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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2024 in all areas

  1. Bold predictions: Crochet pitchers three innings of scoreless ball Five relievers are used to complete the game Shaw is one of those relievers and gives up three runs Hill also gives up a run, but the other three are perfect Offense only scores one run on a Robert solo shot A base-running gaffe kills our best shot at a rally The defense makes a handful of nice plays Pedro says something really stupid during the post game
    7 points
  2. I work in banking so let me give me two cents (I may be late but I'm too lazy to read the rest of the thread): What you posted isn't out of the ordinary at all. Most celebrities, athletes, people of high net worth don't have their money in personal accounts. Most create corporations/LLC's and have direct deposits to fund their personal accounts which also helps them not spend as much (ideally). It'd be very unsurprising if Ohtani didn't have some type of LLC set up with a few "signers" on it who can essentially do anything on an account with the exception of close it, open another inside of the entity, or add more signers. I'd assume in this case Ohtani's lawyer, financial advisor, and (apparently) his translator were signers, and therefore Ippei could've easily sent a 4.5M wire on his own My assumption is what's already been posted: Ohtani signed off on the wire or gave the approval for Ippei to send it and then retracted his statement when he realized there are laws against wiring money for illegal gambling FWIW, anything over 10k is reported, yes, but wires don't fall in that category. It's only if it's physical cash being withdrawn or deposited from an account. Even a $20k check/cashiers check/20 money orders totaling $20k ($1k max per money money is the rule) isn't reported unless the person getting the cashiers check/MO is giving paper cash in exchange Keep in mind in business accounts it's a lot more laid back. In a personal account I can't go to a bank and deposited paper cash into your account unless I'm on the account as an owner. It would have to be a check/MO/cashiers check. In a business though, anyone can deposit cash into an account. The only thing that prompts the report is over $10k of cash in a single day. If I went to a Bank of America now and took out $6k and then another branch tonight and did it again, that is reported, but if I wait for tomorrow for the other $6k, I'm good. Of course doing $9k one day and $8k the next and $9500 the next day is called layering/structing and is just as bad, but again, a wire for 4.5M is not reported
    5 points
  3. I'm 60 years old, have cancer, see my and my wife's families sporadically due to COVID concerns, and try to find happiness where I can eke it out. My personality isn't defined by a baseball team winning or not. I like baseball, I like the White Sox, and I'm interested in whether Getz, Banny and Katz can whip this group into an actual, productive pitching staff. That's what I get out of it.
    4 points
  4. No, it really isn’t.
    4 points
  5. T Life app. I just completed the offer. It's exactly what I'm willing to pay to watch this year's action.
    3 points
  6. Thank you. Just to be clear, no treatment, I have Non-Hodgkin's, which isn't curable, but it's slow growth, and I'll most likely die of something else in 20-30 years. After my initial chemo 15 years ago, and radiation for a new tumor 3 years ago, it's just treated like a chronic condition. I get regular check-ups and scans, and COVID vaccinations every 2 months. I do have to be careful, as Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma is cancer of the immune system. But again, thank you for the well wishes. Watch out for night sweats, enduring cold/flu symptoms, or excessive fatigue. And if your 40, get a damned stress test, already. Medicine is your friend. Use it. Thanks. /soapbox
    3 points
  7. I hope the Sox can bring you much joy this summer, and that things go well with your treatment. Prayers up.
    3 points
  8. Pedro Grifol's an inane a-hole who should have been fired. I haven't seen anybody "buying what grifol is trying to sell" on this site. We all know the constraints Getz is working under. He at least seems to have a different approach, which I find interesting. Given his goal of improving on defense, and the money constraints, he probably wasn't doing much better than DeJong. Do you rip the molding off of the walls and rip it apart with your teeth over that? Nobody's saying DeJong will be an All-Star. Nobody's pretending he was the best shortstop available in all of baseball. You keep putting these BS strawmen on everybody who doesn't want to mope. Nobody is saying these things but you, so it seems you have no cognitive ability to even consume other people's statements in a meaningful way. I can't imagine being so angry and paranoid that you keep arguing things that other people aren't even stating.
    3 points
  9. They are also, objectively, one of the worst franchises in baseball over the last decade
    3 points
  10. If there’s chocolate on the rim, keep your mouth away!
    3 points
  11. It will provide even more fat cushion protection from the stray bullets hitting anyone else.
    3 points
  12. If he is truly an ace...he wins with us and enhances his future value. This team is loads better than people are thinking.
    3 points
  13. Lmao, Kenny the sage. He was right so many times wasn’t he ?
    3 points
  14. 1. Not the White Sox 2. Not the White Sox 3. Not the White Sox 4. Not the White Sox 5. The White Sox
    3 points
  15. You are very likely correct. He's a smooth talking corporate bootlicker who will do or say anything to get the gig. Dude gave them all the confirmation bias they wanted in interviews and also dropped big hints that he would be a "cheap date" which prolly led to JR giving Hahn a wry smile and an affirming nod of the head on the other side of the interview table. Pedro is a fucking loser, but then again this is a fucking loser organization so it's a compatible marriage.
