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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2022 in all areas

  1. I'm trans. For so many years of my life, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about killing myself. Gradually, I stopped socializing altogether and just sort of let my friendships fade away, because I wanted to hurt as few people as possible when I left. It's not necessary that a comedian "goes after" someone like me. Everyone I cared about already did that, without knowing it, when I was growing up. It was just one of those things that was acceptable to mock. The only time I ever saw another person like me, it was on trash TV like Springer and presented as a freakshow. I never had to wonder how people felt about me, because eventually they volunteered their feelings through a hurtful joke. My friends, teachers, bosses, even my siblings and parents. I'm not saying Chappelle can't make trans jokes or should be "canceled" for doing so. I'm just asking, why do it? Why punch down? It's hack comedy, and it emboldens bigots to continue viewing people like me as subhuman. The Josh Donaldsons of the world have always been there, and probably always will be. But I never dreamed that there could be so many Yasmani Grandals. People willing to stand up for me, or at least, give me the basic human dignity we all should be afforded. So, if given the choice, why not be a Grandal?
    23 points
  2. Fuck yes - Uribe was one of my favorite Sox. His arm at shortstop was so sick and that defense in 9th inning of World Series was fucking awesome!
    8 points
  3. Lol at the poster who called Timmy soft today.
    7 points
  4. I can’t believe we are still doing “Skin color doesn’t matter” in 2022.
    7 points
  5. Just because we didn't hear about it until 2022 doesn't mean it wasn't a racist comment in 2019 and doesn't mean it wasn't received that way in 2019. Babe Ruth isn't known for being a pioneer in his race, so this is not a fair comparison Yes, though Asian Americans aren't discriminated against in this country to nearly the extent that black people are, so it would probably be less controversial. So black people were enslaved in this country for over 100 years and systematically discriminated against for over 100 years after that, and we're just supposed to say, OK, now we'll just treat you as equal without fixing all the problems we caused them for 200 years?
    7 points
  6. Apologies for distracting from TA's situation, but since it was already being discussed I felt compelled to share my perspective. Don't feel bad at all, black jack. You have the willingness to understand, and that's all I would ever ask of anyone. Thank you. I totally understand how confusing it all is, and would be happy to try to answer any questions you have via PM. Thank you everyone for your support. Truly, thank you so much.
    7 points
  7. Imagine citing Jason Whitlock in any argument. Lots of people here apparently just can't help telling us who they are.
    7 points
  8. Wow, imagine Sox fans immediately taking Josh fucking Donaldson’s word for it in a skirmish with the face of the White Sox franchise. How weird. Must be a pretty powerful countervailing interest at work there. Wonder what that is…
    6 points
  9. At the heart of it is when black people communicate their experiences, or perception of, and other folks that don't know what it is like to be black other than to imagine, then proceed to tell black people that black people don't understand, or are lying, or are wrong. That's very dismissive and arrogant, and if you ask me, reveals disdain. Personally, Josh Donaldson may be a racist, but his biggest driving quality is that he is a douchebag that instinctively knows how to troll. I think Timmy may have overstepped when he compared himself to Jackie. But I also read his comments, and found them to be very reasonable comments. That's what Donaldson did, try to invalidate Timmy's feelings because for him, trolling is fun, and that will cause people to fight a troll occasionally.
    6 points
  10. If you don't see the racist undertones here, you don't want to. You might even not be able to understand them because of your upbringing, but that doesn't mean they aren't there, nor can you just handwave them away. Understanding the explicit racism that Robinson experienced and why TA could connect to that is 100% race based. Pretending that racism doesn't exist doesn't fix the problem.
