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  1. The 3 ways I've got that the next 18 months can go are: 1. Cut transmission down to low levels followed by aggressive tracking, testing, and tracing (led by the federal government), wait for a vaccine. 2. At least 1.5 million people and more than likely 3 million people die nationwide and the economy is destroyed because it's impossible to open anything when that many people are sick for weeks to months and the Health Care system is paralyzed. Hope that transmission doesn't re-start if people begin losing immunity, because then the death toll is way more than 3 million. 3. Keep everything, schools, businesses, closed for the large majority of the next 18 months, wait for a vaccine. Literally everything we've seen for the last 7 weeks tells that exact same story. No magic bullet has appeared, no magic drug or treatment, there's a giant pile of bodies and every bit of evidence says that the 1-2% death rates seen in January will absolutely hold, including most notably the nightmare that New York City became. Spots like Singapore and Hokkaido show clearly that if there are any areas that open up even to a minimal degree without aggressive tracing, the Virus will begin spreading rapidly there again, forcing new shutdowns with much larger case totals. If you've got a better idea, please let me know.
    4 points
  2. How many have committed suicide from being home for a month? How many OD'd because of this? It's nothing but a talking point. Blowing off social distancing would blow any of those death counts away. And those numbers would just get worse as well. Even while being stuck at home, it's blown it away. The plants will be open because that is what Tyson wants. It's not right for the workers. But Trump is playing to CEO's not for heath and safety, but for votes and cash. . Sickening.
    4 points
  3. Because the owners said so. Owners creative accounting where they don't include parking or concession sales because they are technically provided by outside vendors who coincidentally split the money with the owners. i side with the owners more than any other person on this board but even I don't believe the numbers they throw out there during negotiations.
    4 points
  4. This man is getting worse by the day. He doesn't use his powers to order masks and other equipment to be bade, but he is doing this crap. And when he is not doing crap like this, he is trying to make political hay of this crisis. Why any working class person thinks Trump has his interest at heart I will never know. His approval rating should be at 10%.
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. There are a number of studies out showing different ways that this virus is doing dramatic damage to younger bodies. Kidney damage, liver damage, strokes/circulatory system damage...people under 30 may see death rates comparable to the flu of 0.2%, but some of these mild cases are still showing damage to internal systems that will be problems for years, maybe forever.
    2 points
  7. He’s not talking about consumer needs vs. wants, and My Pillow Guy vs. Nike. It’s how can the economic livelihood of one person be put ahead of the health care concerns of another...? Money can always be gained and regained. You can’t say the same thing about a human life. And there’s a multiplier effect here at play, too. For every suicide or family breakdown due to economic circumstances, there’s a highly trained doctor or nurse feeling even more intense pressure when we overload hospitals with our self-centered, me first decision-making. What will your attitude on this topic when you or your family can’t access a doctor because too many Americans are putting themselves individually ahead of the collective good? A cavalier dismissal...that’s just life? Some inevitably have to die to save the rest of us? Why are you the arbiter who gets to make these life and death determinations? An entrepreneur is always going to be a risk taker taker by nature. They will succeed no matter what obstacles you place in their path because it’s our way of life. Cycles of boom and bust repeat. We will eventually replace capital, printing more money and injecting additional stimulus/liquidity into the system. What we can’t easily or as quickly do is replace our best, most experienced doctors who have been burned out compensatating for poor judgment.
    2 points
  8. The funny thing about jerksticks is he acts like shutting down is something we "want" to do. I dont want to be shutdown. As many have I'm sure, I've lost a lot in the shutdown. It sucks. But why should my materialistic things be more important and valuable than an actual human life? What is wrong with the selfish nature of so many. My goodness. When you see things bad happen to people and say it's not me and turn a blind eye, you're merely kicking the can down the road. Do that enough times and you'll be the one getting hit by a car.
