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  1. Disqualifying other people's life experiences is one heck of a limb to climb out on.
    5 points
  2. Holy shit; I don't know if I've ever seen someone be this openly and unabashedly racist on a sports forum before.
    4 points
  3. So here's an example of institutional racism, I never heard of the Tulsa or Rosewood incidents. I had no idea that a black community was building wealth in Tulsa in 1920. This was for sure not included in any of my history classes, which were at a fantastic school system. I'm ashamed I've never heard of these before today.
    4 points
  4. Everyone should watch this. It sums up my feelings on everything that has been going on. I couldn’t have said it better myself, especially the ending.
    4 points
  5. I hope your boldfaced copy there is correct. I am fearful of anarchy. I'm an anti-looting guy.
    4 points
  6. Thanks Tex. With the abolition of police forces soon, do you think that will cause a rise in the looting, etc? With no cops, I would think there would be a rash of carjackings, home invasions, muggings, and of course, bank robberies and the like. With many states allowing you to carry a gun, it seems now a no brainer. Don't these adult government officials who are disbanding the police forces read about mob mentality and human nature? Without police and jails, good luck. There will be no way to have sports without cops. Can u imagine an NBA game and there's a bad call? If there are no cops, just charge the ref or after Game One of a playoff series kidnap the other team's star player. I'm sure even as we speak some gang leaders or terrorist wannabees are plotting their new lives as millionaires. Pretty easy to wreak havoc and make $$ when there are no pesky cops to stop you. Everybody might like a world without cops but the reality of the situation is ...
    4 points
  7. So, why did you turn out the way you did?
    3 points
  8. FWIW the history books paint the native Americans as if they agreed to give the pale skin their lands.
    3 points
  9. I will be honest, I'm an exception. I was raised in a pearly white central Illinois city. At the time of my youth both my parents were together so I had a father figure growing up. I had a good education, went to college and graduate school and received my degrees. I am not a mind reader so I don't know about the list of questions you stated, but from my own personal experiences I can tell you it's more prevalent than you think. I haven't been stopped by cops too much in my life but that's because I'm very incognito and avoid them whenever possible. I have had white people make numerous racist comments in front of me but exclude me because I "act" white... I integrated so well, they thought I was one of them for a second. I do not think all white people are racists. I think it's ingrained into the fabric of this country. We had a civil war in this country to end slavery that is still talked about today as some type of states right trope which is utter BS. Racism isn't as overtly malicious as you think, it's a thought process. The purse clutchers, the people who watch you as enter their neighborhood, the people following you when you enter a retail space, and the cops who ask you if you're in the "right" predominantly white neighborhood late at night. White people should just do their best not to diminish the experience of black people. There are bad apples of all races but not all black people are trying to blame "whitey" for their problems. I think some people want to defend their country no matter what and assume they got to where they were by hard work and being honorable. It could not be further from the truth. Understanding one's history is important so that we can do better than our predaccessors and actually progress society.
    3 points
  10. Had an incredible number of 22 people at our 5 p.m. Sunday Mass tonight in huge church. People are still scared to death in Kansas about corona. Most of the restaurants in Lawrence won't open even though they can open legally. It's mostly drivethrough. I must admit, if I were a church leader I'd allow singing again. This is ridiculous. There's nobody in the darn church. We should be allowed to have beautiful music in our ceremonies. Not to be a broken record but it is disheartening to watch tape of all the protests and people chanting and we can't have 20 people (spread out every fourth row; max of 3 in a row unless it's immediate family) sing in a church cause of Corona. This is all nonsensical. I think a choir somewhere had several people get corona so we won't have singing until there is a vaccine or cure. Meanwhile I noticed the past four weeks there's been one envelope in the collection basket of the 25 people that have gone -- mine. I would assume churches will have a hard time keeping the A/C running at this rate of attendance.
    3 points
  11. Because those people are all disingenuous and willfully obtuse morons?
    2 points
  12. Why do I get blamed like I'm coming up with some novel thing when Trump has said it, Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson has said it and it's getting talked about all over the dial?
    2 points
  13. Greg, cut it out. I know you're hyperbolizing this because I know you have the cursory ability to look up that this is not what it means. It's abolishing the current force and starting over. Camden, NJ did it and is in a better place: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-04/how-camden-new-jersey-reformed-its-police-department So did Compton: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52969375 The result: New police forces rebuilt from the ground up. Funds redistributed go the community, but in both instances the police forces actually grew, but had a reformed culture.
    2 points
  14. Should we start a thread on Minneapolis to abolish the police force? Was reading today that when the force gets disbanded that will be it for fire department calls and ambulance calls. The fire departments will want protection from police to put out all the looting fires and the ambulances will want no part of mayhem as well. Will the government give the people time to move out of that state before they institute anarchy on the streets? Need a car? Carjack one. No police to stop you. Need a TV? Go take one from Target. Need a computer? Grab one and run out of the apple store. If I lived there I'd want a few months notice to move out of that state. From what I read it's got the support and will go into effect. No cops.
    2 points
  15. Maybe in a non rigged system they could have done better. Its patently false to act like slavery is when things became equal.
