Which is one of the qualifying traits along with enjoying the power trip that comes with the corner office.
Since we jettisoned SL&P the need for moderators has dropped by 83.65%. We receive very few reported posts, in fact weeks go by between them, there just isn't much modin' and adminin' to do around here so no one has been pushing to add some more help. Plus most members prefer less, not more, moderating.
Tray, in five years you have won the day twice for having the most liked content. Including this past November. Why not focus on winning the day more often? Honestly great posters are the biggest asset to this place. Being a mod is really overrated. All you can do is occasionally delete a post or use the luxury suite at the park while hanging out with JR and the rest of the front office. Yeah, the players parties are fun at first, but eventually listening to Anderson talk about his Field of Dreams walk off for the tenth time gets boring.