    2 points
  9. So if Pence had COVID, there was a 70% transmission chance between him and the people who were masked.
    2 points
  10. What training do you need to wear a mask? Wow.
    2 points
  11. How about Amazon employees being underpaid and working in dangerous conditions while Bezos becomes unfathomably wealthy off of their labor? Edit: I bet all those travel CEO's are still doing much, much, much better than the hundreds of thousands of low wage workers who have been laid off in their industry.
    2 points
  12. We already kill millions around the world. Every, and I mean every, death that is attributed to poverty should be counted. Lack of proper nutrition, housing, health care are deaths in pursuit of economy. There are enough resources on the planet for every human to have food, clothing, shelter, and health care. Economic systems are tools that concentrate those resources in a few hands and they alone decide in perhaps an abstract way, the quality of life for a few billion people.
    2 points
  13. One thing that must be addressed is the pressure that is being put on health care providers. I see that an ER doctor has committed suicide and others are emotionally cracking. That is one reason they need to get all the support they can get. And real support. Not just words or gestures. What do we get from Washington? A bunch of rich, elitists who feel they won't be touched by this because they are rich and powerful. It starts with Trump and McConnell and goes on from there. This is not about these out-of-touch assholes holding onto power. This is about the country. The arrogance and out-and-out incompetence is galling. These are the worst examples of public officials I have ever seen. They are letting the American people down, but all they care about is their poll numbers. Pence is nothing but a kiss ass. That man lowers himself more and more every day. It embarrasses me that my state elected this moron as governor. And yet he think he can be president someday. Things are not going to improve just because we start opening up.
    2 points
  14. Things are looking better recently with many states, including the hardest hit state of NY, showing signs that the curve is being flattened. That, along with the latest article about there being baseball "for sure", I'm more optimistic now than I have been since early April when we realized how bad things were going to get. The Mayor said she could see baseball in the city this summer, albeit probably without fans. The response to the "sports" over the weekend, the NFL draft, showed that fans are itching for something to watch. The MLB, owners, and players will (hopefully) come together and formulate a plan to bring the sport back. They could have TV to themselves over the summer. All that being said, I'll continue to be cautiously optimistic.
    2 points
  15. How many people are acceptable for you to kill in the pursuit of economy? Where do you draw the line?
    2 points
  16. If teams will be traveling for games, then what is the point of 3 10 team divisions? Why not use 6 5 team divisions and the two divisions can play one another and their own. Those 2 divisions should be balanced to remain competitive. Division 1 Twins Brewers White Sox Reds Royals Division 2 Cardinals Indians Cubs Pirates Tigers
    1 point
  17. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/columnist/bob-nightengale/2020/04/28/mlb-optimistic-about-starting-season-late-june/3039275001/ interesting division allignments with this potential plan....kinda like it
    1 point
  18. Testing 14 of the antibody tests. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/24/health/coronavirus-antibody-tests.html?smid=tw-nytimesscience&smtyp=cur 3 tests had few/no false positives, but all of them missed 10%+ of actual infected samples. All of the other tests had false-positive rates higher than 5%.
    1 point
  19. In mid March you were insisting 50-100M people already had this in the US.
    1 point
  20. South Korea is hanging out at 2%. That's where you have to be, combined with aggressive tracing, to have any shot at control when businesses open, because you know that some people will pass it along without showing symptoms and you have to be ready to track down those clusters before they spread..
    1 point
  21. Since Trump claims to be the biggest cheerleader, he should visit the meatpacking plants he is ordering open and have a rally. No mask.
    1 point
  22. It amazes me how many "leaders" actually look away from the science.
    1 point
  23. We went through this when packaging companies were taken to task in The Jungle. They swore regulation and common sense would put the price of food out of range of the common person, and it would put farmers out of business. That never happened. It is also worth noting that if the President's economic plans hadn't have largely destroyed farming in this country over the past couple of years, the industry wouldn't be in such dire straights already. To spin this back around, how much death from the food supply are you willing to tolerate, especially with the consequences for those poisonings being largely removed.
