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  1. By fall on the sword you mean get promoted to special assistant to the GM right
    4 points
  2. Cubs rebuild was a failure? Good god man, that’s a bad take.
    3 points
  3. Consider the 2017 draft as an example of why 1 or 2 spots can make a difference. Pick 9: Keston Hiura MIL: having a great rookie season Pick 10: Jo Adell LAA: one of the top prospects in baseball. Pick 11: Jake Burger
    2 points
  4. This. Why would somebody fall on the sword for a shitty record in a rebuilding year when many core pieces played well?
    2 points
  5. Was this really an awful year? Moncada, Timmy, & Giolito will combine for ~15 WAR. Eloy showed signed of becoming a dominant hitter. Bummer established himself a legit, left-handed setup man. Cease got 70+ major league innings. McCann looks like he can part of the catching mix going forward. Honestly, outside of all the injuries and Lopez regressing, there isn’t much to be that disappointed about this year. Who really cares if our record sucked because of a bunch of guys who won’t be back next year? The young core more or less took the necessary steps forward and that’s all that matters.
    2 points
  6. I mean, this is wrong on so many levels BECAUSE of the Cubs history. Think about this Greg, they hadn't won a World Series in over 100 years, they tanked and then they won.....proving that it worked. They also went to the playoffs for 5 straight years. That is a huge success despite what happened this year, but as tony already said the bad money spent on the team after the rebuild is what hurt them. seriously one of your worst takes on soxtalk, I have to reiterate.
    1 point
  7. Sometimes they have a few youngsters keeping fresh in AZ in case of injuries during a pennant chase. Not our problem I guess.
    1 point
  8. If anything, Cooper deserves to go before Steverson.
    1 point
  9. If you ask a few peeps here they would tank forever. But then complain about the losing.... Go figure...
    1 point
  10. First of all my comments don't bring threads to a halt. Prove it. Secondly, you need to talk to more average fans, ones who you would say "don't know baseball." My statement that the Cubs rebuild/tank was a failure is correct if you take into consideration what I'm talking about: the history of Cubs baseball. You won't even try to understand what I'm saying so I'll stop after this. The Cubs ... with all that money through the years could have and should have won numerous NL pennants and a handful of WS titles the last six decades or so. With all that money they could have won a batch of titles in the early years of free agency -- definitely in the 60s, 70s and 80s they could have won titles the old fashioned way. I'm saying the tank is a failure because it provided one title. This year and last were disgraceful conclusion to their rebuild attempt. You won't try to understand what I'm saying about the old, traditional way of winning pennants (spending money; getting the best players and managers) so I'll stop. If you attempted to converse about this I'd take part. No more posts from me on this topic.
    1 point
  11. I love me some Collins. The greg eye test is rarely wrong as long timers on here will tell you. Zack passes the eye test as you say. He's ready. Play him.
    1 point
  12. AMEN, brother. Screw the tankers. This rebuild is progressing very nicely thus far and will bear even more fruit next year and the years after. The difference between getting the 9th versus the 11th draft pick next year is of minimal importance. Let's wrap up the season on a high note and win as many as we can.
    1 point
  13. Not as insulting as the lack of logic of those who don't understand how better draft picks can mean a better future. I for one want to win in the long run. You hold on to your meaningless wins in 2019. I want multiple runs at a championship.
    1 point
  14. I wouldn't call it a failure, but it has been a downer. The Cubs have a lot more talent than the Brewers in all phases of the game except back end bullpen. Yet, they have been getting smoked by them and choking septembers away. I don't even count last year as postseason for them, I think if you don't play in an actual series, you didn't make the real playoffs. The Cubs haven't played in a real series in back to back seasons.
    1 point
  15. Any talk of “tanking” to get a better pick in the draft is inappropriate at any point in the season. It is an insult not only to the players and the organization but the fans as well. Go Sox!
    1 point
  16. I think we need to start giving greg gold star stickers when he has a good post, and a frown face sticker, possibly a trip to time out when he has a bad post. Maybe he'll learn better that way
    1 point
  17. If the Sox sweep, the Pirates sweep the Reds, and the Angels lose 2 to the Astros, Sox drop from 10 to 12. Unlikely, yes, but a couple losses this weekend would help.
    1 point
  18. I can't decide if a .671 OPS despite hitting <.200 is mildly encouraging or not.
    1 point
  19. The Cubs are nothing when it comes to failures. Look at the Dodgers who have been to the playoffs every year since 2013 and have lost in the World Series the last 2 years!!! It must be miserable being a Dodgers fan.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. This many guys rosterbating together will result in strong disapproval from that poster with Jack McKeon as his avatar. Keep it under control.
    1 point
  22. The silver lining in this whole thing is that if he does get healthy he still has two years in the minors and then slides in as a cheap option. I look at him as an additional first round pick in 2020. Sucks for him and he will be older if he makes it but that is all we can hope for. He was an advanced bat when they drafted him so hopefully he is a quick mover.
    1 point
  23. I suspect the Sox will decide on keeping their young, cost-controlled, batting champion shortstop for a little while.
    1 point
  24. He doesn't suck, but he did not play well his last two years in Green Bay and his half of season in Washington. He was taking really bad angles on deep passes and was late to come over in coverage. His run defense was really bad, missed tackles, diving at feet and he generally seemed hesitant in his play. He always had a game or two like he did in Washington. His first pick was a perfect example, late on coverage, but the throw was floated right to him, now he made a good catch and run after, but if he was facing an even average QB on that play, the pass is completed for a 15-20 yard gain. I'm not going to get into the who is better, Clinton-Dix or Amos. It's been argued non stop for the past 5 months or whatever. I can say after 3 games, I'm pretty happy with Amos, really sure tackles so far and the middle of the field deep has been a no go for opposing qb's. Personally I really like HaHa, he seemed like a really cool dude when he was with the Packers and does a lot of really good off the field, I think he still has some things going in Green Bay still.
    1 point
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