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  1. Saw some folks today really slamming Sosa. Hang in there. He's hit at every level. He's 23. when Robin Ventura was 23, he had a slugging average of .318. The next year he broke out and became a star. Also try to remember the Sox's alternatives. Elvis is bad and he'll; get worse. Romy is 4 years older than Sosa. This kid has had 66 at bats in the majors, and has been in two of the worst clubhouses in I can remember. If we trade him and then he starts to hit, we'll just be doing what we always do. I don't want a repeat of the Marcus Semien fiasco.
    8 points
  2. Wherever you’re at, Jerry Reinsdorf, eat your heart out. I hope people realize what scum you are.
    8 points
  3. It’s the same team as the quitters that rolled over and died after Cleveland beat them last September. Quitters lead by morons.
    6 points
  4. The post title never really makes it clear which Twins series they were writing about.
    6 points
  5. If Hahn was just as pissed as us, he would realize it's a job he cannot do, whether that be a lack of baseball instinct or any kind of restriction he is operating under. He would then resign. That comment, and I have heard him say it more than once, is just as empty as all the other comments he makes in public. But Rick and the White Sox don't care. They're right, everyone else is wrong. Actually winning games be danned.
    6 points
  6. Of all the problems with this team, Vaughn is not one of them. This is a stupid take.
    5 points
  7. When they start talking about it’s still early, we believe in this team crap, just remember, under JRs ownership, 4 other teams started the season 7-15. 1986, LaRussa got fired, came back to haunt us all. 1997, Terry Bevington last season. 2001, Big Hurt got inured, but they did ultimately win 83 that year, and 2018 when the lost 100. So as silly as it sounds, the playoffs are most likely already out of the question.
    5 points
  8. TLR needed fired, but it’s fair to say the Sox issues ran way deeper than him. What time are those multiple championship parades Mr. Hahn?
    5 points
  9. That maybe rang true like 30 years ago. Minor league systems are supposed to take care of plate approach and such. It’s an organizational responsibility to take talent and make it translate to big league success. We’ve taken talent and pissed it away.
    5 points
  10. Who in the AL Central has any less constraints than Hahn? Detroit, Minnesota, Cleveland have won the division how many times? KC was in the WS twice. If he was in the AL East, it may be a point, but he just sucks. Always has, always will.
    4 points
  11. Well...at least we can't say the Sox haven't been swept. Just enjoy the dysfunction and laugh at the buffoons is about all you can do because big changes won't be happening until the trade deadline when Hahn starts selling off his precious rebuild.
    4 points
  12. Bullshit There is nothing misleading about the Sox having an 180 million dollar payroll this year, and being 7-15, along with all the other stats that have been mentioned. You act as if Rick Hahn has never met Jerry or has no understanding of how he operates. Yes, he isn’t able to sign a Bryce Harper. That sucks for us and Rick, and Jerry needs to go. We are all on the same page. But to place all the blame on Jerry, and taking any of the blame off Rick is insane and asinine. We just got swept by the best team in the league, who hold a payroll of 74 million. They have been in the playoffs the last 4 years, and currently have the best record in MLB. The decisions Rick have made has directly put the Sox in this position. It’s his job to work within the limitations the owner sets, which quite frankly isn’t near as limiting as teams like the Rays, Brewers, Guardians, etc…who have had a way better track record than the Sox the last decade.
    4 points
  13. So the Sox as we all knew they would just rolled over and died after blowing the first game of the series cause of their horsebleep bullpen. Wow. Pedro is officially just another manager, isn't gonna be getting this flawed roster to 'overachieve.' All I can say is I hope fans who attend home games get great deals on the secondary market this season. Paying real prices for this team, wow, you must have a lot of disposable income.
    4 points
  14. He was bad this series. Robert was just as bad. Benintendi is over payed bum, sosa has no business being on a mlb roster, and Andrus is washed. Moncada and Anderson are always hurt. Welcome to White sox baseball.....same ole s%*#, different year.
    4 points
  15. https://legacy.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/cots/american-league/chicago-white-sox/ Kenny had a #25th, 14th, 18th, 22nd and 14th MLB ranked payroll to work with before catching lightening in 2005. Rick Hahn had two opportunities. #11, 23, 15, 16 (2013-2016) before being able to pawn off everything he inherited from Kenny plus Adam Eaton 1.0, Hahn’s “One Shining Moment” , which gave him another several plus years with zero accountability. #15, #7, #13 are the White Sox 2021-2023 MLB payroll rank. Hahn had the time and financial resources to build a quality roster. Hahn also had a decade to attempt to build a quality player draft and development program beyond what he inherited (Marco Paddy). Hahn is incapable of building an organization or quality roster construction. He spent most of his money on the bullpen, left fielders and designated hitters during his tenure. These three are the most fungible positions to fill, and his organization can’t even develop these slots, let alone fill the perennial holes at 2B, RF and SP.
