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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2020 in all areas

  1. This is just the universe taking extreme measures to ensure Gio Gonzalez never plays a game for the White Sox
    5 points
  2. Don't try to support anything that has to do with Trump around here, not going to go well even if most rational people agree.
    2 points
  3. These people consumed aquarium cleaner. They deserve a Darwin award. Anyone blaming Trump for that is being dumb.
    2 points
  4. After 58 years on this planet revolving around the sun it is obvious to me that people would buy it and try it. It would have been better to not mention the drugs specifically.
    2 points
  5. For anyone working at home, I can tell you what I did over the weekend and it gave me a lot more normalcy going to work today. I created some space in my garage and set-up a small desk with my old computer monitor (I haven't had a computer at my house in 10+ years..just rely on my work laptop) and just doing that made things feel far more normal today. I get to go to a separate place to work, with a more comfortable chair and get to look at a decent size screen (vs. purely off a laptop). Best part is, I can open my garage for a little Vitamin D. I also set-up a small table so one of my kids can do some work out here with me and when they get some fresh air in front of our house, they can also play while I'm working. Over the weekend, we went on some runs/bike-rides (away from people) and have just tried to prioritize our time together. I have no idea what will happen in the short-to-medium turn, but want to make sure I take joy in the small moments cause who knows what else will pop up. Been doing PE classes with kids too (to help all of us stay in shape). I guess my advice to all is, despite all the unknown and craziness, make sure you find ways to take joy in the little things (or at least try to). I also have talked to my neighbors (albeit from a distance) more than I ever had before, just reminding them / letting them know if they need anything, to let us know (and vice versa). Anything anyone else in here is doing with their kids, to keep them focused on school and just balance the whole working from home and caring for the kids.
    2 points
  6. WE CAN DO THIS PEOPLE. WE WILL SURVIVE IT AND WE WILL GET THROUGH IT AND WE WILL THRIVE WHEN WE GET PAST THIS. In the meantime, we need to make sacrifices to get through this faster than not. Every one of us can control and do that.
    2 points
  7. Do you ever get tired of overreacting, apologizing, being mature for 13 minutes, overreacting, apologizing and then repeating that cycle over and over?
    2 points
  8. For once, Lindsey Graham is right. Whatever the economic consequences, you can't manage anything if you don't get the huge surge of sick people under control or limited. If 1% of your workforce has it, but then 10% of your workers can't go out because they're high risk and can't afford to get sick, and another 10% can't get the medication they need, and 10% of your customers have no health insurance, trying to open businesses doesn't work. You can come up with ideas for opening things, but they all depend on how effective we are being at containment (very poor overall).
    2 points
  9. Its nice to be optimistic. But when the person is attacking people who are giving legitimate medical information, Im not going to give them a pass about "hope."
    1 point
  10. If we had a leader who out country ahead of self, the country would pick up that vibe. The W Bush election was about as ugly as they come, but when 9/11 happened, W was smart enough to strike an inclusive tone for all Americans. He understood that he was the American President and not one party's President. That's why he saw a 90% approval rating coming out of 9/11. But if you don't embrace that style of leadership, you don't set that tone. Welcome to 2020.
    1 point
  11. The people who liked Trump before this ever started...still think he is doing a great job. Those who couldn't stand Trump before this started...still blame him for this terrible situation. Not one mind has been changed. Big surprise!
    1 point
  12. That Cepheid test kit is supposed to be 45 minutes instead of 3 hours plus, but do they have enough reagents now?
    1 point
  13. They really are gearing up for the "hundreds of thousands of dead Americans to save the economy*" plan *Six or seven figure deaths with a completely overwhelmed medical system coupled with enormous widespread medical debt will not actually save the economy
    1 point
  14. Would they have even thought of ingesting it but for Trump comments? He shouldn't have said anything, hes not qualified. Argue whatever you want.
    1 point
  15. Darwin Award indeed. Damn Trump for telling them to ingest aquarium cleaner! I love it when people jump the gun to blame the POTUS without having the entire story yet. Oops... ?