    1 point
  24. They weren't going to vote for Trump anyway. It is interesting that meat production would be considered essential. I'm guessing vegetarians would say otherwise. Actually I'm slightly surprised that any agricultural worker would be essential. We are currently a net importer of human food items. We are trying to so hard to build a wall and stop a lot of those ag workers from even getting to the US. If we really feel that the work is essential we should be looking at a guest worker program and allowing them in through the front door.
    1 point
  25. So if you die because your employer forces you back to work, too bad.
    1 point
  26. We are now going to use the powers of the federal government to force low wage meat processing workers back on the job while giving their employees liability shields. Wonder what sort of health care plans these workers get?
    1 point
  27. One can make an argument that the Trump administration is attempting to stop Bezos....at least that Department of Defense contract worth billions shockingly awarded to MSFT...and now tied up in a lawsuit. Not to mention trying to raise the prices by a factor of 5-6x on USPS deliveries of AMZN packages. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/13/amazon-gets-restraining-order-to-block-microsoft-work-on-pentagon-jedi.html That said, it’s not just Amazon. It’s the very top of the pyramid. Wal-Mart. Apple. Facebook. Google. Netflix. MSFT. They will have so much power, a financial and lobbying influence so disproportionate that the middle and lower class might as well no longer exist. We’re clearly seeing it with the banks favoring their deep pocketed institutional clients as well with two SBA funding rounds. If you don’t have at least a billion dollars, nobody in Washington will pay attention. The only way to fight back is a grassroots effort like Sanders had going strong based on thousands and thousands of small contributors, and actually winning elections (where they proved to be far less effective with their endorsed candidates.) Nevertheless, the establishment neoliberal wing of the Democratic Party wiped out five years of Our Revolution organizing in less than ten days, from South Carolina through Super Tuesday. This despite the fact a majority of the party was closer on most platform issues to the left than the right. For the second presidential election in a row, a majority of Dems don’t even have a candidate they 100% can believe in. This time, however, that and Tara Reade might not even be enough to save Trump from the massive hole he’s dug for himself.
    1 point
  28. And how do you possibly have the information at hand to state that 24 teams won't make money without fans? Show that work.
    1 point
  29. Per Forbes in October 2019, Jeff Bezos was worth $119B. Today, it's $140.3B. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/10/03/forbes-400-amazon-ceo-remains-richest-person-us-despite-divorce/3849962002/ https://www.forbes.com/profile/jeff-bezos/#789855e21b23 That's about $1600 per second that his wealth has increased since the October article. Compare that to the pay and conditions for Amazon warehouse and delivery workers in the midst of a pandemic. We shoveled megayatchloads of more money at the rich and powerful and have done next to nothing for most Americans let alone the most vulnerable. We bailed out the stock market. We are going to come out of this economic and health crisis a much more inequitable society with broken or destroyed public institutions in exchange for ever-more power concentrated among the wealthiest of the wealthy.
    1 point
  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCLYrlI7s5c All my fellow old school wrestling fans on here would appreciate this.
    1 point
  31. What's their net wealth increase since January 1? Edit: This came off a bit more harsh than intended. I too wish the government had done a better job of helping those who actually needed it.
    1 point
  32. I am only being partially sarcastic when I compare this to the 2nd Amendment and gun control. There is a good percentage of America that feels like the government is out to get them. Of that group my guess is a majority can only survive because the government props them up. I don't care if the government can track me, I am not going anywhere. but i also feel that semi automatic weapons are not needed in life. America is pretty selfish as a whole and then has this fear that government and big business are try to control their life on top of it. I have a friend that is a government employee that hates the government....yet if it weren't for his bullshit government job he'd be destitute instead of retiring at 52 years old at 65% of his pay and will never have to work again in his life and can retire to his summer home and finish the story of the American Dream provided by the same government that he hates. The only hope is Biden finds a great VP, builds an amazing cabinet and then retires four months in.
