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  1. Was sure this was a Caulfield post until the bottom part.
    2 points
  2. Let it go man. They aren't using Vaughn to dump a contract that isn't even toxic.
    2 points
  3. Dafoe stole the movie imo. He crushed the green goblin (again and moreso this time). Overall a lot of fun and can't wait to rewatch.
    2 points
  4. The owners have raised prices on fans by a billion dollars a year over the last ten years in money that isn’t going to the players. Why are you ok with price increases for their pocketbooks?
    2 points
  5. That was so fucking awesome. What a movie.
    1 point
  6. One problem is that Tom Holland (and his significant other) gets lost in the redemption arc for the careers of Tobey Maguire and particularly Andrew Garfield. It felt like a bit too much fan service…but what can one realistically expect at this point? And why would the equivalent of Alex Jones consistently get their news updates in bright lights at Times Square?
    1 point
  7. That’s the first time I’ve actually witnessed someone being drawn and quartered. Outstanding.
    1 point
  8. Mets gonna be dangerous in 2024.
    1 point
  9. So he was overpaid and didn't produce...therefore cut. The situations are the same but just don't fit your narrative.
    1 point
  10. Jerry is not my boy but I sure don't think he is evil incarnate. Why didn't you bring up JR allowing RH to cut Eaton which was probably a 5 million mistake? Each situation is separate and I think RH has a plan for Kimbrel that is not dumping him for salary relief.
    1 point
  11. I didn't say anything that foolish. You did. Obviously there would be comparable talent exchanged for any player included in a Kimbrel trade. You should let your little vendetta against me go.
    1 point
  12. Sept 9. 2021 story about Sox playing at Oakland: "(Vaughn) greeted the Cal baseball team Wednesday night, still young enough to have played with some of its current members during his own college days. But mostly, he was thrilled to show the people he loves, in person, that his dream came true. "They're proud of me," he said. "So many people had an impact on my career that were able to come out. Just to be able to thank them has been really special. "They're my people, they're my favorite people, and it doesn't matter what level I'm at, it's just great to see them under any circumstance." ------------ Yea, Vaughn might not mind coming home to CA. Perhaps a package of Kimbrel plus Vaughn might net a few decent players from the Dodgers.
    1 point
  13. This is the first proposal I've seen where the Sox would get prospects and free up the $16 million. Found it interesting, especially coming from a Dodgers site. I like the idea alot more than trading for a similar salaried player.
    1 point
  14. Did I mention this sucks? Oh… @Kyyle23 already did. Nevermind, continue on doing whatever it is that you’re doing.
    1 point
  15. Being petty but I do wish venom shows up at Statue of Liberty at least. Oh well
    1 point
  16. To me, this work stoppage represents what is happening in the country right now. Opposing sides are not seeking a common ground. Instead, divisions are created and bitterness will last a long time. At this point, I don't care who is right or wrong. Each side has their viewpoint. I am only one fan, but if one game of the regular season gets cancelled due to a work stoppage, I won't attend one game this year, and I won't care what the White Sox are doing. And I think this is the message fans should be sending the baseball establishment right now. Each side wants to win, but there won't be any winners if they look out in the stands and see 5,000 people out there. I don't know what influence JR has now, but he should have learned a huge lesson. The 1994 strike and its aftermath nearly destroyed the White Sox as a franchise. Any stoppage will only hurt his team, and he should do what he can to stop it. If he cares at all which I don't know if he does.
    1 point
  17. Baseball has actually done a great job protecting and expanding their revenue streams, especially for a sport where those who list it as their favorite are 57 years old already. That’s not the ideal target demographic for marketers, to say the least. Look at all the challengers and challenges. Minor league baseball…that’s always been there, of course. The Internet. Social media. Netflix. The rising cost of cable and satellite t.v. College, high school and NFL football towards the end of a season. Golf has been a lot more popular since Tiger Woods, NASCAR had its run, mixed martial arts, now the biggest thing around the world is e-sports. Disney+. Hulu. Home theatre systems and increasingly affordable big screen t.v.’s. The list goes on and on. Fewer and fewer African Americans engaging with the sport. 4 1/2 hour games, shifting and bullpen over reliance. Instant replay. Cue Greg rant about concessions and souvenir prices for good measure. If nothing else, 6.8% inflation guarantees rising costs…with everything likely going up at least 10-15% regardless of the lockout.
    1 point
  18. No matter how you finish it the answer is yes. This is Soxtalk. At a minimum if everyone is for it, Greg will be against it and Caul will have well sourced 1,000 word essays that may be for or against, it's just hard to tell. It's why we love this place.
    1 point
  19. Underrated strategy to try and draft the greatest draft of all time
    1 point
  20. The great thing about this thread is you are free to post what drafts YOU would re-draft instead of trying to pick apart what I said...
    1 point
  21. If Cespedes is the Sox RF by May 2022, some things have gone horribly wrong.
    1 point
  22. Or it shows how little (pun intended) other organizations valued Nick Madrigal and this was the best trade they could make.
    1 point
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