    2 points
  16. First off, I fully disagree with you that all public schools are shitty. That’s just total bullshit and there are definitely different degrees of bad even among just the shitty ones. And again, if you are raised in a broken home with a single working parent, it’s very hard to be disciplined enough to stay in & do your homework and not go out & get into trouble. You act like this all so simple to overcome, but ignore the reality of the vicious cycle that is poverty. And BTW, your tax dollars don’t magically put everything on an even playing field, they simply provide a bare minimum quality of life.
    2 points
  17. Why does everyone pretend that Tim Anderson doesn't exist.
    2 points
  18. The effects of the policies don't end when the policies end. You know that right. People who couldn't get a good education due to school segregation don't get that opportunity back. The guys who got life in jail for crack possession, while white guys who held coke walked don't get to raise their kids anymore. Black people who don't get call backs for jobs because of black names on their resume, can't just make up those lost wages. None of those things have anything to do with personal responsibility, yet are real factors in modern America all without your 5 kids with 3 daddies garbage factoring in. Leave your fantasy land and listen to people talk about what is like to still be black in America in 2020. This is not an equal race.
    2 points
  19. And all of these are learned behavior. All of these have been institutionally reinforced by centuries of slavery, segregation, redlining, school inequality, policing policies that make black associated crimes worse than the white ones. This isn't a flaw of the system, it was the intent. Centuries of history have been set up to destroy black families. They don't have the same bootstraps to pull themselves up with because they were taken and given to someone else. Throwing in some stereotypical racial snide remarks should be a redflag here.
    2 points
  20. Hard to believe that has to be said. If they can't develop athletes then change the development department not the drafting philosophy.
    2 points
  21. Contrary to this boards opinion, athletes are good.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. You signed up for White Sox message board to post about Covid?
    2 points
  24. You can make a partial analogy to the way we identify carcinogens. We can't prove that any one case of lung cancer was caused by tobacco use. But what we can do is look at all of the data of lung cancer prevalence in different populations and come to a solid conclusion about the carcinogenic effects of smoking. Similarly, we can look at things like studies where headshots are or aren't included and find discriminatory effects when they are. We can look at studies that send out identical resumes with only different names like Joe Smith or Jamaal Griffith and see substantially different interview scheduling results. Many, many studies of these sorts of effects are out there. And then we can look at the public policy discriminations that are well documented. Josh linked that piece from Ta-Nehisi Coates earlier in the thread where he examined deeply discriminatory housing and education policy in the 20th century. None of this is new or hidden. You just have to be willing to listen to what reality is telling you.
    2 points
  25. Huh? Some baseball > no baseball.
    2 points
  26. Do you think public city schools offer the same quality of education that affluent suburban schools do? Do you think growing up with one parent is just as effective for your long-term success as growing up with two? Do you think it’s easier to get ahead in life if you come from money or poverty?
    2 points
  27. So say the Sox get Howard for under-slot. What type of guy could they go over-slot with in round 2? Any chance they get someone like Walker, the hs 3rd baseman from Georgia?
    2 points
  28. Quick thinking by that guy who threw the device back into the car. I wonder if they beat up the guy who owned the car or ?
    2 points
  29. Not confirmed, but all indications that Colas will sign with the White Sox.
    2 points
  30. Something that doesn’t work only for the rich and kill and impoverish black and brown people. We’re about to find out but I will say and tell everyone is that when people say “Defund the police” or “Abolish the police” they’re not calling to the end of law enforcement, they’re calling for an entire revamp of the system as it is currently. I’ve been telling people that we have to keep fighting but we can’t forget about the courts, judges and prosecutors.
    2 points
  31. Bless your heart life sure is confusing, and shocking, there in K-State. Is that 9 plus the deceased or 10 plus the deceased?
    2 points
  32. Colas is almost exactly 3 years older than Bailey and has played at significantly higher levels of baseball than Bailey has. He is almost certaintly a better hitter, but that's not a fair question. Bailey might already have a better approach at the plate, but that's tough to say from one year playing in the DSL.
    1 point
  33. At best, you are one of the most sheltered people I have ever talked to.
    1 point
  34. Segregation was a generation ago, thats not really old. Not sure how old you are, but in some of your masters classes your classmates may have had parents who lived through it. But their parents and grandparents should have just tried harder Makes sense.
    1 point
  35. We already live in a world without police. Waiting for the police to arrive is foolhardy. You gotta be your own security force. Now, what's your strategy for non lethal protection? Have you thought about martial arts training? It's a good workout.
    1 point
  36. Affirmative action doesn’t really help when you come from a poor, broken home and the only access to education you have is a shitty inner city school. What exactly is your background? Based on how little sympathy you have for those less fortunate you must have overcome some serious shit in life.