    1 point
  16. A man died and his wife needed critical care after they both took a drug meant for aquariums that contains chloroquine, which President Trump recently touted as a treatment for COVID-19 in spite of a lack of study by health officials or approval by the World Health Organization. According to the Banner Health hospital system in Phoenix, the couple, both in their sixties, ingested chloroquine phosphate, "an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks." One aquarium supply store online described it as a "wonder drug" that was once only available through veterinarians — for saltwater fish, not humans. The site is currently sold out of the drug. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/briannasacks/man-died-chloroquine-phosphate-coronavirus Where could they possibly get the idea chloroquine would be beneficial from a medical standpoint? Or poisoning people in other countries, like Nigeria...from the noted conservative NY Post. https://nypost.com/2020/03/22/nigeria-reports-poisonings-from-possible-coronavirus-drug-chloroquine/
    1 point
  17. Used for lupus, among others. Now the patients who really need it are being denied by hoarding. Without knowing more about the potential side effects when taken in combination, there’s no need to mention ANY specific drugs. Anyone notice Dr. Fauci sidelined today after he said “it’s not like I can push him out of the way and take the mike.” The president also mentioned Regeneron as a drug, it’s actually a company. Or maybe he just threw it all out together intentionally, who knows?
    1 point
  18. No, thanks for proving mine.
    1 point
  19. Yes, blame people for taking the leader of the free world at his world. That really is a dumb idea, isn't it?
    1 point
  20. Retweeted by the President: "They should take a SERIOUS LOOK at this..." Chuck Callesto wrote in the tweet posted to the president's account, with a link to a story with the headline "REPORT: French Doctor Reports 100 % Cure Rate Using Malaria Drug to Treat Corona Virus." The president should be dealing in facts, not internet circulated nonsense. I wonder why supporters of trump would turn to drugs like this with a 100% success rate as reported by the president. Sigh.
    1 point
  21. Or it’s just another excuse for the other side to put more blame on Trump for anything and everything.
    1 point
  22. One has a medical degree, and it isn’t the President.
    1 point
  23. My point was this is another failed "what about"ism effort to try to excuse the President's irresponsible actions by falsely attributing them to someone else.
    1 point
  24. It was sarcasm. My point was, should we also blame Todaro for any Chloroquine deaths that occurred as a result of his tweet? No, obviously not.
    1 point
  25. This is all about him and his businesses.
    1 point
  26. Dude he's the fucking POTUS. What arent you grasping. He had a cult like following who will listen to him at all costs. He's the leader of the biggest economy and most powerful military in the world. He should be cautious, articulate, and rational when he speaks about mattersile this. Making shit up and spouting off nonsense is dangerous for the people, period. He has misled and lied about drugs, tests, a website and companies making masks because all he cares about is the market. I'm not sure how anyone can defend his work throughout this and how anyone can defend him citing "miracle drugs" that have not been tested and approved! He needs to be responsible, honest and composed. He gone.
    1 point
  27. He didn’t say to use it. He talked about the drug being in testing and being hopeful that something good will come out of it. Read my post again. Have you actually been watching/listening to his COVID-19 briefings? It sure doesn’t seem like it...
    1 point
  28. You can't actually be putting this guy on the same level of influence as the President. I mean Mitt Romney proposed giving everyone $1000, two days later the President picks it up, and ever since then the Cult of Trump thinks it is the President's idea and is passing around "not your President" memes about the check like Romney didn't give him the idea. The simple fact is there is a vulnerable part of the population who hangs on his every word.
    1 point
  29. The President should not say to use something until it has actually been tested and is a medically verified recommendation. He's the f***ing President.
    1 point
  30. Where is the anger for James Todaro? The blood from any deaths from misuse of Chloroquine before Trump mentioned it should be on his hands! Afterall, he mentioned it first. I heard Trump say he was hopeful about this drug but it was still in testing, to see whether or not it would be harmful when reacting with COVID-19. I watched the press conference and actually paid attention. Some people would rather blame the POTUS for the idiotic self-medicating actions made by a few people. I blame those people, not James Todaro or Trump.
    1 point
  31. You realize he's the President of the United States and the President endorsing a medication untested for a condition that is causing panic is going to cause people to take that drug immediately without regard for whether or not they need it or have other issues? Apparently not.
    1 point
  32. You guys realize that the drug was mentioned as a potential COVID-19 solution by people before Trump up to 10 days ago, right? https://www.wired.com/story/an-old-malaria-drug-may-fight-covid-19-and-silicon-valleys-into-it/
    1 point
  33. And people who need it for existing conditions, like Lupus, are having trouble getting it too. All because of the president's verbal diarrhea. I agree that people self-medicating with it is dumb on it's face. People do stupid things regardless of Trump. But he can't just go saying the incorrect stuff he does (saying how powerful it is and can be a treatment when that is not at all known yet) and not expect consequences.
