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I went to the game last night. As I was walking towards the park a young woman from a radio station approached me and asked if I would like to be interviewed. Naturally i said yes. She asked me if I knew about the shooting that occured the previous night at the game. I said yes I knew about it. She then said, aren't you afraid of being here after last nights shooting? I said no. I've been coming here and the Old Comiskey Park my entire life and there has never been any trouble. Last night was a one time incident. She then said, have you ever been scared going to any sporting event? I said yes. I don't go Wrigley Field anymore because of all the car jackings and armed robberies in that area. She then asked me for my name and thanked me for the interview.8 points
The White Sox have told reporters that Tony La Russa isn't a consultant for the team. Harold is saying that Dayton Moore probably isn't coming and I've heard similar. Maybe they hire Chris Getz anyway. Or maybe Bob Nightengale has bad information somehow.6 points
Can I say I love Oscar Colas. I know he has not played great this season but he gets so happy when he gets a hit. I think he genuinely wants to be a good player.5 points
The Sox don't have to be top 10 in attendance to be profitable for the franchise and the city. People have the wrong mindset. The Sox are never going to be the Cubs, and that's okay. It really doesn't matter. It would be a travesty for the city, especially the South Side, to let the Sox move. The Sox have strong branding and a somewhat strong identity. Bridgeport is a great neighborhood. Transportation to the stadium is outstanding. Just win some damn games consistently.5 points
I am not sure I have read a thread on any forum, ever, that displays as much ignorance towards as many topics, as I've seen in this thread. Fucking bravo Soxtalk. Bravo. Chicago is not a dangerous city for 99% of the population. Period. And nobody who has actually traveled around this country would even remotely consider Chicago "unsafe". Especially compared to rural America... Try driving through bumfuck Alabama, Northern Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and come back and talk to me. When I broke down in "the hood", I had folks come out of their "crackhouses" offering to help me out... When that happened in rural Alabama, I had fucking meth heads carrying shotguns, trying to extort me for assistance in changing a fucking tire, because we happened to have a flat in their shithole town. f*** right off with the "Democrat run cities are cesspools of violence" s%*#, because nobody who actually leaves their safety bubble in the suburbs, believes it. P.S. Six of the top ten most likely to be murdered cities in this country, are in Missouri, Ohio, and Louisiana. Buy a clue.5 points
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I understand that. The Sox aren't the Cubs though. When the majority of your games are at night, do you really need a bunch of bars in the neighborhood on a Wednesday night? The Sox have a marketing problem. Really, they have a winning problem.4 points
I think an AH shared sports complex and entertainment area would actually be pretty awesome..4 points
I drive the Dan Ryan at night often and that scares my wife because of how often drivers are shooting at other cars. It was not that long ago that a woman was killed that way going home from Sox Park. Violent crime has gotten worse in the city, it just has. I don't understand how people can deny that.3 points
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Keener headed to Kanny. The 3rd round pick threw 6IP over 4 appearances in ACL, 2H, 1ER, 2BB, 7K.3 points
3 points
I don’t get how the logistics would work with Soldier Field. I suffer through it for a Bears game or concert once a year, but I definitely wouldn’t make that trek 10 to 20 times a year. Arlington Heights would work great for the Bears, but probably not ideal for our fanbase. West Loop would probably make the most sense of those three options.3 points
I travel about 10,000 every year across America. Your ignorance of rural America matches others of urban America. Yes, there are crimes everywhere. I've felt very safe in Chicago and in small towns across the country. Poverty and lack of opportunities are a greater predictor of crime in an area than political parties or population density.3 points
3 points
From Keith Law: "A person familiar with Reinsdorf once explained to me the likely reasoning for Reinsdorf’s front-office insularity. It had to do with his relationship with Larry Himes, the former Sox GM. Himes did a fantastic job in the MLB Draft, selecting Jack McDowell, Robin Ventura, Frank Thomas and Alex Fernandez in a four-year span. (He also traded Reinsdorf favorite Harold Baines for a package that included Wilson Álvarez and Sammy Sosa.) But Himes was an outsider. He wasn’t deferential to Reinsdorf. And so he was gone after the 1990 season despite the Sox winning 94 games. (They’ve won 94 or more games just three times since then.) Ron Schueler, a Sox guy, was next up, and then came Kenny Williams and here we are today."3 points
Wrigley Field is also a historical park that had a neighborhood and bars built around it and generally has a more affluent neighborhood. White Sox games have tailgating beforehand, beer in the park and can build up the area around the park in the neighborhood north and west of the park. They also need to have more 7:10 starts if people were to go out later on a Friday or Saturday. If people want to go out afterwards, open up more bars and the bar that used to be called Bacardi at the Park or open up that bullpen sports bar. Figure out from analytics what makes sense for fans and build at the park. Personally I want to get the hell out of there after a game but maybe some 20 and 30 something’s who don’t have kids want to party. Get a Lyft or Uber and either leave the area or get a shuttle established and check out bars in Bridgeport.2 points