    4 points
  16. The Sox “window” started in 2020, after a 72-89 2019 season. As we know, since the start of the 2nd half of 2021, the Sox have been under .500 during that time. They’ve now played more baseball under .500 during their “window” than above it. Let that sink in for the “mastermind” that is Rick Hahn.
    4 points
  17. Didn't Pedro say "You can't win the Division in April but you can sure lose it" ?
    4 points
  18. Because the entire rebuild came down to the players he acquired in the sell-off trades and Robert. The draft strategy heading into and during the rebuild was atrocious and has bared little fruit. Without a recurring pipeline of talent and with an unwillingness to play at the top of the free agent market, Rick hasn’t been able to augment the core he acquired. And even the primary core of prospects he was able to trade at the start of the rebuild has disappointed. The minor league development system remains weak, the pro scouting still sucks, and we continue to have one of the leanest / most pathetic analytics staffs in all of baseball. Even the pre-arb extensions well that Rick built his early brand on has completely dried up. Rick Hahn brings nothing to the table but a whole lot of lawyer speak and empty results. No other baseball org would still employ this clown, but alas here we are watching our competitive window come crashing down before our eyes. It’s truly sad to witness the mess that Jerry has made and see no actions whatsoever to right the ship. May the baseball gods take mercy on our poor souls.
    4 points
  19. The white Sox front office is basically a baseball management fantasy camp for north shore failsons
    4 points
  20. Of course...they can win the worst division in baseball and then get hammered in a playoff series. ? I mean that's what the rebuild was all about right? LOL.
    3 points
  21. Oh, don't you worry. A hitting/pitching coach will be canned sooner or later. There will be accountability.
    3 points
  22. This is the primary issue with this team and it's 100% the fault of one Jerry Reinsdorf. I remember Rick going around multiple media outlets and laying out his plan...basically, we've got this outstanding core and we're going to be able to augment them with meaningful FA signings...."the money will be spent". But it wasn't spent on meaningful FA signings. The entire plan was hamstrung by an owner who refused, and still refuses, to pay big money for long term deals. Impact players at the top of their games don't settle for short-term contracts. Short-term contracts are saved for "prove it" deals or guys on the backside of their careers. This is how we end up with Elvis Andrus, Edwin Encarnacion, or Dallas Braden instead of Bryce Harper, Manny Machado, or Marcus Semien. Successful rebuilds with enduring positive results require deft moves in the FA market to augment the young guys and take some pressure off of them. Rick knew it. We knew it. Media knew it. Jerry knew it. Sox players knew it. And yet here we are, getting press for a minor league signing of Scotty Piscotty.
    3 points
  23. This is not a team but a group of individuals playing baseball.
    3 points
  24. There is an argument to be made that guys like Robert and Moncada and Colas and the rest might be more productive players today if they had come up through the Rays system. The Sox organization IMO is pretty rotten. When’s the last time a White Sox prospect, who didn’t play 3 years in college, came up and looked like they had a grasp on how to play? Almost like they don’t understand the game at all.
    3 points
  25. I'm still waiting for Vaughn to make me forget about Jose Abreu, Paul Konerko, Frank Thomas. I don't see anything special in him.
    3 points
  26. Because Hahn is the easiest scapegoat with TLR gone and JR an absentee landlord who seems totally out of the loop at this point.
    3 points
  27. Jason who gives a rats ass what the division is doing, when Sox can’t win a game.
    3 points
  28. Dave Wills, quality baseball guy...of course the Sox let him leave to Tampa. I'm sure that Dave and Ed Farmer are yucking it up somewhere as we speak. RIP to both of them.
    3 points
  29. I've literally never seen Moncada or Robert choke up on 2 strikes. Not one fucking time. Arrogance doesn't even begin to describe some of these guys.
    3 points
  30. He's waiting for warmer weather. Fouling a ball off your neon green shoes stings more in the cold April weather than it does in May when temps begin to rise.
    3 points
  31. The book out on him was that he was good at negotiating contracts. Based off of the signings and self-imposed cap, I'd say he's pretty awful at money overall. It's been posted countless dollars that he has wasted for the bullpen or for trash signings. Giving Leury what he did is proof enough that he isn't a great negotiator. And this "I'm just as pissed as you..." shtick doesn't work if you constantly have to use it. You're the GM and you're essentially calling yourself a victim in terms of why things don't get done. He sucks, plain and simple. Cubs dodged a bullet not hiring him. Sox are taking that bullet. But unfortunately, until Jerry sells (which he won't), nepotism will run rampant through this organization. So Hahn will fail upwards and we will get Hahn's nephew running things. SMDH
    3 points
  32. I think they are free swingers and can't get it through their head not to chase off speed stuff. Why? In order to get noticed back on the island or in South America you had to HIT. Walks will not get you a big league contract. They just can't change, This mentality got them here. MLB pitchers exploit this, Will they learn in time? Some do.
