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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Who you voted for shouldn't determine if you live or die. The Electoral College shouldn't determine who gets all the supplies they need, who gets more than they ask for, and who gets nowhere near what they need. They are putting health care workers jobs on the line by playing politics and kissing someone's ass. This isn' a reality show competition, it's acually real.
    5 points
  2. Things that don't spread the virus: CNN Things that do: Trump's ineptitude.
    4 points
  3. I'm glad we've found the real problem we need to overcome: governors not being nice enough to Trump.
    4 points
  4. I do not think it's actually a good thing that governors need to placate the toddler in charge with kind words or risk him deliberately depriving their state's residents of crucial aid during a pandemic. In fact, I think that is an extremely terrible thing and a core part of why the federal government continues to mismanage this thing so horribly. Let me be blunt: Trump's mishandling is going to cause thousands of unnecessary American deaths. His fragile ego is causing suffering in multiple states across the nation. He and his failed administration deserves every bit of criticism they've gotten for this and more. That some governors correctly recognize that the person at the top of the federal government is so unfit to lead that they need to shower him with praise or risk his wrath is a damning indictment. I understand the tough position that Trump's malfeasance puts people like Newsome in, so I get why they are choosing the placate the toddler so he doesn't block medical supplies. But the problem is still inherently political and it still points to damning failures in one particular direction. This isn't the "golden rule" at play here. It's the head of the federal government very clearly putting American lives at risk if he doesn't get the flattery he wants. Failures in leadership and management, especially those with such dire consequences, should never be immune from criticism.
    4 points
  5. I’m actually shocked that Bruce Levine still has a job. He’s horrible. I don’t mind him being featured on the Score but I wish that Spiegel would replace him as the full time baseball guy.
    3 points
  6. After Pearl Harbor FDR made it clear that the states would have to handle their own responses. Now people are trying to change that just to get back at Trump.
    3 points
  7. And like I said...someone needs to break the vicious cycle and stop PRETENDING that this is a one sided conversation. Both sides continue to do this...PERIOD. So thank god someone was finally a grownup and acted kindly and wow, the president acted kindly in response. Could we actually try to do this more? God that would be a fucking great outcome of this entire mess. None of us would allow our children to do what either side of the aisle does in this day and age. None of us. Politicians need a reminder of the golden rules and we need to start voting more that way (vs. focusing on absolutisms).
    3 points
  8. Even still, it is a massive, massive problem that anyone needs to have been kissing the president's ass to get help during a global crisis.
    3 points
  9. If a law is not just the people who break it should not be punished. Immigration laws are unjust, they are no different than slavery, laws against interracial marriage, segregation and apartheid. They are born from the same beliefs. The future will judge those who made them and supported them with the same disdain. We do not have a monopoly on freedom or opportunity. This country is everyones, and the quicker we kill your ideas the faster we will recover. This whole us and them bullshit got us into this mess.
    2 points
  10. "I blame the corrupt business owners that are employing these ILLEGAL immigrants, not the U.S. government." 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will be a very lonely place if you do that. But just ignoring or wishing these people away in the face of the biggest healh care crisis in a century isn't going to solve the problem, because it's about science and flattening the curve, not politics. We are only as strong as the weakest and most vulnerable among us.
    2 points
  11. @bmags finally found it again
    2 points
  12. By definition, anyone not agreeing with Trump and/or kissing his ass, is acting shitting according to him. So holding him accountable, is acting shitty. Asking for more supplies and not being thankful Trump had someone send you way less than you need is shitty. Trump says its a war, he's a wartime President. Than act like it. If a foreign country attacked NY, would Trumps say Coumo needs to deal with it, he's the back up? It's absurd. States bidding against states for equipment? This isn't an Aprrentice competition. This is just insane.
    2 points
  13. Criticizing ongoing failures isn't "being shitty." It isn't being a baby to ask the federal government to actually do its job and use the vast resources at its disposal (Trump still hasn't used the DPA to request GE to build ventilators, despite claiming he has). Just stop with this "both sides" nonsense. Democratic governors aren't withholding aide from Republican counties whose leaders don't praise them. They aren't pretending over and over that it's all a hoax. They aren't continually and substantially failing to recognize and address the magnitude of this situation. One party controls the current administration, and they are the ones that continue to fail and continue to doom Americans to needless death and suffering. You know what should really get governors to stop? If the Trump administration actually stepped up and took responsibility, recognized any of their failures in any way instead of insisting that they've been perfect, and actually started marshaling the resources to help states rather than claiming that New York is lying about needing ventilators. Get someone who is actually competent and capable of leading this in charge instead of the failson-in-law Kushner. Don't go out there and lie every single day in press briefings about what's going on and what you've done and will be doing. Once again, Trump's ego is going to kill thousands of Americans. That's it. That's the shitty, baby behavior, not the people that dare to criticize his incompetence. edit: We can't fix the failures of the past if we cannot even recognize them as failures. We can't fix the ongoing failures if pointing them out leads to your state being deprived of resources. You're right, this SHOULDN'T be partisan. The man at the top ensures that it is. edit 2: I guess more fundamentally is that I'm not sure what the various governors pleading with the federal government to do its job are supposed to have done wrong here in the first place. To my knowledge, they are mainly out there asking for supplies and changes they need to be made, like using the DPA to get production ramped up quickly or having the federal government act as a single broker for supplies rather than 50 states + feds competing to buy the resources. If they point these things out, Trump's likely to slam them and kill their citizens through deprivation of aides and supplies.
