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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2020 in all areas
4 points
It was handled poorly. Relative to whom? We don't even BEGIN to approach the top of the list in COVID deaths per million inhabitants. Which developed nation didn't see this virus spread? I'm not sure what could have been handled better. The shit came here and it spread. Like viruses do. We shutdown. The spread slowed. We reopened (had mass protests) and there has been a spike. Not to mention, since re-openings, the economy has begun a recovery. If it's safe for me to work. If it's safe for my girlfriend to work. If it's safe for my family and friends to work. It's more than safe enough for athletes in their 20's and early 30's to play baseball. With far better testing capabilities, medical attention, and restrictions than the rest of us will have.3 points
You currently pose a danger to me because this strawman argument is giving me such a headache I'm at risk of overdosing on Advil.3 points
We forgot to flatten the curve and many leaders refuse to wear a mask. There were numerous mis-steps and we could have done better. Not our shining moment. Our country is too divided to meet this challenge.2 points
Think about how many traffic laws we have to follow to stop from killing other people. -speed limits -turn signals -aggressive driving -drinking while driving -texting while driving -drugs while driving -tired driving -minimum age to drive -being able to see while driving -a driving test to obtain a drivers licence -traffic rules such as lane restrictions -licensing cars for minimum standards -auto pollution standards -wearing seatbelts -child safety laws such as car seats etc You get the point. Yet when we do similar for COVID, people lose their shit about personal freedoms. I wish we had a level of regulation for COVID which was relative to traffic rules.2 points
Yeah, this is what worries me as an Illinois Resident. A lot of people travel in and out of Chicago, even when air traffic is severely depressed. And some nearby states with shared Metro areas (Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana) have shown a poor record of handling things. Some bleed-in is inevitable - I just hope it isn't terribly bad. Again, while not perfect, if most of the country literally just wore masks, avoided indoor congregations with close quarters, and kept some social distance, we could be in a MUCH better place. A combination of ignorance and selfishness is what is killing people at this point more than anything else.2 points
This line of logic again? Unless you are saying that we should rid ourselves of all traffic laws and auto safety advances, you aren't comparing apples to apples here, which is literally the point. We have a century of doing tons of things to mitigate the possibility of dying in an auto accident. It is literally the point of what we are doing with COVID.2 points
So I'm wrong about this. Teams can add/subtract players from their 60 man player pool as the season goes on. I didn't know that. So for example, if the White Sox wanted like Mychal Givens of the Orioles and Baltimore wanted a prospect from rookie ball, the Sox could just release a guy like Ross Detwiler, add the rookie ball player and trade him for Givens apparently.2 points
How is it for people's mental health when they can't go to a grocery store without being scared because a governor decided to open things up when it wasn't under control? I have to see a doctor often enough that I can track what the Texas governor has done to my blood pressure this year. How does the 2nd lockdown do for people's mental health?2 points
It's not just that. It's also that we need to start being concerned with peoples mental health as well. The number of suicides and deaths due to overdoses as significantly increased. The domestic abuse incidents has skyrocketed. The reports of child abuse has decreased by nearly 70% on Illinois because no one is seeing the kids to report it. Think of the lifetime of damage being done to the people. I realize that the incidence of the virus will increase when things start to return to "more normal" vit there comes a time when it will do society as a whole more good to get out. I may be naive but I think sporting events will help with society's mental health. Most of the major sports are opening toward the end of July. Hopefully being able to go in small numbers will help people.2 points
There's a finite number of positions available so signing him takes a spot away from a better player. You should take your own advice about making stupid statements.2 points
After all, it's not like you pose any danger to anyone else if you catch it.2 points
Some guys that I'm thinking of: Madrigal Vaughn Dunning Basabe Gonzalez Crochet Rutherford Stiever Can you guys think of any more?1 point
In order for those guys to develop you basically have to create two interchangeable teams so they can play games against each other everyday. I think going up against a lineup with Vaughn, Basabe, Rutherford, Mercedes, Adolfo, Madrigal etc might be a really rough intro to minor league baseball for guys like Dahlquist, Kelley and Thompson but it's a measuring stick for their progress i guess. I think it will be good for Dunning and Stiever to see how close they are to big league baseball and Crochet also. They'll prolly throw Yolbert Sanchez in there to play SS to see if he can sink or swim against quality competition. Same with Burger. He needs to play even if it looks bad. It would be nice to see a lineup like the below against another AL or NL Central teams taxi squad. 1 Madrigal 2B (for 2 weeks) 2 Rutherford LF 3 Vaughn 1B 4 Collins C 5 Adolfo RF 6 Basabe CF 7 Sheets or Mercedes DH 8 Burger 3B 9 Sanchez SS1 point
