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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2022 in all areas

  1. I always find the DR so funny because all the pitchers are walking like 10 batters a game yet all the batters have like 2% walk rates.
    2 points
  2. So starting pitchers over the last three springs 2020 got ramped up and ready to go, shut down for 4 months, got somewhat ramped up for a redacted season 2021 had a full season to tryand build back to a normal work laod 2022 will have a shortened spring to try and get back up to speed at some time in order to be as effective as possible for what ever this season is and whenever it begins Do not for a second think the owners care about the game of baseball. When Paul Konerko handed the baseball to Jerry Reinsdorf I believed they did, I was probably wrong then and am certain about it now. Yet I continue to pay monthly for my season tickets.
    2 points
  3. I know all players have their faults, but if the White Sox ever wanted to look the other way on this guy, they will lose me until he is off the roster, and who knows, I may find something more interesting in the meantime.
    2 points
  4. I think they'll use him like they used Kopech last year, but maybe a tad more aggressive since isn't coming off major surgery.
    1 point
  5. From a technical standpoint, yes, everyone would move up a slot.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Can't wait for Manfred's "We tried nothin' and we're all out of ideas" speech tomorrow.
    1 point
  8. Yep, was saying the same thing this weekend to a fellow baseball diehard. The way that the players, especially pitchers, have been fucked over by the owners is a disgrace. Furthermore, there is a devastating impact on the towns and businesses in AZ and Florida that rely on Spring Training now getting screwed once again. Just leaves a bitter taste. Reading the comments posted above makes it even more bitter. The owners don't even seem to GAF about lost revenue. That speaks volumes. They'd rather wipe out an entire season in order to keep hogging the revenue pie. It's greed plain and simple. They figure they can break the union once and for all and reap the rewards for decades to come. They just expect the fans to come back when they hear that dinner bell ringing like a conditioned dog. Fuck them.
    1 point
  9. While you can do that to a point…the magnitude of fan anger and reaction is harder to calculate.
    1 point
  10. Never forget that the owners did this.
    1 point
  11. I thought that the Colson Montgomery and Oscar Colas write-ups were very promising. In regards to Jared Kelley, the conditioning issues are on him. The Sox PD staff really messed him up though with too many changes. He's healthy and just needs to throw. Those prep arms were hurt a ton by the horrendous defense in Low-A. Everyone is too low on Vera. I've heard he'd like 6-6 205-210 right now and his stuff has ticked up big time.
    1 point
  12. Choice bits. I'd add we've talked about a lot of these and why this forum is great: Colson Montgomery: Wes Kath: Both ranked above Oscar Colas: A very nice write-up on Romy: Overall, I think this was an encouraging write-up. I'll maintain what I said in the other thread, I think our International strategy is poor when we don't have the amount of draft picks smaller teams do AND while Shirley is going big on a smaller number of targets. BUT - a lot of these guys in this write-up do have good potential but basically nobody on this list save Popeye and Romy did much to earn any sort of praise last year. FWIW the write-up on Vera was great, I just don't think Law has anything to go on yet.
    1 point
  13. I really liked Pilkington and was bummed we traded him (then REALLY bummed when Hernandez sucked), but on whose list is he a top prospect? He's not on Law's Top 20 or Pipeline's Top 30.
    1 point
  14. Something to think about - April attendance is pretty low everywhere, while playoff revenue is big time TV deals that are shared money. On the other hand, the players league wide are paid every game whether it’s April or September, and although there are playoff shares they’re small compared to the big contracts. Missing April and May, for example, hurts the players way more than the owners, as long as the owners get money from October (assuming no damage from loss of interest). A players strike starting towards the end of the season, on the other hand, would hurt the owners more than the players (at first).
    1 point
  15. That was a retirement party for Country Joe....he's performing at the local Appleby's.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. First off - nothing -but prayers and best wishes to you and your girlfriend. I don't have any direct experience but had a friend of a friend who had experienced it and after doing dialysis for a few years (older individual - so not sure how much age may or may not impact ability to recover), but eventually was able to get a kidney transplant from someone who was a match (which was life changing experience for them - as despite the long road - they eventually were able to get to a much more normal state vs. the daily treatments which were pretty tough on them (both in terms of going through them, but also in terms of how it impacted ability to travel, etc). The individual I am referring to's condition I believe was related ultimately a complication from their diabetes. That said - I would ask those questions to the doctor (I am sure you have) but in case you haven't those are good things to know and to really understand all the things that you can be doing to help. I know diet was a critical piece in the equation for the person I mentioned (but even as tightly they managed it - their body still didn't recovery - as early on they were trying to get them back without going on dialysis but that didn't happen).
    1 point
  18. Everytime I read the headline here I wonder if somewhere in the Sox organization did someone say, "damn, there goes that option".
    1 point
  19. I just can't understand why people would want another Adam Dunn after watching it up close for 3 seasons
    1 point
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