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  1. I just want to know, from the Larussa brigade themselves, what is anyone allowed to complain about with him without you guys getting all "He is a hall of fame Manager how dare you"? he has cost the team games with bad decisions, poor bullpen management, not knowing the rules, shitty lineups, and now is ostracizing his own player while also disagreeing with others in his Locker room, and somehow because TLR has a ring, everything above is washed away with "oh but he has won a lot of games as a manager and is a hall of famer you guys are over reacting" at what point do you actually step back and criticize it like you would do another manager
    7 points
  2. Tray stop repeating this garbage, we all know who the fucking manager is. I'm sorry that you can't see the twisted pretzel bullshit logic for what it is, but clearly you decided that everyone else is the crazy one and that your 1950s thinking about a game being played in 2021 is right. Tony has 2 DUIs, he clearly has judgement issues. Maybe we should all repeat that back at you every time you post who the manager is
    7 points
  3. Tony has done nothing this year to show he’s not a dumb guy now. It’s honestly baffling how many stupid decisions he makes on and off the field.
    6 points
  4. TLR appreciates your efforts.
    6 points
  5. 6 points
  6. I personally think of you as a way better person than myself because you obviously have done way more grueling work than me, or anyone else here for that matter. Can you email me your name? Also a picture of you doing grueling work. I want to put you on my wall of fame. Maybe build a shrine in your honor.
    6 points
  7. Take your "closet cub fan" bullshit and shove it up your ass.
    6 points
  8. It literally says right in there that in 2000 Thomas Howard, a guy TLR managed on the Cards at the time, hit a 3-0 homer off a position player, and TLR didn't make a big stink about it. So no idea what you're talking about.
    6 points
  9. He was saving Heuer for when Marshall got in trouble. Tony and I have a different understanding of trouble. I guess that’s why I’ve never had a DUI
    5 points
  10. The La Russa stans now calling this an awesome loss is peak denial that we have a manager asleep at the wheel.
    5 points
  11. No reason for TLR to ever say anything to the umps.
    5 points
  12. This is textbook narcissistic gaslighting, albeit lowgrade and by proxy. Create a shit show with poor behavior, ie throwing a player under the bus and endorsing his opponent’s actual physical attack against him, then turn around and claim those reacting negatively to it have actually invented the problem
    5 points
  13. The craziest thing about this manager situation - I legitimately despised Ricky's in-game management. It was horrible, and at the time, I thought just about anyone would be a better in game tactician. Fast forward 8 months and we have a man who will likely finish his career 2nd all time in MLB managerial wins, and I would literally do anything to have Ricky back at the helm. Still would disagree a lot with his on field decisions, but at least he was a fantastic man who everyone in the clubhouse loved playing for. Truly an amazing example of the grass isn't always greener. Have to imagine Rick Hahn has very similar feelings at the moment.
    5 points
  14. That explains everything.
    5 points
  15. Are you legit mentally ill.
    4 points
  16. If it wasn‘t literally the team‘s worst reliever throwing in the highest leverage situation, sure-
    4 points
  17. I sure hope the Twins lay off the gas in that one....respect the game please.
    4 points
  18. You've been invalidated in every possible way with this ridiculous notion of yours. You laughing at anyone doesn't mean shit. Still haven't heard your response to TLR's comments about sending numerous pitchers out there to concede outs, nor have you addressed your blatant contradiction about your "concern" about Yermin being hit in the future. Your argument is invalid and wrong. Period. And at this point you're having to dodge a hailstorm of questions you can't even answer.
    4 points
  19. I couldn't have said it better, Tim!
    4 points
  20. Boy you know what's grueling...reading this thread! Rimshot, please!
    4 points
  21. Everyone looking back at Jimmy Cordero and Renteria: (I say this as someone who was very critical of Renteria late in the season)
    4 points
  22. Also, this thread has united so many people: Greg, Ray Ray, Ragah, Chicago White Sox, you, me, Tony (not La Russa), caulfield, southsider and so many more. If that ain't evidence that TLR done fucked up, I don't know what is.
    4 points
  23. They will probably throw at him every at-bat for the rest of his career. I just hope he doesn't get arrested next time he enters Minnesota. What he did was Very Serious.
    4 points
  24. I would have liked Hamilton to steal against a shitty catcher and give Leury a chance. If you're not running with Hamilton every chance you get, you're not using him correctly.
    3 points
  25. Eh. A couple inches and Vaughn is a hero, TLR is a hero for trusting his rookie and Boone is getting flamed for pitching Chapman in a non-save situation. Teams lose 60 games a year because of inches decided by coinflip outcomes. By your logic, every losing manager in every game is a total asshole asleep at the wheel. That’s actually an interesting stance to take and would make for a fun discussion. Sadly, that’s not your stance.
    3 points
  26. listen the loss was certainly not ALL on Tony - it was as much on other failures. But leaving marshall in when you have a rested bullpen was a bad bad bad decision... he basically punted the game.
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. I will never tip my cap to that asshat Chapman...that prick should not even be in baseball. To see him grinning about that triple play just pisses me off to no end.