    1 point
  34. Seems more like natural selection to me. Trump literally said in his press conference today that they are testing the drug to see if it is harmful in its interaction with COVID-19.
    1 point
  35. Wow, could you possibly slant this story more? Trump just said today that the drug is being tested and he is hopeful. Your article says the guy self-medicated with it. I don’t recall Trump telling people to take this drug on their own. Talk about “fake news”... ? Idiotic self-medicating without seeking medical advice is the reason these people are dying, not Trump.
    1 point
  36. Graham occasionally takes shots at Trump, but then as soon as it is time to do something that requires some real fortitude, he folds. He will never vote against him or take a real stance at a time that isn't just for show. It has been that way for years now. Trump humiliated him during the campaign, and occasionally he would hit back, but when it was time to do something about it he folded. This kind of stuff is all for show. Get back to me when Lindsey Graham gets permission from Trump to carry his own testicles again.
    1 point
  37. If we aren't ready to play baseball in a year, that means we have WAY bigger problems than baseball. Mankind is screwed if this lasts that long.
    1 point
  38. Pretty pleased with how JB has handled it as well. Well see where were at in a week or two though.
    1 point
  39. Same in Seattle. Strong leadership (warning without scaring) works, go figure.
    1 point
  40. Yes, no end in site for baseball this year. At this point I just hope they find a vaccine for this virus so we can have a full 2021 season.
    1 point
  41. Out of all of the major cities in the country to live in, right now Chicago seems to be the best because the governor shut it down very early in the process. He was proactive rather than reactive. As such, we're probably going to end up with fewer cases than other major cities.
    1 point
  42. TO ALL - As this is such a huge issue, we want to keep the subject open. However, let's do what we can to avoid the partisan politics. We closed the Filibuster forum for a reason. And we will delete posts as needed in here. I realize it's impossible to discuss this without at least some reference to political leaders. Just keep it civil and try to avoid the taking sides. Thank you.
    1 point
  43. Well, we could do this with pretty much every president. Bay of Pigs. Cuban Missile Crisis. Or we could dredge up all the criticisms of the Ebola crisis from 2014. In the end, the people will judge in November.
    1 point
  44. https://news.yahoo.com/why-italy-coronavirus-death-toll-162100030.html Italy and Spain have struggled because they are more social and thought the herd immunity (see UK) would be effective alone, without extensive testing...until they realized their health care system would be overrun. Now they need to ask for US troops to enforce the quarantine.
    1 point
  45. But we hated her so much even if we die it was worth it. On a brighter note yoyo is playing PS 4 online with people if that is your thing. Peace.
    1 point
  46. RidinRosters, basically the official OSFM rosters just came out an hour ago. That's what you'll want to use before you start your franchise.
    1 point
  47. It feels weird to be at home on a computer. In fact I needed to dust one off and add a new HD (SSD are amazing). I'm back to working from home after about a decade of being in a classroom. It brings back great memories of the early days here and the dozen or so posters who would be active weekday days. I'm watching this unfold both as an old guy with health concerns and a lot of elderly relatives and as a teacher of high school seniors. The parallels I have to this mid year possible permanent separation from my students were the eighth grade migrant students I taught. This is about the time of year that they would, at best, say goodbye or, at worst, just drop off my roster. Sometimes they had little warning as their employers (yes at 14 or 15) would call and say we need your family. Sometimes their parents found a new orchard or farm to work for the season and they would be dealing with even more uncertainty. One thing was always the same. The feeling they were leaving too soon. We had unfinished business. I pray each day that our class of 2020 doesn't leave unfinished business. Prom dresses never worn. Mortar boards not flung in the air. State basketball championship tantalizingly close (we're in the Final 4 for Texas 6A). A chance in every activity to challenge ourselves against the rest of the state. I'm also reading notes from my students. They are the overworked employees at HEB and Walmart trying to keep shelves stocked and they are the service workers who lost their jobs. Plus they are typically the oldest still living at home. That makes them the babysitters, tutors, shoppers, and drivers while trying to hang onto that last bit of childhood -- being a high school student. Yesterday at 2:00 pm I posted a short survey in my online classroom and about a third of my students completed it within an hour. When people talk about how lazy this generation is, I want to scream. These students are ready for this. They have trained hours each day to be on line, to communicate, to learn. I hope I can keep up with them.
    1 point
  48. Trump just switches what he says every day, can't give too much on his words.
    1 point
  49. My god, the idea that the SPRING BREAK beachgoers were millenials is hilarious. Millenials are 40 fv#%ing years old now!
    1 point
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