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I would call the barber and ask what cleaning and protection procedures they are going to follow.2 points
They're not overwhelmed because we're locked down and reducing retransmission rates2 points
Their base assumption that transmission and fatality rates are similar to the flu are demonstrably wrong, and by a lot. That has nothing to do with being a doctor in any case, and simply means looking at numbers. If this WAS like a flu season, then they might be right, though even then you'd be essentially having a DOUBLE flu season so it would still be very bad.2 points
No I actually saw that earlier and knew exactly what it was and knew exactly what they said already and that it was completely inconsistent with global data that I've been paying attention to. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who is dumb enough to say "this is a bad flu season", when we have a Vietnam war of deaths in a month and half, needs to be shot down and scoffed at because they are putting people's lives at risk.2 points
The viewership of the NFL draft over the weekend should be a good indicator of how many people would watch baseball if it returns. People are starved for sports on TV right now, and baseball has an opportunity to sell the sport to the country and even pick up more fans. I miss watching MLB network and.or ESPN on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I found myself watching a fishing show on Saturday, and after I dried my tears and slapped myself, I asked what the hell I was doing.2 points
I kind of like the World Cup style expanded playoff scenario Passan described. Obviously wouldn't be baseball as we know it, but at this point - I'd be all for it. Just give me some Sox baseball to watch!2 points
Listen I don't disagree with you that money will be a big issue due to the variations of revenue. But I also think this is just going to be one of those things where it's going to seem like a big roadblock along the way but is almost certainly going to work out. For now, no side is going to volunteer to get screwed, so owners will announce how comfortable they are canceling the season, and big markets will say they won't share revenue, and players will say they won't cut salaries, but in the end none are going to really stand in the way of the season resuming once a plan that works logistically is in place.2 points
2 points
Thanks for compiling but doesn’t this just make you wonder how many COVID cases there are? You cite an estimated 45 million flu cases but then cite only the tested cases of COVID. 2 completely different statistics designed to look the same. How many COVID cases do you estimate? Isn’t the correct answer “nobody has any clue”?2 points
Which again SHOULD go to prove how important isolation is, and how dumb it is to open up too soon.2 points
The hospital in Austin off 290 just opened up a drive thru testing facility and stressed that you don’t need symptoms to make an apt. Feels like we are finally closer to where we need to be.2 points
Dude, these people are idiots. If people want to leave their house for "mental health reasons", they can go for a walk, ride a bike, go for a jog. We're all in the same situation, and the majority of folks are making the right decisions and staying home. If they're going to the store, they're taking precautions. They're not going to a fucking house party with a hundred other people.2 points
Not idiots. How come mental health just two months ago was a huge deal, something we cared about 24/7. Making sure no students were triggered ever; making sure all groups of people like transgenders were taken care of mentally considering the large amounts of suicides. Making sure kids were not bullied. Making sure people were protected at political rallies. Now that we have corona ... it's no concern about mental health. There's the order: STAY INSIDE!!! WEAR MASKS (even though none are available in Kansas). Guess what? Some people need to leave their homes for mental health reasons. And some have to work where there are people LEST THEIR KIDS STARVE. So don't group all people as idiots. I have to get out of my house or I will have mental health problems! But that suddenly doesn't matter? Suck it up they say. You can't go from one stance to another so drastically in 2 months. Mental health matters and economic health matters and some peeps have to leave their homes occasionally. They are not all idiots.2 points
I doubt it. There were about 60 million fans in the MLB last year. Even if you are really generous and say each fan averages 50.00, that's about 3 billion. Which is less than third of the revenue generated. The owners may claim that for negotiations but I doubt it would be more than just a few teams, if any.1 point
I’m not looking to pick on you Joe, but that Moncada post was certainly not a joke.1 point
Now do they keep everything locked down forever? Do you ban thousands of international travelers every day if it reopens? Do you make them do 14-day quarantines? I mean, cuz you want to trace and contain every possible case since 99.9999999% of the population is still completely vulnerable. I see this going well, sitting around waiting for a vaccine, closing down borders completely and forbidding all international in-and-out. Since obviously that’s the only way to contain something this ridiculously infectious. I’m not sure this is something to be proud of, closing life indefinitely & banking everything on the hopeful development of a perfect vaccine.1 point
1 point
I hear greg has a head of hair that rivals Brad Pitt's. You can't put a price on keeping that head of hair properly maintained. It's worth the risk.1 point
And spending $2.4 trillion to combat issues. This is what gridlock gets you, mediocre legislation without much oversight. Go outside for walks and do what you need to do, Starbucks might not be open though. Make your own coffee for a change?1 point
I do not believe the Russia and China totals at all. Also it started in China yet they have the lowest death rate.1 point
I buzzed my head. You’d have your barber one foot away from your face breathing at you, and they’d have had multiple people breathing at them. That’s pretty risky.1 point
I'm not going to lie, I never watch the NFL draft, except for bits and pieces around when the Bears early picks are. I watched a ton just to have something different to watch.1 point
Yes. Basically they either did sloppy work and sloppy analysis and are spreading dangerous misinformation based on ignorance, or they're cynical enough that they want to reopen their urgent care business and are knowingly pushing for policies that will get many more people killed.1 point
If that were true, the % of tests that are positive should be dropping, but they aren't. We also lag a good chunk of first world countries in terms of testing saturation. There was also the WaPo article today that seems to clearly show that deaths from covid are also much higher than what is being reported.1 point