    1 point
  33. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-secret-group-of-scientists-and-billionaires-pushing-trump-on-a-covid-19-plan-11587998993?emailToken=52281952aa731ce0ab195686a0f7bb91pNX96nrwqAd54J2pUtMOCm5Z+w4rSBr9tLpbY1PXzgxmDzoEKnEyrWvzsA4DD2q1fyUqRqsI04tCYInkXLdpzfOKKgFRcbhJeSVGeSro62IzsH+S6FQWYXPUV4NFUPb1waqCKYwuUcT8jt6kinc1uA%3D%3D&reflink=article_copyURL_share very interesting article
    1 point
  34. We’re never going to get a number...doing so makes those individuals sound like a cross between Mussolini and Pol Pot. It’s simply not the way most of us were raised. To willingly sacrifice so many American lives that were 100% preventable. This is clearly not the same issue as sending transport ships against fortified pillboxes on Omaha Beach.
    1 point
  35. No, you literally said "I know it's stupid but my brain says it's an issue so far."
    1 point
  36. I’m not looking to pick on you Joe, but that Moncada post was certainly not a joke.
    1 point
  37. Ive told anyone who has asked me that the 30 day period is the most unclear part of the law. I think in retrospect that they should have never called it an "extension" and instead said that they would be issuing a "new order." Ultimately I think that it will prevail, but they should have anticipated this attack.
    1 point
  38. The wildcards for Nov are how many Dems will die off from CV-19 and how many Repubs from Clorox Colon Cleanser.
    1 point
  39. Greg, I dont want to pick on you. But once again, you're full of shit. First, I've worked with Alzheimers patients in a previous career. Biden does not have any of the behaviors of someone with Alzheimers. It is impossibly moronic on your part to associate Biden with Alzheimers. It is also incredibly insensitive to families that have an Alzheimers sufferer in their family. Second, Biden has been a gaffe machine. Partly because of his history with a stammer. We have had previous gaffe machines as president; Bush the younger comes immediately to mind. There is nothing about Bidens gaffes that are more alarming than others who have held this office. So, once again, I'm not picking on you greg. But, once again, you're completely talking out of your asshole, and you would be better to stfu on this.
    1 point
  40. We were lucky before. Trump tried to talk us into wars with Iran and North Korea, but they didn't happen. The economy was good when Trump took office and it got better. But now we really have a crisis, and we see how this president has performed. He really is in over his head, and the country is suffering for it. That's what we get for electing a celebrity who had no real concept how to govern and has shown no willingness to learn. He shouldn't be running for re-election. He has already shown he can't do the job.
    1 point
  41. Yet someone who has lied nearly 20,000 times while in the WH and thinks injecting or ingesting disinfectant clearly DOESN’T have any mental degradation because...he’s “rich,” which makes him more worthy or valuable somehow? Didn’t we see the exact same trick...four years ago, trying to convince voters that Hillary Clinton was failing physically? What has Trump done in the in the last 6 weeks that would indicate he shouldn’t be removed by his Cabinet. He refuses to attend coronavirus task force meetings, but instead just goes on spontaneous riffs in front of worldwide audiences about some latest junk science for a miracle cure that will only serve to get more Americans killed? It doesn’t bother you that the rest of the world is now watching these daily breakdowns (over science or fighting with reporters) and thinks the US has gone insane? Do you feel prouder now to be an American? Are your children better off now than they were four years ago?
    1 point
  42. 2018 the dem moderate candidates did quite well. 2016 was a very odd election. Regardless. Bernie said he would bring out a massive youth vote. He didn’t. He lost his rural support to Biden. He didn’t take more of the Af American vote than last time. He didn’t win over more than half of Warren supporters. He got whooped without Anti-Clinton vote.
    1 point
  43. Hillary Clinton was a fine candidate if you bothered to look into anything at all about her, but no you couldn't be troubled to. When people like you asked what the worst was that could happen when you didn't vote for the professional woman, well here's your answer.
    1 point
  44. That's literally, exactly, to the letter, how we have the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the world. Because people who were against him didn't actually vote for the opposition, and they let their represntatives spend years doing things to restrict other people's voting rights.
    1 point
  45. And the best part is that all of the penalties are being muted by us not playing in 2020. What a joke.
    1 point
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