    2 points
  14. "The Other Side" doesn't control the levels of federal response and funding. That is literally all that matters here.
    2 points
  15. Let me even step this up a notch. Historically, we welcomed in the southern states after fighting an actual war against Lincoln and the north. Literally the only standards for readmission were to follow the rules for how to treat former slaves as equals in most aspects. If they could treat the deep south as equals after fighting an actual war against them, this President can suck it up and take some political slaps from the other party, especially since we know he is at the front of the line to dish them out.
    2 points
  16. Mark this moment for posterity's sake, but I agree with Dick Allen.
    2 points
  17. Cuomo keeps stressing he wants to work with Trump in partnership, not politics. Then the Trump says he'd like to run against Cuomo because Fox brought it up - Cuomo shoots it down. Trump suggests hospital workers are stealing masks, New York doesn't need ventilators, won't open the Javitz Center to COVID-19 patients as initially requested. Trump is forcing states to bid against themselves - and the federal government - for supplies That's not Cuomo playing politics, that's Trump willing to let thousands die to avoid admitting he hasn't botched this and Cuomo trying to improve the situation.
    2 points
  18. Absolutely. CNN has become basically unreadable during this outbreak. Everything is non-stop finger pointing and government shaming. I’m appalled. Like don’t these people have kids?
    2 points
  19. I said it before and I hope this doesn't blow up in my face, but take notes at how Newsome (CA's governor) has stayed away from taking pot shots at the president and has instead focused on flat out working together with the federal government. Pissing contest be damn, none of it matters when discussing all of the lives at risk and through it, he has actually been relatively complimentary of the president (maybe because he's smart enough to recognize the fact that it is better to put differences aside and focus entirely on doing the best you can to tackle the situation at hand - period). Ignore the mudslinging (even if the pres wants to). Be the bigger and better person for the sake of your state and the country.
    2 points
  20. I don't know if it's the circumstances of the pandemic making me easier to please or if I misjudged your comedic traits in the past, but your humorous retorts have truly been a pleasure to read lately
    1 point
  21. Asylum-seekers aren't illegal and making something bold doesn't make it true
    1 point
  22. And Trump used the cover of the corona virus and fires the inspector general who passed on the whistleblower complaint on a Friday night.
    1 point
  23. Yes, they’re bringing massive amounts of Muslims here to Wuhan to bury them in mass graves but only after removing all the organs first...just like we don’t have any contingency plans to help any illegal immigrants who have been doing the work Americans refuse to do at below minimum wage. That’s the way things have been for at least forty years in this country...because the corporations and politicians benefit, as they work as nannies, or do most of the shitty work at casinos, hotels and golf courses. The politicians act like when these immigrants who often pay taxes at a higher rate than the 1% get sick, when the homeless get sick, when refugees at the border get sick, that it will all just miraculously go away. The irony here is that the Trump administration and China have pretty similar policies on Muslims and immigrants. That’s why there is almost no daylight between the two. When has he ever criticized Xi Jinping OR Vladimir Putin? I’ll hang up and listen to the answer. And if the United States doesn’t start acting like a world leader sometime soon, it will be a scary world we’re leaving for our children and grandchildren. A world where everyone is left on their own, a world without empathy/care or compassion...where what we’re essentially left with is simply survival of the fittest. Two months from now, we’ll look closer to a Purge movie than a shining city on a hill. We’ll look at the way we’ve been treating the least among us, and understand where it all went wrong. And the people who held their nose to vote because they thought it would benefit their stock portfolios will also have nobody to blame but themselves.
    1 point
  24. He suffered for a long time and fought hard. Thanks for the memories and Rest in Peace, Ed Farmer.
    1 point
  25. With the not insubstantial caveat of allowing elections to carry forward, Illinois and Chicago are doing about as well as you could ask for in our response.
    1 point
  26. CNN is fake news at this point. It's a shame what has become with them. Completely unwatchable.
    1 point
  27. You are acting like because a governor is criticizing a response they are also being vindictive in refusing to work with the admin. They are working with them every day and on conference calls every day with the cdc and others in the admin seeking clarity and making requests. They aren't refusing to work with trump, they ARE working with him. The question is whether they are allowed to point out deficiencies in the response, I guess?
