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5 points
He’s playing an excellent shortstop in TA’s absence, and can be plugged in anywhere. Yes, I think TLR has penciled him in a bit more than perhaps necessary this year, but man, a guy like Leury is super valuable.4 points
3 points
3 points
What if I told you the long term health impacts of Covid are likely worse than the Flu. What if I told you that we wont know the impact on children until years from now. So yeah as a parent Id rather not unnecessarily risk my child having long term health issues. Wearing a mask and being safe isnt going to "put fear into them" because every day I teach them about acceptable risk v reward. We explain to children every day why its okay to run in a field, but not okay to run at the swimming pool.3 points
3 points
This - so many people complain but the dude is such an asset off the bench. Just so versatile and he is solid - despite what most on here think. And I can’t blame him for getting too much play due to injuries and other factors.3 points
3 points
He's more like Yermin, flash in the pan, and thinks he is way better then he really is.2 points
I think party lines play a huge role, quite frankly. We're tribal in nature...and both sides are guilty of it on a number of issues. Obviously with COVID, the far-right has been very anti-mask, anti-mandates, anti-vax. What I find interesting is all the different "solutions" that side seems to be trying to come up with. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, etc....all things not proven to work (and in some cases be very dangerous for human health.) What it tells me is that they aren't taking COVID lightly. They know it's dangerous. It's why they are trying these things. But they are SO focused on sticking with their tribe and going along with the ideology that their leaders are telling them, the vaccine just isn't an option for them. They'd rather spread horse paste on their toast than take a now FDA-approved vaccine because of what their friend posted on Facebook. So yes, there are many factors that are driving the vaccination decision. And I think party lines plays a very large role.2 points
I'm very happy to see private business starting to require vaccinations so I don't have to hear more complaining about "government mandates". The majority of people want to get back to normal. Let those of us who have chosen to take a logical and careful approach to this get back to normal, if others want to hop on they need to do the sensible thing and get vaccinated. There is zero reason not to, and as you stated those who are refusing are thinking of no one but themselves. It's beyond frustrating.2 points
The right answer should always have been to end the virus - because it is so transmissible and so much more deadly than the flu that if you try to "live with it", it explodes - as it has in this country 4 or 5 times now in various spots, and in the process people start dying from all sorts of things because they can't get into hospitals, they overdose on the latest miracle cure, and so on. It would definitely take a couple of years, but if you set that goal - you get everyone vaccinated that you can, you institute vaccination requirements in as many places as are feasible, you require masks in places like schools where vaccination isn't possible yet, you make use of testing tracing and isolation - even with the transmissible variants we have right now, it remains possible to get cases decreasing to a level where you can push towards eliminating it from this country. You then have to work internationally on the same goal, but with the weapons we now have in the vaccines, it remains do-able. The reason it can't be done, of course, is specific people who are on the side of the virus.2 points
Those refusing to get a vaccine are very selfish, and they don't care if others are potentially harmed. They'll say they care about others, but they don't mean it. I got vaccinated for me, my family, and my job. People refusing to get vaccinated are doing it for themselves, that's it. Mandatory vaccines are coming. Some employers are already requiring it. Some venues (United Center, for example) are requiring it. If people lose their jobs or are refused entry to an event, good. One less thing for the rest of us to worry about. As far as masks, no one likes wearing one. But they are the most effective prevention against infection. Vaccinated people can still catch COVID, although the risk is lower and the risk of severe effects is much lower. If an infected person, wearing a mask, is in a room full of vaccinated and/or unvaccinated masked people, risk of transmission is very low. Wearing masks, while a nuisance, is easy. And people are acting like...well, like the spoiled fucks they are. If everyone threw a mask on today, nothing would have to be shut down, and COVID infections would drop off sharply. COVID will probably never go away. But we can drive it down to an endemic virus like the flu or the common cold that we can protect ourselves from with yearly shots and have treatments that we can buy over the counter (not horse deworming pills). But we have to get more people vaccinated and more people to actually wear masks for a while.2 points
