, an all-star. With Abreu, he's been our most clutch hitter all year. He great defensively. And you still want to replace him. Wow, some people on this board are incredible.
    1 point
  37. I said nobody cares about batting titles anymore, but now because it's Anderson I suddenly care.
    1 point
  38. We so sorely missed his modern opinions
    1 point
  39. Dude you're going to be backtracking on this take within a week. You're going to blame it on how quickly you jump to conclusions. This is maybe you're worst take yet. Pace took over an old and complete horseshit roster and within a few years they were a kicker away from a deep playoff run. He traded for Mack. He signed Hicks and Amukamara. Look at the players he has drafted since taking over- Amos, Goldman, Jackson, Cohen, Bush, Whitehair, Floyd, Howard. I'm not ready to jump on Smith, Daniels, Nichols, Wims. Montgomery, etc because no one knows how good they'll be. I think you're underestimating how bad that roster was. Besides Jeffery, Long and Fuller, Emery was a complete disaster. No shit Angelo's resume is better. He had 11 years, and fwiw, 3 playoff wins in 11 years is horrific. Give Pace time. I can't believe how fast this fan base has changed their minds. They lost against the Packers in brutal fashion, I get it, but a week ago everyone was predicting at least a playoff berth. Relax
    1 point
  40. I totally missed this. Comparing Pace to Angelo after 1 loss. What a fucking dumb fan base. Unreal
    1 point
  41. I'm beyond done with the 83 unis so if this replaces them it'd be a welcome change.
    1 point
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