    1 point
  28. In the spirit of "both sides have their share of incompetent idiots," here's NYC mayor: Ron Howard narrator voice: We had known for weeks and months
    1 point
  29. They sent us the wrong masks ffs
    1 point
  30. Bernstein is always a rough listen.
    1 point
  31. And right now...I don't care about the past. Let all of that get handled after this disaster is done. The only thing that matters right here and right now is working together to get us as a country and a world through this crisis faster and as best we can. Coulda woulda shoulda's don't matter right now. Action and teamwork and proactive drive to fix things is flat out what matters. Partisism right now completely hinders the near term best interest of this country (whether you are a president, senator, or governor). The more we focus on the here and the now and what we are going to do to solve our real needs, the better off the entire country and world are. PERIOD. History will play itself out for all the mistakes after the fact.
    1 point
  32. They can't put the failures of the federal government and its leadership behind them because the failures are widespread, ongoing, and causing death and suffering in their states right now. Today. I guess this needs to be said again: Trump withholding federal aid and resources from governors who don't praise him is itself a political act. He is trying to cover up his failures, and holding the states hostage to do so. Governors are going along with the game rather than having their citizens die. That's not Trump stepping up.
    1 point
  33. This is classic false equivalency. You can't wait around for Trump to act. He is petty and never does half the things he has claimed to have done. He is not a stable genius. He calls liar over many things he is on record as saying. This is a lose-lose. Now the religious are claiming Fauci is out to undermine Trump. This will not have a good ending.
    1 point
  34. The one about him actually missing the PK home run and improving the call after them came back from commercial was my favorite.
    1 point
  35. No - It is just people need to ignore the politics. Who the F cares who started what. When people are doing, get over it. Trump playing nicely with California actually shows he can do it too. The problem is too many are completely using this for their own political gain and it pisses him off (and I'm not justifying him in the equation...and he should cut through it all and if he did he'd probably be a shoe-in for re-election). But it is why I have so much issue with the current state of affairs, such a vast minority look through things with anything other than their specific color classes. Everyone needs to shut the fuck up about politics and focus entirely on the serious matters at hand. Period. This is coming from someone who can't stand either party most of the time at this point. But I do think the fact that the president can play nice with the most liberal state in the union is a positive (and i hope it continues). As I said earlier, I really admire the job Newsome has done thus far during the crisis.
    1 point
  36. My favorite Farmism. He will be missed.
    1 point
  37. I’m no John Keynes, but that seems bad imo
    1 point
  38. He's not wrong when he says we need to think about who will be a competent manager.
    1 point
  39. Nothing. Now have another sip of Kool aid.
    1 point
  40. If it's not on my magamouthbreathers.com page it is not legit.
    1 point
  41. Sad news. I probably liked him more than most - especially when he was paired with Rooney. Underrated announcer.
    1 point
  42. Thanks, Tex. I’m a little like Ron Kittle. I won Rookie of the Year, am easily recognized (same avatar for 15 years), and now I’m just part of the White Sox scenery.
    1 point
  43. Julie DiCaro canned at 670. Of course she plays the woman card immediately. No, Julie, you just suck and are a horrible champion for women. Good riddance.
    1 point
  44. There’s a great story Mitch Rosen told about him. He grew up without a lot but his Mom saved some money to take him and his brother to Yankee Stadium and his mom asked a security guard to let them in since they wanted to see Yankee Stadium and they were out of town. The security guard told them to get lost. He noticed the security guard was missing a thumb. He debuted at Yankee Stadium and was driven to the field by a security guard from the bullpen. He noticed the thumb was missing and turned to the guy saying, “You son of a b****, you're the guy that told my mom off so many years ago when we were at Yankee stadium! Now I'm pitching at Yankee Stadium. You can go fuck yourself!" RIP Ed Farmer. Swing and a long one to left! Go crazy!
    1 point
  45. I was at the store yesterday and walked past the craft beer section (ok, maybe deliberately) and saw Zombie Dust which I remembered had been mentioned on this thread. Never had it before but enjoyed a cold one last night. That is an excellent beer!! Thanks for the suggestion. Cheers and Safe Stay Everybody!!
    1 point
  46. Hang a star on that one. This one gonna go!!!! Sox Win Sox Win!! Theres a long one to right.....this one has a chance!!!
    1 point
  47. Wow. End of an era. RIP Farmio
    1 point
  48. My hearts broken, listened to him for most of my life
    1 point
  49. It infuriates me when owners leave their dogs off leashes. So many times I have to pick up Fisk on walks when I see a dog running near us, because I don't know what is going to happen. Condolences Josh.
    1 point
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