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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2020 in all areas

  1. I believe human beings have a right to healthcare.
    4 points
  2. This board has become unreadable. shame...
    4 points
  3. Doofus is giving update now. Can't complete a sentence without offroading into incoherence despite the fact he is reading.
    3 points
  4. Columbia researchers suggest the virus has been dormant in humans possibly for years. Viral shedding by asymptomatic humans is widespread. The White House press conferences are insane and should not be broadcast live. At least one religious leader is suggesting Fauci is trying to undermine Trump.
    3 points
  5. If a law is not just the people who break it should not be punished. Immigration laws are unjust, they are no different than slavery, laws against interracial marriage, segregation and apartheid. They are born from the same beliefs. The future will judge those who made them and supported them with the same disdain. We do not have a monopoly on freedom or opportunity. This country is everyones, and the quicker we kill your ideas the faster we will recover. This whole us and them bullshit got us into this mess.
    3 points
  6. That would be better than no baseball at all but it would suck to not be able to see this team play in-person.
    2 points
  7. Next time Trump brags about shutting down travel from China, which will be the next press conference since he never fails to mention it, just remember 45 countries shut it down before him including Italy, and at least 430,000 passengers arrived from China since the outbreak began including over 40:000 after he shut it down.
    2 points
  8. I mean the gates foundation has been an incredible asset for public health. It’s cool that they are doing this but this should be a us government function.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. And Trump used the cover of the corona virus and fires the inspector general who passed on the whistleblower complaint on a Friday night.
    2 points
  11. This reminds me of the press conference the other day. Classic bait and switch about drug interdiction and the border wall when the American people want facts and guidance about what to do. As long as the administration is successful at distracting attention away from the most important issues, refusing to take any responsibility and taking credit for a constantly moving goalpost (100-240,000 lives lost now considered a victory like no other in the history of pandemics), we’ll continue to get the government we deserve. If it takes blaming others for the situation in order to feel better about ourselves, well then there will always be people like that...just as there always have been. All I know from living through this firsthand is it takes a monumental amount of shared sacrifice and a common goal to defeat this virus, and the US isn’t there, not yet. Wuhan declared victory by clapping for medical workers, honking horns, sirens going off for 3 minutes at 10:00 a.m., but, even now, it doesn’t feel close to being over.
    2 points
  12. You will be greatly missed, Farmio.
    1 point
  13. Absolutely it should, but I lost hope for those morons regarding ANYTHING months and months ago. Jeff Bezos asking for public aid to pay his employees despite being worth TWELVE figures is laughable. He should've volunteered to be worth 11 figures and donated $12B to this. Asshole.
    1 point
  14. About time someone like Gates is giving *billions*. Meanwhile that asswipe who owns Facebook gave about .06% of his net worth to the cause as if I'm supposed to be impressed, just as the shithead Amazon CEO is asking for help to pay his employees despite being the world's richest man. We'd have a vaccine tomorrow if more people worth north of $30B gave *billions* but no, they're donating a million. Big deal
    1 point
  15. 60 doctors in Italy who claimed to have never gotten sick were tested for antibodies. 40 of them tested positive. That’s terrifying, but overall good news I’d say.
    1 point
  16. Myself and James welcome Matt Spiegel to the program to get his thoughts on the latest news related to the MLB draft. Spiegs also gives his opinion on Rob Manfred and didn’t hold back. We had fun recording this. I hope you enjoy.
    1 point
  17. And in John Calhoun's opinion slavery was good. One opinion will be right in the future, one will be wrong. Your comparison to China makes no sense, US was built on immigration and has had its greatest economic success during times when it experienced high immigration. Immigration is the US greatest strength and what has allowed our country to rapidly outpace since its inception. https://www.cato.org/research/immigration Cato which was founded by the Koch brothers even recognizes the error in immigration policy. /shrug Restricting immigration is a failed economic policy and that is why Adam Smith argued against the restriction on movement of labor.
    1 point
  18. The Bears press conference. Farmer’s death. The Bulls executive search. How sports seasons will look if things get going again. I can count on my hands how many times I have heard politics from 670 the Score the last few years, it isn’t often. DeCastro absolutely neutered that station and it is mostly sports talk. I would need to have specific examples to understand what you mean and not just general statements about how “liberal” the hosts are or examples from when Goff was on the air.
    1 point
  19. Game, set and match. When it comes down to it, this is what is at stake, not getting down on your knees and showing our leader that you love him to get resources. We also deserve more transparency from our government and not soundbites from his son in law that the leader gets upset about when reporters press him about. The standards of our presidency and decency have been lowered since 2016, why should anyone kiss his ring when those that try to hold him accountable get bullied?
    1 point
  20. Why? Because he handles idiots that call in well and completely picks apart their arguments? Bernstein is one of the only reasons I listen now since I actually feel smarter as a sports fan after hearing him talk, whereas the afternoon crew loses me when they talk about gambling.
    1 point
  21. So, the federal government is giving the PPE and ventilators to the private sector to resell to the states, who are fighting against each other for the supplies? Do I have that right?
