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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2020 in all areas

  1. We will open the beaches by Easter
    4 points
  2. Its nice to be optimistic. But when the person is attacking people who are giving legitimate medical information, Im not going to give them a pass about "hope."
    4 points
  3. It amazes me how many people fall for a meme. Do the basic math on the death rates here and then get back to me. Nevermind, as I want to make sure it gets done, so I will do it for you. The meme listed about 60 million cases of H1N1 and the deaths you mentioned. The death rate is 0.0002. Covid so far is running at 634 deaths in just under 50,000 cases, for a death rate in the US of 0.012 or about 63 times higher of a death rate. It is also still expanding at an exponential rate, so let's not pretend that "~500 deaths" is the end of it. Put another way, H1N1 put up 12.500 deaths in 60 million cases in the US. World wide we are at 18274 deaths in almost 410,000 cases. So 50% more deaths in one half of one percent of number of cases. It really isn't that complex.
    3 points
  4. Yes I think that’s possible. It’s definitely possible to some extent, due to 99.89% completely unaffected against a super infectious virus that spreads as easily as the flu. Or they totally locked it down like badasses. My main point is I think there are interesting data points now that open up many possible questions. And to not ask the obvious questions disqualifies somebody from having informed opinions. There are so many important things we should be discussing on here instead of partisan politics and some idiot drinking chemicals. Why not ask the questions? What does a 99.89% uninfected rate in Italy and a 99.9999999989% uninfected rate in China tell us? That they simply clamped it down? “Virus STOP!” Bullshit my ass man, bullshit my ass.
    3 points
  5. Our people want to return to work. They will practice Social Distancing and all else, and Seniors will be watched over protectively & lovingly. We can do two things together. THE CURE CANNOT BE WORSE (by far) THAN THE PROBLEM! Congress MUST ACT NOW. We will come back strong! Just amazing incompetence and denial about the severity of this thing. I'm not a financial doomsday kind of guy, but if he reopens the economy and tells everyone to go back to work and many states/governors listen and businesses follow lead (hopefully they won't), you are looking at a depression level economic downturn worse than we've seen in my lifetime. Reopening wouldn't save the economy, it would destroy it.
    3 points
  6. Did I miss where President Trump said aquarium cleaner had been used for a long time and was SAFE to consume?
    3 points
  7. Did I miss where President Trump said Drano had been used for a long time and was SAFE to consume?
    3 points
  8. Thank you Cauly for that and for your unique perspective from your location, especially at this time. Before I say what I want to say , I also want to respect everyone here regardless of their political views. So, you can agree with conservative issues and support Trump because he promotes most of them, including; lifting environmental regulations, more tax breaks favoring corporations and the wealthy , trickle down economics, get Roe v Wade overturned, build a tall border fence, no food stamps, welfare, Obamacare, student loan forgiveness, Social Security ,Medicare, or other "socialist" FDR/ Berinie / "Democrat"programs. However, it is another thing when a President repeatedly lies to the American people, does not appear to be morally, physically , or psychologically fit for his Office or when he places personal/financial interests including his desire to remain in power over the interests of the country. It is the latter that now concerns me the most. Seeing Bill Barr standing next to Trump instead of Fauci and hearing Trump and his henchmen like Kudlow espouse a survival of the fittest strategy gives me pause, especially as an older fellow that needs to stick around a few more years to support my family and see the White Sox win another Pennant or World Series.
    3 points
  9. You can't actually be putting this guy on the same level of influence as the President. I mean Mitt Romney proposed giving everyone $1000, two days later the President picks it up, and ever since then the Cult of Trump thinks it is the President's idea and is passing around "not your President" memes about the check like Romney didn't give him the idea. The simple fact is there is a vulnerable part of the population who hangs on his every word.
    3 points
  10. In addition to the unreported cases that probably exist in large numbers, I wonder about deaths too. Things like homicide rates are pretty reliable because it is really hard to hide one. But this thing could be killing people, especially in less advanced countries and even rural parts of the US, and people are or were just assuming it was something mundane or a pre-existing condition. Especially since it hits people already immuno-compromised the hardest.
    2 points
  11. Woah woah woah, enough of your math and science. What does your hunch say about it? We are at 15 cases well be at 0 in a few days, so dont do anything proactive, its going to magically disappear.
