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  1. Greg, I dont want to pick on you. But once again, you're full of shit. First, I've worked with Alzheimers patients in a previous career. Biden does not have any of the behaviors of someone with Alzheimers. It is impossibly moronic on your part to associate Biden with Alzheimers. It is also incredibly insensitive to families that have an Alzheimers sufferer in their family. Second, Biden has been a gaffe machine. Partly because of his history with a stammer. We have had previous gaffe machines as president; Bush the younger comes immediately to mind. There is nothing about Bidens gaffes that are more alarming than others who have held this office. So, once again, I'm not picking on you greg. But, once again, you're completely talking out of your asshole, and you would be better to stfu on this.
    3 points
  2. Thanks Pete. My mom had Alz. My grandfather had Alz. And I have a friend whose mom had Alz and he is convinced Joe has early stage Alz. That's neither here nor there though. I'm not the only one to suggest this. You do act as if I was the first to bring this up about Joe. Joe Rogan podcast has had full episodes about Joe having Alz. Do a google on the issue and you'll find stories. It's not me bringing this up. I am heartened by what you wrote about Joe not having behaviors of anybody with Alz. I'll trust you on it and won't bring it up again unless there are developments in the media about this.
    2 points
  3. Hillary Clinton was a fine candidate if you bothered to look into anything at all about her, but no you couldn't be troubled to. When people like you asked what the worst was that could happen when you didn't vote for the professional woman, well here's your answer.
    2 points
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/25/us/coronavirus-trump-chloroquine-hydroxychloroquine.html Prescriptions surged by 46 times normal demand for hydroxychloroquine...for those who continue to believe the President’s words don’t have real-life consequences. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/millennials-are-new-lost-generation/609832/ What little data exist point to a financial tsunami for younger workers. In a new report, Data for Progress found that a staggering 52 percent of people under the age of 45 have lost a job, been put on leave, or had their hours reduced due to the pandemic, compared with 26 percent of people over the age of 45. Nearly half said that the cash payments the federal government is sending to lower- and middle-income individuals would cover just a week or two of expenses, compared with a third of older adults. This means skipped meals, scuppered start-ups, and lost homes. It means Great Depression–type precarity for prime-age workers in the richest country on earth. For Millennials out there, how do you think this current pandemic is going to change your outlook on life, having experienced this twice now in the last 12 years? Besides saving more, investing earlier, paying for everything in cash or at least not running balances on credit cards, rethinking the value of many four year degree programs or graduate school...staying closer to home, attending community college or state schools, more focus practical trades that will be in continuous demand and cant easily be replaced by AI/automation/algorithms...? Less travel/tourism? No longer buying or leasing expensive new/er cars? Eating at home more frequently...more cooking together, time spent with family? More reading and introspection?
    1 point
  5. At least the Nobel Prize for Economics boosting the sale of Lysol/Clorox... Creating this new “Memorial Day we will largely have this behind us” talking point is curious because 1) the amount of deaths will be significantly higher than 60,000, 2) Trump spent only 4.5 minutes the last week eulogizing the dead and 3) any holiday highlighting deaths and cemeteries, probably not the best idea. Before the states began reopening prematurely, I might have agreed with this vague, open-ended statement. But not so much now. Pretty scary that “we need a technology breakthrough in antigen testing” is Dr. Birx’s current strategy for feeling more confident that we can reopen the country. Maybe a nuclear confrontation with the new/future leader of North Korea will do the trick of distractIng everyone?
    1 point
  6. IMO Trump should get the Nobel Prize for Journalism for his idea of injecting Lysol after they take it back from the fake news!
    1 point
  7. The wildcards for Nov are how many Dems will die off from CV-19 and how many Repubs from Clorox Colon Cleanser.
    1 point
  8. If you expect instant answers, sure. These are things that take time. It takes testing and more testing, along with good information. This is still in its active phase, and still largely anecdotal at this point.
    1 point
  9. And Trumps says he has things under control when he doesn't. Or that he walks with a swagger while the rest of the world laughs at him. The con game goes on, and so many still buy into it.
    1 point
  10. Is it possible that he doesn’t serve a full term, sure. Bernie Sanders already had a heart attack, and Trump has himself been under extreme pressure this last month. If it looks like Trump is still a threat when it comes to decision-making time, there’s going to be more pressure on Michelle Obama to run as VP, especially if Mark Cuban throws his hat in the ring. The likelihood of either happening has to less than 10%, though. Of course, that kind of complacency is how we got here in the first place, the Clinton campaign’s arrogance in trying to expand the board instead of protecting WI, MI and PA in the first place. At this point, the only thing that really matters is which administration (or future one) was is more dangerous to the health and prosperity of the United States...to me, it’s not even a close call. The fact of the matter is that with Tillerson, Mattis, McMaster, Kelly, Cohn, etc., all gone...the guardrails are completely off and there is just nobody he will listen to other than Ivanka and Jared Kushner. Eventually, a foreign policy crisis will arise and there will be nobody there with any degree of governmental competence to provide a counterweight to the President’s worst, most aggrieved impulses.
    1 point
  11. We were lucky before. Trump tried to talk us into wars with Iran and North Korea, but they didn't happen. The economy was good when Trump took office and it got better. But now we really have a crisis, and we see how this president has performed. He really is in over his head, and the country is suffering for it. That's what we get for electing a celebrity who had no real concept how to govern and has shown no willingness to learn. He shouldn't be running for re-election. He has already shown he can't do the job.
    1 point
  12. Definitely not in Florida (Castro comments), North Carolina, Michigan and Pennsylvania (fracking). The only state where Sanders was outperforming Biden by about 1% in Wisconsin. Sanders failed to unite the party after Nevada, continuing a grievance campaign against the establishment. That 60 Minutes interview was awful. Instead of exploiting the opportunities to put Clinton (emails) or Biden away, he refrained and got bogged down in philosophical or semantics arguments. He struggled to control some of the worst social media impulses of followers (my way or the highway mentality.) While he did make inroads with Hispanics in the SW, he didn’t expand his coalition in any meaningful way over the four years he had the opportunity to improve his 2016 weaknesses. While my preference would have definitely been for Sanders, and my support for Biden is only slightly higher than HRC, he wasn’t the right person to lead our country together through the greatest collective crisis in a century...the only way something would get done legislatively was by controlling the House AND Senate in 2021-22, leading to Tea Party II and reversals of all those new policies in 2023/24. And the Senate was never going to break for Sanders in November unless the US completely imploded.
    1 point
  13. 2018 the dem moderate candidates did quite well. 2016 was a very odd election. Regardless. Bernie said he would bring out a massive youth vote. He didn’t. He lost his rural support to Biden. He didn’t take more of the Af American vote than last time. He didn’t win over more than half of Warren supporters. He got whooped without Anti-Clinton vote.
    1 point
  14. Another day of 15k+ tests which is awesome news. 2k positives. Seems we’ve officially gotten over testing hump. Two straight days of lowered positive %
    1 point
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