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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2022 in all areas

  1. What a shitty take. Fuck those guys for working for free and letting the owners use their month long work, travel time away from their family, and the intense stress that they are under trying to fight for jobs? That's absurd. When I found out that they don't get paid for spring training, but owners make all the money from concessions, etc., I was shocked and did not come to the statement "fuck the players". Check yourself. Again, another horrible take. Look at what sport athletes are getting paid in every major sport. Think about the insane skill and insane life that these guys lead. Then, think about the insane profits billionaire owners are making compared to the average MLB salary. It fucking blows, but i'll sit out a year to support the players. I'm not happy, it will kill me, and this is a horrible look for the sport, but god damnit - the players have been getting ripped off for way too long to continually cave in while the owners destroy the game.
    3 points
  2. What precedent makes you believe they would ever do anything like that?
    2 points
  3. So you're happier that your money is going to the billionaire owners instead? Odd flex.
    2 points
  4. The general dislike of Rob Manfred's tenure as commissioner is an idea most of us here can get behind.
    2 points
  5. They did a horrific job of drafting. I know some say the talent is on the major league roster but it's really only 2 players. Sure Vaughn and Crochet would make the top of the list look better but the system would still be near or at the bottom. Picking towards the top of every round for as long as they and to have this little depth in the system shows what a terrible draft strategy they had.
    2 points
  6. With Matt Thomas playing 33 minutes, I'll take this game being as close as it was. Bulls need to stock up. Post LeVert, I'm honestly most worried about the 76ers in the playoffs, not the Nets or Bucks. Cavs are now worrisome.
    1 point
  7. Yeah, I was one of those people that was like "athletes are paid too much!" when I was like, 10. Then when you realize what their bodies go through, the stress, not seeing their families, less privacy, the fact that they are the best in the world at their profession with very limited jobs and short careers, and well fuck. Seems rightfully paid to me, especially in lieu of stuff like this: That doesn't even count stuff like LeBron dragging them to the finals and the revenue that generated.
    1 point
  8. If some owners like the guy who owns the Rockies are having problems making ends meet, why must all the players, no matter what ream chip in? Why can't the owners share the revenue a bit more equally? The players taking less of the pie won't change the divide between the haves and the have not. If anything it will make it bigger.
    1 point
  9. For the guys trying to make it to the show, that sucks. The minor league pay and system sucks. They get hosed. But seriously, fuck all the guys making over 400k a year bitching they don't get paid for spring training. I can guarantee the vast majority of the guys trying to make the big league roster would gladly take no pay for spring training to be on the big league club to get that pay for the season. It's only once the guys get there that it becomes an issue. Funny how that works. The simple fact is, players get paid too much. Owners charge far too much to go to the games, make a killing and still cry poor. But it's the fans that get screwed. Everyone picking a side between the players and owners, when the fans are the ones that get bent over just for enjoying a game.
    1 point
  10. If you and I had the things the owners have to make their profits look smaller we would all have incomes that wouldn't require paying tax. If you really think franchise values keep going up even though owners only generate enough revenue to keep the lights on (JR doesn't even have to pay the light bill), you have drunk the kool-aid. It's funny, the pro teams that have to publicly report their incomes serm to have no problem paying the bills.
    1 point
  11. I'm glad to not be the guy negotiating that contract with you. I was always among the folks that valued enjoying my job over the pay. Strangely...the pay seemed to take care of itself.
    1 point
  12. Also I wanna send some love to the rookie Ayo. Man that kid has been unbelievable. Growing up in front of our very eyes.
    1 point
  13. Bettman needs to be fired.
    1 point
  14. Bettman is a spineless fuck but I don’t think anyone expected anything else.
    1 point
  15. Bettman publicly excuses Wirtz, says we saw his frustration. Goodbye NHL
    1 point
  16. It must suck for the owners now that they can't pull this shit because the entire world knows what they are doing as opposed to 94 when we all were at the mercy of newspapers
    1 point
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