    2 points
  12. 62 million. Like shutting down all of California or Italy for eleven full weeks. And there’s still a growing concern with roughly one million migrant workers finally leaving the province (they were trapped and now in massive debt after going so long without income, and no bailout checks ) and eventually city for their factory/manufacturing jobs in other areas of the country. One local case in Hubei and only “imported” cases across the country....nobody believes it. There were supposedly ten new Covid cases at Xiehe Hospital today, not very far from where I live.
    2 points
  13. OK. I should have been more specific. Did I miss where President Trump said sodium hydroxide had been used for a long time and was SAFE to consume. That would be more accurate to what he did.
    2 points
  14. This is the most amazing thing about the Presidency of all. For a TRUE Christian, the bible is littered with verses which talk about how you can recognize a Christian for their actions. W ith this President, besides his flop from paying for abortions to being against them, what exactly does he do that is reflected in the bible? Is it his kindness to others? Is it his generosity? I don't get this at all. If anything he is the epitome of a "false profit".
    2 points
  15. This is exactly the point. He is a nobody, with a small fraction of the following that the President has. It is a non sequitor to distract from the irresponsible actions of the President.
    2 points
  16. I’m not going to go there but I didn’t think he was attacking the dr. I’ve seen trump attack..he does it all the time. This was tame relative to his usual ways. I hate to even say this because I am not a trump apologist. I Didn’t vote for him and I can’t stand him.
    2 points
  17. They really are gearing up for the "hundreds of thousands of dead Americans to save the economy*" plan *Six or seven figure deaths with a completely overwhelmed medical system coupled with enormous widespread medical debt will not actually save the economy
    2 points
  18. Would they have even thought of ingesting it but for Trump comments? He shouldn't have said anything, hes not qualified. Argue whatever you want.
    2 points
  19. Don't try to support anything that has to do with Trump around here, not going to go well even if most rational people agree.
    2 points
  20. Dude he's the fucking POTUS. What arent you grasping. He had a cult like following who will listen to him at all costs. He's the leader of the biggest economy and most powerful military in the world. He should be cautious, articulate, and rational when he speaks about mattersile this. Making shit up and spouting off nonsense is dangerous for the people, period. He has misled and lied about drugs, tests, a website and companies making masks because all he cares about is the market. I'm not sure how anyone can defend his work throughout this and how anyone can defend him citing "miracle drugs" that have not been tested and approved! He needs to be responsible, honest and composed. He gone.
    2 points
  21. The President should not say to use something until it has actually been tested and is a medically verified recommendation. He's the f***ing President.
    2 points
  22. You realize he's the President of the United States and the President endorsing a medication untested for a condition that is causing panic is going to cause people to take that drug immediately without regard for whether or not they need it or have other issues? Apparently not.
    2 points
  23. So.. where is Dr Fauci? Normally I wouldn't make a thing of him being or not being at a given daily confab, except this comes the day after he made public statements about Trump's incorrect statements. Not sure I believe that is a coincidence.
    2 points
  24. WE CAN DO THIS PEOPLE. WE WILL SURVIVE IT AND WE WILL GET THROUGH IT AND WE WILL THRIVE WHEN WE GET PAST THIS. In the meantime, we need to make sacrifices to get through this faster than not. Every one of us can control and do that.
    2 points
  25. Yeah I'm leaning left but I have nothing against sane, moderate conservatives plus there are crazy leftists too. Definitely pretty crazy atmosphere in us politics right now.
    1 point
  26. A friend of mine from high school posted this video and commented at least it's Cubbie blue. I responded that Cubbie blue usually isn't good for preventing choking.
    1 point
  27. It is inevitable that the US is hit harder than any other country at this point.
    1 point
  28. I am very confident it is there, but wouldn't pretend to know the extent. No idea how much. I don't think it is intentional, I think it's just passing things over and assuming it is something else. I would guess this is especially happening in countries with less advanced medical systems, and where the virus (and the news about it) haven't yet taken a deep hold. But also, part of the problem with diagnosing any illness is that so many of them have overlapping symptoms, and multiple can be present at one time. If a 75-year-old patient with mild emphazema dies of respiratory complications, they might not even test for COVID after the fact.
    1 point
  29. I promise you this is a thing right now. We see it in all tragedies.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. We Orangeshirts will march the experts to the guillotine!! Unless Cuomo is another lying pol this sh*t is gonna get some kinda real. I am in dire need of a Kayleigh McEnany update right now.