    1 point
  37. I thought George Soros was the boogeyman, as he’s somehow behind every worldwide conspiracy over the last 50 years? The answer to your first question is subsidizing corporations and the richest individuals in America. Social welfare includes things like Medicaid, SNAP (what used to be called food stamps), housing assistance, and home energy assistance. But it also includes things like unemployment and veteran’s benefits. It’s challenging to get a hard number on what the US spends on social welfare programs because different reports include and exclude various programs. Back in 2011, Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama released a report that included 83 different programs and clocked in the spending at $1.03 trillion. The CATO Institute published similar numbers the following year. But both of those numbers include things like The Earned Income Tax Credit, which you have to work to earn. The clue is in the name for cripes sake, earned. They also include funding for Head Start programs. I know some programs can be abused, but I’m pretty sure Head Start is something we can all agree is a good thing. Education for little kids from low-income families is pretty hard to demonize. If we separate those kinds of programs from things like SNAP and housing vouchers, the kind that some people seem to resent, the spending comes in at about $212 billion per year. That’s a lot, but it’s a lot less than $1 trillion. https://www.listenmoneymatters.com/corporate-welfare/
    1 point
  38. I'll say it again...neither side is dumb enough to kill the Golden Goose. They do make me wonder however.
    1 point
  39. So if we are about to race, and I bust your knees with a bat, then scream GO, you'd be able to run a competitive race because of your level of personal responsibility?
    1 point
  40. If you want a holocaust analogy, it would be akin to telling the Jews that lost everything in WW2 to go back where they came from and make due. That it was their personal responsibility to get over it.
    1 point
  41. Yeah let’s do everyone’s “dream won’t happen” scenario. option 1: take 1 guy underslot and you can take anyone that has been in a recent mock past 20 option 2: unlikely fall - anyone mocked 5 or later at 11, and a dream realistic 2nd rounder My dream underslot over slot is 11 with Howard then 2nd round with Bitsko option 2 is Meyer then Jared Jones/Wynn.
    1 point
  42. I’m good with any of the 3. My dream is Howard big under-slot and then someone like Kelley in 2nd.
    1 point
  43. https://datacenter.kidscount.org/data/tables/107-children-in-single-parent-families-by-race#detailed/1/any/false/37,871,870,573,869,36,868,867,133,38/10,11,9,12,1,185,13/432,431 The data (single parent households by ethnicity) hasn’t changed much in the last decade. White single mothers remaining at 24%. For all ethnic groups, +/- 2%, basically. There are many other factors at play, but this is where you see a strong correlation with standardized test scores (with Asian families far and away leading the pack). That said, many Asian kids (both inside and outside the US) are subjected to both psychological and physical abuse (a few of my Vietnamese born students in Kansas City remarked that anything less than an A in math would result in a whipping)...and there’s certainly a much higher incidence of suicide as well, with heightened study pressure being cited as one of the primary factors. And it’s easy to point out problems. But what are the solutions? It certainly won’t end up being “defund the police/let looters and lawlessness run free,” but that requires a much more sophisticated, nuanced conversation. The problem here is that BOTH sides have to be willing to communicate and make compromises. As soon as the President and leaders in the GOP (besides Mitt Romney standing alone) acknowledge there actually is a systemic societal problem, not just about policing, but massive wealth-economic inequality across the board, maybe there can be some forward progress. Or they can continue to refuse to listen at their own electoral peril.
    1 point
  44. Generally, i think the public school system is awful in the US. What i learned in school didn't help in college. What i learned in college didn't help in the working world. Push through and make do. Do I think growing up with one parent is just as effective for your long-term success as growing up with two? Hmmm, no I don't think so. Government statistics bare that out. It's why I've been reiterating on here time and time again that FAMILY is what separates the black community from their demographical peers. Perhaps having 5 kids with 3 dads is a bad idea...Perhaps having ANY kids when you have no education and you're already on public assistance is a bad idea...It's called personal responsibility. Sadly, the caucasians now seem to be adopting this suicidal practice. If you want your kid to have a legitimate chance at a quality life you should have a spouse and if needed, both should have careers before that kid becomes a thought. Do I think it's easier to get ahead in life if you come from money or poverty? Do you really need me to answer that? You know what stops the perpetual cycle of poverty? Two parents...placing an emphasis on education...raising those kids to be respectful to anyone they interact with...not allowing your 13 year old to be out at all hours of the night. All of those things can help in producing a child who's got a shot to make it in life. We all require some good luck and good timing at various moment sin or life, but if you have those pillars in place, your odds increase substantially.
    1 point
  45. https://www.clearinghouse.net/chDocs/public/FH-NY-0024-0034.pdf Well, we’ve literally got thousands of examples in housing/redlining. We’ve got a ton of statistics in databases around the country on racial profiling and disproportionality in sentencing. The discrepancy in penalties between crack and powdered forms of cocaine. The Trail of Tears/Wounded Knee Massacre The Chinese Exclusion Act The Dred Scott Decision (or simply counting slaves as 3/5th’s of a person in the US Constitution) Japanese-American Internment Camps like Manzanar during World War Two (particularly enjoy visiting all those German camps in the eastern half of the US.)
    1 point
  46. Super elitist to act like celtic pride isn't an information source.
    1 point
  47. Used to be sanguine on Howard but really would like this pick. Big believer.
    1 point
  48. https://chicago.suntimes.com/platform/amp/sports-saturday/2020/6/6/21282155/will-white-sox-win-the-oscar?__twitter_impression=true
    1 point
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