    6 points
  11. Bravo. For the record THIS is bravery greg.
    6 points
  12. He meant to be a dick. He was a dick. That’s sufficient for me to back my guy. I’ll let god decide if it was racist. Anyone with two ears can determine it was racial. You would have to be pretty thick to be making racial comments to your enemy and not think it would be interpreted negatively. maybe you accept the excuse from a stupid person. Donaldson isn’t stupid. In fact, he seems sufficiently intelligent to have that justification ready to go in his back pocket. he meant it as derogatory. It was received as derogatory. It had a racial component attached. These aren’t in dispute and sufficient for me
    6 points
  13. Did you scourge Twitter all day in hopes of finding a single black man supporting Donaldson? I have seen numerous tweets from African Americans who are incredibly pissed by this. I’m glad this one tweet makes Donaldson’s actions acceptable to you.
    6 points
  14. I’d love to have the chance to slug Curt Schilling’s ignorant ass in the face. Maybe read why Tim Anderson actually made that comparison? This issue has NOTHING to do with political affiliation, but rather having basic moral decency. But not surprising an idiot who publicly supported lynching the media is clueless as fuck on this subject.
    6 points
  15. Sadly, I am not. How many people defended TLR vs Yermin? Contextually different but similar undertones. Donaldson’s explanation fits right in with things white people say in defense of shitty actions and as cover for racist motivations.
    6 points
  16. I agree with Jack Parkman. Hopefully the FO has the guts to trade everyone by the trade deadline and not wait until the offseason. Nice DH win. Pitching, pitching, pitching.
    5 points
  17. I always take the dog out when foster comes in the game because I know it's ez pz
    5 points
  18. And I'd still take 50% of Aaron Judge, over 100% of Brian Goodwin/Adam Eaton/AJ Pollock/DHs playing RF/etc.
    5 points
  19. Not adding anything that hasn’t already been said, but it is clear at this point that it was clearly a racial and derogatory remark. That’s enough for me. People twisting themselves into pretzels as to what Donaldson’s intentions were rather than just clearly condemning the action itself says a whole lot.
    5 points
  20. Only person who hates black people and denies racism more than Schilling is probably Whitlock.
    5 points
  21. This notion sounds simple enough on the surface, but it’s my understanding that many people of color have a lot of pride in their race and heritage. Skin color should be able to be celebrated, not ignored.
    5 points
  22. The wealth transfer that has happened over centuries because of racism and racist policies is a real thing. If your opponent gets a 50 meter head start in a 100 meter race, you don't get to claim the race was fair because the last 50 meters were run equally. The irony here is that your last sentence was 100% correct, but for 100% the wrong reasons. In 2019 the average white family in the US had almost $200k in wealth. The average black family was $25k. Even if you were able to wave a magic wand to make every single bit of racism in the US disappear, that gap does not because wealth is transferred generationally. These are people who start from behind in wealth, live in substandard neighborhoods, attend substandard schools, with lower funding, and have fewer work opportunities even when of equal qualifications in the job market. This IS a never ending loop that will never go away unless something is done. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/12/08/the-black-white-wealth-gap-left-black-households-more-vulnerable/
    5 points
  23. Too much for what? I don't know if it was racist or not. But what has been thrown around way too much the last few years is the stuff where other people tell black people not to be offended, or that they don't understand 'tone'
    5 points
  24. To solve racism we must willingly provide people of color the opportunity to "catch up" to white people in terms of opportunity . To view doing so as being "racism" against white people is, in itself, a racist attitude. Sorry if this is a touchy subject for me, a cousin of mine who is also one of my best friends married into a black family and I've heard first hand about all the shit they have to go through on a regular basis.
    5 points
  25. What a post, thank you for sharing that
    5 points
  26. If your inside joke makes everyone around who heard it think you are racist perhaps you need to re examine something. Also when the other person in your inside joke hates your guts and isn’t participating. IDK
    5 points
  27. 5 points
  28. As the great Tupac once said, fuck the Yankees as a staff, baseball team, and as a motherfuckin' crew! And if you wanna be down with the Yankees, then fuck you too! Let’s sweep these fucks! Go Sox!
