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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Hmmmm I think the test for coronavirus is a bit different than the tests the nazis ran
    4 points
  2. The virus is merely a symptom of a system that has been breaking over time via gig work and everyone becoming a fake contractor. A symptom of a system with a horrible wealth gap between middle management and the top. A symptom of middle class stagnation over 3 decades. American taxpayers just spent another $6000 to get $1200 in return and a bunch of corporate bailouts. Corporations get propped up while people are shamed for not saving months of savings when they dont get paid enough.
    4 points
  3. This is one of the dumbest posts I've seen on the whole internet.
    3 points
  4. Today is going to be a tough one for many in the medical profession, especially NYC. But it’s okay to year for the alternate universe where opening day is today. And so...in that spirit... It probably would have rained out anyway, and so I will choose to be angry the Sox brought out the Chevy trucks and then canceled. Happy Nopening Day! I’ll crack a beer open at game time and cheers the soxtalk brethren.
    2 points
  5. Apropos of nothing, a 101 year old in Italy recovered from corona, after having survived the Spanish flu as an infant. Tough old bastard.
    2 points
  6. Well, if we played all playoff games in Arizona....Adam Engel has a chance to be the World Series MVP ?
    2 points
  7. The LameStream Media is the dominant force in trying to get me to keep our Country closed as long as possible in the hope that it will be detrimental to my election success. The real people want to get back to work ASAP. We will be stronger than ever before! Let's consider the biggest problem here. Forget about the media assaults on a daily basis, sometimes at individual reporters. It's the idea of ONLY "real people" wanting to go back to work...and get everyone sick there and even kill someone they know, I guess. So we are "pussies" or "wussies" if we stay at home and take care of our families? And yet, throughout the last 30 years of American history, we've had Clinton, GW Bush and now Trump who went out of their way to avoid military service...Trump, after having spent his teenage years at a military academy. I just feel sorry for EVERY REAL person who's on the front lines, doctors and nurses and psychologists all fighting to get the country through this crisis to the best of their ability. They are selfless real people who go into an endless shift and spend the rest of their time recuperating at home, some not even being able to sleep because they're concerned about giving their patients the corona virus (because they're reusing masks and gowns due to shortages, or haven't been tested yet.) Or simply the pressure of too many other doctors and nurses already being out (or dying, in many cases now in NYC), so they feel they have no choice but to keep reporting to work day after day until the peak has passed.
    2 points
  8. Last time this was said, in regards to you, it turned into a penis thread.
    2 points
  9. Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.
    2 points
  10. This is just the universe taking extreme measures to ensure Gio Gonzalez never plays a game for the White Sox
    2 points
  11. Just trying to drum up some conversation until baseball is back. Does anyone have any White Sox tattoos? I have two. A World Series one on my right bicep and an ‘83 logo on the side of my right calf. Anyone else?
    1 point
  12. The numbers will speak for themselves even before Easter that for the most part Trumps efforts to open back up will fall upon deaf ears, if he still is singing that tune. But again, for the most part. There will still be his loyal base that doesn't care about numbers. Ever. And will side with him no matter how many are dying.
    1 point
  13. Its funny, if we were talking about illegal immigrants getting stimulus money there would be massive outrage about money going out of the country. These are quite literally foreign companies operating in a matter to evade our laws and regulations, so where is the outrage?
    1 point
  14. Perhaps rescuing their business should have come with conditions regarding their future operations and treatment of labor, among other things. Or say "oh well, change your registration if you want the loans." This is unfortunate for a variety of reasons:
    1 point
  15. Too bad you aren't a long jumper, because this jump to conclusions would be a world record.
    1 point
  16. I really wish people would stop discussing the restriction timelines as if it was economy versus lives. That is a totally false choice. The economy is going to be in the crapper for at least weeks and likely months, no matter what. The questions really are A) how many lives do we want to lose and B) when the recovery can actually begin. Once you look at the true question that way, it becomes obvious we need to get serious about the lockdown right the hell now, as an entire nation. That not only will save lives, it will also mean we can get through this and move on faster.
