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I know we disagree sometimes and occasionally things get heated, but I am so grateful for this message board. A group of people come together for 1 common cause and that's to see the Sox win. I an grateful for the admins and creators who keep this site up & free for us to use. Once again, I know some of us dislike one another but I think deep down there's a ton of respect for each other, and I can't wait for another Sox championship in the future and to discuss it all the way until the final pitch with you all. Cheers.5 points
No chance any changes get made unless Renteria wants to leave. The Sox are essentially Cuba. Other parts of the league may be driving around in BMW's and Tesla's, but the Sox are going to ride this '57 Buick Special until the engine falls out.5 points
Eloy is a bad LF, but everyone already knew this. How about Renteria allowing Gonzalez to face a lineup three times?!?! How about Renteria allowing Gonzalez to face a lineup three times with no one warming up?!?! How does that happen in this day and age? Once Gonzalez gives you 4 innings, his leash should be incredibly short. Any sort of trouble and you pull him. I just can't believe how antiquated this organization is as it relates to pitching.5 points
Honestly last night broke me with Renteria. Asleep at the wheel once again with a pitcher the third time through that was clearly walking a tight rope all night, with or without horrific defense. There's no way this team can go to the top with such a laid back, lets things happen, manager like Renteria. He has already failed to realize the handedness of the opposing starter twice. That alone is enough to let him go, but he keeps digging the hole deeper. I'll add this even tho it's probably going to be controversial: the laid back attitude permeated down to Eloy doing what he did last night. There's such a thing as playing loose and free and having fun and playing sloppy and careless. Eloy is a bad defender but there's no excuse to not get up immediately there and go get the fucking ball. That tumble he took I'm more than half convinced he thought it would be fun or cool. Even if he needed to tumble into the netting in order to prevent an injury, GET UP. He laid there for a couple split seconds like he thought Robert was going to run all the way over and bail him out.4 points
3 points
Nothing, as they believe in social darwinism as dogma. He who has the most money, gets to live. Fuck everyone else. Your worth as a human being is based on the size of your portfolio to these people. They don't care, and it's time to stop pretending that they do.3 points
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I advocated for him to have that role all offseason2 points
Engel is seriously winning the RF role this season.2 points
Robert and Engel in the same outfield alleviates a lot of stress.2 points
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Zach Collins gets about as many hits as the average NL pitcher.2 points
2 points
The time to give him an extended look was last year. But Ricky put Jon Jay and AJ Reed in the DH spot2 points
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I'm hoping I don't have to tip my cap to another starting pitcher.2 points
Not that I dont disagree with Grandal sitting but comparing a physical limitation/error to a mental isn't fair.2 points
How do you sit Grandal with so many starters out? It’s a 60 game season. He eats more bench than anyone.2 points
2 points
He has a lot of the same attributes as Ventura managerial wise. When is the last time you saw a Sox manager out tactic the opposing manager? Renteria has been pantsed so many times going to a PH only to have the opposing manager be like "lol this is why I had two guys warming up" and then the Sox lose a position player and still don't get the platoon advantage. Just once I'd like to have a manager you know is more engaged and smarter than the opposition's. Also, stop telling Moncada to try and bunt to beat the shift. That shit has to stop, now. If he didn't tell him to bunt, AT LEAST tell him not to bunt because he can hit the ball 400 feet. We are giving away ABs and games.2 points
2 points
Renteria is awful. Plain awful. But I think he's probably the guy for the forseeable future.2 points
Babe Ruth's first few games in the majors have shown exactly what we should have expected from him: An interesting pitching prospect that really can't hit. As I write this Ruth has been involved in 17 chances and yielded only 3 safeties. His thunderous swing has created 7 dust storms and but a single free pass. He'll always have trouble with the old uncle charlie. Mr Ruth has shown proclivity to tossing the old horse hide and he needs to set aside the lumber to concentrate on throwing a hammer because he will never be able to hit it. Ridick Ulace Conclusion theoldtimeidiot.com (note...baseball reference is amazing...game logs from 1914??? It is the greatest sport).2 points
