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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2019 in all areas

  1. 13 points
  2. 11 points
  3. Too bad you didn’t blow the Herrera deal
    8 points
  4. Just want to say this: Either Ozuna is a solid defender, or no one should be referencing advanced defensive stats again. Because you can’t support things like DRS and UZR and then also call Ozuna a bad defender. I’m not going to pretend to have watched Ozuna enough to have a valid opinion on his D either way, but there seems to be some hypocrisy going on.
    7 points
  5. It would be nice to pencil a guy in at RF, and know exactly what to expect. 3 WAR a year is fine by me. Overpay, I don't care. I'm done with the AAAA revolving door. Get it done.
    6 points
  6. it worked for the other guy, let’s see if my “love for jerry” gets a response lol
    6 points
  7. Here's what I'll say on Ozuna. None of the Sox writers can confirm and many have denied that it's true already. Marcell Ozuna's family in the DR thinks it's true in addition to reporters there however.
    5 points
  8. Eloy was moved to RF last night in the Winter League hmmm
    5 points
  9. One, it’s been two seconds. two, I have no idea who frank castillo is
    5 points
  10. It's not public knowledge. The original reporter and Ozuna are friends. Many locally have denied this story at this point and publicly/privately but I heard from someone reputable that family members of Ozuna confirmed the story this morning. I have no idea what's actually true but it's a very strange story.
    4 points
  11. this guy must be the most connected twitter nobody in the world. Knows what teams Ozuna is considering. Has talked to Ozuna’s agent. Must know Wheeler personally because he knows that Wheeler was exactly 14 minutes away from signing.
    4 points
  12. Maybe they were told by the Sox to shut the fuck up and now blow this one like the Machado, Pederson, and Wheeler leaks.
    4 points
  13. What makes everyone think Ozuna is a worse right fielder than the other butchers we’ve looked at? Because he’s a big dude and he wears his hat sideways? Because he’s had some bad highlights? The dude is pretty talented and has had good seasons even patrolling CF. We KNOW Castellanos and guys like Mancini are atrocious fielders, among the worst in baseball. He’s also a positive regression hitting candidate, balances the lineup given his ability to hit RH, and has upside for more.
    4 points
  14. I think I trust a random source nobody has heard over Levine.
    4 points
  15. Had to sign in to take credit for that one, ha.
    3 points
  16. They do. You can say whatever you want about Reinsdorf, but I know for a fact that he'll do whatever it takes to maximize profits.
    3 points
  17. Dude, no offense to your humor but poop jokes got old when Kriss Kross was topping the hip hop charts... and I’m being fucking generous. Get some new material, duder...
    3 points
  18. They just tried spending 125 million after spending 125 million, smart guy.
    3 points
  19. For veracity context: Bruce Levine has no idea who Ozuna's agent is.
    3 points
  20. He has a DSR of .92, aka Discriminatory Rating.
    3 points
  21. ? if there were, Fernando Rodney would be league leader
    3 points
  22. Castellanos career offensive numbers are barely better but Ozunas defensive numbers are much better than Castellanos. BaseballReference has Ozuna's career defensive WAR at 1.1, Castellanos is at -10.2.
    3 points
  23. If anyone is to believe anything this guy says.....?
    3 points
  24. Ozuna is an ok signing. What I would do: Trade Reynaldo Lopez, Collins, and Basabi for Benintendi. Sign Rendon. Sign Keuchel.
    3 points
  25. Bruce Levine said the Sox best offer for Machado was $175M. Who gives a **** what he says? Castillo may be a nobody too, just like Bruce. Who knows? Let this play out.
    3 points
  26. “Do you think you’ll have interest in Dallas Porcello or Rick Bumgarner?”
    3 points
  27. I honestly hope we sign him just so you have to cheer him on while he’s wearing that crooked hat.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Because of his demeanor and his hat crooked? Are there advanced metrics for that?
    2 points
  30. I still think he was 100% right on with a direct pipeline to the org when he ran with "White Sox offer Machado $175 million."
    2 points
  31. Bruce just said he thinks the Sox will sign someone in the next 48 hours. He said he thinks the Sox don’t want to get caught up in the winter meetings goings on that tends to make teams overbid. He asked Hahn about getting caught up in that, which was pretty much not answered and he seemed to be steering Hahn into mentioning something was about to happen but Rick didn’t take the bait.It is pretty apparent Bruce’s White Sox source has told him someuis close but it obviously wasn’t Osuna. And Ryu was mentioned a few times during the call so I would guess it’s him.
    2 points
  32. Marcell Ozuna being the worst bat in your lineup suddenly doesn’t seem like a bad thing at all. Holy crap
    2 points
  33. So if Ozuna is traveling to the US...is he not maybe going to the winter meetings? Maybe with his agent, to try and find a new team?
    2 points
  34. Of all the parody accounts on Twitter, Not Bruce Levine is my favorite ??
    2 points
  35. this is his nickname now forever
    2 points
  36. Two things: 1) Not sure why we keep talking about Ozuna being a bad fielder. He’s actually pretty good out there and can also play CF. 2) In 2017 and 2019 he had reverse splits. Actually hit much better against righties. So the balance piece is achieved.
    2 points
  37. Just asked about grandmas success with Ryu, dodger by Hahn. edit: grandal obviously
    2 points
  38. We're getting Cole, and the White Sox plan to enforce the chewing tobacco ban
    2 points
  39. A lot of Ozuna smoke. That means it won’t happen.
    2 points
  40. Looking forward to some informed questions from Bruce
    2 points
  41. I appreciate that. Always looking for White Sox nuggets on my spare time. Love sharing it with my fellow fans!
    2 points
  42. On today’s Sox On Tap Podcast, Merkin said at the end of last season he heard the Sox we’re targeting Dickerson
    2 points
  43. Kole Calhoun is starting to feel like the easy way to greatly improve the position while not spending foolish money or giving up worthwhile prospects. I still prefer Pederson but only if the asking price is modest.
    2 points
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