    4 points
  29. Menechino as a hitting coach of the Marlins: 2018: #1 in GB% 2017: #1 in GB% 2016: #1 in GB% 2015: #1 in GB% 2014:: #1 in GB% 2013: #1 in GB%
    4 points
  30. This is 100% not true. There is absolutely no where that TA said this was OK. Just because he ignored it, doesn't mean he was OK with it. Victim blaming Anderson is trash.
    4 points
  31. As to the first part. It is devoid of racism imo bc race has and had nothing to do with the comment. It was TA who in fact called himself Jackie and over the next 3 years plus Donaldson had called him Jackie numerous times bc TA called himself that. TA did not view any of those comments as racist over those 3 plus years and he himself in fact did not call it racist yesterday when provided the opportunity after the game. Why? Why just call it disrespectful (which i agree it was)? Bc something doesn't magically become racist and TA knew he could not answer for what magically changed to make it become racist.... It cannot be easily construed as racism unless the person construing it believes that a white person is not allowed to call another person (who claimed himself to be the next Jackie) Jackie. To do so would in fact be racist by definition. As to the last part, everyone on Earth has earned that. The world is not even one tenth as racist as the media and others would have you believe. Does it exist, yes. Does it exist all times when different races are involved, not at all. People are humans first and foremost, not of a race. The majority of all humans are decent and kind. Some are asses. Only a minute fraction are racist bc it goes against what people are truly are, humans. Unless there have been numerous other incidents that involve Donaldson (there have not been) that show he is racist or partook in racism then imo he has as a person and human being has earned that trust to not throw around those labels or statements. Insensitive, absolutely Disrespectful. Definitely Is he an ass, yup But that's where it ends imo.
    4 points
  32. Its the 2022 version of "know your place, boy". Same message, new words.
    4 points
  33. The thing is its not a situation devoid of racism. Someone would have to be completely clueless to ignore that calling a black person "Jackie" that you're not particularly close with could easily be construed as racism. Why do we give Donaldson the benefit of the doubt that he's smart enough to reference a three year old article and is solely riffing on Tim wanting to make baseball exciting, etc., but that he's not cognizant of how that can be interpreted? That's not something he's earned based on past interactions with this team and this player.
    4 points
  34. Following and watching sports is an escape, for me, from everyday worries and especially politics. Now, however, with our overcharged political environment, I find it harder and harder to escape. Whether it is listening to local sports talk radio and having to listen to someones political views or reading comments on soxtalk. We all root for the Sox and political beliefs should not have any bearing.
    4 points
  35. Donaldson should walk across the field today when TA’s stretching and talk to him about it. It’s pretty simple. If you do something wrong, own it, and make amends.
    4 points
  36. Whitlock makes Stephen A. Smith seem like the equivalent of a reasonable version of Jim Rome. He has been a complete bozo ever since his days with the KC Star in the late 90s. He courts controversy constantly, priding himself on going against the grain if it's anything to do with race and culture, kind of a mix of Bill Maher and Joe Rogan for sports fans to get all riled up by.
    4 points
  37. I think Jim over at SoxMachine summed it up best saying that it’s tough to believe Donaldson was trying to defuse any situation. At best, he’s an idiot asshole. At worst, he’s a racist idiot asshole.
    4 points
  38. 4 points
  39. Wonder if Juan Jr. has a coke can like his pops
    4 points
  40. I was just thinking.. man, what's an old white man like green line think about what tim anderson feels and thinks about being black in the current mlb game and culture. Surely he's an expert on this topic and understand the context and point better than that tim anderson guy
    4 points
  41. some of this is comical... so you realize tim was saying he was jackie robinson because he was one of the few african american baseball players? His comment had everything to do with racial significance - not playing ability. Donaldson knew exactly what he was doing - its hilarious how he has fooled half this board.
    4 points
  42. Wait, so Anderson told Sports Illustrated that he feels like "today's Jackie Robinson?" That kind of puts a different context to Donaldson calling him "Jackie."
    4 points
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