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  1. Among his faults are "war criminal" so yea I can understand why people don't want to see his name being brought up as a shining beacon of hope from the past.
    3 points
  2. I heard it is fake on TV I believe it's fake. Nobody is going to make a sign that out of left field. I heard it was actually a sign supporting the first responders.
    3 points
  3. Let's go! Told ya'll you were too pessimistic!
    2 points
  4. Thanks Jack. We're all aware of this. Every single proposal requires approval from health experts. That's been the case the whole time.
    2 points
  5. No haircuts until July is not exactly opening things up.
    2 points
  6. Yeah, I remember when anti-Semitism ended too. Thank God that's just a common German phrase that we all know and love.
    2 points
  7. Exactly. It bugs me when people bring him up as a "shining beacon of hope". He is one of the worst presidents in history. Just a complete disaster.
    2 points
  8. For all of his faults, he at least seems to be more about service than self. I can’t say the same about the man who says he is treated more unfairly than Lincoln.
    2 points
  9. How funny is it that the biggest sporting channel in the world is showcasing professional baseball players playing video games on a Sunday. Crazy times.
    2 points
  10. Greg - I'll give you what my day looks like (and I will caveat that I'm a lucky family that in which both my wife & I have thus far maintained our jobs *knock on wood* ). I'll give a before & after. But let me just say that my personal day is nothing like what you describe above (and despite all the challenges I know damn well that I am very lucky to be in the situation we are in (and hopefully we can remain in this situation). Before Virus: - M:F = Wife = At work @ 6:00 AM - Gets off Around 4:30 & Goes to Pick Up Each of Our Kids; She is responsible for Dinner Mon-Thursday and kids homework etc (we prep over weekend, so largely we can reheat food that we had cooked in preperation); I get home for bed-time routine with our kids (most night...unless I have to work late in which case I'll work very late so I can be home @ reasonable time other nights) - M;F = Me = AM take kids to school (each go to seperate school); Get to work around 8:30 and am at work until 6:30-7 most nights; During my busy time (quarter-end / year end / plan & budget season), I have a couple nights each week that are much later; By and large lunch is at my desk (in between meetings) and/or eaten during a meeting; Nights I get home, spend time with kids (story time is my thing with the kids, talk to them about their day, and tuck them in to bed). If busy...get back and do a bit more work (if there is anything urgent...again...need to do because I have drop-off duties for kids). Weekend: Family time; Youth Sports / Other Activities / Hikes with family or just General Adventures (usually we get in quite a bit of physical activities, etc and than have relaxing dinners at home; maybe grab lunch out and get together with extended family) With Virus: - Both of us continue to work. The only thing that has changed is, we don't commute (which is great I might add). Instead, schooling our children (5 & 6 years old) has pivoted to our responsibility. This is on top of our normal commitments to work. My wife & I are still expected to do what needs to be done work wise and we both try our best to make sure we are delivering for our kids. Neither of us are school teachers, so are we perfect, no, but we do the best we can and basically this becomes a new focus for us during the day where we will prioritize time with them. We make sure to each dedicate time (when we aren't in meetings, etc) to just hanging out with them (and this has been truly fantastic - something we don't regularly get to do). But whatever we put in with the kids, we make up later on @ night as we still have our work responsibilities, which, have largely gotten more difficult (post COVID vs. pre COVID). More analysis, unique tech challenges, etc. We make sure we eat lunch & dinner as a family each night and get out on a nightly exercise too (really key for us - because being cooped up is hard); To extent we can...we also try to do during lunch. - Weekends aren't actually that much different (pre vs. post), other than youth sports are shot and instead we spend our own time playing outdoors, going on bike rides, just getting good outdoor time. And of course everything is spent with us as a family (vs. with friends), with exception that on Sundays, we still have them see their 2 cousins (shame me all you want - but we are both complying and it is a risk I'll take (*knock on wood*). I also (individually) go on a weekly run to the store, where I buy a weekly food supply (I bought a bunch of frozen meat & veggies when the initial pandemic hit and have just been buying weekly fresh food allotments that cover my weekly needs at this point; if things went south, I have a few weeks of frozen meats & veggies before having to switch to canned beans, pasta, etc). - Personally speaking - I've never been more tired because I'm working more hours (not less) and adding in schooling my kids (because virtual learning puts 95% of the work on the parent vs. the teacher (at least at my kids age - and everyone I've talked to with kids in similar ages have had the same views). Good news is my kids emotionally are 110% okay (other than being scared by the fact that my wife & I are just not nearly as effective to trained professionals (& not as patient) when it comes to teaching various curriculum). - Spending Wise - I am spending less money now vs. before because we eat in 85-90% of the time (w/2 takeout/pickup meals a week (+ an iced coffee on the weekend); we pick local restaurants we like and make sure we order from them to support them and than have been tipping more to try and do our part (since we are lucky to maintain our jobs). We'll do that as long as we can continue to do so (and again...very much frequenting the places we like best).
