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  1. I’ve seen this argued before that the Dems and Republicans both voted for it and are equally responsible. That to me is a complete whitewash of history and a load of bullshit. Cheney was making trips everyday to pressure the CIA to link Iraq/ Saddam to Al Qaeda. And to make up more and note outrageous claims about WMD’s. Uranium from Africa nonsense. The entirety of Colon Powell’s speech at the UN was bullshit and lies. The Bush administration lied to Congress as well as to the American people about WMD’s. Many Democrats certainly could have had a stronger backbone and stood up to the administration more and questioned the claims. But they were also getting fed lies as well about the hyped up threat level. Bush mentioned a mushroom cloud at his state of the union speech. There was all kinds of propaganda pushed by the neocons. The authorization passed by Congress was according to the Bush administration only necessary to pressure Saddam to let inspectors in/ give up the supposed weapons. We could have used some more Bernie’s in there standing up against it for sure. But to try and claim both sides are responsible for that war is nonsense. I was overseas in the military during the run up. My buddy in the Air Force told me a full year before the war started that it was a certain we were invading and there will be war, before much of the UN discussions with trying to get inspectors in Iraq to prevent war according to the Bush administration. And far before the authorization from Congress. We were moving so much supplies, tanks, humvees, weapons through Europe toward the Middle East that they made up their minds long before to invade They didn’t just stumble or listen to the evidence from the CIA. They themselves forged and shaped that evidence to suit their agenda. They knew there was no threat from Saddam against us, he was contained. There was no real evidence of WMD’s, no Al Qaeda link with Saddam. We still don’t even know Why the fuck they even invaded, never had an official investigation into it. Which I blame the Dems for not holding them accountable when they came into power. What is it an estimated 300k Iraqis were killed, 4 thousand of our boys. Many more of ours forever wounded mentally and physically. Some 22 veterans killing themselves every single day, which of course many are Iraq Vets. Not to get pissed at you, more frustrated with this line of thinking and giving the Bush administration a free pass. You did say they use the time in office to obtain wealth but then look at the no bid contracts to Cheney’s old company Halliburton. In my opinion the Bush people are war criminals and belong in prison. Trump and his cronies are disgusting for many other reasons. But both administrations are vile to the core.
    7 points
  2. We should NOT be trading any significant talent for a perfect RF option. Either sign the best guy you can afford or acquire one that simply costs money. Any trade that involves controllable young talent should be for a legit TOR starter, whether that happens this offseason, the trade deadline, or even next year.
    7 points
  3. It was good overall, I actually came away a bit more positive on him (and I'm firmly in the "pissed at this hire" camp). They asked him all the usual stuff ie how he will handle bat flips etc. He mentioned Ricky and Dave Henderson in Oakland, Edmonds' flair in STL. He said he learned early on that you need to be careful that you don't manage the competiveness out of a player like that, can't make them be someone that they aren't. He got fluffy with his "if they're sincere about it", but his point was that he's for the personalities if he knows they're trying to help the team. Basically the me-first showboats are bad, team-first energy is good. That attitude seems to line up with our energy guys.
    7 points
  4. Y'all can disagree with me on this one all you want, but I ask y'all - how many things that paved the path to the Trump administration started under the Bush Administration (or closely thereafter)? The "Torture is all manly" talk. They literally committed war crimes, they are in writing organizing them, including legal memos justifying them. None were ever prosecuted. The anti-Muslim, anti-immigration things. Remember in 2010 how "Muslims are building a mosque at ground zero this is a betrayal of freedom!!!" was their closing argument for the election? And they couldn't pass an immigration bill despite bipartisan support and the President's support because the Republicans in Congress wouldnt' let a bill come forward that they labeled "amnesty"? Undermining the government itself - remember when the Bush administration fired a set of US attorneys because they wouldn't prosecute fraudulent voter fraud claims against Democrats? The part where Trump keeps leaking information to Russians to try to damage the US or his opponents - remember when the Bush Administration outed a CIA agent? And that was because that agent said a piece of the info they used to justify the Iraq war was a forgery, and they needed to retaliate? The wrapping up of nationalism in the flag, starting with 9/11. Ongoing. The Bush administration was the birth of "Free speech zones", where police would herd demonstrators into cages away from view of important people. Trump's corruption - remember how many no-bid contracts went to Dick Cheney's former company? Trump's interactions with the media - remember when the Bush Administration found a spot in the White House press corps for a homosexual male escort who would lob their press secretaries softball questions (Yes that was a real thing and it's still hard to believe). Oh, almost forgot Climate Denial. Do people remember that John McCain had a climate change plan? I could go on but I have work to do. Many of these were taken to extremes by the Trump administration, but the Republican party made itself ok with them a decade ago, then were surprised when they ran into a candidate saying all the things out loud that they were saying quietly or in code. "No amnesty" became "No immigrants" and so on.