    3 points
  33. Let’s not get carried away with the negative things. The signing is a minor league deal aimed at improving Charlotte. Nothing wrong with it at all
    3 points
  34. I wish you guys weren’t all so negative. Most sox fans I talk to are upbeat and positive about the team. Seems all the negative ones flock to a message board. Imagine that.
    3 points
  35. A competent owner is required to hire a competent President and GM.
    3 points
  36. I just remember thinking why are the Sox trading for a closer when they have Liam Hendriks. In my mind, that is where Hahn went off the rails and it has just gone worse from there.
    3 points
  37. This person nailed it.
    3 points
  38. Or do they all know they literally can’t be fired and have tenure, and just stopped caring?
    2 points
  39. If they were smart they’d have TLR on the first flight to Toronto tomorrow to catch the next series as a consultant. The boys aren’t responding to Pedro, they don’t respect him.
    2 points
  40. The worrying thing is they have the 4th worst record while supposedly still trying to win!
    2 points
  41. I’m going to join the crew of not complaining about then adding players to Charlotte, that’s normal and it’s good for them to have veterans and win ballgames. There’s nothing abnormal about that. It’s the idea that the White Sox are unusually weak or banged up that has bothered me for a couple years now because it’s never been true. It just seems like it because of the lack of depth. Guys like this are fine to help in the minors. That doesn’t excuse the big league mess.
    2 points
  42. You are correct sir! The Sox future is bleak as long as Reinsdorf is their owner.
    2 points
  43. I’ve reached the point of wanting this to crash and burn so bad they are forced to make change. I don’t know how much genuine pleasure there has been watching this team since the Yermin debacle. Perhaps even since the TLR hire. I reached this point with the Bulls too during the Butler/Wade/Rondo shitshow. I was much more live and die emotionally with every win or loss in my younger days, but I’m much more compartmentalised for my own health and sanity these days. I have no control over what the assholes in charge do, but I can control the amount of energy I expend. I enjoy the wins, detach after the losses, and try to not let fandom ruin the other pleasures of life. I will always have an allegiance to the Sox and the Bulls, even if the disdain and hatred outshine any love left at any particular moment. Knowing that the current manifestation of the org will never win a damned thing helps me stay more even keel with them win or lose. I still love baseball and enjoy watching good teams play, even if it isn’t the local squad.
    2 points
  44. I’ve been a Sox fan since 1952 and because of 42 years under the pathetic ownership of Reinsdorf I’m very close to giving up on the team that has been part of my DNA all these years. So many great memories but a lot more heartache, at 77 years old, I’ve had just a few too many heartaches. My only hope is that JR sells very soon, like maybe tomorrow. Living in Florida now for 30 years my ties to Chicago are gone so why follow teams from a city that I don’t care for anymore, I still have some love for the Blackhawks but not much, I haven't cared about the Bears and Bulls for decades. I’ve become quite a fan of the Rays and Lightning, these are 2 great franchises especially the Lightning who have the best owner in pro sports, in fact the Lightning was voted the best franchise in pro sports a couple a years ago. The Rays probably have the smartest people in the front office in MLB, what they have done since 2008 with a small payroll is remarkable. So far in 2023 because of the Rays great start this year the vibe in the Sunshine State is the most I’ve ever seen for them, I can tell by the attendance, normally last nights game with Sox would have drawn about 10,000 but 18,000 showed up, their last home stand they drew quite well, not great but for the Rays pretty good. If the Rays keep playing like they have and the Sox continue playing like crap, don’t be surprised if they outdraw the Sox this year. So back to the Sox, last night was a perfect example of how bad this team is. They had a chance especially with Robert at the plate a couple times to put the game out of reach. You knew somehow, someway the bullpen would blow the game. One thing I’ve noticed is guys like Robert, Vaughn and Eloy is that with their open stances is that they continue to have trouble with balls on the outside corner and have trouble hitting the ball to the opposite field, 4 of our guys last night who have square stances got hits to the opposite field, those being Benintendi, Grandal, Burger and Sosa, why aren’t our guys making adjustments, opposing pitchers keep throwing breaking pitches on the outside corner to Robert and Eloy and all they do is strike out or hit weak grounders, Eloy got a pitch that he could handle and hit it in the seats but the way things are going he won’t get many too many more pitches to hit, just a steady diet of breaking balls low and away. Where and what is the hitting coach doing about this or are especially Robert and Eloy too stubborn to make adjustments. Second base and right field continue to be a problem though it’s too early to say Colas and Sosa aren’t the answer. Another thing, IMHO the hiring of TLR was one of the most detrimental events in the history of the franchise, it affected the whole organization from many in the front office to the players and to the fans and threw the rebuild into shambles. The players knew that TLR was past his prime and out of it and just stopped performing to their capabilities after the 2021 All Star game, in one way it doesn’t say much about them as players but we really don’t know what went on behind the scenes. Another thing is some of our guys are plain flawed, some with constant injuries, some are meant to be a DH with no business playing in the field and some that are just not smart ballplayers and 1 or 2 just don’t give a damn.
    2 points
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