    1 point
  22. I think that anyone who wants to become a citizen of the United States should be given the opportunity, just like my family was when they immigrated here. I think that anyone who immigrates here should have the same responsibilities, rights and benefits as any other American citizen. Nothing is free. I think that we need to ascertain the economic costs of paying for uninsured going to hospitals and receiving treatment versus the benefit of them having some sort of coverage. Im not sure I have an answer to it, but there is definitely a better system then the one that currently exists.
    1 point
  23. Not even Obama wanted that. He was a pragmatist, and realized there was a lot more sympathy for those kids under 18 brought up in the US, or at least raised with no language or culture than English/American. The DACA kids. How quickly it has been forgotten thst he sent back more immigrants by far, compared to Trump. Yet there’s roughly the same percentage of Americans in favor of protecting them (DACA) as there are women who think that abortion should always be legal, or that there should be limits on assault weapons. The Group of 8 was clearly working on a compromise, until it became politically untenable to be a Republican and look for a reasonable solution or you would get primaried by someone even more extreme, like a Sheriff Joe or Judge Roy Moore. Certainly the left has its extremists as well, but they’re not pushing for anything so extreme as open borders or fully amnesty except as an opening position. In fact, the GOP side has only gotten more entrenched, about E-Verify for example. You have to give something to get something. The difference is that there is not one iota of give on the other side. When Trump was willing to compromise, he quickly caved under pressure and reneged on his commitments. And there’s an issue of fairness when illegal immigrants have tax ID numbers and are paying a lot more in taxes than many Americans who are receiving checks from the government but slickly manage to avoid any tax liability through loopholes carved out for the rich. Any UI or UBI study will demonstrate that the working poor always plug that money right back into the economy.
    1 point
  24. I don't know if it's the circumstances of the pandemic making me easier to please or if I misjudged your comedic traits in the past, but your humorous retorts have truly been a pleasure to read lately
    1 point
  25. You just compared a government removing organs from innocent people who are hated due to their religion to not coming up with contingency plans for people who ILLEGALLY (yes, that means breaking the law) enter another country for work. Amazing comparison. ? And I will throw your absolutely ridiculous comparison out the window and still consider your overall statement -- why in the hell is any person who ILLEGALLY entered this country entitled to the government giving them something better (a.k.a. a free handout), as opposed to worrying about legitimate U.S. citizens? They are here ILLEGALLY which means they shouldn't even be here in the first place. I blame the corrupt business owners that are employing these ILLEGAL immigrants, not the U.S. government. But apparently, the U.S. government should give better jobs and free healthcare to people who shouldn't even be in this country in the first place? Makes a lot of sense...
    1 point
  26. Most likely, and knowing China, the pile of ashes also contains plenty of uninfected undesireables.
    1 point
  27. I’m actually shocked that Bruce Levine still has a job. He’s horrible. I don’t mind him being featured on the Score but I wish that Spiegel would replace him as the full time baseball guy.
    1 point
  28. We need to start adding Ron Howard voice overs to Trump pressers. For example: Reporter asks Trump about some he previously said. Trump denies he said it. Howard voice over: He said it.
    1 point
  29. It's Obama's fault we didn't have good testing for this virus that came into existence a few months ago. But don't you dare criticize the ongoing failures of this administration and their indifference to Americans dying
    1 point
  30. If we had a respirator for every female that Trump has referred to as "nasty" in the last 3+ years, there would be a net surplus of 30,000 now. At any rate, we can battle back and forth for the rest of the year about who was more unprepared... states vs. Federal government. We know what Harry S. Truman would say about that. But arguing we had the biggest economy in the history of the world and getting credit for having his signature on every check that goes out? They really should just have a camera and no press at these briefings. Just present information from non-politicians.
    1 point
  31. Probably too busy coming up with some more prescriptive abortion guidelines. I feel embarrassed to be an Iowan sometimes. Compared to Reynolds and Steve King, Terry Branstad is almost benign.
    1 point
  32. This is classic false equivalency. You can't wait around for Trump to act. He is petty and never does half the things he has claimed to have done. He is not a stable genius. He calls liar over many things he is on record as saying. This is a lose-lose. Now the religious are claiming Fauci is out to undermine Trump. This will not have a good ending.
    1 point
  33. Mark this moment for posterity's sake, but I agree with Dick Allen.
    1 point
  34. Cuomo keeps stressing he wants to work with Trump in partnership, not politics. Then the Trump says he'd like to run against Cuomo because Fox brought it up - Cuomo shoots it down. Trump suggests hospital workers are stealing masks, New York doesn't need ventilators, won't open the Javitz Center to COVID-19 patients as initially requested. Trump is forcing states to bid against themselves - and the federal government - for supplies That's not Cuomo playing politics, that's Trump willing to let thousands die to avoid admitting he hasn't botched this and Cuomo trying to improve the situation.
    1 point
  35. Things that don't spread the virus: CNN Things that do: Trump's ineptitude.
    1 point
  36. Why this isn't universally agreed upon is beyond me.
    1 point
  37. Who you voted for shouldn't determine if you live or die. The Electoral College shouldn't determine who gets all the supplies they need, who gets more than they ask for, and who gets nowhere near what they need. They are putting health care workers jobs on the line by playing politics and kissing someone's ass. This isn' a reality show competition, it's acually real.
