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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Think about how many traffic laws we have to follow to stop from killing other people. -speed limits -turn signals -aggressive driving -drinking while driving -texting while driving -drugs while driving -tired driving -minimum age to drive -being able to see while driving -a driving test to obtain a drivers licence -traffic rules such as lane restrictions -licensing cars for minimum standards -auto pollution standards -wearing seatbelts -child safety laws such as car seats etc You get the point. Yet when we do similar for COVID, people lose their shit about personal freedoms. I wish we had a level of regulation for COVID which was relative to traffic rules.
    2 points
  3. Dr. Pepper doesn’t taste like sugary prune juice or cough syrup, it’s the greatest soft drink ever invented. And no, servers/wait staff out there, you can not just arbitrarily decide to substitute Mr. Pibb and think it won’t be noticed, as it definitely will. Another important point, we Dr. Pepper addicts like the fountain taste at Sonic Drive-In or Chick-Fil-A as much as any chain or franchise. And definitely prefer in an aluminum can (Big 12 logo) or glass bottle to the plastic twenty-ounce variety.
    1 point
  4. 1. White Sox Baseball 2. White Sox Baseball 3. White Sox Baseball
    1 point
  5. Only you can turn something good into something stupid . Bossards kid isn't going to take the spot of a better player away. Get real . Didn't you say "he couldn't play dead in a cowboy movie". If your assessment of his talent is correct how is it possible to take a better players spot ? There is open competition on the field. He signed for a measly amount . Do you think his talent or whatever he signed for will cost the Sox some future superstar who couldve been signed for $20K if it wasnt for the Sox signing Bossard ? Jerry does something magnanimous and you turn it into a fight like most of us argued about signing Abreu costing the Sox talent down the road.. I am not the stupid one here . If you reply I am done regardless It's such an insignificant thing arguing about some gesture of goodwill costing the Sox any talent. It just won't because it's a pittance and if he is as talentless as you say he won't cost anyone spot in open competition either. Can you even imagine yourself saying a few years from now if any of these 20K signees turns into a quality major league player "see f it wasn't for the Sox signing Bossard the Sox could've had that guy" . I don't think so.
    1 point
  6. 1. Luis Robert. Nuf said. 2. The return of Kopech. 3. Gio Gonzalez making his Sox debut...because it means they’re playing baseball.
    1 point
  7. All he had to do was offer Machado a halfway decent contract, so yes I will blame him if I get COVID-19.
    1 point
  8. Quit whining. It's time for baseball already. You bet your ass I'll be throwing back some cold ones with the boys at a handful of Sox games this year.
    1 point
  9. In order for those guys to develop you basically have to create two interchangeable teams so they can play games against each other everyday. I think going up against a lineup with Vaughn, Basabe, Rutherford, Mercedes, Adolfo, Madrigal etc might be a really rough intro to minor league baseball for guys like Dahlquist, Kelley and Thompson but it's a measuring stick for their progress i guess. I think it will be good for Dunning and Stiever to see how close they are to big league baseball and Crochet also. They'll prolly throw Yolbert Sanchez in there to play SS to see if he can sink or swim against quality competition. Same with Burger. He needs to play even if it looks bad. It would be nice to see a lineup like the below against another AL or NL Central teams taxi squad. 1 Madrigal 2B (for 2 weeks) 2 Rutherford LF 3 Vaughn 1B 4 Collins C 5 Adolfo RF 6 Basabe CF 7 Sheets or Mercedes DH 8 Burger 3B 9 Sanchez SS
    1 point
  10. I want to see baseball. I want to see major league sports across all the spectrum. Its not safe to do this now. My TV will still allow me to enjoy the games and watch my teams. The target should be getting the economy back on track and the kids back to school. There is zero value of pushing fans in the stands besides building a large lab experiment to spread the virus.
    1 point
  11. TV crews will not travel but work remotely. Radio is optional.
    1 point
  12. People are jam packed in a Mexican restaurant in Nashville and none of the patrons are even wearing masks as they walk in. The south simply doesn’t give a fuck about this virus.
    1 point
  13. Judging by how many Illinois plates I see every weekend at our tourist destinations in NWI, I would be scared too. The outlet mall is open and packed. The Casino is back open and filling up, and our beach is packed as are all of the summer houses owned by people from the Chicago metro. I KNOW there are a lot of people who aren't using protection while out here too.
    1 point
  14. Dunning, Basabe, Rutherford are already on there because they are on the 40 man roster. It's the 40 man roster plus 20 additional players. I'd think guys like: Vaughn, Madrigal, Stiever, Gonzalez, Delmonico, Cuthbert, Mejia, Sheets, Tyler Johnson, Heuer, Detwiler, Crochet. That leaves plenty of room though. Could see Jake Burger. I wonder if they'd put Kelley, Thompson and Dalquist on just to get a look at them. It's going to be fascinating.
    1 point
  15. Exactly. People are required to wear seatbelts to save THEIR lives. Yet they think wearing a mask to protect others is against their civil rights.
    1 point
  16. It starts right at the top of the food chain.
    1 point
  17. This is where science says, "I told you so."
    1 point
  18. There's a finite number of positions available so signing him takes a spot away from a better player. You should take your own advice about making stupid statements.
    1 point
  19. Pug fugly for sure, but i can't knock a team for having a retractable dome when we still don't have any in Chicago.
    1 point
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