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4 points
Yeah one scenario was going big with Bauer Stroman springer the other was Quintana ...something forgot rest. Basically the tweet equivalent of *makes jerkoff motion with hands*3 points
I mean, they all dropped out at a time that could not have been more planned. And yes, Bernie has issues with minorities at times because he focus on class first. This has led some to even call him racist, which is a media talking point. I actually think if you uplift class, you would see a dramatic reduction in racism and etc. I think it's a viable plan, but it does not play into the identity politics that has overtaken discord and politics in general in this country. Social issues typically evolve with political issues.3 points
Maybe some didn't come out for Biden because he doesn't represent what they want? Being "not Trump" isn't enough for all voters. You can't use the Biden/Trump results to argue against progressivism. The idea that progressives will go out in droves to vote for corporate Democrats has never made sense to me3 points
I wouldn't call anything that has happened a victory for Democrats, and I fear if Democrats view this as a victory they are merely going to get further and further from the left that they should be pushing towards. The "centrist" mindset they have instilled, and their relationships with big money, is destructive and alienates vast swaths of the populace. They are always so worried about getting the "middle" vote that they are practically now a conservative party if they existed in any other western nations.3 points
I'm surprised and pleased that this thread is still alive. When I started it a while back I fully expected it to be closed by election day. But SoxTalk continues to be one of the best sites to visit with a bunch of great folks having (for the most part) courteous conversations. The few times I woke up last night, I went right to this page to see if there were any updates. I certainly appreciate those who have been relaying what they've heard. I went to bed last night certain that 2016 was repeating. Now it seems like Biden has a more clear path to winning. We won't know for a couple days, I'm sure, but we may have a better idea by later today or tomorrow. Regardless, this is an historic election. If there wasn't so much on the line, it could be more enjoyable to watch.3 points
https://www.robertfeder.com/2020/11/04/robservations-espn-1000-finish-line-white-sox-radio-rights/ I was pretty confident that they'd end up at 780 with Entercom but the White Sox are accepting the bid from ESPN apparently. Maybe that station will actually cover the team now.2 points
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The biggest issue with trump is his resistance to good advice. His racist talk, lies, insults whatever but the biggest problem is that he isn't able to listen to good advice and either alienates or fires any smart people that were around him. Had he done all this crazy stupid talk but listened to experts especially on covid like for example merkel did in Germany trump would have easily been re elected. You can be a loud mouth, self absorbed ass but then you can't be incompetent too. His first 3 years he kinda lucked into being seen as somewhat competent in economy but then when a real challenge came he was not smart enough to listen to the experts and run a solid policy. Covid has stopped trump but it was not the virus but trump's terrible handling of it that killed him because such a crisis actually helps the leader if he does a semi decent job handling this. In europe you can see that too for example with merkel or the austrian chancellor too, they handled it well with rather restrictive measures and their popularity grew. Trump didn't even act badly, he did nothing and made jokes about the virus and that is not what a leader does.2 points
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If Springer can be had for $20 mil a year and the Sox let him pass, I just don't know what to say...2 points
The argument is stand for something, anything, at this point because dems are the epitome of empty suits. I stand here wanting to bash my head against wall because they keep trotting out the same BS expecting to work.2 points
Trump was correct about one thing. It's Nov. 4th and nobody is talking about Covid.2 points
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You can keep saying this - but this view is one of the things that is wrong with factions of the democrat party. 100% and all it does is further alienate the situation and increase the divide.2 points
Literally nothing ironic about the media pushing centrists talking points. It is to be expected. Just as they pretend all hispanics in southern florida are too stupid to think for themselves and see through the lies? It's just offensive. Identity politics is complete nonsense. Black people don't all think the same; Cubans aren't the same as Mexicans or Venezuelans. These are human beings. Also, everyone who doesn't support your candidate isn't an uneducated idiot; they're not all racist. People are tired of hearing that stuff.2 points