I haven't been following the rules of a taxi-squad yet. Will they not accrue service time? Or because there will be no minor league season, they won't have any worries about grievances if all these guys get sent right back down to the minors for 2021 and that will pause their service time clocks?1 point
If you couldn't tell that was a joke, I apologize. I tried to make it evident alluding to the fact that sneezing could be similar to screwing. But I get that on message boards things don't always translate.1 point
Has nothing to do with "division" and everything to do with the death cult currently operating the EB. Seriously. Do not blame the 60-65% of Americans that were ready and willing to do what it took to beat this virus.1 point
Dunning, Basabe, Rutherford are already on there because they are on the 40 man roster. It's the 40 man roster plus 20 additional players. I'd think guys like: Vaughn, Madrigal, Stiever, Gonzalez, Delmonico, Cuthbert, Mejia, Sheets, Tyler Johnson, Heuer, Detwiler, Crochet. That leaves plenty of room though. Could see Jake Burger. I wonder if they'd put Kelley, Thompson and Dalquist on just to get a look at them. It's going to be fascinating.1 point
People are required to wear things like a shirt and shoes in order to get service at a store. Non-govt entities can easily regulate masks as a requirement for entry.1 point
I think a few dozen is probably ok and I'd be pretty confident that Illinois could track down that many people if 1 tested positive to be able to test and quarantine all the rest.1 point
Exactly. People are required to wear seatbelts to save THEIR lives. Yet they think wearing a mask to protect others is against their civil rights.1 point
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We're #9 in the world in deaths/million, #7 if you take out tiny countries San Marino and Andorra. We're adding more deaths at a much faster rate than the countries ahead of us, meaning we're going to keep climbing in those rankings. Perhaps it's not safe for all of us to be rushing back to work.1 point
It all depends on if there is a 2nd lockdown. When the next wave hits, it will depend on the severity. However in the meantime at least people will get a mental uplift by being able to do somethings. That break will help some hopefully most. It's all about mitigating both the pandemic and the mental and abuse issues that are occurring because of it. People make light of it but I do think sports help in this regard.1 point
Agreed. A lot of posters here at the time were unimpressed with his spring training.1 point
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You don't even know the amount of money he was signed for so don't make stupid statements. The Sox are going to sign who they want to sign . SIgning one to an unknown amount won't stop them from giving better players $20K. You think someone in the front office is going to say "wait we cant sign this guy , we gave Bossard all the money".1 point
1 point
Madrigal didn't appear close to mlb ready in spring training, not sure how he would be now after four months off.1 point
I would support allowing 20% of capacity with mask being required. Develop a seating plan much like churches and restaurants are doing. If you don't feel that is safe enough...don't go. If you don't want to wear a mask...don't go. If the bathroom and concession set up is unsatisfactory to you...stay home. Time to allow people to make some decisions on their own.1 point
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But what does .66 year of service even mean? It's not like Madrigal will become a FA in July of 2025 or whatever year that'll be.1 point
His value is higher now given the uncertainty around COVID-19. If Grandal somehow gets it and is out two weeks, having a quality backup option in McCann could save the season. I was all for moving him back in the winter, but no way am I giving him in this environment unless blown away.1 point
Bingo. Myself, my friends, family, etc. We all work in offices, factories, etc. I have two doctors in the family and even they only make a fraction of what a ton of these guys do. These guys also have all kinds of restrictions, daily testing, and world class doctors walking by their side. There's a ton of people who are 100% okay with average Joe's and even themselves going back to work. Yet, they'll also say "Ha! You cannot have a sports season! That is insane!".... uh... what?1 point
The Sox saved $1,195,500 with the signings if their 3rd and 4th round picks so far. The Kelley slot value is $1,580,200, which would allows them to offer Kelley $2,775,700 if they get no savings from their 5th round pick., and didn't go over their draft allotment at all. The Sox can add another $388,240 with their 5% overage which is allowed by MLB, meaning they could still offer $3,163,940 to Kelley with no savings from their 5th round pick.1 point
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