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  1. They need to grow a pair and deal with it. They sound like whiny b****es when they complain about it. Nobody else complains about their fanbase being critical on social media.
    3 points
  2. And then he has to play RF making your OF defense worse. I. Hate. Ricky.
    3 points
  3. I'm not defending his comments...I merely agreed with his comment that twitter and social media has fucked up our society. You guys want to get your boxers in a wad over Cooper's comments and take it personal....knock yourself out. No skin off my nuts...
    2 points
  4. Absolutely fucking not. Keep that clown show away from my team.
    2 points
  5. Cooper is a whiny blowhard and the one acting like he has “beer muscles.”
    2 points
  6. Comparing Trubisky to someone like Rodgers makes you look like the jackass that everyone around here knows you are, but as a Bears fan, it's asinine to use a laughing emoji to make fun of the QB of your favorite team in order to prove a point that isn't there. Stay hot.
    2 points
  7. I would be angry too if my top prospect pitcher had to go back to his high school coach so he could figure out how to pitch again. Cooper needs to go, but he gets a free pass because of 2005. That was 14 years ago everyone
    2 points
  8. The fan base frustration isn’t just in reaction to the hideous baseball we’ve had to witness the past three years during the rebuild. It’s also in reaction to the heinous baseball played in the four years prior to the rebuild, driving the need for the rebuild in the first place. The fans are also in negative/skeptical mode since the team continues to extend its playoff drought, a whopping 11 years now since there has been postseason play at 35th and Shields. And lastly, there have been all of four playoff games and just one measly playoff win for the White Sox in the 14 years now since the ‘05 World Series. Just four playoff games over the last 14 years when there’s been a second wild card chance in play, and the team hasn’t even been close to winning that spot! So many apologies to you that the chorus you hear arising from our fan base isn’t “Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everywhere!”. We’re tired of the losing and simply want to enjoy some winning baseball for a change.
    2 points
  9. Padres FO is ahead of ours in a variety of ways. I'd bet Greg's house on it not happening.
    2 points
  10. It’s no secret that Sox as a team and as an organization are terribly disciplined on offense, but looking at the underlying numbers makes it even more scary. 2019 YTD rankings (Low rank = bad) BB%: 30th K%: 27th O Swing (out of zone swing): 27th O Contact (contact on out of zone swing): 29th Z Swing (zone swing): 15th Z Contact (contact on zone swing): 23rd Swinging Strike: 29th BABIP: 1st (highest) In summary, Sox are taking a lot of bad swings and are unsurprisingly missing on those swings. You could call them aggressive, but their swing % in the zone is right around league average. An aggressive team would be swinging at those pitches at a higher rate. It’s seems more like the case they’re swinging at pitches outside of thezone because they couldn’t read if they were. They also are pretty poor on making contact in general, as evident by a less than ideal Z Contact rate. And despite a league best BABIP they’re still a bottom 5 offense in terms of runs scored. I said as an organization because the same K/BB issue is prevalent in the low minors. AZL, GF and Kanny are among the worst disciplined teams in their leagues. Looking at ahead to next year, you’d expect Eloy and Moncada to make some improvements due to natural progression, but the case against it is this team hasn’t helped Anderson, Avery and Leury improve their plate discipline over the years. Madrigal should be a welcomed change with his sound hitting approach, but as talented as Robert is, his approach still needs a lot of work. Is this an organizational philosophy and Sox just don’t care about plate discipline, or they just haven’t emphasized plate discipline to their “young” hitters yet. I think if unaddressed, they may still have enough talent to overcome this weakness and become a playoff caliber offense if they bring in a big bat or two, but they have potential to be a much better team if they emphasize more on strong plate discipline.
    1 point
  11. If the young rotation doesn't make marked/decided progress next year (out of that group after Giolito), there's just no way he can survive...not if they're seriously about contending in 2021.
    1 point
  12. I think the offense will be much better with the additions of Robert and Madrigal but they should still have enough money for both a RF and pitching and it will be a disappointment if they don’t acquire both. Their payroll will be minuscule going into the offseason.
    1 point
  13. I think this offseason will be the real test. If they go and add someone like Mazara then it’s clear they’re the same old White Sox.
    1 point
  14. That doesn't mean they should be looking to sign shit players.
    1 point
  15. I don't care. No. Not taking Cubs sloppy seconds again. No fucking way! Let him go out to San Diego so he can wear surfer shorts be a rad dude.
    1 point
  16. Nobody wants to frame every damn nfl story or game around Trubisky. This thread is so boring because of it.
    1 point
  17. Our dignity was lost the minute we made Renteria our manager. He’s trash.
    1 point
  18. I don't want him for the sake of it would seem like the Sox always taking the Cubs sloppy seconds. Fuck that... Have some dignity for crap sakes....
    1 point
  19. I, for one, am tired of the Sox blaming the fans for their organizational failures instead of holding their high-level baseball executives accountable. This is a big middle finger and FU to the fanbase. They do it because they know how sports fandom is and they can get away with it. I can't think of another sports organization that talks shit about its fanbase to the media on a regular basis like the Sox do.