    3 points
  29. Your calling a guy a liar for stating the truth - it was a great game.
    3 points
  30. Why is Evan Marshall in this spot? What am I missing here?
    3 points
  31. Chapman has a good pick off move. He almost picked off his wife.
    3 points
  32. Miss Harrelson’s trademark “HE GONE, GAS!”...in games like this one.
    3 points
  33. Sure, because they are ignoring him.
    3 points
  34. Misquoting Tim Anderson with a fake Tweet should be cause for suspension from this forum.
    3 points
  35. It's hard not to be united on something so common sense. Luckily the few who are missing it seem to be far and few in between but just that little bit is brutal to see.
    3 points
  36. 3 points
  37. I've done factory work, construction and worked at horse racing tracks shoveling crap. I was making a joke about the hands as that was your comment. I understand you don't get why the travel, hotel and no rest schedule doesn;t sound tough until you experience it. It's the fact that you get no rest and breaks for 8 months. With real life jobs you actually get sleep and rest and days off.
    3 points
  38. This was just snippets of three pages of a "Renteria" search of your name last year. The three pages barely cover a month and the Sox were dominating (better record than now) despite being an incomplete roster; nearly everyday something was all Renteria's fault. 75+ posts. This year? Nothing bad to say about the manager despite him actually being atrocious. It is absolutely baffling.
    3 points
  39. The last thing I want to focus on with a baseball team is the damn manager. They just don't matter much; this clown has made himself the center of attention despite having a group of players who deserve and have earned the right to be in that spotlight. He revels in this attention too, as he won't stop or move on from a subject that he is clearly out of touch with. That's what you get with TLR though. I thought Ricky was blamed far too often last year for just nonsense because managers mean very little. Somehow LaRussa has managed to matter in a position that usually just doesn't matter, and it's not because he's a psychological mastermind, it's because he's a self-centered ass hat.
    3 points
  40. Just gonna drop this bmags post from 7 months ago in here, no reason.
    3 points
  41. LOL the White Sox had the best bullpen in MLB last year. Ricky had like a bad 2 games with the bullpen and that's more egregious than LaRussa already having multiple early on and literally overusing his starters by May 21st? This is such nonsense and shows how irrational your entire commentary on this subject is. You blamed Renteria daily for everything, yet the Sox dominated and closed out every late game situation. This year you've excused the manager time and time again when he's actually had a provable negative impact on the staff. https://www.baseballprospectus.com/news/article/66522/moonshot-tony-la-russa-is-leaving-his-pitchers-in-too-long/
    3 points
  42. One more time because I would never forgive this with any manager, the video is timestamped. ANY manager who says this should be fired on the spot, I don't give a fuck who you are, it's truly embarrassing.
    3 points
  43. Well said and I totally agree with you that this is the key issue and problem here. It's a basic 101 leadership/management skills approach. You praise in public and criticize in private. How would anybody on this forum feel if at their work, their boss was mad at them for something they did wrong and yelled at them in front of all their fellow employees? You deal with negative comments behind closed doors. Plain and simple. What TLR did to throw both Yermin and Lynn under the bus publicly is disgusting and ignorant management practice. I am sure TA7 is trying to rally the boys. I just worry to what damage TLR can do to damage this season in terms of getting in their heads the wrong way. We all know this team is not only talented, but lives with a swagger that loves to have fun playing. I can't imagine playing for a manager that doesn't have your back...is a lot of fun.
    3 points
  44. Some people aren’t worth engaging with. Just saying.
    3 points
  45. huh yeah What is it good for? Absolutely nothing yeah, yeah
    3 points
  46. Excellent choice in music my friend. Did you ever happen to listen to the entire song? Because here's a verse:
    3 points
  47. How foolish. Meanwhile, how many posters questioned LaRussa's decision to put Lamb in the line-up before the very pivotal 2-1 win? Does anyone want to take their comments back after Lamb proved to be key in that win ? During the game, Benetti (and in-game posters here) questioned LaRussa'sdecision to bunt a runner to third. He scored yet no credit given by Benetti and not many here.. So Tony basically guided the team to what some believe was a pivotal victory and series win with good decisions before and during the game. Want to give him an ounce of credit? Nope none.Still bitching about what you think is sportsmanship vs what Tony and others have for decades in virtuall every college and pro sport. As far as Yermin's home run in the 16--4 rout, the only thing that did was to anger the Twins. It means nothing yet it gets hundreds of posts attacking LaRussa over and again. Meanwhile, as people continue to rant on about it, the Twins may very well retaliate, Yermin could get his hand broken, other players could get injured or get suspended in a brawl. Great idea man, just great. In yo face, right? LaRussa and Baldelli want to keep their players on the field and avoid fights, injury and suspensions. They both acted responsibly trying to achieve those ends. I read the profanity laced tirade by CC Sabathia against LaRussa. He reveals more about himself and his hatred for LaRussa than any substantive criticism about LaRussa's managing. It should be a long season for LaRussa haters who continue to question every decision to change a pitcher, bunt, pinch hit, every line-up card, every on or off field comment by LaRussa. I choose to enjoy the season and to not wallow in that kind of misery. Carry on my wayward sons.
    3 points
  48. We need more people acknowledging that. Whether Yermin saw this (supposed) sign or not, telling your best hitter to take a 3-0 pitch is dumb, especially for the antiquated reason he gave.
    3 points
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