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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2022 in all areas

  1. I don't know if you have any control over this or not but I humbly request that the 10-1 Astros over our beloved Sox game score be removed from the right side of the Soxtalk headquarters page. It just sucks to look at that every time I come here and if the work stoppage causes games to not be played it will suck more. Thanks in advance for all y'all do!
    3 points
  2. Based on this reply, I really don’t think this arrangement is going to work out. Not sure you’ll fit our “corporate culture” so to speak. But I was really looking forward to our interview. Please let us know if you’d like to re-consider your stance.
    2 points
  3. Which is one of the qualifying traits along with enjoying the power trip that comes with the corner office. Since we jettisoned SL&P the need for moderators has dropped by 83.65%. We receive very few reported posts, in fact weeks go by between them, there just isn't much modin' and adminin' to do around here so no one has been pushing to add some more help. Plus most members prefer less, not more, moderating. Tray, in five years you have won the day twice for having the most liked content. Including this past November. Why not focus on winning the day more often? Honestly great posters are the biggest asset to this place. Being a mod is really overrated. All you can do is occasionally delete a post or use the luxury suite at the park while hanging out with JR and the rest of the front office. Yeah, the players parties are fun at first, but eventually listening to Anderson talk about his Field of Dreams walk off for the tenth time gets boring.
    2 points
  4. what is your opinion on DH in both leagues?
    2 points
  5. This is so regressive man. Why have divisions, just put all the teams in one lump and the team with most wins at the end is champ the end bye.
    2 points
  6. Same! but I ordered a Schiit DAC but they're backordered due to parts shortage. Super jealous. Bought a stand-in DAC on Amazon and it's still a huge improvement over wireless bluetooth NC headphones. The 6xx are a great way to ruin all other headphones for about $200.
    1 point
  7. Soxtalk corporate culture = Sarcasm & arrogance
    1 point
  8. If you were actually looking for a serious answer, there is no process. If we think we need them, we talk amongst ourselves and throw out some names. We haven't needed any for years now. I am once again sorry your feelings were hurt here.
    1 point
  9. While nothing is impossible, Tampa Bay doesn’t have a ton of cap space right now and apparently Brady retiring doesn’t clear much because the money they put off into future years comes due as dead cap space this year now. So it’s at least tough for them.
    1 point
  10. Because a good offense always seems to be so difficult for the Bears to manage, it seems like they need a good OC. They need a good play caller but they need good pieces around Fields to complement him. In other news, Brady is retiring. Maybe Rodgers will head to Denver or Tampa Bay?
    1 point
  11. Why haven't MiLB players unionized? I'm thinking about the people who depend on MLB to earn a living and thinking most of them are deserving raises. If we're going to move insane profits from owners to anybody else I would much rather see those profits moved to MiLB players and the rest of the employees. The MiLB players shouldn't be arguing about sharing a room while at home. Pay them a livable wage and not making housing a part of the deal. That's just a way to keep from paying them a decent wage. The same for the rest of the front office, ticket offices, vendors, etc. And stop giving these teams millions or billions in tax breaks. They should be paying to make the communities they serve better. But instead the guys with the union who are already making wages that put them among the elite money earners in the world will grab millions more and all the folks struggling to earn a living stay the same. It just doesn't seem fair.
    1 point
  12. Yeah...let's have more of those owners who don't want to compete.
    1 point
  13. I prefer to do away with divisions and play a "balanced schedule" in each league and yes...the team with the most wins is the champ. Why is it more entertaining to play the same 4 bad teams 18 times each? Yes, I prefer the way it was done prior to the playoffs system where some team gets lucky and knocks off the far superior team. If you think that's "regressive" ...fine with me.
    1 point
  14. Thad not playing this game was like the salt in the wounds. I wish Lauri had just taken the Spurs deal.
    1 point
  15. Vuc played trash defense as did the others. Pathetic overall defensive performance and real bad coaching not adjusting to that torching. Just a hard game to watch. Better clean that up. With that said - if they hit more of their wide open 3s they win that game. But three straight games with weak 2nd halves.
    1 point
  16. Bullplop. Those teams are extremely profitable and well run teams with low payroll are regularly competitive. None of them are filing bankruptcy, even despite actual and significant losses due to COVID. Furthermore, the Royals won a World Series recently. Cleveland and Tampa Bay made World Series appearances. They don’t want to compete, they want to take home a big paycheck for the owners.
    1 point
  17. What do you find so shocking about the best team in each league having qualified for the WS? I understand that baseball wants the money generated by playoff baseball so we will never go back in time. In 1959 we were undeniably the best team in the AL. Some fluky .500 team didn't get to represent the AL in those days.
    1 point
  18. I would like to be to be a moderator. What are the requirements and where do i make the request?
    1 point
  19. Vaughn and Sheets in a platoon would outproduce Schwarber IMO. More importantly...we use available resources at 2nd base, backup catcher, and pitching.
    1 point
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