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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2019 in all areas

  1. 10 points
  2. For the love of god stop pretending to be an insider bro, it’s fucking embarrassing.
    10 points
  3. You love this extremely minimal power you have over this forum of people who believe you know something. You know exactly what you’re doing, and I get why you enjoy it so much, but don’t act like you don’t know what people are talking about.
    9 points
  4. The problem with your premise is that I never criticized anyone with regards to Ozuna. Someone said I did at the time after misunderstanding my bad joke and I clarified that I wasn't criticizing. I criticized the idea of acquiring Ozuna because I don't like the risk but nothing to the individual reporter. Also, there's a difference between making educated guesses and speaking to fluid movements than reporting a deal as done when it isn't. So to back up your point, you should provide evidence of A) me being critical of the reporter AND B) proof of transactions that I reported that didn't come to fruition this off season or last. You won't do that because you can't. So ask yourself who's in the glass house here.
    8 points
  5. Fuck. Change the thread title to plan Z
    6 points
  6. @raBBit 85% of the board like you and appreciates what you do ! Don't stop because some people don't like that you don't give them concrete answers... Hell, only 60% of people like me.
    6 points
  7. I'm disappointed in Soxtalk today, honestly. 24 year olds are not complete products. Nomar Mazara has immense, untapped upside. We gave up damn-near nothing to get him (a 23 year old putting up similar numbers in the minors as the 24 year old is putting up in the majors). At the very worst, we've added a right fielder who fields like a dream and can do some damage at the bottom of our lineup and is a massive upgrade from what we had. At best, we just stole a young buck pre-breakout. Calling Walker our 6th best prospect is what it is - we're top heavy in that department. The guy is going to really have to kick things into gear to ever be a 1fWAR player in the bigs. Zero risk and tons of reward potential.
    6 points
  8. A year ago...Soxtalk posters be like...we really need to acquire some guys with real upside. Sox go out and acquire Mazara, a former top 10 prospect in all of baseball who has gotten Albert Pujols comparisons from Bill James. Soxtalk be like...we should have signed Calhoun to a short-term big money deal (veteran who pretty much is what he is, who has actually trended down with 2 of his last 3 years being career worst, including a .652 OPS).
    6 points
  9. 5 points
  10. Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a child?
    5 points
  11. I really had no idea what you were talking about and clarified my post to get a better understanding with you but that's fine. I'll stop posting then. I really don't have the time to post on here anyways just love the Winter Meetings and the active parts of the offseason.
    5 points
  12. Rabbit comes in with the cold bath of water. RIP unrealistic mega deal in which we acquire Price + Sale + Benintendi for a hot dog vendor, Abreu's next bulk shipment of Redman, Moan4Yoan and Blake Rutherford. I was excited.
    5 points
  13. I still dont like Nintendo's lack of power. Roid him up to Super Nintendo.
    5 points
  14. Somebody needs to shut down whatever trade this is, I'm sure it's terrible.
    5 points
  15. If you can't see the difference between Tatis in 16 and Robert now idk what to tell you
    5 points
  16. This is the type of move you make in February after they fail to deal with Boras, Sox fans have every reason to be pissed that you just plugged one of your main holes you were looking to address with a platoon right fielder when there are simply idk at least 3 players on the market you could have just signed and played there.
    5 points
  17. What a shit take. He was also almost SIX times as valuable last year.
    5 points
  18. I'm not mad they traded Walker, I could give a shit about any of the OF prospects we have because THEY DON'T HAVE A REALISTIC PATH TO THE WHITE SOX ANYWAYS. What I am furious about, is they have a 70 million dollar payroll with numerous OF FA's capable of producing big numbers, and instead of just spending money, they used one of the few trade chips we have for a guy that fucking sucks. We still don't have any pitching. You don't think Walker would have had some value to aquire a SP? This is the same shit they do all the time and it almost never works. The window opens next year, and our RF is replacement level, with a 70 million dollar payroll.