    1 point
  32. The day I defended my thesis, I sat down for 20 minutes, then went to the clinic for H1N1 shot day to celebrate.
    1 point
  33. I had swine flu. I would do just about anything to not have it again. And by every account this sucks way worse.
    1 point
  34. While I am destroying myths, can we also quit pretending that no one freaked out about H1N1? Maybe because no one remembers the technical name, but "Swine Flu" was a 24/7 news cycle thing for quite a while. There were plenty of people who freaked out about. Maybe you are too young to remember it, but this was declared a pandemic, and it did get people worried. Let me take you back to 2009 https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2009/1024/america-in-the-midst-of-two-major-national-emergencies https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/examining-the-anatomy-of-a-pandemic-and-the-h1n1-scare https://www.livescience.com/41539-2009-swine-flu-death-toll-higher.html https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/strategy/swine-flu-scare-abates-lessons-future
    1 point
  35. lol damn it, when you are american it's your whole world baby.
    1 point
  36. Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore have shown fully that aggressive testing, tracing, and isolation can absolutely work against this. So if you can stop the first wave and you aren't filling mass graves, you institute that policy - any time anyone is sick, you test them, you test everyone around them, you test everyone who went to the same place as them, and anyone who comes back positive you do the exact same thing - isolate, then test, test, test. If and when you do start getting clusters, that way within a week or two you've identified them and you're at least limiting its ability to explode. South Korea seems to be the worst failure of this; they had a patient who was positive (patient 31) who was supposed to isolate but who instead went out shopping and to church, and literally thousands of cases trace back to that one person.
    1 point
  37. I think the plan is to get the appropriate amount of tests so that we can test everyone. Then we can work with 1) who is sick, 2) who has been sick and likely not able to get sick again and 3) who isnt sick and who we need to protect. If we had a taken this seriously to start, we could have done those 3 things and likely never had to do any of this. There is some old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Unfortunate lythe current administration doesnt like to follow that saying.
    1 point
  38. We can do this. A handful of weeks of shutdown, continue to manufacture resiratores, masks, tests, etc, to ensure mass testing in place and than we can at least be better prepared to manage through it with a plan for isolated shutdowns where appropriate until we get to a vaccine. Its manageable and not utterly disruptive.
    1 point
  39. This makes zero sense. We are going to ignore all science.
    1 point
  40. I have no idea what your point is. That it's not that bad right now and these lockdowns are unnecessary because the numbers are too low?
    1 point
  41. The push for normalcy is the most ghoulish thing I think I've ever seen. Like supervillain level bad.
    1 point
  42. I typically drink Drano to get that extra fresh breath and mouthfeel. I’ll have to look into the benefits of aquarium cleaner as well...
    1 point
  43. Just started my franchise. Had to create and add James Beard to the Sox org. And, per usual, I had to tweak a lot of the Sox player's atributes. It seems they are always so far off when it comes to speed and defense. I think Moncada had like a 64 speed or something.
    1 point
  44. Pretty slippery slope. Part of the job of the leader is to provide hope to people. I wasn't a big fan of what he said, but when I read some of the posts on here around what he said about the drug, well, it sounds a lot worse than what was actually said. I'm not the president's biggest fan (far from it), but I said long ago that people pointed so many fingers his way, that at some point, it forced the other side to just dig in and no listen to anything. Boy who cried wolf mentality and it was bad. Reality is we are all dealt this cards and the more we can come together as people and a community through this, the better. In fact, I've been shocked about how few people where I live have actually been talking politics at all through this (and while I live in CA, I still live in an area that is very mixed, with a slight lean towards red). CA's governor has largely stayed away from pointing fingers at others and just focused on doing what he thinks is in the best interest of California (its been refreshing). I'm sure I've missed somewhere that he's pointed the blame but I haven't seen it front and center on any local news program/article I've read.
    1 point
  45. Wow, could you possibly slant this story more? Trump just said today that the drug is being tested and he is hopeful. Your article says the guy self-medicated with it. I don’t recall Trump telling people to take this drug on their own. Talk about “fake news”... ? Idiotic self-medicating without seeking medical advice is the reason these people are dying, not Trump.
    1 point
  46. Hard pass on Thor. Paying the price to acquire him makes zero sense for the White Sox. Let the Twins trade Kirilloff + Graterol + for 2.33 years of a wildly overrated pitcher.
    1 point
  47. Not happening without one of Kopech/Cease/Robert/Madrigal. So I'd rather we not get him
    1 point
  48. Syndergaard talks would begin and end with Kopech
    1 point
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