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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2019 in all areas

  1. This many guys rosterbating together will result in strong disapproval from that poster with Jack McKeon as his avatar. Keep it under control.
    3 points
  2. It's been a tough few years to raise young Sox fans on the North Side. I live walking distance to Wrigley, across the street from one of the more beloved Cubs players, weathered 2016, and have still managed to keep my four kids from straying to the Northsiders during their formative years. It has not come without considerable effort on my part. I recognize it's tough for kids in the schoolyard to fend off "we're in the playoffs, you're in fourth place" with "oh yeah, well...we've got some really good prospects in Winston/Salem, Birmingham, and Charlotte." I've assured my kids that the Sox are on an upward trend, the Cubs (at least since 2017 or so) trending downward, and that there would come a time when those trend lines cross. When one could proclaim with a straight face -- say to an alien moving to Chicago and choosing a new team -- "you're better off picking the Sox right now." I think that moment came on Sunday, September 22, 2019. I now feel comfortable saying that (generational loyalties aside) I'd rather be a Sox fan right now than a Cubs fan, at least for the next several years. Am I too early? Too late? *Apologies in advance to the "too cool to care about the Cubs" crowd.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. That's soon to be gold glove winner Yolmer Sanchez. Or at least that is what Steve Stone keeps telling us. Please let us move on from Yolmer's antics especially at the price he will be at next season. I know that baseball is entertainment and I guess it was good that Yolmer brought some fun to this team over the last few years. But it is time to move on.
    2 points
  5. Too early I think. Next September is my guess for White Sox superiority. With 1 full years experience for Cease,Kopech Madrigal,Robert and Collins. Sox could be dominant for 5-10 years. Although we will never be as popular as the Cubs, a world series win will more than make up for it. One more thing. I've always kind of liked being the runt of the litter, so to speak. It makes winning a little sweeter.
    2 points
  6. Eh, the Dodgers write blank checks and when’s that last time they won a World Series? The guy has won three rings with two different teams.
    2 points
  7. Everything being equal (no fan support, stadium neighborhood, owner, etc) pure talent, likability and long term trajectory, the Sox look like the better team. Now the cub can go sign Castelleanos (sp?) and Cole and the Sox can miss on Wheeler and we are one step forward, two steps back. Robert, Madrigal, Cease, Dunning, Kopech, Jimenez, Moncada, Giolito.......that's something to build on I thought missing on Machado and Harper hurt but now go win this off season.
    2 points
  8. I suspect the Sox will decide on keeping their young, cost-controlled, batting champion shortstop for a little while.
    2 points
  9. I'd trade for the Cubs owner any day. This list of "stupid" goes to Reinsdorf hands down. It's great to relish in the Cub's misery but in reality it's picking a speck when we have a log in our own eye. Outside of both teams having a world series this century the choke factor is huge on both sides. The Sox will always be the step child in Chicago.
    2 points
  10. Lol - these dudes are dead!!!! Jake Burger toe his fucking Achilles. Get a grip, dude.
    2 points
  11. Nice Daily Double. Unlikely win considering we started Detwiler against a team fighting for a Wild Card berth. That's 7 more wins than last year with a good chance to make that double digits by the end of the season. Regarding the Cubs: when they won it all in 2016 (much to our chagrin), many in the national media were forecasting a dynasty. At least multiple WS appearances for the next several years. Actual result: none in the last 3 years and not even a playoff appearance this year. That's another example of how ridiculous it is that some people here think that when the Sox rebuild is complete, we will have multiple WS appearances. The realistic goal is multiple playoff appearances.
    1 point
  12. 2 straight shutouts against a team with their backs up against the wall? I will fucking TAKE that shit. Good to see another team shitting their pants when the chips are down. We need to go into next season feeling like we are this teams daddy!
    1 point
  13. This. Why would somebody fall on the sword for a shitty record in a rebuilding year when many core pieces played well?
    1 point
  14. Was this really an awful year? Moncada, Timmy, & Giolito will combine for ~15 WAR. Eloy showed signed of becoming a dominant hitter. Bummer established himself a legit, left-handed setup man. Cease got 70+ major league innings. McCann looks like he can part of the catching mix going forward. Honestly, outside of all the injuries and Lopez regressing, there isn’t much to be that disappointed about this year. Who really cares if our record sucked because of a bunch of guys who won’t be back next year? The young core more or less took the necessary steps forward and that’s all that matters.
