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  1. Here's a thought..... stop f'ing sliding head first. That's at least the 3rd time he's gotten hurt doing that between the Minors and here. Go in spikes high and it will be the last time the 2nd baseman drops his knee in front of the bag. Take off the oven mitt and sharpen your spikes.
    5 points
  2. The plan: hire a hitting coach that tells his players to only hit singles so the organization can save on their fireworks budget.
    3 points
  3. Why does it have to be Romy Gonzalez as the alternative? He is hitting .204 at Charlotte. Why can't they give Yolbert Sanchez a chance? He hit .355 at Birmingham and is hitting .280 at Charlotte. He can play 2nd or SS. They gave Sosa a try and he is probably not ready. What could it hurt to try Sanchez?
    3 points
  4. Menechino is suddenly much more interested in him.
    3 points
  5. I don’t want Menichino anywhere near Colas
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Jerry calling Frank in tomorrow....Too many fireworks Frank didn't I tell you where they come from and how expensive they are?
    2 points
  8. Following the minors is infinitely more fun than following the Sox this year.
    2 points
  9. Not El Mago/the magician. Except making Ilitch pizza money disappear.
    2 points
  10. Baez coulda had him if he just kept the tag on instead of pointing to the dugout to review it. He deserves that.
    2 points
  11. Montgomery and Colas crushing lefties this season is a welcomed sight to see.
    2 points
  12. Ok I'll be that guy. Wear the cap straight and you might be able to find the ball.
    2 points
  13. That whole inning escalated cause Lucas and Grandal got cute to the 7th hitter after having him 0-2. Just throw the damn fastball by him if he doesn't go after 1 change up. Instead they depended on the ump to call a close pitch on a full count. Just fucking stupid.
    2 points
  14. Am I the only one who wants to call Menechino "Menechino" out of respect for the only Sox employee who should ever be called "Frank"?
    2 points
  15. Yes, this has been a problem all year, along with the miserable average with the bases loaded. You can't leave that many on without it catching up with you, and this lack of success in these situations has been one of the things that has kept the team from leading the division. The offense has been frustrating all year. The Sox have good hitters, but they are not doing well in these situations. In KC, they had first and second and no one out, and didn't score. Next inning, bases loaded, no one out, didn't score. No wonder they lost that game and many others.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. its Robert, expect the end of the season for a minor bruise
    2 points
  18. Wait, steroids doesn’t help you get faster? Crap, all those hundreds of track and field runners who have been busted over the years really were dumb. You’re making excuses for him like I would if a family member got busted doing something. He’s a piece of shit.
    2 points
  19. There are clearly advantages to sliding head first, but the medical facts confirm it is much safer to slide feet first. An article by a renowned foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Lance Silverman, https://www.anklefootmd.com/sliding-head-first-feet-first-safer/ I agree with PitchatRisktoZisk who said "Go in spikes high and it will be the last time the 2nd baseman drops his knee in front of the bag"! If that second baseman wants to cut the bag off with his knee and foot, then good luck to him and let him pay the price! Lou Brock stole 938 bases and is second all time on the MLB career stolen base list. He always slid feet first.
    2 points
  20. He's (about to be) a 24 year old who played professionally in Japan. This isn't some draft pick out of high school. Playing in AA makes little sense. He already is developed.
    2 points
  21. Its quite possible that the same player could be involved in one of the worst trades in history and one of the worst contracts in history.
    2 points
  22. Modern baseball should be ashamed of itself. Why can't a guy throw as many pitches as needed to attain a no hitter? Combined no hitters should not even be celebrated. One pitcher throws a no hitter? That's time to rejoice. Too bad we will see very very few in the future. Maybe none. No manager will risk pitching a guy more than the 90-100 pitches especially if a guy has had surgery before. Oh for the good ol days of baseball.
    2 points
  23. Harrison plays his ass off every game. Hustles and dives for anything. He'll hit another HR before Grandal does.
    2 points
  24. Went out for a long walk after it looked like Eloy might have hurt himself running to 1st again.....came back to hear Luis hurt again. This team.....c'mon man.
    2 points
  25. Why rush and potentially stunt a prospect's development for this .500 team? It's not like we're contending or anything.
    1 point
  26. Nope. He won't be paid for the next 80 games though, which is only going to amount to about $3 million?at this point in his contract. They might start having conversations about the motorcycle crashes and covering up his wrist injuries, but those were not prohibit originally. Maybe they negotiated an agreement after not going after his signing bonus for the deal that was already paid out, something like $10 million...remember he owes a good chunk of that to an agency that invested in him and loaned him money earlier in his minor league career for a cut of future big league earnings.
    1 point
  27. Sliding head first is faster and creates different opportunities to avoid a tag. You don't go in spikes high trying to steal a base. "go in spikes up maybe next time the defense will think about it". No they won't. Get a stolen base attempt every 2-3 games? Should change the rule and make it just like home plate. Their has to be a lane, can't block the base sliding in.
    1 point
  28. Your shoulders have to be EXHAUSTED at this point, no? He’s 23 and shown to be an extraordinary talent. You’re trying to let Hahn off the hook for trading Tatis for James Shields….because the Padres gave him a ton of money? My goodness.
    1 point
  29. Hangin' in and jivin' Your 2022 Chicago White Sox
    1 point
  30. You're right, amazing trade by Rick. Bravo.
    1 point
  31. Pitching should keep this team in it. But damn this offense is horrid.
    1 point
  32. It took Kopech throwing a no hitter through 6 and using all our best bullpen guys to beat the Tigers on a night where they started a guy with a ERA near 7. That's a win in the standings, but a definite loss to the ego.
    1 point
  33. That's the #1 reason I wanted Gallo, lol. Yes, he's left handed, has power, draws walks, you're buying low etc etc. But first and foremost he's a plus defensive outfielder and this team badly needs guys like that. I'm so sick of watching bad defensive players all over the diamond on this team.
    1 point
  34. (Repost) Which means he will sit out 4 games before they inexplicably DL him
    1 point
  35. That’s your first comment in this thread? Hahahahahahahahhaa
    1 point
  36. See you in September? Maybe?
    1 point
  37. Day to day so he won't play for 4 games and will then inexplicably be DL'd
    1 point
  38. Jerry when he sees the contract details
    1 point
  39. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Watching this Padres team go down in flames over the next half decade is going to be entertaining stuff.
    1 point
  40. Imo he always was a little suspect because his athleticism got so much better after sox traded him. It is not uncommon that young guys get stronger but he also got faster and more explosive which is a rare thing. When he was signed he was seen more as like a solid 50 runner but not a 70 runner, his arm also got a lot stronger. Not saying Hahn didn't mess it up and he was a solid prospect but not that huge physical freak.
    1 point
  41. How much money did the genius GM give him, I can't seem to remember.
    1 point
  42. Im no longer going to judge hitters on this team until we can get a hitting coach that can teach a modern day approach.
    1 point
  43. Currently Colas is at #99. Hard to see how some of these guys *cough* Brennan Davis *cough* are ahead of him, but BA is stubborn when they've been wrong on guys. https://www.baseballamerica.com/rankings/2022-top-100-prospects/
    1 point
  44. Stone also thinks Tony LaRussa is doing a great job with this team.
    1 point
  45. Lately he’s trying to hawk more concession items. That's what it has come down to. Overpriced food and drinks and their relative profitability. Whereas the marginal utility of having season tickets sinks by the second.
    1 point
  46. Stone loses a lot of credibility to me when he cannot even bring himself to critique Tony. I know people love Stone but he is a bit of an asshat honestly. He paints the picture the front office wants us to see, that doesnt mean that is what it is.
    1 point
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