    3 points
  16. Thank goodness for T-Mobile and free MLB.TV. I couldn’t imagine paying to watch this team.
    2 points
  17. A 2 year $50 million deal for Monty is about as good as it gets. s%*#, where were all these contracts when the Sox were competitive? This Monty deal is right up JR's alley.
    2 points
  18. No...I've been a WS fan for almost 70 years. Much too late for me. Best that you save yourself.
    2 points
  19. You would be much happier with a team like the Dodgers. Jerry might live 12 more years with your luck.
    2 points
  20. They could be a surprise story… and they could be historically awful.
    2 points
  21. Let me save us all some reading: no.
    2 points
  22. I had to vote 62 - 70 from the categories given. But I think it will be somewhere between 69 -73. As I wrote in another thread, this is how I see this season going down: The White Sox surprise by hovering a couple of games under .500 for the first half of the season, led primarily by a monster first half by Yoan Moncada and a surprisingly healthy Eloy Jimenez. As the summer grinds on, poor managing by Pedro Grifol, faltering pitching, Eloy's inevitable injury, and selling off of Moncada and other flippable veterans cause the Sox to fall off and wind up with a total of between 69 and 73 victories which is still much better than most expected.
    2 points
  23. I think there is a question about ethics when it comes to funding a criminal, vice-peddling enterprise. I think there are questions about whether or not Mizuhara's "access" to Ohtani influenced the betting market or that Mizuhara was extended that line of credit because he could provide information on the Angels that would influence bets. That being said, I think Ohtani's involvement is the least interesting component of this story, I'm just glad it has to do with him because it shines a brighter light on a major problem developing in this country than if it was Shintaro Fujinami's interpreter. Maybe you guys heard about Jontay Porter in the NBA, he allegedly took the "under" on himself in two games and faked injuries so that he would be pulled early on. He (allegedly) placed an $80,000 bet on himself which paid out $1.2million or something thereabout. It's amusing because, although he's a "two-way" player (minor league call up basically), he's skilled enough that he would've probably gotten offered a multi-year, multi-million AAV contract this coming offseason. So if a guy who has a proper NBA future ahead of him is throwing games, why wouldn't other, less-talented players be doing this? It calls into question the entire legitimacy of the NBA. Who is throwing games and who isn't? If this is happening in a league where players are paid very handsomely, why wouldn't it be happening in college or the WNBA or what have you? Why should we think this isn't already happening in minor league baseball or god forbid the big leagues? It frankly seems easier to do this in baseball than any other sport and not get caught. Just throw a meatball pitch or "get fooled" by a pitch in the dirt and strike out. It's especially egregious that you can bet on every single player's stat line rather than just the outcome of a game. I'm prepared for every professional sport to go the way of horse racing. What a shame. Again, I don't think Ohtani is betting, I think he was negligent and naïve. This is wholly a result of Murphy v NCAA and the leagues' collective greed and lack of morals, I don't really care who's getting caught for it, the system is corrupt and this will obviously happen.
    2 points
  24. No...I mean 100% negative all the time.
    2 points
  25. Oh really? Crochet - Hasn't started a game since college and has pitched 12 inning over the last 2 years. This is our #1. Soroka - Has pitched about 45 innings the past 4 seasons, and was awful last year. Fedde - Hasn't pitched in the MLB since 2022, and was awful. Flexen - 6.86 ERA in 100 IP last season, awful. There is plenty of factual information to show our rotation is going to blow. There is actually no factual information to the contrary however. Just a lot of "what ifs".
    2 points
  26. It's just 1 of 162. I liked the way our guys competed out there today. It's just nice to be back at the ballpark and seeing all these [gestures at empty seats] fans come out.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. By dark side, do you mean using objective facts in an argument?
    2 points
  29. I went to a game yesterday, does that count?
    2 points
  30. How many grams of sugar in that thing? I unironically think having 6 beers during the game is healthier.
    2 points
  31. Certainly won’t help with the flabs of fat gun pouch situation at the old ballpark.
    2 points
  32. The hand holding that monstrosity tells me all I need to know. Yikes.
    2 points
  33. With the product the White Sox have this season the grass on the field should be well fertilized.
    2 points
  34. That run-down was rough. I don't think I've seen the White Sox do anything so stupid all these years and we suck at fundamentals. The only thing that I can think of that is on-par or worse was that play with Baez and the Pirates. I think they preach fundamentals quite a bit in Japan, so that type of play is obviously inexcusable. However, it really shouldn't be Bauer's place to show up his teammates like that. That's for the manager to take care of behind closed doors. He's done that many times before, so no wonder his teammates can't wait to get rid of him.
    2 points
  35. Looking on the bright side I can confidently spell choke because of him.
    1 point
  36. We have gone to the DuPage Children’s Museum in Naperville. If you ever go, go early to avoid the crowds.
    1 point
  37. Minnesota has 2 rain outs not made up? Bad weather forecast for next week?
    1 point
  38. This is a foreign concept in the world of the Chicago White Sox.
    1 point
  39. That dude did not win any hearts with his actions. A leader is not someone who goes around puffing out their chest and yelling at people. A leader elevates, mentors, and communicates thoroughly.
    1 point
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