    5 points
  5. I cant speak for anyone else, but if the Democrats nominated someone like Trump, I would go scorched earth on every single politician and person who supported the Democratic candidate. 4 years ago, I was extremely vocal on why Trump was far worse than what people imagined. I said that his election would be the greatest thing to ever happen to GWB's legacy. I may not agree with GWB on a lot of things, but I think that he for the most part tried to make decisions that were best for the US. That doesnt mean all of his decisions were good, that doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes, but it means that at the end of the day he tried. Trump doesnt try. He would burn this country down if he thought it would make him an extra dollar. I can understand the people who 4 years ago voted for him because everyone gets conned or makes a bad decision at some point in their life. But after the last 4 years, if you still want to vote for Trump, I have no sympathy. I am also hard pressed to give "moderate GOP" a pass, because by hitching their wagon to Trump they really cant be considered "moderate." Trump in many ways has decimated everything that the "moderate GOP" supposedly stood for. Just because he has a little "R" next to his name, doesnt make him a conservative, it doesnt make him a Republican. If anything the "moderate GOP" are the ones who should bear the most responsibility. I was always taught when one of your own does something wrong, its your own responsibility to take care of that problem. Where were the "moderate GOP" when this could have been reigned in? Where are all the "moderate GOP" arguing "every vote counts?" What type of society have we become where we dont want every person to have an equal chance at voting? Its gone beyond anything that can be reasonably accepted by Americans.
    5 points
  6. I hope these actions sway some moderate GOP to see why this cannot go on for another 4 years. I will agree you cant judge supporters by the actions of other supporters. But you can absolutely judge supporters by the actions of the person they voted for. "In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong." - Donald Trump In a just world, that should be the end of his Presidency. A President should never support violence against a political opponent. If you vote for Trump in 2020, you should be judged accordingly.
    5 points
  7. I wish Biden was as far left as you think, I would've actually voted for him if so
    4 points
  8. It would have been more of a lock if Ricky didn't give Jose Ramirez two huge go-ahead hits.
    4 points
  9. Big problem is the president not condemning it, saying they did nothing wrong, and expressing outrage at the FBI for investigating it. Biden condemned looting in Portland. Trump supported it. At this point, supporting Trump is supporting those caravans.
    4 points
  10. This country would be such a better place if we could get people to separate church and state. People should be able to follow & practice whatever religious beliefs they want as long as they don’t negatively impact someone else directly. I’ll never understand this need for some people to force their religious views on others.
    3 points
  11. Oh come on, get out of here with your thinly-veiled steroid accusations
    3 points
  12. Elections have consequences!
    3 points
  13. Free college, $15.00 minimum wage, open borders, free health care for illegal aliens, and late-term abortion. Sure sounds like Bernie.
    3 points
  14. I'm not from the us but I don't quite understand why religious people support trump. I think trump goes way less to church then biden, he was married several times, had an affair with a porn star and allegedly paid several women for abortion. Why would religious people support him?
    3 points
  15. The dreaded triple entente consisting of Harris, Pelosi, and AOC. greg is the GOAT. If there was a Soxtalk Mount Rushmore, greg has to be on there, right?