    1 point
  17. What kind of an abomination of a post is this supposed to be?
    1 point
  18. Hickenlooper....so called unity ticket.
    1 point
  19. How about some 1986 Old Comiskey and prime Roger Clemens
    1 point
  20. I think China has this decently under control right now. There could absolutely be more bodies, but the hospital videos are hard to block. When you've got an overwhelmed hospital, people are coming and going, and there's no information control on that. There is no guarantee they could not lose control again, but the strategy is out there. Lock down, beat it into submission, then "test test test test test". Test the underpriviledged. Test the people you don't like. Test everyone they come into contact with. All free from the government. You're hungover? Here's an aspirin and a COVID-19 test, don't ask why just take it. It can work.
    1 point
  21. I should be at least 6 beers deep by now. SMH
    1 point
  22. May be the best pitcher the White Sox have ever had.
    1 point
  23. I don't believe for a second China has beat this or has it under control. There are probably thousands or tens of thousands of bodies buried somewhere. The country that lied about this to start is now telling us the truth on their numbers? No chance.
    1 point
  24. I am not saying that is my proposal but to ignore the fact that the discussions I outlay aren't taking place and being looked at by the advanced medical community would be absurd . Even you are posting articles indicating potential likelihood that this likely is a 2 year journey and very well might still get to the point where all of the above happens (but just in a different timing and sequence). Everything isn't as black and white as any of us would like. By the way. My personal view is we should have locked everything down 2 weeks ago and I personally have been doing exactly that. The problem is, the longer we play in between, I think we end up with the worse possible outcome. I think as a society we should just hit the pause button across the globe, with exception of truly essential processes, and knock the shit out of this entire bug. Than just aggressively test and manage but you can do it with precision (i.e,. if my neighborhood/city was impacted...we'd quickly be isolated for a bit until it was put out). And after this...lets all be a lot smarter cause for worse things than COVID could hit us and this just proves how not ready we are for a global pandemic. I also think there is a lot of data people likely need to better understand out of China, Italy, Spain, US etc. Right now inferences and educated hypothesis are being made. To assume otherwise is not realistic. And I don't believe a lot of reports on the counts (at all). The only report I believe is Deaths/Hospitalizations. Its the one data point you really can't fake. In fact, I would go as far as to say only good news could come up in terms of counts, because the only direction they could be off is if the historical bad flu that was being experienced this year across the globe (not necessarily in deaths, but in volumes) was being over-reported as the flu.
    1 point
  25. 1. It's not just the deaths of the elderly and the high risk population. There are plenty of "low-risk" people who die, so yes if you could somehow do what you're suggesting, you still kill hundreds of thousands this year rather than millions 2. It's not just the deaths. You are asking 10-20 million people or something like that to come down with very severe illnesses that hospitalize them for weeks, put them in medical care for weeks, kill extras because of the ventilators, there's not enough doctors trained in this country to do what you're proposing even if you could build enough hospitals quick enough. You can do that if the ill are in the tens of thousands, not tens of millions. This is why I mentioned the cancer patient. This is why I mentioned a person with a heart attack. How many heart attacks are there each year in this country? What does a heart attack victim do if the hospitals are full? They die. 3. There's no feasible way to do it, as if you let it burn through the 200 million "so-called healthy people" with a 0.2% chance of dying or whatever, then those people are going to go talk to their parents. They're going to buy food at the same grocery store as the others. They're going to the doctor. They're going to the pharmacy. You can't just say "Oh I'm sorry you can't go get your chemo drugs, you might die there's a virus" - the things that make them high risk will also kill them. 4. You seem to think that there's some strategy here that avoids a "great depression" but what you just proposed is a great depression. 10-20 million people out of work for weeks at a time while they're ill. Health care bills in the tens of thousands of dollars for each of them. Hundreds of thousands of supposedly healthy people dead. And 1/3 of the population somehow permanently quarantined for a year. This is another great depression. 5. Frankly, if you gave me the choice, I would live off my savings for a year and say *bleep* you to your plan even if I was 100% healthy. So even if another 25% of the population revolts against this plan, now you've got 1/2 of the population either sick or refusing to participate or under your mandatory quarantine. 6. Please note that the "extremely well respected" people you are referring to think that every version of what you're saying is horrifying and unworkable. There is 1 setup out there to avoid your feared depression that has been proposed. It is "shut everything down right now immediately". Beat the peak down, as we have seen at least 4 countries do including China. Then, extremely aggressive testing and tracing - as we should have been doing in February when the government was frittering. It can work, it can get some things back to semi-normal. That's the only thing people have come up with.