    1 point
  38. If there was a bully on the playground who was taking everyone's lunch money if they didn't praise him as the greatest person ever and my kid finally had enough and popped him in the jaw? I'd be immensely proud. The irony is that Trump hurting anyone who isn't sufficiently praising him is itself a political move. If many governors are out there pointing out the substantial and ongoing federal failures, it damages him politically. If they're all out there praising what a good boy he is (like many of his administration members do in cabinet meetings and these daily briefings, including the medical experts), it makes him look like a strong, competent, capable leader. Let me just say that again, for clarity: President Trump is causing Americans to suffer and die by withholding much-needed aid during a pandemic if their states' governors are critical of him. That is monstrous. edit: caulfield, kids and multiple family members who are hospital nurses. I don't want them to be deprived of much-needed PPE because Pritzker dared to criticize the Trump administration's ongoing failures or their original failure to prepare for this in any way.
    1 point
  39. I'm glad we've found the real problem we need to overcome: governors not being nice enough to Trump.
    1 point
  40. Absolutely. CNN has become basically unreadable during this outbreak. Everything is non-stop finger pointing and government shaming. I’m appalled. Like don’t these people have kids?
    1 point
  41. I do not think it's actually a good thing that governors need to placate the toddler in charge with kind words or risk him deliberately depriving their state's residents of crucial aid during a pandemic. In fact, I think that is an extremely terrible thing and a core part of why the federal government continues to mismanage this thing so horribly. Let me be blunt: Trump's mishandling is going to cause thousands of unnecessary American deaths. His fragile ego is causing suffering in multiple states across the nation. He and his failed administration deserves every bit of criticism they've gotten for this and more. That some governors correctly recognize that the person at the top of the federal government is so unfit to lead that they need to shower him with praise or risk his wrath is a damning indictment. I understand the tough position that Trump's malfeasance puts people like Newsome in, so I get why they are choosing the placate the toddler so he doesn't block medical supplies. But the problem is still inherently political and it still points to damning failures in one particular direction. This isn't the "golden rule" at play here. It's the head of the federal government very clearly putting American lives at risk if he doesn't get the flattery he wants. Failures in leadership and management, especially those with such dire consequences, should never be immune from criticism.
    1 point
  42. Yeah, he's playing nice because he knows you've got appease the toddler's ego or he will make you and your state suffer fatal consequences. Edit: you can't really ignore politics here. It's an inherently political situation controlled largely by politicians. Politicians who have failed massively and continue to fail deserve criticism, not praise for a delicate ego. We need to care about "who started what" because these same people who are responsible for such an egregious early failure are still largely in charge and continue to make substantial failures. Pretending that doesn't matter won't fix things. Pretending that there isn't a deeply political core to the problem or that it can simply be ignored misses how this entire thing, from the lack of testing to taking the problem seriously to getting supplies to the Congressional response, is to miss most of the story.
    1 point
  43. Even still, it is a massive, massive problem that anyone needs to have been kissing the president's ass to get help during a global crisis.
    1 point
  44. Enjoying my 1st Sox Ale now while watching Rogue One...wish I was watching a live Sox game instead. They'll be backing eventually. In the meantime I'll just say a silent toast to Farmio and fondly remember "SOX WIN, SOX WIN!!"
    1 point
  45. Rest In Peace Farmio, I will always have a special place in my heart for Ed. I spent a lot of time delivering pizzas growing up in Tinley Park, listened to Sox games in the car as much as I could. My favorite Farmer call from that era was when Bob Howry beaned Torii Hunter, apparently Hunter was giving Howry the stare down, Farmer said something to the effect of "yeah, go on out there Torii, you'll have one less "I" in your name and in your head!" Right around that time I was able to meet Ed, a family friend happened to be a chef in the clubhouse restaurant, once a year he would get us a free skybox. The last year he worked there he took me down the hall and into to the broadcast booth to meet Ed during an inning, my 17 year old mind was blown. Ed popped up, shook my hand all while Rooney handled the game, asked me where I went to school, I told him Providence Catholic, his reply "ahhhh the Augustians!" At the time I didn't know he went to St Rita, so I was taken aback by his knowledge of Catholic orders. Longest fingers of any man I've shaken hands with, must have come in handy for wrapping up those curve balls! Ed wasn't everybody's cup of tea, but you can't deny the passion Ed had for White Sox Baseball and the love he brought to that park every day. I feel like there's not many of these guys left, every time we lose one it is a sad day. Thanks for the memories Ed, your passion for baseball rubbed off on this Sox fan and you got me through many a long shift!
    1 point
  46. Ed had been struggling with his health since the Texas series of last year. And for those asking about him and DJ, they were very good friends. I’m sure it’s a tough day for both families. Ed was a very generous man. He did a lot of small things for people. He once even offered my wife half his sandwich in the middle of the game.
    1 point
  47. Ed was better suited for analyst which worked fine with John Rooney.
    1 point
  48. There's no need to be a dick. Jesus christ man. Grow the fuck up.
    1 point
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