    3 points
  16. "I am not voting for a man. I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding. A am voting for a Constitutional government. I am voting for a strong and viable military. I am voting for a vibrant economy. I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms. I am voting for the freedom to worship. I am voting for national recognition of the founding of our nation on Biblical principles. I am voting for the ability for anyone to rise above their circumstances and become successful. I am voting for my children and grandchildren to be able to choose their own path in life, including how and where their children are educated. I am voting for our borders to be open to everyone who enters under our law and closed to everyone who would circumvent or ignore the law. I am voting for the Electoral College to remain in place so that a few heavily populated liberal centers do not control the elections. I am voting for a Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution rather than rewrites it. I am voting to teach history, with all its warts. not erase it or revise it. I am voting for the sanctity of life from conception to birth and after." Author unknown but agreed with.
    3 points
  17. i love how they both defend fracking and act like it's great; one of the most depressing thing about the debates was these two morons arguing about who wants to destroy the environment more in the name of a few short term jobs.
    3 points
  18. I haven't followed the news much over the weekend, but is anyone excoriating or eviscerating the Tigers for hiring AJ Hinch? No? Anything close to the derision the Sox received for hiring La Russa? No? No Reaction? Huh.
    3 points
  19. I'm sure that's true. But could you imagine McCain or Romney supporters doing something like that? Trump's true base are the ones that do stuff like this. They're the ones that want to patrol polling places with open carry guns. Politics is a dirty business, and both sides of the aisle are guilty of doing shady stuff. But this is truly abhorrent.
    3 points
  20. I personally find the scare tactics by the pickup truck caravan in Texas on the Biden bus to be of very poor taste. It was bullying and intimidation tactics that harken back to the racist lynch mobs of the Jim Crow era in the South.
    3 points
  21. At this point, Passans article has now had space on ESPN.com and on their app main pages for 3 days, so readership and interest in that article must be pretty big. I can’t read them, but the Tribune is running articles saying “deal with it” because that’s all they can do. There seems to have been, aside from LaRussa’s sincerely held comments about being sincere, zero effort at damage control. They haven’t given the fans anything. They haven’t made any of the players available for an interview. They haven’t provided quotes from any of the players. They didn’t bother to track down any of LaRussa’s former players to give a quote praising him on any of the things we’d have called baggage. They didn’t announce any of his staff or anything neW that the fans could get excited about. Notably, when the Tigers hired Hinch, they did a couple of these - gave a positive story about his interview for the press (we called him 30 minutes after the World Series!) and they had a comment from a former player named Justin Verlander, who has some connection to Detroit. The White Sox did none of the basic PR efforts other than a press conference where LaRussa got publicly called on his bullsh*t by basically every major baseball writer and angry fans literally put them as the top trending story on Twitter after they did it. So, either the white Sox did not anticipate an intensely angry reaction from their fan base (and players and league) to this, or they did and didn’t care if they look bad to the rest of the league and country. I'm not sure which would be worse.
    3 points
  22. Ramirez and LeMahieu are the other 2 finalists. No Bieber. No Trout.
    2 points
  23. I can't beat you in an argument so I won't even try. Reading this post ... I don't stand a chance so I won't even try. This actually is a perfect "how to beat somebody in an argument" post. I could make some counterpoints but like I said, you win. No reason to try.
    2 points
  24. You have to be a fake person
    2 points
  25. Yes some people think Harris/AOC/Nancy, the four folks in that group with the nickname I'm forgetting, do believe socialism is the goal. And some cities have already devastated their police forces and certainly want the abolishment of police. Times have changed. Joe and Harris' policies of the past don't matter. At least that's the position of some of us who are very afraid of the things I mentioned in my long post. How bout somebody address each of my points and give me your point of view rather than deem me an idiot or a troll? I'd love to not be worried about the things I mentioned. I do fear Civil War; I do fear lack of law and order. I do fear communism/socialism coming. I'm not the only one. I just have a different viewpoint from you and some others.