The bottom line (for me) is that it’s not that hard to wear a mask or get an approved vaccine, yet many people have chosen not to do that and the rest of us have to suffer the consequences. I’ll feel a lot better when there’s a vaccine approved for kids, but in the meantime there’s some pretty simple steps people can take, but are refusing to. It’s selfish and harms others, even when that’s not the intent.2 points
No, that is not the truth. Stop propagating falsehoods. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/2 points
That's all while we're taking society-wide preventative measures against COVID (adults getting vaccinated, masks, remote learning, work from home, social distancing, less travel). Like others have said, delta is here. Months ago you said you essentially said that the vaccinated people can stop bothering unvaccinated people, who are living at their own risk. Well, I got COVID despite being vaccinated - because the unvaccinated people are letting delta spread like wildfire. We're going backwards because of delta due to unvaccinated people. You may not want to hear about it so much, but maybe if people didn't handwave this as the flu (which, note, less than half of adults take the vaccine for the flu) and took the damn vaccine, we'd be looking towards a future where we don't have to be worrying about kids getting the delta variant.2 points
I don't want to speak for everyone, but I think the frustration comes from.....we didn't have to just "live with this." But because a bunch of people are so obsessed with party lines....we're probably going to have to live with it, you're right.2 points
Nothing ... good luck proving in court that ONE individual was responsible. It's a silly "what if" argument. What if someone who has the vaccine contracts it and passes it to a person who is unprotectible? It's a rabbit hole and has no basis in reality. These are the type of back and forth conversations that add nothing to move anything forward. It's trying to catch people in a gotcha moment. or a "you dont care about people, you're a bad person" argument. its baseless, pointless drivel. it's trying to pit "us vs them". bad narrative.2 points
There are a class of people who are unprotectible, and you brought up the topic of personal responsibility. So instead of dancing around it, if someone who has done everything they can, gets infected by someone who is intentionally NOT taking protective steps, what should their punishment be? Keep in mind, we have laws on the books in similar situations for STDs will actually charge them with a felony.2 points
Well, at the very least we know you can never use "I was young and stupid" as an excuse for something you did when you were 23. Leury was a -1.9 fWAR player in his age 22-24 seasons. For age 26-30, he's been worth 4.2 fWAR - just under 1 fWAR a season counting 2020. I would submit that what he did in 2013-2015 isn't all that relevant to right now.2 points
What if I told you that this new variant, Delta, is far more susceptible to children and the numbers of the past year, to at least some extent benefited from children masking up in school and the fact that for most of that past year, there were material lockdowns and many kids not actually at in-person school. I don't know what the #'s would be if protocol wasn't followed...but i know my kids, who are too young to be vaxxed, have no problem wearing a mask and it isn't some major inconvenience. I have 2 good friends that are ER doctors - last year, they weren't very worried at all with their kids (under vax age) and COVID - the past 6 weeks - they have been hyper alert and concerned due to what they are seeing in young patients coming into and more broad data around how Delta impacts kids.2 points
Since Hamilton is back I thought I'd post his vlog from the Field of Dreams which I hadn't seen before.2 points
I don't see Rodon coming back to the Sox. Next season you have the following four pitchers as near locks to be in the rotation: Giolito Cease Lynn Kopech Also, Keuchel is still under contract next season and it would be difficult to move him in a trade, given his performance and salary for 2022. The Sox are unlikely to let Keuchel reach 160 innings in 2022, as that would vest his option for 2023. To avoid that, we'll probably see Reynaldo Lopez get a fair amount of starts, which he has earned to this point. Carlos has been excellent this season. Let's ride him to a World Series win and offer him the QO. He'll get a well-deserved payday from another team and the Sox will get a comp pick.2 points
