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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2022 in all areas

  1. I like that major broadcasters keep hiring Benetti to call games and some Sox fans are like "this guy sucks, take him away!" Benetti rocks. Happy for him that he gets more national exposure and glad the Sox have him paired with Stoney, who is a good balance with him.
    5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Let's get on Twitter and discuss how the Reinsdorf family does NOT believe in the free exchange of ideas and open dialogue.
    4 points
  4. Wtf? He’s done great. Don’t blame him for this shit tonight with some of the awful talent he has.
    4 points
  5. Did this conversation really just happen? JB: Do you think the walks are a product of giving up so many hits last time out? SS: Maybe for a younger pitcher, but not for a veteran like Dallas. JB: He’s missed a lot down tonight. Why do you think that is? SS: Could be a product of giving up so many hits last time out.
    4 points
  6. Hahn Speak "I've got views on that" is to "What the fuck is he thinking" as "Unprecedential flexibility" is to "We can sign Yonder Alonso"
    4 points
  7. I don’t think we have been striving mightily enough to win so let’s correct that mistake tonight
    4 points
  8. If Robert is playing tonight, lineup I hope to see: Anderson SS Robert CF Abreu 1B Grandal C Vaughn DH Pollock LF Harrison 2B Engel RF Burger 3B
    4 points
  9. If only I could figure out a difference between TA and the others...
    4 points
  10. It isn't even "hater" or "Stan" anymore. It's the current reality vs living in the past
    4 points
  11. 4 points
  12. You know who probably would’ve managed this team better this season? Ricky fn Renteria. How’s that for irony.
    3 points
  13. Honestly, the eventual blowup and getting rid of TLR is what's letting me cope with how bad this team has been.
    3 points
  14. Just fire him. We need to shake something up in a hurry.
    3 points
  15. Tim Anderson has more errors than Leury and Harrison have hits combined
    3 points
  16. Tell me you're a hater without telling me you're a hater.
    3 points
  17. He has 5 walks in 4 innings. If he is furious, that should also include some self-hate.
    3 points
  18. Not a fan of the guy but how do you pitch over it? He's done his job this inning, its the guys behind him who fucked up. His strikeout rate has been dropping for several years and was already the lowest in the league. These weak grounders are his bread and butter.
    3 points
  19. That throw Abreu just missed was the same type of throw I would miss once in a while. Of course I was 50 yrs old and playing 12" softball . I finally figured out why I was missing those when I was really good on scoops out of the dirt. My glasses where bifocals and those low throws went from in the normal vision part of my glasses into the bifocals part.?
    3 points
  20. Eloy was my guy, but I think I am just about ready to move on. Truthfully, we're damn close to the point that anything meaningful we get from Eloy moving forward is gravy. He's never going to stay healthy for extended stretches, and while he hasn't been able to actually play much, he just really hasn't been that good since 2020. And even then he was a deeply flawed player. When I say move on, I don't mean literally. He's not going anywhere. You simply cannot trade him at this point, but I just don't really expect much at all from him moving forward. Makes me sad.
    3 points
  21. Sorry, but everyone is responsible for this. Jerry, Kenny, Rick and Tony. They are all in this together, I don't care who didn't want TLR or not. It just creates more drama and in-fighting with this shit.
    3 points
  22. I am not convinced that Cueto is going to be better than Dallas right now. Maybe we see what his next AAA start looks like, but both his stuff and his results were bad.
    3 points
  23. Haseley down instead of Robert to IL is a good sign.
    3 points
  24. Right man, right place, right time. Eight game win streak starts tonight.
    3 points
  25. Another idea would be just six pictures of La Russa in the banner. That alone might force his exit and save the season.
    3 points
  26. Just keep saying things man it will get there someday
    3 points
  27. There a lefty on the mound and Harrison hasn’t played in several days. Leury is having excellent success as the LH part of this super strong platoon.
    2 points
  28. No Robert tonight. Witt getting his first homer off Keuchel seems about right.
    2 points
  29. WHY is it that EVERY time i have a ltitle bit of off time to enjoy a game, I have dallas fucking keuchel on the mound. Is the world trying to torture me? Seriously
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Modern baseball is all about youth and fundamentals, this team is haunted by 1980s mentality and decrepit mgmt. JR has been an absolute abortion of an owner who has consistently make awful mgmt decisions. Lucked into MJ with the Bulls, lucked into lightening in a bottle in 2005. None of that team's amazing vibe exists in the current team, they're not going anywhere.
    2 points
  32. Part of me wants the Sox to right the ship this game. Another part of me wants Leury in the #3 spot to strikeout 3 times (despite the fact that I do appreciate Leury for what he would bring to a team in a properly utilized role) and Keuchel to get imploded, just to watch the resulting anarchy as TLR handwaves things as all going according to plan or something.
    2 points
  33. I am going to my first game since 2019. I had sworn I would not give them my money until TLR was gone but it's my best friend's birthday so I'm going for him. Of course it's during a 7 game losing streak, Keuchel pitching, and it's cold.
    2 points
  34. No doubt that injuries have hurt but I have bigger issues with TLR. The man should have never been hired, I was against the signing from the get go. I'm not sure at his age if he man can relate to our guys, I'd love to see a younger guy at the helm. I'm also wondering if at 86 years old J.R might be losing it and running a baseball franchise is too much for him. What his thought process was in the hiring TLR would be interesing. The team since the mid point of 2021 is basically a .500 team and was a flop in the Playoffs as we watched TLR make a lot of bungling moves which had all of us scratching our heads. Living in Florida I watch a lot of Rays and Marlins games along with the Sox and to me when I watch the Sox there is something missing, I see a lot of bad fundamentals, I see dumb baseball and I see a team with no sense of urgency, I'm not sure these guys are as good as everyone and themselves think. A team just doesn't start playing winning baseball at the flip of a switch, you have to work at it and sometimes I wonder if the work ethic is there with them.
    2 points
  35. I like how greg singles out Vaughn, one of our best hitters this year, as a guy who is one of the issues
    2 points
  36. This is thinking is why kids don't like baseball. Go watch some chess if you want stoicism.
    2 points
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