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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2020 in all areas

  1. I believe we have to take this seriously and quit with the denials. However, I also saw an example of overreaction and panic at my hometown grocery store this morning. There is nothing wrong with stocking up some, but this was absurd. People had their carts over filled. The store had to put a limit on purchasing toilet paper. (Although I can't blame people for stocking up on that.) The point is people were hoarding when I don't see a reason to. To my knowledge, there has been no concerns about grocery stores not getting merchandise. I figured I would have least a two-hour wait to get to check out. I didn't have that much, and it wasn't completely essential, so I put everything back and left without buying anything. Another reason I left is that some idiot in front of me was espousing conspiracy theories and I felt my blood pressure spike. I'm old enough to remember the energy shortages of the 1970s. Tensions ran high, and there was violence in gas station lines. We don't need a repeat of that. I'm all for what major league sports is doing at the moment, and I am for other safety measures. But we need a real national discussion so we can cope with the danger of this crisis. What was happening at the store was insane. If people overbuy, they are depriving others of buying. And it wasn't really good to have a huge crowd in that contained space. One more thing: present day conspiracy theories are giving other viable conspiracy theories a bad name. That's frustrating.
    3 points
  2. This is the result when you have a culture that adheres to alternative facts and disdain for experts. I only follow what Exxon Oil tells me is true. The ultimate goal is what I disdain. I hear we are getting a new pandemic council. Sure wish the previous govt had thought of that.
    2 points
  3. I'll tell you what is preposterous: Our government sitting on its ass doing nothing when there were signs of a medical crisis on the way. As far as the MDs in your family: there are plenty of medical experts who disagree with them. And I'll tell you what is really absurd: a congressman went around wearing a gas mask to make fun of it all and now he has been exposed to it. Now that is absurd. Over 40 people are dead over a short period of time with more on the way. Just what to do you expect to learn?
    2 points
  4. It would be correct if we had actually tested and quarantined everyone who was sick in the very beginning...especially in Washington state, California and NYC. Now it’s too late, the horse is already out of the barn.
    2 points
  5. Mine is doing half in half at home alternating days which is....the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard
    2 points
  6. They aren’t giving people who are sick, test positive and knowingly go to work (or just try to leave the area/enter a healthy zone) punishments ranging from 20-30 years in prison to the death penalty (deliberately spitting or coughing on someone while infected) for the common flu here in China. Service industries will be hard hit. One of my best friends is an orthodontist...my mom is almost 91 and living in an assisted living center like the Kirkland Life Care Center in the Seattle area. I don’t know how much the emergency $500 billion or proposed legislation between the House and Treasury Secretary will help you individually...but it’s being done so every normally successful business (airlines, Boeing, cruise lines, oil/energy companies, amusement park, theatres) doesn’t have to file for Chapter 11. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/13/americas/coronavirus-us-italy-south-korea-lessons-intl/index.html
    2 points
  7. Nice straw man fallacy, AGAIN. Where did I complain about not watching sports? I am complaining about the economy tanking, people dependent on hourly wages not being able to pay bills and small businesses being pushed to the brink of ruin. Your penchant for dishonestly twisting words is off-putting. I guess I'm selfish because my cousin, the widowed vocal coach single mother of two - called me asking for a loan since she is horrified that she won't be able to pay her bills. Since her clients are deathly terrified of coming into the studio. I'm SUCH a piece of shit, since my buddies who are bartenders and/or own a restaurant are probably going to have to make that call to their family members soon. I can't afford to give that loan either. You know why? I'm a fitness/athletic trainer and I'm worried about my f'ing bottom line. My business has basically evaporated overnight. You are lucky to be so privileged that you (apparently) do not have to worry about these things. A LOT of the real world does. You agree with shutting down the nation, putting people in financial danger and tanking the economy (even if only temporarily). That is the definition of "PANIC". Well, that raises herd immunity, which right now is non-existent for COVID -19 Yet, the flu is still more deadly and prevalent. Again, nobody is saying that measures should not be taken. Also, this isnt the flu. Never said it was. Nice straw man. You seriously need to tune-up your debate skills. It's definitely not the flu. Influenza has been a way bigger problem, for waaaaayyyy more years. It's also a lot more likely to kill you. You think I'm crying over "baseball being gone". That's how utterly and totally dense you are.