It was annoying earlier in the season to see him playing every game, and for a while it was like he was up *every time* the Sox had RISP in a high-leverage situation, but that wasn't really his fault. He's a utility guy, in that role, he's great2 points
I guess the Padres may prove not to be the genius FO organization some here believe them to be.2 points
Bah, you gotta have at least 2 backup infielders available, even more helpful if one has minor league options, and we aren’t sure who will be starting at 2b yet.2 points
2 points
I like Leury. I fully expect the Sox to bring him back on a 2 year $5-7M deal and I am in full support. When he’s not overused, he’s the perfect bench guy.2 points
I have no problem with him. My only problem is with how he's over-used. Not really his fault.2 points
2 points
They were a great team in the 1970s. Two World Series wins over two great Oriole teams. Too bad this team has fallen on bad times. Has had a great history.2 points
Tonight Leuryhaving a great game shortened the thread.2 points
We have finally hit 22 games above .500. Our highest mark since September 2008. We had 3 chances to hit it in July and August and had lost every time before tonight.2 points
He plays 6 positions. At one point this summer, he was 2nd on the team in RBIs. Leury Garcia stans have a lot to be proud of. He’s grinded here for 9 years and this team is lucky to have him.2 points
2 points
1 point
Has a good RBI total for someone who doesn't play every day. Has had some clutch hits this year.1 point
1 point
1 point
Tony LaRussa nailed it on Gavin Sheet in the Spring. Said something about wishing to be his agent. Many of us were like, WTF? Tony knows this game.1 point
What about playing the Cubs and Pirates back to back makes you say this?1 point
Hey why are they burying the lead....Gordon Beckham is coming back baby!!! For anyone interested...you can catch the Sox on the radio on AM1000.1 point
Cut it out. I'll make that as clear as can be. Comments have been made that were not needed in a response back and than put an avatar up that is directed at said individual. NOT Allowed. And your posts were edited and back available - personal insult removed. If you want to post here - stick to the facts at hand. We ask others to do the same - when it doesn't happen - stuff gets hid until it is cleaned up....personal bickering is not needed. Mods also have had posts hidden and edited in recent months too - so this isn't a double standard - but i'm never going to claim perfection. Everyone here is a volunteer and this is a place people come to enjoy talking about the Sox or comiserating with other fans when things aren't going well. Leave the petty stuff at the door and enjoy the club and if you don't get along with someone - just stay away from them and vice versa.1 point
1 point
It is going to be damn emotional for me if I can get to a playoff game and finally cheer for our MVP in a playoff game. The man has not taken the easy way in his baseball career, chose this team - and how often has that happened - and stuck with this team and done nothing but deliver. And there was a huge chance he'd never get to the big stage despite it. Last year happened, but getting a real stadium full of us for him. I can't wait.1 point
I think BB is a great coach he is extremely intelligent and can do a lot of things. But he basically has 1 QB success story. Im not sure what trusting Nagy v BB has anything to do with the fact that Fields and Mac are completely different players and that it makes no sense comparing them. If it was up to me, Id say Fields shouldnt play the first half of the season. Mahomes sat a full year. The Bears arent going to win the Super Bowl this year, the most important thing is Fields development. The best way for him to develop is to practice, watch game film, listen to calls and develop. He has plenty of time to get in game reps over the course of his career. If the Bears were going to run something similar to OSU this year, then it would be different, but they arent. He is learning an entirely new system and the Bears arent going to be competitive. Jones is going to be asked to do very minimal stuff. The Patriots are trying to win now, its not remotely comparable.1 point
Keep your eyes on Romy Gonzalez. He crushed AA ,which isn't easy in Birmingham. He was a 20/20 guy there . It's only been 5 games but he's 8 for 19 with 4 doubles and 3 HR's. That's 7 of his 8 hits for many extra bases . 1.000+ Slg. % and around 1.600 OPS . He went from unranked to #16 and while it's impossible to keep hitting the way he has, he seem really legit. Hit's plenty of his HR's oppo. He has easy power almost like Eloy. Not sure what position he ends up , maybe 2nd base. He'll shoot up from 16 to top 10 easy when the February rankings come out. Might even be closer to Top 5. He'll be 25 in early September. Might not be room to call him up in September but he would be fun to get a look at.1 point
1 point
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