    1 point
  11. Heard the Chicago mayor went on TV and said the government is watching people on social media and will come arrest you if you are bragging about being at parties, etc. Is this true? Then she bragged about getting her hair done saying she had to, she is the voice of the city. My friend said it was on Tucker Carlson. Is she coming across as pompous or good through this?
    1 point
  12. Regular season in home parks would require travel. Just hold the games in Arizona and Vegas, especially if only a few dozen rich fans are allowed entry.
    1 point
  13. The new leaked CDC report says 3000 people a day will be dying in June. You know June, that’s when Jared says things will be getting back to normal. What a shit show.
    1 point
  14. White Sox legend Odrisamer Despaigne is on the KT Wiz.
    1 point
  15. I don’t disagree, though this seems encouraging.
    1 point
  16. this is pure nonsense. No one is saying stay home so no one gets it. havent met a single health care professional from a legit hospital say this was overblown.
    1 point
  17. Nothing really. Just don’t think this is going to clear up enough anytime soon for all parties to agree on a structure that actually has a chance of being completed successfully. Hope I’m wrong. Just think things are gonna get ugly as states open back up and we’re basically gonna be right back where we were in mid March.
    1 point
  18. Add in that the official death totals are almost definitely an undercount when you compare to excess deaths, and we're looking at a very grim summer.
    1 point
  19. Am I the only one that has virtually no interest in watching KBO games? Just makes me miss White Sox baseball more.
    1 point
  20. I think you guys are over-reacting. When the time comes around, the stay at home lockdown orders will continue. We are in phase one in Kansas. Guess what that means: We can get coffee and pop at Quick Trips again. We can do NOTHING ELSE that was prohibited before. No haircuts. No restaurants open. No coffee shops. NOTHING. It's the same.
    1 point
  21. I think it's fine for states to open up things that they revise to be low-risk. And when you allow garden centers to open you marginally increase risk in one way (going to the store) while decreasing it in others (less likely to hire landscapers/ gardening is a stay at home activity). Curbside pickup, etc., a lot of these stores allowed this were still working but doing delivery. Not much of a change.
    1 point
  22. Their goal is for full openness on the 4th of July. The restrictions are already being lifted, even as we are still seeing highs in cases. They don't care. People need haircuts and to get to the Indy 500.
    1 point
  23. Foles only positive over the other ones you listed is fact he has familiarity with the Bears system. That is it. I get why Bears did it, but I don't have to like it. Dalton is a superior QB (at least career wise) and Cam is clearly best of the group (when healthy). Winston was always a guy I would have liked to take a change of scenery chance on. He likely doesn't stop being a turnover machine, but if you can limit that, he's a pretty good QB who might have his best years ahead of him. Pace did the safe thing, which is not his usual MO, but I think this is because he feels cornered to some extent and because he is obligated to get Nagy the guy he wants (so Nagy can show that he isn't just a flash in the pan). I just don't know why they so quickly bet on someone as mediocre as Foles. I agree with everyone who says Bears need a playoff appearance for Pace to keep his gig (and Nagy for that matter), but still, this was a rare off-season where you could have really upgraded the QB position (or done better than Foles).
    1 point
  24. No. If they can start in early July as planned, they can still play 80-100 games. The playoffs will be different for sure. The season is going to be funky, no doubt. But the owners, players, and most fans want to see as much baseball as possible.
    1 point
  25. Sir Charles was just an animal. Glad alot of the youngsters are watching this documentary. Draymond needs to go to a mental institution if he thinks he can even hold the same jock strap as Sir Charles.
    1 point
  26. Could go with Vodoo Child too, sexy opening guitar lick.
    1 point
  27. I think that's a good one. There are a ton of good WWE intros that make good MLB walk up songs- HHH, Randy Orton, CM Punk and AJ Styles all sound like good options.
    1 point
  28. ... I would like to change my answer.
    1 point
  29. There's a conspiracy theory if I've ever heard one. I understand that money talks and it's a big part of baseball. Obviously, it's a business. But the owners aren't dumb. They know it's wise to listen to people who are knowledgeable in the game about what works in player development. They know that leads to winning, and they know winning brings in money. Which keeps the baseball world turning. And why do people have to constantly point out the fact that owners are billionaires like it's a bad thing. They own businesses, that are paying literally hundreds of millions of dollars to employees, plus an unending black-hole of other costs, I'm sure. It's not like you can be an owner of a professional sports team and not have a ton of money (that is most likely being invested back into the team), to effectively run it.
    1 point
  30. It's arrogance because they think they're smarter than the game. They're eliminating minor league teams and cutting the draft because they think they're better and SMARTER at developing players. They have technology!!! No need for all those pesky players anymore. It's too bad. They're making the game worse but the nerds are holding the hammer because they can say the 5 magic words that every billionaire owner loves to hear. It will save you money.
    1 point
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