Check Iowa's per capita curve versus MInnesota, their next door neighbor in a similar climate. Now look starting a few days after MN put in place their sheltering orders while Iowa did not. It's quite clear. Iowa is still accelerating at a high pace, MN has leveled.1 point
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1 point
There is nothing surprising about money being the issue. It's a business to make money. However, this is also the reason that there will be baseball. No one makes money if they don't play.1 point
Greg - go outside for walks. Get sunshine. Go to starbucks drive thru. Wear a mask, bring hand sanitizer. Keep your distance. Wash your mask, wipe down your door handles, wash your hands. You'll be fine.1 point
www.cnn.com Hey, go back two months. We as a society were NEVER allowed to question others' mental health just to make sure it was GOOD. Never forget how easily we human can be triggered; don't forget all the mental health drugs we are on. I need to get out to go to the park and get drive through coffee or I'd go insane. You can't think about others' mental health year after year after year and stop just cause there is a virus. Everybody's feelings must be considered.1 point
1 point
There's no way these businesses can survive on 50% capacity anyway, but now they'll be back to having full or nearly full overhead costs. All of a sudden, if they're remaining closed, well, that was their individual choice! Don't come asking for help, you could open if you want to. Same for employees. Tennessee on a similar path1 point
Iowa is back open for business, b****es. Well, 77% of it. I assume there's no travel between counties in the state. I don't think Reynolds leadership has been well received at this time. I think there's people that want to reopen, but have no clue what in the world she is trying to do. The state's response to everything has been all over the place.1 point
Worth considering that excess deaths due to people taking anti-malaria drugs and triggering heart conditions would be counted here but maybe not recognized in any other way.1 point
I am as cautious as the next guy, especially when it comes to this current pandemic, but I would like to make the argument that we have way more testing now than we did back on March 26th. That gap you suggested, 900,000 more people having it now than they did a month ago...well our testing has ramped up since then. Could it be that a similar amount of people had it, but there just wasn't enough testing to find out?1 point
You are right in that beating the incumbent is hard. However, it must be remembered that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by almost three million and barely carried the electoral college. He still has an uphill battle. You are also right about how the economy affects presidential elections. But this is not a normal year, and, day by day, he is losing more control over the crisis. Saying he has a swagger won't help. The Republicans have a right to be nervous. Things can still change a great deal in six months. But the GOP has its work cut out for it, and that includes McConnell.1 point
Those people are idiots but I think as a whole the country has done really well despite the challenges. The vast majority of new cases are coming not from people going outside, but the places where people are forced to still be near. Meat plants, retirement homes, health care workers, police and transit workers are getting pummeled by this.1 point
32 days. That is the difference between these two charts. On March 26th, the United States had 75,000 COVID cases and just over 1000 deaths from it. As of this morning, we have 900,000 MORE cases or just under a million cases nationwide. For the record, that works out to 1 in every 330-ish Americans having recorded a positive test. On the deaths side, we are looking at a 5000% increase in 32 days or just under 55,000 deaths. Deaths per million US citizens has gone from 2 to 166. Case saturation has gone from 227 cases per million to 2950, or about an increase of 1300%. Finally for those who want to use the "just a flu" line of argument, the worst flu season we have had in a decade was 61,000 deaths over an entire season for the 2017-18 flu season. It took an estimated 45 MILLION cases to get there. COVID-19 done very close to the same number of deaths (55k vs 61k) in about 44 million LESS cases. At the pace we are going at, COVID will pass this flu season in 3 more days. To close this thought, The United States military recorded the deaths of 55,220 troops in Vietnam between December 1956 and when we left the country in April 30, 1975. COVID is going to pass that death total today in about 14 weeks worth of time from the first case in the US until today.1 point
Go look at the states that receive a positive balance and then look at those states that want the government out of their lives. It has always amazed me.1 point
I was more excited by Austin Brown but if the rumored guys I liked his resume most. Like that he succeeded at multiple organizations. Excited for new era of Bulls. Now to the new coach!1 point
1 point
That seems highly unlikely to me. They can open up in July and deal with that. There are four pretty clear reasons they are doing it. One, because they've hooked themselves to Trump's horse train. Two, they fear the backlash of the Trump followers if they don't do this. Three, they want to do everything possible to keep unemployment payments lower. And four, they all have rich friends in business who they want to help, so that they can rely on those rich benefactors come election time. I have no idea the balance of each of the four things, for each given governor, but those I believe are the main drivers.1 point
I want to apologize for being overly cynical yesterday. I'm going to try to stay out of the COVID threads unless I have something positive to say. It was inappropriate and I get it now.1 point
That is an interesting question, and one I think requires more specifics. IF I AM THE 2020 WHITE SOX, no. Reason #1: We have a starting SS in Tim Anderson, a starting 3B in Yoan Moncada, and Nick Madrigal on the way. What do we have in CF? Adam Engel? Leury Garcia? The marginal gain of replacing a successful Franco versus Anderson or Moncada is WAY less, than Robert replacing our current CF's. Reason #2: We are trying to edge our way into competition, and Franco is probably a late 20 or 2021 addition. So not only do you lose your best CF prospect, and that output for 2020, but you don't gain Franco's output for some period of time that is still TBD. Reason #3: We already have a long term deal worked out with Robert that gives us cost and service security going forward. Franco could well end up being better than Robert in the long run, but that doesn't mean he is the best fit for the team and for today.1 point
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