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  1. Some side effects are paranoia, hallucinations, and psychosis. So we may not be able to tell if it is affecting him.
    8 points
  2. At this point, there really is good DNA evidence that this is untrue. The strains that circulated in Wuhan did arrive in Seattle and California by January-February, but although they spread a little there weren't explosions. The infections in the US are dominated by one strain that entered through New York - after that same strain blew up in Italy. There's a trackable mutation in the spike proteins that is present in the NYC arrivals and absent from the California/Washington arrivals, and right now the whole country is dominated by the Italian version. It's even more prevalent in California and Washington today than the original strains were. Something like 80% of the infections come from 20% of the infected individuals. If you only have a handful of people sick and they stay home, you don't have to have a whole office get sick, so it doesn't have to explode from a single case. Even if there were early arrivals in Washington and California, they didn't spread widely or trigger substantial numbers of cases. The New York cases were the ones that exploded and spread, and those cases were imported from Italy in February. Whether that means the Italian strain is actually more contagious than the original Chinese strains - one paper has proposed that, but that is still being worked on.
    4 points
  3. I can't believe this is still a thing. This thread, which was once a refuge from the craziness and conspiracies on basically any other public forum, has gotten hard to read ever since more people started taking Greg's bait and the False Equivalence Army came out of the woodwork... but even then, I can't believe that the latter is still arguing for that drug even after it was revealed weeks ago that the whole thing was just another profit scheme masquerading as health care (obviously, in addition to the drug not even working)
    4 points
  4. I have always said Donald is all about shortcuts. Every action such as campaigning.
    2 points
  5. I'm cleaning my guns if it comes around here. I'll just shoot that virus.
    1 point
  6. Yep. Now MLB is leaking internal emails to one of their many bootlickers and calling it a "smoking gun." These idiots are never going to agree to anything.
    1 point
  7. The fact that he is even saying that he is taking it is highly irresponsible. The drug has side affects and there is no indication that it cures or helps anything. Besides, if it was this simple, infected people would be taking it and wouldn't be dying by the tens of thousands. It is another example of Trump saying there is a simple solution when there isn't. Yes, there will be so much winning. It is absurd this man has an excellent chance to get re-elected.
    1 point
  8. I wonder if the brutal Chinese regime knows all about you since you've been there a while. Are you being watched closely? As far as what I propose, just a war of words right now and wish the people of the USA would wake up and realize what China did in this crisis is as bad or worse than even Trump. The world may never be the same because of this virus and the virus is the fault of China. One would be naive to think this is the last virus they will cause. Not a bad link .... https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/long-fuse-big-bang/202005/better-way-stop-covid-19
    1 point
  9. His doctor is giving him Skittles and Donald feels much better.
    1 point
  10. 2 days man...look I can't begin to fathom what you are going through but there's obviously a change in approach or something needed here. I've seen some weird shit, I've had people disappear without a word, I've had people come in that were clearly different than from video interviews, etc, but I've never fired someone who didn't lie about credentials blatantly 2 days into a job. It would take something pretty big for that to occur, can you shed more light on your interactions with team members and the manager in that time period on what could have set that into motion?
    1 point
  11. I'm doing a mock draft for FutureSox and I'm gonna do all 5 rounds for Sox included in there. I won't give player names right now but I went like this: 1st Round: HS pitcher $4 million 2nd Round: College Pitcher $2 million 3rd Round: HS OF $1.2 million 4th Round College Infielder: $600K 5th Round College Pitcher: $350K
    1 point
  12. This is how I know you are fake. There is no way in real life you believe that people don't want Corona to get over with.
    1 point
  13. I'd like to see more interviews on TV with people young and old asking a sample the honest question: "Do you fear getting corona?" And "Do you want to get corona to get it over with?" The young people really haven't spoken up or been given a voice, one of the two. Just from what I've seen here, the only young people I've seen with masks are working at drive in windows and that of course is mandated. I'd love to know the level of concern of people. I don't trust polls so I'd love to hear from people young and old. I do see on some message boards of KU sports that many people say they wouldn't think twice about going to a KU football game if they play 'em. I would assume KU basketball would still sell out every game despite the risk.
    1 point
  14. I haven't heard this specifically but I think the White Sox will try to prioritize Cespedes during this upcoming period. Then you worry about Colas later. Nobody else has money either and his Japanese club believes that they own his rights. If his situation isn't solved this summer, they could theoretically just sign Oscar Colas using 2021 signing money and push his signing to that period. There likely won't be any minor league baseball anyway so it's not a huge deal at this point.
    1 point
  15. Obviously he was hurt last year, but his 108 total innings at Triple-A for his career is not a great showing. I never really understood the fascination with him. His K/9 completely evaporated and the past two seasons he has seen his walks spike. He's still pretty young, but I would be very shocked to see him have any future on the Sox.
    1 point
  16. The owners are the ones who want to renegotiate. The players just want what they already agreed to. Jerry Reinsdorf should listen to Jerry Reinsdorf.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. They need to get on the field cause of all the unknowns about sports. Even the Illinois governor, who is so slow to open things up, wants baseball to be played as a TV sport with no fans. Owners need to do what it takes to play now because the future of spectator sports is certainly in jeopardy. The every day fan is not going to have the money to buy season tickets the next few seasons and will be reluctant to sit in crowds. If they wipe out the entire season it'll be easier for fans to never come back considering how expensive it is and considering how many will have no disposable income after getting laid off. Because of the risk involved, they should give the players pretty much whatever they want to get on the field in July.
    1 point
  19. They own a franchise in a league association with incredible barriers to any competition (a legal monopoly!). There are markets in everything, there is business in baseball. But applying somebody starting an IT consulting business to buying a baseball franchise where you have legal right to prevent any other baseball team competition from operating for local dollars is silly.
    1 point
  20. I think his point is that owning a sports franchise is essentially one of the most risk free businesses possible. The league backs you, the city and government subsidizes new stadiums, etc.
    1 point
  21. That's how every business is run these days. Privatize profits, socialize losses and rake in the dough. Fuck everyone but me.
    1 point
  22. It would really boost a lot of spirits if we have baseball in our home parks. That would be fricking awesome. I still can't believe this bad ass virus is going to be sickening/killing people in June, July and August. That's not traditionally sick season. Heaven forbid how bad it will be in October if we don't find a treatment. But to have baseball this summer would be amazing. Seeing Eloy and Timmy and Moncada and Jose baby and that new right fielder and EE and our young pitchers. Ricky baby managing. Bring.On.Baseball.
    1 point
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