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  1. The White Sox are 26-16 right now. In 2020, they were 32-15 at one point. So I’m not sure how obvious it is.
    12 points
  2. Of course Tony doesn't think this is a big deal. This a part of his demented moral code where swinging at a 3-0 pitch is worse than 2 DUIs. But again, once he opened his mouth to the media, he no longer gets to decide how big this story is. It is now free in the world. Of course Tony doesn't want to get publicly mocked for this, and thinks everyone should do think what he thinks. If anything, it tells you how out of touch he is that he sees this as completely normal.
    9 points
  3. Then you better stop rooting for the White Sox, as they are giving out these bobble heads on May 28th Move along, grandpa.
    9 points
  4. If TLR really did yell at Yermin "take, take, take!" it's possible he heard "rake, rake, rake!" and obliged.
    9 points
  5. lol not even a ny post editor could read this without laughing.
    9 points
  6. Soooo... 3-1 count - okay to hit a home run. 3-0 count - absolute disrespect to the game. How can anyone not see how stupid that is...
    9 points
  7. 9 points
  8. I wonder if Tony LaRussa has appealed the suspensions and fines yet?
    8 points
  9. It is done all the time in other professional sports and you know it. In the NFL, quarterbacks take a knee , several times if necessary to run out the clock instead of running up the score. In the NBA BOTH teams put in scrubs to finish out the game, and then dribble out the last seconds instead of sending LeBron out to dunk one in yo face. Yermin did what he did and should have taken matters into his own hands when they threw at him. He decided to swing for the fences on a 3-0 pitch from a position player while up 11 runs in the 9th. Ridiculous. Some youngsters like to create problems and have daddy clean it up later. Maybe Yermin should charge the mound next time. Don't wait for Tony to explain what you did and why after the game and then characterize Baldelli's response. Tony has been doing one helluva job with this team. If we win the Division with an outfield filled in with Minor league talent (and Rookie Vaughn hitting .225 with 2 HR) , he will be up for Manager of the Year.
    8 points
  10. Worshiping a mid-70's leader with a shady past who was suddenly given an incredible amount of power out of the blue........WHERE HAVE I SEEN THIS BEFORE?!?!?!
    8 points
  11. Even going back to the Red Sox series when we had Mendick and Yermin pitch. The Red Sox were TEEING off on us. How come TLR didn’t have anything to say about that back then?!
    8 points
  12. Do you know why the unwritten rules of baseball aren’t written? Because if they were, everyone would see how stupid they really are.
    8 points
  13. TLR: "I have no problem with what the Twins did" Can I report TLR for wishing harm on people on the White Sox payroll?
    8 points
  14. This is your argument. The nonTLR stans aren't trying to defend an antiquated system. You are the one telling me that in this situation players aren't allowed to try, and if they do, they can be attacked physically with a deadly weapon as punishment. So where are the Twins obligations? Should the Sox have attacked Donaldson for hitting a home run the previous inning and putting on a show after hitting it with his team down 12 runs? If Yermin has an obligation to not hit, why do the Twins not have to follow the same morality? Why don't they have to quit trying and/or substitute players like you said in your previous post? Get past the ignorant boomer rant about the younger generation and tell me why the other team isn't following the same standards and why they are allow to assault someone who doesn't follow this morality, even though they are not. Let's hear your rationale go to a l9gical conclusion.
    7 points
  15. Then why did the Twins send up 4 starters in the 9th and get two hits? Why didn't they just take a knee or send in their scrubs?
    7 points
  16. The fewer I have to listen to ARod the better.
    7 points
  17. You are talking to a newly minted CC Sabathia fan. Holy crap did he bring the fire!
    7 points
  18. NY Post: flashy headlines, no actual news.
    7 points
  19. This is a steaming pile of hot garbage. The biggest rebuttal to it is that at no time, no time at all, did Tony EVER say ANYTHING about protecting Yermin, or saving his from injury. It was about protecting the game, and how the game is played. He also never once tried to protect his player once something did happen. They threw a fastball behind his guy, and he stayed in the dugout. Tony never talked about Yermin's health. Not a single time. Every chance he got he spoke about respect, and respecting the game. He DID say how he DIDN'T have a problem with what the Twins did, even when he COULD have mentioned injuries caused by thrown baseballs. On the bright side, after the stretches made to come up with 18 of these things, you should be limber enough to run a marathon. Either that or you have a future as a propaganda minister for some despot needing an excuse generator.