    2 points
  26. Looks like McConnell and Graham flat out lied. Voters should vote them out; don't stack the court for gosh sakes and change the whole system. Even Ruth thought that was a bad idea. So are we supposed to stack the court and add a few states? That will assure Democrat rule forever. The two party system isn't perfect but it is a way to have some checks and balances. Stacking the court and adding 2 states or more will assure Democrat rule forever. Not healthy when folks like Nancy/AOC and Pelosi are saying the stuff they are saying about the future. Did anybody watch those hearings and see ACB as the devil? She seems fantastic. She's going to hear cases not rubber stamp GOP positions IMO. How can you watch the hearings and listen to her and think she's not qualified? She seems great.
    2 points
  27. You can ask me anything you want direct messaging. I'll give you my true feelings about politics, etc. I guarantee you my positions in that long post about concern about Biden's health and the intentions of Harris/Pelosi/AOC are not mine alone. Some of you folks don't listen to Travis/Whitlock/Rogan/Carlson/Huckabee/Rush. I do. Along with some of the CNN folks like Cuomo.
    2 points
  28. The same people who run on gun rights are the same people making sure as many people as possible can't vote, but greg isn't ready for that conversation.
    2 points
  29. Btw I'm no huge biden fan and would have preferred a younger candidate but do trump people really Believe biden will install socialism, get rid of churches, get rid of police and open the borders? Biden-obama actually deported more people than trump did. Biden and harris also both have a strong pro police, law and order record. Also biden is pretty centrist when it comes to economy stuff.he is talking left to appease the bernie/aoc fans but he certainly is not a Socialist by any means when judging his policy in the last 30 years.
    2 points
  30. " . . . and may God have mercy on your soul"
    2 points
  31. If the GOP didnt want the Supreme Court to be packed they should have voted on Merrick Garland, they should have not abolished the 60 vote requirement for SC judges and they should not voted for ACB. 3 strikes you are out.
    2 points
  32. When I was told that Biden was gonna get rid of God, I was done right there and then. Just despicable
    2 points
  33. Definitely a game changer, Im looking into how I can change my vote.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. The idea that a player that makes your team better shouldn't be signed because he's not one of the top two players available is just downright stupid. No offense.
    2 points
  37. It sounds like Hahn and Kenny will pick but they didn't pick the manager so who knows.
    2 points
  38. I think they’re going outside and keeping everything else the same.
    2 points
  39. There is also the issue that it could go wrong due to other reasons and still the GM gets blamed. Theo epstein said 15 years ago that having a fixed closer rather than a bullpen ace sucks sabermetrically but that managers,fans,media and players revolt every time that inferior closer blows a game (even though he might have blown it already in the 7th with a traditional closer). Now 15 years later almost all data people agree your best reliever shouldn't close but still only a handful flexible pen aces (like hader or miller a couple years ago) are used. The same happens with that new manager, even if he does anything right and fails due to bad luck the media and fans will go crazy, players might revolt and the GM could get fired. This is also why those things are always tested in small markets, if you do that in NY or boston and fail you get chased out of town.
    2 points
  40. oh crap this is a good point. If I'm a college coach ESPECIALLY big ten baseball, I may be nervous on job security.
    2 points
  41. Springer is a luxury at this point. Those dollars go farther in the starting staff.
    2 points
  42. I know people will think I am crazy, but we can hide a bad to mediocre RF in this line up, especially if we find one that can catch the ball in RF. We CAN'T hide bad starting pitching. We need to add one more mainstay to this rotation.
    2 points
  43. I'm bored. Trade Dunning, Cease, Kopech and Lopez for DeGrom. That could be 3/5 of the Mets starting pitching staff for years to come.
    2 points
  44. Bold is signing Bauer AND Stroman AND Springer. Or replacing one of those with an elite trade. That’s how you piss all over the AL
    2 points
  45. What a surprise, he brought the scary black people into it.
    1 point
  46. How do you address what happened on the Texas and New Jersey highways?
    1 point
  47. The Machado situation is a reason why you might not expect us to land a big free agent. It’s not a reason why a big free agent would choose not to sign here. I believe you are the one who has reading issues.
    1 point
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