    1 point
  15. I feel like our minors are going to explode with depth next year. All the down years are going to turn into gold. Hansen, Adolfo & Burger with monster comebacks. Rutherford gets a little better, Walker looks better. Maybe Stiever gets really interesting. Im pumped.
    1 point
  16. No way. I understand the fear, but there’s just no way that happens.
    1 point
  17. I'd like to congratulate the Indians on going 18-1 against the Tigers this year. Of course that doesn't matter when you let Daniel Palka go yard twice in a must win game ? Turn out the lights, the partys over!!
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. The test was 05. We won it all and if ever the Sox were going to pull even in popularity or take over it was then. I would think we had the most momentum we'd ever have, but the team did not maintain. It celebrated one full offseason and the entire next season and from then on, it's been all downhill. My guess is if somehow this tank/rebuild turns into utter dominance of baseball, yes we'd pull even or pass the Cubs. But frankly despite the acquisition of Hall of Fame type talent in Moncada and Eloy and perhaps one of our best hitting shortstops ever in Tim, we are far away from .500 even. Our pitching staff remains suspect at best. If Cease, Gio, Kopech, Lopez dominate, it's a different story. As of now we have very inconsistent starters and an awful bullpen. In conclusion, we blew a chance in 05 to take the city by storm (Blackhawks times 10) and now we are totally inconsequential, maybe 3/5s through a rebuild in terms of roster.
    1 point
  20. Not more just different. DRS isn't big on Moncada's defense, but UZR likes it. The opposite is true of Anderson, not that either say he's been good.
    1 point
  21. Saw someone frame it as trading an unknown commodity for a known MVP, and like yeah that's true, but completely ignores hugely important context.
    1 point
  22. I don't know why. The Bears are just as pathetic as the baseball teams. If you're going on pure winning, the Blackhawks should be the toast of town, having won 3 Cups in the last decade. The Cubs, Sox and Bears only have 1 championship each in the modern era of their sport. There is no reason why any should be the most popular team in town. Even though the Bulls had the most success, they haven't won shit in 20 years. To be honest, the Sox are the city's best hope for the next champions, as I don't trust Trubisky to get the job done there.
    1 point
  23. We're not in competition with the Cubs, we're in competition with the Twins and Cleveland. As ever, Chicago is not a Cubs or Sox city, it's a Bears city.
    1 point
  24. The silver lining in this whole thing is that if he does get healthy he still has two years in the minors and then slides in as a cheap option. I look at him as an additional first round pick in 2020. Sucks for him and he will be older if he makes it but that is all we can hope for. He was an advanced bat when they drafted him so hopefully he is a quick mover.
    1 point
  25. Moncada leading the majors in hits in September with 37 followed closely by Tim Anderson with 36.
    1 point
  26. Until Theo builds a champion without being able to write blank checks for popular orgs that naturally draw free agents, I won't hail him as one of the greatest ever. Let's see him do this shit in Oakland, or Cleveland, or Pittsburgh.
    1 point
  27. Just don't get played. Make your offer...they want a few days to think it over...sure. Give them 5 days to take it...move on. An agent should know what he wants for his client and RH should know what the club is willing to pay. Can't afford to lose Wheeler or Strasburg because Cole is fooling around.
    1 point
  28. Can we just dispense with this narrative that the Sox are at some kind of intangible disadvantage compared with other teams, and that making the highest offer isn't enough, they have to make a much higher offer because who would want to come to the Sox?!? The reason the Sox haven't signed marquee free agents is because they haven't made the highest offers to those players. Period. The reason that the Sox have signed mid-tier free agents like Melky Cabrera is because they have made the highest offers to those players. If the Yankees offered $250 mil to Cole and the Sox offered $255 mil, I'd bet my right nut that he would sign with the Sox.
    1 point
  29. You're changing the goalposts. FWIW big time free agent signings rarely work out well for the team signing them. ARod was probably one of the best free agent signings ever, his contract became an albatross when the Yankees extended him.
    1 point
  30. I love how Sox fans are so picky about managers when the proposed option is much better than our current joke of a manager. Amazing.
    1 point
  31. Ummmm.....every team?
    1 point
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