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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2022 in all areas

  1. Another reason to blame owners. Tell them to pay their fucking taxes.
    5 points
  2. Nor does your vehement insistence that the owners aren’t stonewalling or stalling or running out the clock make it any less true. You have your opinions, and everyone does, but you chose not to see what is plainly in front of you. You’re the only person on this site that is so anti-labor as to blindly defend ownership to ridiculous degrees despite all of the evidence posted in this thread that shows ownership to not be operating in good faith. Your furious obtuseness strains credulity and credibility, and your defenses of your position insult the intelligence of those whom you respond. It is tiresome to enter this thread looking for news and see all the the posters repeatedly refute your anti-player nonsense only for you to resort to insult, false assertions, and twisting of words to deflect from what you clearly see but refuse to acknowledge. None of this is normal negotiating despite how adamantly you claim it is. Public support is not on ownership’s side. You are free to die on your hill, but goddamn, please stop insulting the intelligence of even the most nominally informed baseball fans in regards to how ownership has operated since before they themselves initiated an entirely unnecessary lockout. It’s tired. /rant
    4 points
  3. That still isn't the players fault. No matter what happens with the CBA, tickets, concessions, you name it are going to increase regardless of player salaries. MLB owners are all extremely wealthy who shouldn't run sports teams like their personal business. Owning a team has become a business to make money, instead of putting a good product on the field.
    3 points
  4. You don't have players without owners and you don't have owners without fans. It's a big circle. Right or wrong on either side, the longer it drags out, the worse it is for the game. Players get paid too much, owners make too much money and the fans pay too much to go to the games.
    3 points
  5. I really could care less and there’s nothing more to say until this is over. It’s the only definitive point of view. This sucks… But I suppose you’re making me question if it is actually definitive. Perhaps you’re just trying to antagonize people and incite some drama to fill a void or something. Now I’m going to go back to just saying “This sucks” because all of these other words are pointless.
    2 points
  6. If you and I had the things the owners have to make their profits look smaller we would all have incomes that wouldn't require paying tax. If you really think franchise values keep going up even though owners only generate enough revenue to keep the lights on (JR doesn't even have to pay the light bill), you have drunk the kool-aid. It's funny, the pro teams that have to publicly report their incomes serm to have no problem paying the bills.
    2 points
  7. Revenues have doubled with players share dropping by 25%. The billionaires are already bending you over, and then making you carry their mail afterwards.
    2 points
  8. Sounds like poppysox has been a Pinkerton in his/her lifetime. Jesus. The owners don't need anyone else to carry water for them, so stop doing it.
    2 points
  9. I feel like this may be the first bulls team I can remember that hasn’t pit its vets vs rookies/young players. Obviously many of those teams were successful, but it is a pretty fun atmosphere when they are all embracing what the rookie can do and pushing him up vs out of the way.
    2 points
  10. The idea that the players' counter-offer was "Ridiculous" and "insulting" and the owners' offer of a salary cut was neither of those, and that it's biased to think anything else is so insulting to the intelligence of the reader that I recommend you try it somewhere else rather than a page where people pay attention to baseball.
    2 points
  11. I hope that the era of public financing of sports stadiums is over. They never pay off.
    2 points
  12. But you get it both ways. Take the White Sox. They tank for a few years bring payroll down to nothing, make huge profits that supposedly will be spent when the rebuild is over. The rebuild is over and prices go up to pay for the increased payroll. While I agree with you any concession to the union will ultimately be paid for by paying customers, don't think for a second they won't try to bleed every available cent out of you even if players gave them everything they wanted.
    1 point
  13. No fan wants the price of consuming baseball to go up. The owners, who face little to no risk owning a franchise these days, could in fact pay a higher minimum to players, institute changes to increase parity/competitive balance /deter continual tanking, pay their employees a living wage & benefits, and still accumulate generational wealth for their greedy selves and not pass those increased costs onto fans. It is a choice for ownership. The entire lockout was initiated because owners don’t want to share their increased revenues. Blaming the players for those things, the only other body who has a seat at the table to bargain for anything, is asinine.
    1 point
  14. Welcome back and as always...well said.
    1 point
  15. You are on a message board, not a massage board. I know that's a small typo, but Soxtalk isn't here to be "fair and balanced". Any site that tries to say they are is lying. This is a bunch of individuals here trading opinions, with some of us even bothering to take the time to read up on what we are arguing. Soxtalk isn't soft or for those who just want their opinions spouted back at them in a protected and one sided format. This isn't about one person's feelings. It's about a 20 year old format which works to allow all sides to debate, but not necessarily agree. The fact that you tried to paint the admin team as some uniform force is the most ironic part of all. If you'd really paid attention you'd know that it's the admin team who typically has the nastiest rows with each other. It's just in this case the evidence is so overwhelming and obvious that we aren't.
    1 point
  16. No matter when this is settled I'll be back supporting the players as I always have. If the owners want to stall and lose a season I'm ok. I won't fall into the owner's trap and be upset about their lockout causing a shortened or no season. The players shouldn't feel any pressure to get the season started on time.
    1 point
  17. I hope to see Billy try to exploit Vuc’s size mismatch more often and mix up how much he’s down low and up top playing passer. He is really skilled in the paint and not a lot of guys can stop him.
    1 point
  18. Ending super 2 status, detailed right here for you to ignore for the 4th time because the owners don’t want it pointed out.
    1 point
  19. Vucevic had a huge game because the Pacers didn't have anyone over 6'8 to guard him. He needs to play well on Sunday against Embiid so Billy can coach at the all-star game.
    1 point
  20. you don't have a sport without the players
    1 point
  21. Also I wanna send some love to the rookie Ayo. Man that kid has been unbelievable. Growing up in front of our very eyes.
    1 point
  22. He has been amazing. Basically has shut me up the past 3 games or so. If the Bulls get this Vuc come playoff time, they'll be a tough out.
    1 point
  23. Really like that Vucevic is stepping up recently. This is the guy that they thought they were getting from Orlando.
    1 point
  24. They pretty much did exactly that. They didn't negotiate for six weeks, then made an offer. Then the players made a counter offer and they walked away.
    1 point
  25. It must suck for the owners now that they can't pull this shit because the entire world knows what they are doing as opposed to 94 when we all were at the mercy of newspapers
    1 point
    1 point
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