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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2022 in all areas

  1. If the owners offered to resume play this year under last years terms while negotiation were ongoing, the players would likely have accepted in November. I’m not sure whether they would now. BUT - this would be a huge risk to the owners. The players could play out most of the season and if talks weren’t progressing, they could vote for a strike to start in September. That would get the players over 80% of their season salaries, but cost the owners their playoff TV revenue if they didn’t come to an agreement. The players make their money in the 162, the owners make the biggest chunk of their money in October. The owners did the lockout starting in December to deny the players that potential leverage.
    1 point
  2. You and everyone else. I did hear he may throw in an Indy league which would be a good move on his part.
    1 point
  3. No it can't. To think every team loses money in April because the White Sox and rest of the low revenue ALCentral don't draw well in April is shortlisted. Many teams draw pretty well in April, not to mention their local TV contracts that won't pay teams for games not played. If they were going to miss games, I will give you they would chose April, but if all those games were money losers, the season would start later.
    1 point
  4. The "rough sex" defense is the last line of defense used by those who engage in sexual abuse, sexual perversion and rape. He punched one of his victims in the vagina? No, that is not a fetish, that is a sexual assault. Bauer escaped prosecution because a District Atty decided that certain allegations could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, but multiple allegations and evidence of physical abuse cannot be ignored. Beyond the allegations of sexual abuse, Bauer has exhibited anti-social behavior with teams that he has been on since high school. That behavior is not disqualifying but...would you let a psycho like that go out with your daughter ? Would you want hm in your team's clubhouse, on the team plane, or for that matter having his name associated in any way with your team?
    1 point
  5. Let's keep this simple. You believe someone can consent to being beat unconscious and that's ok. I don't. It's bad for our society.
    1 point
  6. Nice, go fuck yourselves MLB.
    1 point
  7. Doc Severinson. Johnny Carson’s band leader.
    1 point
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