    1 point
  26. My point is, you are talking about hundreds of thousands of deaths because of this (or maybe more, I don't know), but 9M people globally die of starvation each year (not sure how true that stat is as I didn't do a deep dive...just a quick google popped that up). My fundamental point is, every single day the entire world is already making those types of choices (cruel or not...that is the reality) and there is a finite amount of resources in the world...the question is are we as efficient in how we leverage those resources to get the absolute best bang for our buck on social wellness, etc. I'm not arguing one for another, but lets not pretend that these conversations are as easy and cut and dry as everyone on a message board or various talking heads make them to be. What if we did end up in a great depression as a result of this. Would the impacts of poverty and long term depression counter the decisions made today. Those are all things that I'm thankful I don't have to decide upon, but lets be real, those making the decisions at the top need to consider each scenario and ultimately pick what they believe is right. And I won't lie, this is the exact situation (where a leader at the top has to make a difficult decision, one in which both answers aren't good...he's basically forced to pick the best of multiple bad situations) which drove me to completely abandon my party 3 years ago. By and large, I'm a believer that politicians don't do a damn thing and they are generally worthless and despicable (and that goes for both sides of the aisle) who are only out for themselves. There are exceptions to this, but in general, our country is going to be great because of the strength of our people and the free will society we live in. The exception to this rule to me is in situations of epic disaster and that is when leadership matters most and well, the scary part is, as far as I'm concerned, we have an individual who has absolutely no leadership and unifying capabilities at all and is too easily swayed by the latest talking pundit he sees on foxnews (who say what they do...not because they believe in it...but because those absurd things drive ratings). As trump moved crazier...so did many talking heads...and I guarantee the biggest reason they did was because it drove ratings and fattened their pockets. I also go back, I am fairly certain that not any of us have anywhere near all of the facts the people close to the vest are using to drive these decisions so we are all making to some extent wild ass guesses, but the alarming part is is, we have individuals (Fauci for example) who have worked in various regimes who are extremely well respected and who will focus purely on data (vs. party affiliation) who apparently seem to be pushed aside as of late.
    1 point
  27. I think we can handle it. This beats the living daylights out of any conversation I have found anywhere!
    1 point
  28. The rate of infection can be slowed but probably not stopped given that there are tens of thousands who have been diagnosed so far and the fact that CV-19 is highly contagious. This makes me think that the measures we put in place to flatten the curve may do that but may also lengthen the curve considerably. That could mean this shit will be with us for years not months, unless and until a vaccine is invented. That also does not bode well for baseball this year. I am laughing at all the people that whined about Bernie's socialist agenda but now want government to bail out their business or pay them unemployment. The rationale for helping a low income person who cannot make ends meet is not much different than the rationale for bailing out businesses when they need help.
    1 point
  29. Reacting to the changing work place is important. My school district announced they would be paying our substitutes while we were distance learning. That made me very happy.
    1 point
  30. The Weeknd's new album drops tonight. Hope it's better than his last.
    1 point
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