Obama deported more immigrants than any POTUS in history. Obama built the camps and the cages. Did he stop using them at the end of his term and change his stance? Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that he was every bit as complicit as Trump and even is a big reason Trump has the power to do what he's doing. This is exactly the rhetoric many are tired of; this flat out dishonesty where Trump is this new-age evil that we've never seen before who came out of nowhere instead of Trump is merely a consequence for the actions of previous POTUS expansion of power and identity politics. Trump is a horrible man; Obama is likely a better man. Obama killed more people through drone strikes, assassinated American citizens without trial, and deported millions. As for your other points, incredibly true and important. The assault on climate change and science by the right is perhaps the most dangerous position a political party has taken around the world ever; it could literally destroy the planet. But yet, the Dems laugh at a massive green new deal that would practically pay for itself and help the environment because they are in bed with banks and oil companies and the likes. People like Joe Biden have somehow been in public service for 50 years and he's somehow worth 9 million dollars... hmm2 points
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By the way, Democrats should be self reflecting right now but instead they'll think their strategies have worked. This election has been a disaster for Dems, and it's because they have promised so much and then sided with the elite far too often.2 points
One of the best Presidents in US history! I just got to laugh at all these Republicans who actually think this guy cares about them. Trump only cares about Trump and people should feel ashamed voting for this clown.2 points
Have you people not watched anything over the past 4 years? The corruption of the Department of Justice? Immigrant camps on the border and hundreds of children literally orphaned from their families permanently? Dismantling of EPA regulations and enforcement? Devastation of the ranks of scientists in the government? There's so much that's done explicitly by the Executive Branch. Don't forget things just because they don't impact you.1 point
This accomplishes nothing. Not having a majority stonewalls policy with McConnell in charge. Dems can't get anything done without control. From a policy standpoint it may be even more exhausting over the next two years.1 point
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Nah. All of us, Rs, Ds, and Ind proved that we can't really operate in good faith. Mods and Admins get accused of being partisan and ignoring some problems and firing up others, posters twist words and troll. while this event thread has been fairly mild compared to the expectations, I really wouldn't want to be babysitting another Buster anytime soon1 point
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I still think the Republicans need Trump. The 2018 midterms weren't even close in states like PA and MI. But this time, even after all the shit that went against Trump in 2020, he outperformed the GOP in 2018. There must be a section of voters who aren't devout GOP voters but will definitely vote for Trump.1 point
I really liked the crew WGN gave to the sox. Sad to see that go. The constantly changing pre and post crews is a bummer, but then again, I listen to maybe 4-5 pre or post games a year1 point
Florida went to $15 minimum wage with a SUPERMAJORITY and they still found a way to get waxed by Trump1 point
Close enough to *successfully* fight. He’s gonna fight. Your out of your mind if you think the Dems will ever self reflect. Biden did have a lot to overcome, but man the performance with minorities is.....yikes1 point
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Sounds like it has been 78-21 thus far in Pennsylvania. If that trend holds Biden wins Pennsylvania.1 point
On the assumption the Cubs will reduce payroll and the WS have room, Darvish (3/$20M) could be available...especially if we took on Kimbrel (1/16M). Maybe add Happ to the mix and we solve for several needs in one stop. Guessing the return package would start with Cease but shouldn't be too rich due to Cubs shedding $40+M in 2021 payroll. Maybe something like Cease, Collins and Stiever?1 point
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Happy for him and proud of him. Side to side and coming in he covers acres. Going back? He's got work to do. But I'm the guy who liked A Garcia and C Lee going back so what do I know?1 point
100% well deserved and hopefully the first of many. Look forward to some MVP's and a HOF career as well Yes - I have very high, yet reasonable expectations of La Pantera1 point
If they are so afraid of what he may say, it makes you wonder why they would hire him.1 point
Am I missing something here? Marquez is good and cheap but Chris Sale he is not. I know you said "Sale lite" but that still feels crazy steep. Sale had a career ERA of 3, had been an All-Star 5 times, and had received Cy Young votes in each of those seasons and MVP votes twice. He also had 4 years of team control left. These situations aren't all that similar in my eyes.1 point
good article until bruce decides to bruce at the end...Justin turner at third and let Moncada roam the outfield? Oh bruce.1 point
It would have been more of a lock if Ricky didn't give Jose Ramirez two huge go-ahead hits.1 point
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