    2 points
  8. It really, really isn't. Only 37% of people got the flu vaccine? Well, that raises herd immunity, which right now is non-existent for COVID -19. Your selfishness and people in your mindset is a perfect representation of where we are as a society in the US. "Fuck you, I got mine." Boo hoo I can't watch sports or go to a concert for a few weeks. God forbid we try to save some lives for once. Social media is your straw man. Where did I say to panic? Just try to isolate ourselves for a little bit to slow it down so the men and women on frontlines of this don't need to work themselves to death to treat the sick and wounded. Also, this isnt the flu.
    2 points
  9. Nice strawman fallacy. The point is - Why do you suddenly feel the need to shutdown the world over this and not... something like influenza? Which spreads to all corners of the country, infects and kills so many more than this on an annual basis? This is despite the fact that we have a vaccination for the flu. WHICH ONLY 37% of Americans even bother to take annually. Old people and other vulnerable populations are ALWAYS at risk. For EVERYTHING. CONVID-19 is NOT unique in that regard. The H1N1 (Swine Flu) outbreak? Sixty million Americans infected, 300,000 hospitalized. It claimed an estimated 12,000 American lives. Did we halt the world? No. 1,600 have been hospitalized for Coronavirus in the US. 37 dead. WE HAVE HALTED THE WORLD. The difference between 2009 and 2020? Social media controls all of our information and is in our face 24 hours a day in the palm of our hands. Allowing you and the other herds of the masses to be totally sucked into this "PANIC! PANIC! PANIC!" mentality. I have two MD's in my family who are laughing at how absurd this all is. "Oh, no! Tom Hanks has it! Well, let's shutdown everything!". This is all a perfect representation of where we are at as a society. Sincerely, one day we will look back on this and hopefully learn something. This is preposterous.
    2 points
  10. Embarrassing. Creates the idea that only “elites” have easy/quick access to exams. https://www.propublica.org/article/cdc-coronavirus-covid-19-test
    1 point
  11. We will see Thursday's lows again and we will fly past them. The carnage is nowhere near done. For those who understand the markets and trading, you know your options to hedge. For those of you in your 40's and 50's with significant money in your 401k you should really work to understand your hedge options because there is a lot of money to be lost. For those of you who don't have any understanding of the markets (and really everyone), show up to work everyday (or work remotely) with the best attitude possible. Get in early. Stay late. Make good with your coworker you have issues with. Drop your complaints about however you feel you're being slighted or how the workplace is stacked against. Ask your boss is there anything you can do to help her/him before leaving for the day. The recency bias may go a long way when employers are tasked with tough decisions - and they will be. Hope all is well with everyone. Understand your risks. Be vigilant.
    1 point
  12. Tell that to the medical professionals in Italy and Wuhan. You're not worth responding to otherwise. The feds should step in to help its citizens - that's all I will say. Edit: I will add I will be supporting local business more these next few weeks. I recommend others follow if they are able.
    1 point
  13. Right... Panic, panic, panic. There is a huge difference between advising for preventative measures (I absolutely agree with being careful) and HALTING THE WORLD. Small businesses and many of those dependent on hourly wages will be murdered by what is taking place. And it wasn't necessary.
    1 point
  14. My lord... people need to relax. It's f'ing pneumonia. Not the black plague. Even IF you contract it (quite the slim chance) you'll be healthy in a couple of weeks unless you have pre-existing respiratory conditions.
    1 point
  15. 16 year old Cuban SS Dyan Yamel is signing with the Colorado Rockies per Francys Romero
    1 point
  16. Actually, on a more serious note, MLB losing revenue from 25+% of games this year could give the players a TON more negotiating power. Can MLB owners afford to have two partial seasons back to back?
    1 point
  17. Do you have a laptop already so you would be able to work remotely if this happens? My office being shut down until the 30th now, we have a new temp starting but we don't know when as we don't know when he/she will be able to get a laptop. And being someone who's been out of work as long as you, Jack, you absolutely need to go Monday if that is what they need. We're all pulling for you to succeed here.
    1 point
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