    5 points
  19. Just to add a little less hyperbolic perspective: Below are Mazara's Career Stats. Putting aside the fact that he is considerably better against RHP, the numbers are still pretty decent, especially for a player as young as he is. As a 22 year old, in just his 2ND season, he had 30 doubles, 20 homers and 101 RBI's. The following season, he matched his home run total, in 20 fewer games and actually improved his Slugging % and OPS. Last year, while dealing with a thumb injury and missing most of the final 2 months, he still hit 27 doubles and 19 homers, while putting up his career best Average, Slugging % and OPS. If you project his totals for last season, over a full 162 games, he would have had 37 doubles, 26 homers and 92 RBI's. I frankly don't understand how those numbers haven't ever translated into a better WAR, but I guess it's the negative defense. At any rate, the kid has actually performed pretty well, and with arguably untapped potential, he's not a bad gamble. The biggest concern is that he only has two more years of control. Year Age Tm Lg G PA AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI SB CS BB SO BA OBP SLG OPS OPS+ TB GDP HBP SH SF IBB Pos Awards 2016 21 TEX AL 145 568 516 59 137 13 3 20 64 0 2 39 112 .266 .320 .419 .739 93 216 12 6 0 7 1 *97/D RoY-5 2017 22 TEX AL 148 616 554 64 140 30 2 20 101 2 2 55 127 .253 .323 .422 .745 90 234 12 4 0 3 6 *97D 2018 23 TEX AL 128 536 489 61 126 25 1 20 77 1 0 40 116 .258 .317 .436 .753 96 213 13 4 0 3 2 *9D/7 2019 24 TEX AL 116 469 429 69 115 27 1 19 66 4 1 28 108 .268 .318 .469 .786 96 201 5 6 0 6 2 9/D 4 Yrs 537 2189 1988 253 518 95 7 79 308 7 5 162 463 .261 .320 .435 .754 93 864 42 20 0 19 11 162 Game Avg. 162 660 600 76 156 29 2 24 93 2 2 49 140 .261 .320 .435 .754 93 261 13 6 0 6 3
    5 points
  20. Man, the Sox front office must love fans like you. Happy with table scraps.
    5 points
  21. 100% this. Our second biggest offensive upgrade this offseason will be Mazara. A team that won 72 games last year basically stopped after adding Grandal. And yes, I know Robert & Madrigal will be up soon enough, but they will be rookies next year and will likely go through the normal adjustment process. Rather than add more certainty around those young guys, we’ve instead punted on using our “unprecedented financial flexibility” to address RF and are going with a complete wild card. For context, the Phillies have added Harper, Realmuto, McCutcheon, Segura, & Gregorious on the positional side alone since going for it. We got our one big addition in Grandal and then decided to get cute and/or cheap. I don’t care how you slice this, this is not an optimal move for helping us win in 2020 and it burns an asset that could of helped us beyond that. Honestly, this is the rare move that doesn’t help us in the near term or long run and that’s why it’s so damn frustrating.
    5 points
  22. All I want is an owner that gives a shit and spends. Don’t lie to fans and tell them the money will be spent and then fabricate stories to try and placate the fans. This franchise is pathetic. Rick Hahn cares more about criticizing twitter than doing his job. What a clown.
    4 points
  23. Did you guys seriously think the Sox were going to sign Rendon? I never thought that was even a remote possibility.
    4 points
  24. You guys are slipping. You know what this thread needs? Michael Kopech with no shirt. Ignore that woman.
    4 points
  25. I fucking HATE that deal. Hate hate hate it
    4 points
  26. Lol it’s hilarious that people reply to Steve Cishek like he’s a real insider.
    4 points
  27. Cuz we have nothing better to do on a Wednesday night.
    4 points
  28. The probably told JR Price is owed $96 million, and JR was fine until they said 3 years. Then they broke out the defibrillator, revived JR, and got scolded for thinking it.
    4 points
  29. Um....please feel free to show me all of the second basemen in the league currently, who possess a 3.3% K rate. I can't fathom why folks re ready to trade away a guy who basically puts every ball in play, on a team full of strikeout guys...
    4 points
  30. Wild no from the White Sox Why wouldn't we just sign Rendon for only money instead of forking over our entire farm system and paying Arenado?
    4 points
  31. Man there is some revisionism around Abrams. There was only like 2 people that liked him, and I think it was me and @chitownsportsfan People called him yolmer sanchez because sox fans only have 3 player comps. If you are good defensively with a light bat you are Yolmer, if you strike out and hit for power you are Dunn, and if you are a pitcher you are James Shields.
    4 points
  32. I don't get how Price would fit the concern of accelerating the process though. He shouldn't really cost much in assets. This seems to imply the Sox would be giving something back that was a part of the future. @Jack Parkman, it sounds like they're talking about ROBERT!
    4 points
  33. Why bring up the color of his skin? Like it has anything to do with any of this?
    4 points
  34. The White Sox really need new ownership.
    4 points
  35. This. His age is literally the only thing he has going for him. He is a bad baseball player. Let the rebuild drag on. This front office is a joke.
    4 points
  36. He also might prove to be shitty which is what he's been for 4 years. You make these kind of moves last year or the year before, not when all your top talent is up.
