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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2020 in all areas

  1. If you are into that I would also recommend The Road to Jonestown, Heaven's Gate: America's UFO religion, Member of the Family, and Prophet's Prey.
    2 points
  2. For people that didn’t dig one thing in here was pritzker asked Abbott for home state preference which they said they’d oblige.
    2 points
  3. Buehrle was so good at the small stuff. His career k-bb% was just 8% and his FIP 4.1 but he gained 0.3 era points by being good at all of the small stuff (running game, pitcher defense, avoiding wild pitches). Each of those things is not very important but if you are great at all of them it adds up. Basically he was the anti Nolan Ryan who was terrible at all of those small things and thus underperformed his FIP. Still run of course was a better pitcher because he was better at the "core business" of a pitcher but still interesting to compare those extremes. buehrle isn't quite a hall of famer but 52 fWAR and 60 fWAR (which is probably more accurate since his FIP suppressing skill seems pretty real) is pretty impressive given his modest stuff. If one of the young sox pitchers can have a career like him that would be great.
    2 points
  4. THE LAST DANCE IS MOVING UP TO APRIL 19! https://nypost.com/2020/03/30/espn-moving-up-michael-jordan-documentary-release-date-with-sports-fans-desperate/
    1 point
  5. Local food pantry is going to get a few hundred at least.
    1 point
  6. It's going right to rent. But I have been trying to send money that I would have spent at bars and on ubers and the like to businesses that have had to close their doors and employee relief funds where I can.
    1 point
  7. We actually did it about two years ago as a way of not having to worry about the crazy amount of snow days we get. Our demographics mean they have similar problems with internet access for a fair amount of kids. They started giving kids chromebooks a couple of years ago for this eventuality. They have even put school buses with WIFI into neighborhoods to try to create hotspots for some of the kids who need them.
    1 point
  8. Just be careful it's not the onset of depression or generalized anxiety disorders. That stuff can snowball fast but medication can take a bit to kick in. edit: I don't mean to be armchair physician, but I have one myself so just try to help others if that's what it is. Good luck.
    1 point
  9. It's getting increasingly difficult to get out of bed. I had spent the last few months getting myself in pretty good shape and training to run a marathon and now it's just....nothing. Bright side, good a year as any to have a shitty spring.
    1 point
  10. I'm starting to lose my mind. Physical health is out the window. I've pretty much quit drinking but I've picked up a horrible carb habit I'm eating a lot of pizza and haven't been able to workout like I want in weeks Just can't replicate the gym's equipment. Closed my business last week for the time being. Might have to use the money I had saved to pay taxes to pay rent in June or July if this shit lingers but whatever, worry about that when it and if it comes. Really hoping baseball can start in June. If not, man, it's going to just be a horribly slow and shitty summer. edit: and to add, the weather here has been absolute trash. 40s and rain. Seattle "springs" are usually hit or miss. Looks like this year will be another miss. Haven't really had a nice one since 2018. Last year and this year very poor although this year can still turn around.
    1 point
  11. I think Trump should just shut up for a while.
    1 point
  12. I don’t doubt Biden has a 3-5 point lead, nationally. But it still comes down to those same 8-10 battleground states. GOP, at least for now...has a significant enthusiasm advantage on their side. Dems have demographics. I am not sure how many, though...are 100% confident he’s up to the job, or not more concerned about the VP choice. They believe or hope he will partially restore America’s position internationally, stabilize markets, not rock the boat and bring in experts to surround himself with. That said, with depressed turnout possible due to coronavirus concerns lingering, enthusiasm does matter. Don’t underestimate Trump in the debates, either. Biden stumbles when under heavy duress or ad libbing. When Trump does that, it’s refreshing candor and sticking it to the man or any party you project a particular grievance upon.
    1 point
  13. I swear this is the exact same type of argument people use to argue for walls around our country and many other things I abhor. You want to call everyone who has gone outside in the last 2 weeks a murderer thats your choice.
    1 point
  14. In a couple weeks as the bodies pile up and as jokes stop seeming funny, we are going to look back at everyone who broke the rules and remember it. Every American is going to lose someone. Maybe your family, maybe your coworker, maybe your neighbor. We will all know someone killed by our own carelessness. Picture someone who means everything to you. Picture them being the one you lose because someone couldn’t follow a rule. No. More. Excuses. This is life and death. Act like it.
    1 point
  15. Tomorrow is my 15 year anniversary on this site. I still check in pretty much every day. This site has been a blessing for an out of state Sox fan. Kudos to all who post and moderate. Hopefully, we have some baseball to talk about soon. This season is the most excited I’ve been about a team in several years.
    1 point
  16. He'll probably be ready for opening day
    1 point
  17. The lesson from places like Japan and Singapore is the opposite - that it is possible to at least slow it down, if not stop it, through aggressive tracking and appropriate quarantine. What's really going to matter from that is that the US doesn't maintain excess capacity in its health care system. So, if it travels rapidly through the US, the US doesn't have the resources to handle that response other than sending people home. And the failures at the CDC combined with the US health care system being so poorly designed for this, it's going to kill people. Finally, just remember when you tell people "it's not going to be bad", those of us who have compromised immune systems also hear "if you die it's fine because I won't".
    1 point
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