Another long hit for Colson. Misses a HR by a foot. Gets a double and Veras drives him in. Barons trail 8-7.2 points
Does it seem like Sosa isn't completely overmatched any more. The last 2 weeks he at least looks like an MLB player at the plate. I don't think his range is gonna get better though. Hands and arm look OK.2 points
Passan just eviscerated the Sox & Reinsdorf on BT. He said the Sox "let you down because that's what the White Sox do" and said the rebuild failed because "they are in the 3rd biggest market yet are one of 3 teams to have never given out a 9 figure contract"2 points
On the post-game show, Ozzie went on a rant against a publicly funded stadium. I agree with him. No way should JR get two publicly funded stadiums. There is no way JR should have leverage with the team he has now.2 points
He is outstanding defensively at 3B. I was against the Burger trade but I also thought the talk of moving Moncada to 2B to make room for Burger at 3B was ridiculous. Premium defense is important and Moncada provides that at 3B.2 points
The White Sox could have had a ballpark village for the entire time Comiskey II has been in existence. The only thing stopping JR is JR.2 points
I don't know the economics behind it, but I would think competent ownership would prefer to play in a stadium with established infrastructure in proximity to the Loop, South Loop, McCormick Place, Pilsen, Chinatown, Bridgeport and NW Indiana would be preferable than a faceless ball mall in a suburb with no identity. I could be wrong though.2 points
I live about half way between Chicago and Rockford. I'm a hockey fan and I'd rather go see the Ice Hogs than the Wolves. I wish I could afford Hawks games. Anyway, from my perspective AH is way better than Chicago. It's like 30 minutes away from where I live rather than GRF which is an hour and a half on the way in, and an hour back. I swore off going to Bears games after the last one I ever went to was zero degrees at a noon kickoff. It has been nearly 20 years. They build a dome, I go again. I also don't go to Sox games when it's over 85 degrees. I'd rather go to a game in Early April than when it's 90+ degrees.2 points
Yes, yes I have. ???2 points
Moncada with an 8 game hitting streak. Maybe it was injuries.2 points
$50 bills are bad luck, but I’d bet more with people I knew, could collect or pay directly. Determined via real evidence, not unsubstantiated statements either in a cop or Sox message board (by me or others) or BS CYA follow up statement(s) without court worthy evidence issued by the White Sox or CPD/City. Without a visible altercation / fight, which one witness stated but no further evidence has yet emerged, the likely explanation at this point is an unintentional discharge of a concealed weapon brought in by the person in their group or immediately adjacent, based on the limited video and witness statements. Puts the Sox in a bad spot as it exposes a breech in their security / metal detectors, and also opens up potential lawsuits by the victims if it came from another group within the stadium. On the flip side, if Sox/CPD quickly determined the persons shot were due to an unintentional discharge, it did make it reasonable to continue the game and conclude fans were safe. They responsibly blocked off the few sections to allow police work, and cancelled the concert to allow police to conclude their work without interruption, in a lit ballpark (lights would have gone out for the concert / fireworks),2 points
That's the thing that sucks, the neighborhood loses the team. This would be such a blow to the southside. Their resources and business are already limited as is.2 points
81 games at Soldier Field... and they think attendance is low now...2 points
There are minimal Sox fans in that part of the suburbs.2 points
2 points
We broke down about 5 years ago in Central Florida on a rural road in the middle of nowhere when my engine froze up. We had to wait almost 3 hours in 95 degree heat before AAA arrived. I couldn’t believe how many people in their cars stopped to see if they could help us in anyway, I thought for sure someone would come along and rob us, it brought back my faith in humanity.2 points
I was at the game. Good game to watch. Very few people there. Easy tacos and fat tire access.2 points
Give this excuse all you want it’s still wrong. Common sense is not “there should be hundreds of big events nationwide per week and it’s impossible to evacuate any of them in an emergency so you just let things play out and hope tons aid people don’t die.” Common sense is not “there might be a gun on site but let’s hope there isn’t because if there is we are helpless. “ How many events this week nationwide had 20,000 people present? You have to be able to evacuate this in minutes without a crowd crush, it is seriously rule number 1. Concert venues know this, stadiums know this. If you do not have procedures for this then you will lose millions in the negligence lawsuit from the families of your victims. Common sense should be “this is what we trained for people, this is why we have well trained and well paid staff. If we have to move everyone out we can do it safely in a few minutes, a crowd rush is not a concern. Is it 100% certain that it is safe to keep people in this facility or not? If you did not know where the shot came from, then the answer to that question is no. If this turns into an active shooter situation because someone has a gun that is way worse as you cannot manage the crowd rush in that scenario. If they thought it was 100% safe, why did they move family members?2 points
Sosa, Benintendi, but mostly Moncada homer, Sox pitching is actually pretty good. For essentially an exhibition game, pretty satisfying.1 point
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