    4 points
  37. Soxtalk special. b**** if they do b**** if they don't. How can anybody be mad about this. Got him for nothing, if he sucks let him walk. Not sure why people here think Boston was gonna let go of Benintendi. And if so it would be cheap. This is a low risk high reward move. We should be acustom to this shit with this team. You know they ain't forking out the big bucks. Plus I seem to recall a few years back a lot of people on this board drooling for mazara.... Sheesh relax people
    4 points
  38. This move is so old school Kenny and the White Sox that it’s not even funny. We have no money to spend (or don’t want to spend any) so let’s outsmart the entire MLB, acquire an outfielder who is so far simply all unreached potential, and hope and pray that he pans out for us. The Sox window of contention is starting now and they were supposed to have plenty of money to spend (“The money will be spent.”). There are most definitely better outfielders available than Mazara that would have only cost money. Hahn should be making moves for sure-thing type players, not absolute fliers. This cheap move is a slap in the face to Sox fans who have waited throughout this rebuild for the Sox to nut up, play with the big boys, and finally spend the money they haven’t throughout the course of losing year after year during this rebuild.
    4 points
  39. A lot of you are getting upset over this, and I am not sure I understand. The Sox just gave up a guy, with the upside of maybe a 4th OF, for a kid that will give you 20ish HRs, and about 70 RBI in RF. And they are very close in age as well. I just see upside with this guy, and really not giving away the farm.
    4 points
  40. Holy fuck, so many White Sox fans are insufferable assholes. Steele Walker is a 23 year old platoon/fringe prospect in high A. Mazara was a former top 20 prospect and is only 24. ONLY 24! Until this past season, Mazara was considered to be a core piece of the Rangers rebuild. The Sox are buying very low here. Could they have gotten Mazara for Walker this time last year? Absolutely not. If Mazara improves just a little either offensively or defensively, he will be an above average regular. Walker will be fortunate to ever make the majors. Get a fucking hold of yourselves. Now, get Encarnacion for DH, a SP, and a RP, and call it good.
    4 points
  41. me: "aw man, I did not want this offseason to go after only a slightly above average offensive outfielder with meh defense long term while giving up a pick" me: "haha, yeah! Looks like it's not happening" *instead get Mazara* me: ...
    3 points
  42. Disappointed to wake up to this. On one side, there are long tails to this move, he could net out to be a significant bat offensively, though his defense may always limit that effect to around 3 WAR. And last offseason it was basically decided that the white sox would still significantly rely on luck, anyway, so if our luck pays out this is another iron in the fire. But all things considered, I thought we were doing this rebuild to make a team better than the best teams in baseball. And it's just really hard at this point to see the white sox with ambitions outside of competing for a division title. That's most disappointing to me,, I thought they would build a large amount of budget to add a significant FA piece. But I don't see a single guy they signed that we couldn't have believed they couldn't have gotten in previous iterations of the sox. It sucks, but it doesn't suck just for Mazara. It really does seem like he has an approach problem, and we just saw two great examples of updating an approach (or leaning into one) to maximize results for great success in uber-talented guys in moncada/TA. I keep mentioning Soler, but Soler! His exit velocity was also average. He also had muted production. Then he found a way to match his strength with an approach and absolutely crushes the ball on the regular and it started at age 25. And also he's terrible defensively so its a great match.
    3 points
  43. Any chance he gets optioned to start the season so the Sox can get an extra year out of him? His stats would justify it...
    3 points
  44. Good to see Bagdad Bob found a job after the war.
    3 points
  45. The Sox have a major league RF'r now. Could have done better with the stars aligned and all, but... its not Ryan Cordell.
    3 points
  46. Steele Walker is a better hitter right now than Mazara. We should have kept Walker and put him in RF.
    3 points
  47. To keep positive thoughts in mind: Projected 2020 lineup (ignore the order, I'm not putting too much thought into it) SS - Tim Anderson CF - Luis Robert 3B - Yoan Moncada 1B - Jose Abreu LF - Eloy Jimenez C - Yasmani Grandal DH - James McCann RF - Nomar Mazara 2B - Nick Madrigal vs. 2019 (same order, cause whatever) SS - Tim Anderson CF - Engel/Cordell/Tilson 3B - Yoan Moncada 1B - Jose Abreu LF - Eloy Jimenez C - James McCann DH - Yonder Alonso RF - Ryan Cordell/Daniel Palka 2B - Yolmer Sanchez
    3 points
  48. A lot changed since I put this out there, but at the end of the day I was wrong. I appreciate all the support and those who went to bat for me. This report came from a source who I trusted enough to take the leap of faith, but I'm willing to admit my mistake. I'll learn from it and get better. Don't let this impair your judgement on our team at FutureSox; they had nothing to do with this. Thanks again, all.
    3 points
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