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  1. Sox long play of hoarding DHs finally paying off.
    3 points
  2. While I agree with your hopes for a longer window, they've kinda already started this process to "White Sox it up." With: The way they handled Kopech and Crochet, The super-awesome strategic and tactical gem to trade for an old and expensive closer they didn't need, The awesome gift of a league minimum 2B across town, without a replacement on hand, The awesome assembly of DH types all over the field, The pending aging curves for Abreu/Grandal/Hendriks/Keuchel/Lynn, The fast approaching departures of TA and Giolito, The 30th ranked MiLB system, and The way some of the ALC foes are building themselves up, I ask: Do you really see a 5-6 year window here? I'm not too sure, unless some youngsters come up from said 30th ranked MiLB system and surprise us. We'll have to see. But for the next 1-2 seasons, I feel pretty confident in this roster. Beyond that? Who knows?
    2 points
  3. Why would teams be leaking that they were talking to each other illegally?
    1 point
  4. I wonder what it would be like if no one in the lineup played defense, and no one on the field hit. Like, you have players that focus solely on perfecting their defense and don't even have to worry about swinging a bat, and then just 9 DH's that just need to perfect their swing. Like how football has offense only and defense only players. Obviously this would never happen...you're talking about adding a lot more players to the active roster...but it's fun to think about how it would change the game.
    1 point
  5. Fair enough. If you operate under the assumption Kimbrel is immovable and the luxury tax will move by $3M, Conforto will be a challenge. I just operate under hte assumption that Kimbrel is movable, making your $194M estimate more like $180M, which gives plenty of room to sign him. I also don't see the PA agreeing to a measly $3M luxury tax increase. I guess we'll all find out soon enough.....hopefully.
    1 point
  6. Outside of "Jeff McNeil is available" a month and a half ago, we haven't gotten wind of really anything in terms of trades from any team in the league leaked to anyone. That could suggest that teams are not doing much in the way of talking trades right now, unless every team has somehow clamped down on leaks and that seems like it would would be tough as scouts and legal offices would still be involved. Not definitive, but if that were the case and teams haven't worked on trades much during this, it will be exceedingly tough to pull off a trade when all 30 teams are busy trying to sign like 5 major league free agents each in 48 hours to fill out their rosters.
    1 point
  7. I've been watching a lot of CNBC as well for the curling. I enjoy the strategy. I remember when it was nearly impossible to find any Olympic curling coverage...it's cool that it gets so much more coverage now....I guess we can thank the current US skip for his surprise gold medal run last time.
    1 point
  8. Ok, so if I'm understanding you correctly, its the novelty and scarcity angle for you. And ya know what? That's as good a reason as any. However, on a per-minute basis, Id opine that something good on Netflix carries a much higher "eWAR" (entertainment Wins Above Replacement) than the olympics.
    1 point
  9. 1) I said trade away Kimbrel. Which means that number is over $30M. (yes, I know you don't think the Sox can trade Kimbrel for anything). 2) the luxury tax figure is almost certainly going to increase. 3) Conforto + scrapheap 2B and SP should cost around $30M AAV, give or take a couple million.
    1 point
  10. Let's start with an average guy with neither problem. Two DUi 100x worse. Sexual assault to get your rocks off 1000x worse by that the second guy. Who are you inviting to your next party?
    1 point
  11. There won’t be an agreement with a lower luxury tax than it is now. The number will go up, not down.
    1 point
  12. From all accounts, Olson is going to be traded for a huge package in the coming weeks. I don’t think we would like what the Sox give up for a position they’re not lacking in.
    1 point
  13. Matt OIson has 2 years left of control and doesn't fit a positional need, so no. Not like Matt Olson.
    1 point
  14. Look if Vaughn can front line a trade for a star pitcher or someone like Bryce Harper? Sure. Deal him. But otherwise? Nah. This dude is going to hit. He probably won't do much else, but he will be hit and he will be cheap.
    1 point
  15. or.....here me out......we can just keep Vaughn and sign Castellanos/Conforto or Shwarber? Seriously, what is the obsession with trading Vaughn around here?
    1 point
  16. Let's spell this out in a single post. Bauer while in Ohio starts a relationship with a woman. It lasts a couple of years, but has several incidents. The police are called once when she says he hit her during sex without consent, police report is filed, pictures are taken. The woman gets a citation for underaged drinking out of one of those. A couple years later, that same woman takes out a protective order against Bauer in 2020, using texts/snapchats where he says he'd kill her. Bauer's attorney says everything was consensual, that the Washington Post went talking to all his exes to find one that would say something bad, that the woman had tried to extort him. However, interestingly enough, this isn't public enough for the Dodgers to find out about it, which is odd for an extortion case. His attorneys imply that the texts/snaps didn't from him, but the order is granted. Bauer signs with the Dodgers. Has a relationship with a Pasadena woman, eventually she also winds up requesting a protection order. This one goes much more public, he gets suspended, but his lawyers say the same thing and the case/order get tossed out. In the meantime, through his online persona, more than once he retweets something some woman said about him so that his hundreds of thousands of followers will go and harass the woman in question. He knows full well that he can get in trouble if he personally threatens to kill someone, but if he puts up a bat signal and a thousand of his followers threaten to rape and murder someone using anonymous twitter accounts, the police say they can't deal with that many threats and the victim should make sure that there is a semen sample left on the body if one of them goes through with it. At least one of these is a minor. While law enforcement hasn't figured out any way to deal with this type of organized harassment, "I can do this because the cops haven't figured out how to prosecute it" is about as terrible of a defense as one can offer. With all that said, 2 questions to everyone. First of all, put yourselves in the shoes of a GM. Imagine your team signed him. If there was another incident, this pattern of behavior becomes extremely relevant and an indictment towards you - you're putting yourself fully on the line for him. If Rick Hahn signed him, and next time he carries out one of the threats he sent, Hahn is out of the league for having trusted him. Are you willing to put your career on the line for this guy? And second, going along with that first question - has Bauer done anything that makes you think he has learned from these incidents and that they're unlikely in the future? I'm a believer in rehabilitation, and that if a person does their time we should give them a fair chance to get back to their lives afterwards. Has Bauer actually been punished? Is his online persona any different? Has he shown anything that suggests he won't get out of control again in his private life? Or has he kept up the same act, all the while having his lawyers aggressively go after these women? Is he a risk to do something substantially worse? If you're a GM, do you have any reason to think this will be the last incident with him? I'll hang up and listen.
    1 point
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