    7 points
  20. At the end of the day @tray is upset the designated hitter of the White Sox hit a home run when he wasn’t supposed to, according to white men who made up laughable rules that will never appear in a official rule book because of how asinine they are. I take comfort in knowing someone like tray is in the vast, vast minority in feeling that way, and that the sport of baseball is moving away from the embarrassing antics of Tony LaRussa. I, along with many others will be able to enjoy the game of baseball as it continues to advance and change as the culture does, while tray will be slinging venom towards a player that has already done tremendous things for a team he supposedly roots for. Just a sad way to live.
    6 points
  21. LaRussa is doing a great job and isn't going anywhere.
    6 points
  22. Yermin doesn’t play his game. He plays Major League Baseball....who just suspended a pitcher for doing something Tony had no problem with, and who tweeted about Yermin’s HR in celebratory fashion. So turns out ol’ Tony needs to realize he’s managing Major League Baseball and get with the program.
    6 points
  23. Make Baseball Great Again #MBGA
    6 points
  24. I have an announcement about an open invitation to other Tony fans who post here (tray, chisportsfan, etc). I've mentioned before that we have a LaRusstans group on Discord. Well, it's official: we're doing a #LaRusstansTakeover in the outfield of the May 26 game (next Wednesday) versus St Louis! We will have signs, LaRussa chants, everything to show our support. If you miss out on this one, we will do more in the summer (I've suggested one each for Jerry, Kenny, Ricky).
    6 points
  25. And it is absolutely hilarious that a 3-1 home run is perfectly fine, but 3-0 is unacceptable. FOH with that
    6 points
  26. Sox xW-L is 28-14. Tony has cost them 2 games with his dumb ass shit and not understanding the rules and negatively impacted several others with terrible personnel decisions. Its pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that he has been a hinderance to this point. The club is 26-16 IN SPITE of LaRussa, not due to LaRusaa.
    6 points
  27. Well what the fuck do Frank Thomas and Ozzie Guillen know about succeeding with the White Sox that Tony La Russa doesn't?
    6 points
  28. Tony looks like the kind of a guy who would tell CC to not wear his hat crooked.
    6 points
  29. Damn. That's insanely good.
    6 points
  30. It's ok to criticize him, it really is. He has been bad strategically and now personably with this team. It can change, but all of the above is a white wash of a terrible reaction to a fun play. Mercedes did what he should have done for his livelihood, he wasn't clueless, he wasn't stupid, and he wasn't wrong. I also don't believe that the take sign was given because McEwing didn't say shit about it.
    6 points
  31. No, he didn't. TLR created the controversy by AIRING DIRTY LAUNDRY. If he just keeps his drunken mouth shut, this is a fucking nothing burger.
    6 points
  32. So the younger generation are the snowflakes and not the old dinosaurs that get offended and throw childish tantrums over the most benign shit like swinging on a 3-0 count? Pure projection.
    5 points
  33. Lol...terrible takes all around
    5 points
  34. TLR will wear a black arm band during that time.
    5 points
  35. Nothing would hook kids onto baseball more than sitting in the LaRussians bleacher section cheering on their near-death drunken idol and booing the flashy Latino players with their gold chains, outward display of emotions, boring home runs, and blatant disrespect for superior old white men rules.
    5 points
  36. Sportsmanship is not asinine, but you’re a pussy if you don’t charge the mound after being hit. You live by some seriously fucked up morals.
    5 points
  37. The thought of TLR reigning in the players is also hilarious. The first time he tries to put his foot down, the players basically tell him to shove it.
    5 points
  38. The best part about this is the shot at Christopher Russo LMAO.
    5 points
  39. I also like the whole story about Tony running to the top step and yelling take from the top of his lungs. The stadium was almost empty and it was completely quiet, surely one of the mics would have picked that up. TLR is full of shit
    5 points
  40. Can CC be our manager?
    5 points
  41. So 3-1 is ok, but 3-0 is not? The hitter has to pass on the best pitch he’ll see all count so the pitcher has a chance to come back and win the at-bat? Also, how come using a position player as the pitcher is respecting the game? I’d be pretty be embarrassed if that little butter ball got me out throwing 47 MPH whatever the fuck those pitches were. So the opposing team can embarrass our hitters, but we have to stand pat and pretend not to try if it reaches this magical 3-0. If the Twins don’t want to get embarrassed further, maybe try using a real fucking pitcher instead their utility guy.
    5 points
  42. Good god this is just pathetic man
    5 points
  43. I don't understand how someone like you can function at a human level if you believe the bolded to be true. Boggles the mind.
    5 points
  44. dude shut up, take that nonsense the fuck out of here Yermin "put his teammates at risk" by swinging 3-0 ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS
    5 points
  45. Remember when the NFL penalized players for celebrating TDs? They were called the No Fun League. Now look, whole teams celebrate TDs and enjoy the fact that they did WELL at their job. Something that they try to craft and succeed at every single day. Times change and some things just need to be let go.
    4 points
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