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  1. Everyone I talked to yesterday had completely lost all optimism in regards to starting on time. Last nights news is interesting though. The owners have to have expanded playoffs. They already have a deal with a network for it supposedly. The owners were/are willing to miss some games because they’d recoup the money during expanded playoffs. MLBPA saying they won’t approve it without playing 162 is a nice move. This could finally get the owners to negotiate seriously.
    7 points
  2. You're kidding right? Spring training and opening day are arguably the most enjoyable part of the entire season.
    4 points
  3. Play 162 games and your reward for winning 95 is basically the same as 83 or so in any sort of playoff expansion. So dumb. I am disgusted by everything about MLB.
    4 points
  4. If this works, then every single person that argued that the owners cared about anything other than money can take a massive L.
    3 points
  5. The players moved their queen.
    3 points
  6. I will always love baseball, but with every passing year the MLB ownership collective gets worse and worse for the game. I can only hope that more Manfred ball 'innovations' don't completely ruin my enjoyment of MLB.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Let's keep this simple. You believe someone can consent to being beat unconscious and that's ok. I don't. It's bad for our society.
    1 point
  9. Nice, go fuck yourselves MLB.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. It's the play they have to make and the smart lesson to learn from 2020.
    1 point
  12. You should be embarrassed by comparing this to a lashing out over frustration/anger due to overcooked food by a housewife. The satellite was out? That's utterly sad. This wasn't an angry husband in a domestic dispute with his wife. What in the hell are you talking about? If someone asks you what your opinion is on a hard hit in a football game. Do you respond by telling them it would be an illegal hit in a hockey game? It was a consensual sexual encounter. Where she was asking to be spanked, choked, and to have rough sex. Which is actually pretty damn common. It's actually SO common, that I would hardly even refer to it as a "fetish". There is also no proof that she went unconscious and PLENTY of evidence that she is lying all together. There are people that like all kinds of different things. Hell, there are dudes who like being tied up, gagged, and whipped. But by all means... keep telling people what they should and shouldn't do in bed. Maybe that is what gets you off? It's actually rather creepy that you're so concerned with what consenting adults are into sexually. Literally, take a lap after that post. Hit the bricks, dude. My god. The willful dishonesty on your part is embarrassing.
    1 point
  13. If that is the case then I think this proposal by the union is a mistake. This is the first point where I have to say “the union is being intransigent.” They have plenty of room to negotiate downwards on core matters and used none of it. Give the owners a couple million on the tax line from their last proposal, cut the arb pool from $100 million to $95 million along with the moves they made on Super-2 today, change their proposed number for revenue sharing by a million dollars, and see if the owners make any moves in reply. If the owners aren’t actually interested in negotiating, they wont move at all in reply. If the players inch down and the owners inch up, then eventually they will find a deal. Frankly I’m not sure what today accomplished unless the players just needed to have a tantrum day. It made no real progress and gave the owners no reason to reply. This moves things closer to a long stalemate and closer to external mediation and stuff like that, and I’m not sure who that benefits.
    1 point
  14. There's no reason for optimism. The owners are probably thinking this is there chance to break the union once and for all. It's a risk they don't mind taking.
    1 point
  15. It would be the best 60 game stretch he’s had in 7 years,
    1 point
  16. Is it baseball? Goddamn I didn't know
    1 point
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