All White Sox fans on this site should be grateful for the people who run this site. Freedom of speech is accepted here. That wasn't the case with WSI. To the best of my knowledge WSI is out of business, The moron who ran that site chased away most White Sox fans. At times it gets heated on this site but the fact remains all opinions are accepted here.2 points
Greg775 approves of this post, and has nothing but kudos for Elrockin's incessant optimism.2 points
I am 100% for Robert batting in the 1st inning every game for the rest of his career. No disrespect to TA but Robert IMO should lead off going forward.2 points
Honestly, I've ripped MLB time and time again, but they got on top of this and did a good job rescheduling. 7 inning rule for the double headers was a good move too. There's no "sanctity" to this season, just get it completed so the revenue can come in, us fans can enjoy it, and the players get to play the game most of them love.2 points
I expect Jerksticks will be found HERE ‘Screw COVID’: 250,000 Bikers to Defy Common Sense for Nine Days at Sturgis Rally https://www.yahoo.com/news/screw-covid-250-000-bikers-083423022.html1 point
And no one is rooting for deaths. They are hoping that the number of deaths will wake people up who seem to not want to take this serious so that even MORE people won't have to die. But as we have seen if it isn't affecting someone directly, they don't believe it is real.1 point
Fernando Tatis, JR first few games in the majors have shown exactly what we should have expected from him: A young, over matched hitter who's minor league swing and miss issues will get worse in the majors. As I write this Tatis Jr has a .200 batting average, .360 slugging percent, 9 strikeouts in 25 at bats and a single home run off of a AAAA Arizona pitcher. This is pretty much what he is. He'll hit for some power off of bad pitchers, play a decent shortstop but his low contract rate will doom him to being a mediocre player. Charley Rushtojudgment theidiot.com1 point
1 point
Yep, it is awesome that we are able to come here and just be Sox fans. I only found this site because the chisox.com boards were closed, but this place is much better. We have to remember that when you have high expectations, loses become frustrating. This odd season is great for our Sox because they can go through all of those angering lessons and still make the playoffs.1 point
Since Indians are a half game ahead of us, I would re-word to slipped by us. I think we have a good chance to take the weekend series and slip by them. We do catch a break w Francona out for series.1 point
https://www.fangraphs.com/standings/playoff-odds Still far and away favorites for 7th spot. Indians have blown past us...and are likely to be impossible to run down this year unless we can actually beat them head to head.1 point
Stroman's not exactly known as a "shrinking violet" type either. A little attitude and nastiness is perhaps needed to rub off on Mr. Nice Guy Lucas Giolito, Dylan Cease...and to be a role model and take Kopech under his wing next year (that's another reason why Wheeler would have been perfect, similar body styles and pure stuff.) Or trade the entire farm system for de Grom and go for broke signing him to double or triple the largest contract in team history (Grandal).1 point
Dude relax! If you don’t get pissed off and have emotions then I don’t know what kind of fan you are. I don’t know how long you have been using the internet but do you really think RR and the boys are scrolling through soxtalk and reading this? Second thing do you think they would even give a shit about you or me if they did read this? I’ll answer both with a no for you bud! This place melts down from pitch to pitch, it’s half the fun and it’s full of passionate sox fans who fucking care! All of us on here give our summers and care enough to watch on a normal year I would say 130+ games and you know what it’s been DOG shit for the last decade, Now we have a team that should be winning and we as fans have earned the right to expect it! So if you don’t like it just ignore it! And GO GO WHITE SOX1 point
A lot of high expectations for young players entering into the most fucked up year ever. Enjoy getting to watch young talented players play. This season is just too messed up to stress over and it may never finish.1 point
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1 point
I am a huge TA fan but I'd like to see Robert there because he will walk more once he gets a better feel for the pitchers imho.1 point
I feel sorry for you. Living life thinking everything that can go wrong will go wrong must really suck.1 point
He'll lead off because Ricky is a dope that endorses veteran privilege.1 point
Robert as a rookie is going to swing and miss and strike out a ton; Anderson has batter bat skills at this point and should lead off which is why he will.1 point
I’m not one to reflexively criticize RR, but Robert is the prototypical leadoff hitter. He has the look of a 40/40 guy.1 point
1 point
I could not agree with you more. Differences aside, this is a terrific group of Sox fans to cheer, complain, predict & reminisce with.1 point
Didn't know he posted here, but always liked Ranger. I'm kind of a condescending douchebag sometimes too so that might be why. lol1 point
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