    1 point
  20. Why do you post like your ABV is near danger levels?
    1 point
  21. You do you is all I can recommend at this point. For many of the rest of us, however, Reinsdorf’s body of work, his record as owner, all the way back from when he started in the 80s, clear through last offseason’s embarrassing debacle, informs our view of him here in the present. Why wouldn’t it? Has anything changed with the guy over time?
    1 point
  22. Maybe you start with him but after the lead off triple in a 1 run game he gets the yank from me. This is like watching a white dwarf implode on itself in space.
    1 point
  23. Yeah, what was Maddon supposed to do? Throw his closer in there? ?
    1 point
  24. 2005- Ancient history 1985- Invaluable information relevant to the 2020 season
    1 point
  25. I’d hate that, we need to aim higher than Mazara.
    1 point
  26. Wrong. The guy responsible for naming Hawk GM back in the 80s, and who exercised terrible judgment in doing so, is still the guy responsible for making those same types of critical judgment calls today - Jerry Reinsdorf. Citing the 40 year record of the man while he’s still the guy in charge couldn’t be more relevant when forming opinions about what’s possibly coming our way in these next few years.
    1 point
  27. Unless you think LaRussa, Leyland or Dombrowski sticking around instead would have led to different results. Three Hall of Famers.
    1 point
  28. Great with the bat but he’s a DH playing LF.
    1 point
  29. Pretty much every time I talk baseball with a baseball fan, they almost universally say, "the Sox are going to be really good pretty soon." Pretty much every time I come on this board, it's total doom and gloom. I'm not sure it's "Sox fans" that are this way. I think it's the board that's this way.
    1 point
  30. I’d be pretty pissed as Mazara hasn’t been good, only has two years of control left (with Boras as his agent), and doesn’t address our OBP problem.
    1 point
  31. I seem to remember that Omar Visquel was a favorite candidate for manager somewhere down the road.
    1 point
  32. I hope I’m wrong too...and in fairness I don’t think McCann is a bad player that doesn’t deserve to be on the roster. I’m just in no rush to extend him and would prefer he be in a backup role. I have a hard time ignoring sample sizes and the fact that the only 1/2 of a season McCann has been a plus hitter in he had a .408 BABIP. However, I don’t think .260/.320/.400 is unrealistic....I wouldn’t bet on it though.
    1 point
  33. This is Coop's thing (and has been forever) and it gets tiresome. He even acts like Garfein is too negative when he goes on White Sox Talk Podcast and Garfein kisses his ass for 45 minutes. Here's where he has a point- Sox Twitter has taken a super negative and petty turn this year and its gotten just as tiresome. The Machado thing broke the fanbase. The team is in the middle of a rebuild. I keep reading people say "The team has had losing seasons X years in a row" or "Rick Hahn's record is X" as if that offers some insight. The team essentially tried to lose the past few years. In two weeks, that will finally end. The Sox record in 2017-2019 is largely irrelevant and Rick Hahn's winning percentage doesn't tell much of a story by itself. The perfect example of useless negativity- Josh Nelson keeps tweeting every time Kyle Lewis does something positive (with the implication that the Sox should have drafted him). I guess I understand why bloggers/podcasters do it. It riles people up and he gets clicks and downloads. If Zack Collins and the Sox fail, he gets to run around and say "I told you so." If they end up being great, no one will care to call him out. If I was trying to make money off of covering the team and I had no access, not many original thoughts, and not much of a personality, I'd probably take the same approach.
    1 point
  34. Maddon speaks fluent Spanish. And I don’t know why he wouldn’t fit culturally. He was nails with a young Cubs and young Rays teams. it won’t happen for obvious reasons, and I also doubt he would do it to Ricky again. But he would be a great fit.
    1 point
  35. Would I want Maddon if I had my choice of any manager? No. Would I want Maddon over Renteria or Vizquel or any other terrible manager the Sox will likely go with? Yes, of course.
    1 point
  36. And only English, Scottish or Germans on the Yankees I guess. And let's not forget the Braves and the Cardinals. None of the division leaders in mlb seem to have a problem with their Hispanic players producing for their non-Hispanic managers.
    1 point
  37. Somebody better tip off the Astros, Dodgers, As, etc. that they need to replace their managers.
    1 point
  38. Jirschele would get my vote but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Would be very interesting guy.
    1 point
  39. So then we don't need a bilingual manager. That's the point. Hire the best manager available whether he speaks Spanish or not.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Yet somehow we've lost LaRussa, Leyland and Francona from within the organization. Not sure exactly what the Sox culture is, beyond JR loyalism/cronyism.
    1 point
  42. Sandy Alomar, Vizquel, Jirschele and McEwing are the four most obvious.
    1 point
  43. I'd rather have Girardi, but I'd take Maddon in a heartbeat over Renteria or any othe Reinsdorf crony.
    1 point
  44. Yet, the Astros are starting Reddick, Marsinick and Brantley, who are good hitters, but not exactly world beaters. The Rays start several players with sub .800 OPS' and have still managed to win 90 games. As usual, you're grossly overstating your position.
    1 point
  45. Next year we will be gloating and looking down are noses at all these lousy teams.?
    1 point
  46. The guy has all kinds of power . I did say upside, doesn't take much to go from 25 to 40 if you find your swing. Look at Yelich. I swear some of you guys couldn't find your nose in the dark. I don't even understand why this needs explaining.
    1 point
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