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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2024 in all areas

  1. Cash Considerations will be the White Sox's all-star representative.
    10 points
  2. I can't wait to see who we cut next so that Walsh can get his 20 ABs before being cut.
    5 points
  3. "They're going to test the arm of Benintendi!" What arm!?!?!??!
    4 points
  4. Thorpe 6ip 2H, 2R, 2W, 7K Clevinger 4 ip, 6 h 2 R 1W, 4K,
    4 points
  5. Getz signs bunch of veterans in the offseason. The rationale is so he can give the younger players time to marinate in the minors. The Sox have a record poor start to the season. Getz freaks out and calls up young prospects that struggle. He also signs more veterans and cuts several young players from the 40-man roster to make room for these veterans. Getz is a terrible GM.
    4 points
  6. Beni last few days showing he's worth that contract
    3 points
  7. So what’s he bringing to the table again?
    3 points
  8. Got cash considerations call Chris Getz at 877-cash-now!
    3 points
  9. No john you don't have to send him
    3 points
  10. Yes, but I believe only for international pool $$
    3 points
  11. Assuming he has a decent trade value (somewhere in the area of a top 100-150 lead piece) I would deal him in a heartbeat.
    3 points
  12. At this point, there really is no reason to want the Sox to lose unless you somehow are going to make some money on them being as godawful as possible. . The organization isn't going to be embarrassed, at least enough to make significant changes. They won't gain draft position. The 10th pick is probably already clinched. Might as well win occasionally and be a little entertaining.
    3 points
  13. I swear one of them will go full Semien.
    3 points
  14. Pham not in the starting lineup? 3-24 Pham in the starting lineup? 3-0. Clearly he was the only piece standing between the Sox and multiple parades.
    3 points
  15. Forgive me but I'm very upset. Grifol is a stooge. My gosh. So you go 3-0 with Pham and it's obvious Pham and Mendick are two guys who actually are worthy of a spot on the big league roster. So he rests Pham cause he had no spring training. Are you serious Grifol??? Your team has a chance to start winning some games and go from historically bad to just bad and you REST PHAM?? After three fricking games? That's what they said on the radio. He was rested tonight cause he had no spring training, You'd think Grifol would want to ride the hot bat and win a fourth in a row against a Minnie team that embarrased the Sox in Minnie. Instead they bench Pham and let him pinch hit once. This resting of players in the big leagues is a fricking joke. Thanks Pedro. You are a buffoon. I bet he was so proud of himself making sure to rest Pham after three games. Just resign. Three games and he's tired??? Gawd I'm angry.
    3 points
  16. Pedro over-managing. That never ends well.
    2 points
  17. Grifol masterclass right here. Instead of using Grossman for Maldonado, he makes it easy for Rocco to line up 2 lefties vs. Thielbar. Idiot. lol then he wastes Ortega just to play matchups again...
    2 points
  18. Odd for Stone to be critical of a guy who’s coming off ACL surgery a few years ago
    2 points
  19. It's sad what a man will say when his paycheck depends on it.
    2 points
  20. Much than his usual piss down his leg.
    2 points
  21. Making excuses to Getz dumping guys for nothing he couldn't develop in his former role is a choice.
    2 points
  22. Is it a surprise he is doing better with the Cubs, who have better minor league instructors than the Sox? Getz essentially turned Christian Mena and Matthew Thompson into Dominic Fletcher and cash. Where is Fletcher right now? Oh yeah, he was so bad he had to be sent to the minors. Getz is a bad GM.
    2 points
  23. You can’t make that stuff up. Impressive.
    2 points
  24. Ok, I can't remember. Was Matthew Thompson on the 40-man roster? Cause if not, it means we ultimately gave up a starting pitching prospect — who is of course now putting up better numbers with the Cubs AA team (yes, SSS) — for cash.
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. How do you pop that pitch up to right field? I feel like Gavin took whatever hitting talent Vaughn had.
    2 points
  27. The boys are seeing the ball from Woods Richardson, I think it is safe to say.
    2 points
  28. Gavin made a "wonderboy" bat!
    2 points
  29. That was a Super Joe send...
    2 points
  30. I’m not a doctor, but I live in AZ, so I’m pretty familiar with the Sox rehab process. To gauge running at 80%, they have the injured guy race local hero, Paul Konerko. If it’s close, injured guy is 80%.
    2 points
  31. the Bulls actually have a terrible track record with injuries and rushing guys back. This is the guy who managed a department that called Luol Deng soft and a wimp for not playing through a botched spinal tap that put his life in danger. The Ball reference was clearly a joke considering he hasn't even been in the NBA for a decade, but it's not correct to say that the Bulls manage their players' health effectively. sure, but why not 86.5% or 93.6%? The arbitrariness of it makes it seem pseudo, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence that they know when the right time is, it's essentially just a vibe check. I wonder if they ask LuBob to run to first base then show him a pain chart and ask him to point to the frowny face that best captures his mood.
    2 points
  32. Ball's legs have been mismanaged his entire life by his crazy ass dad. The Bulls have been relatively healthy other than Ball and LaVine, whose injuries have been a problem for way longer than they've been associated with the Bulls.
    2 points
  33. I came here because like most others, I got the boot from WSI for basically disagreeing w a mod. Much better here..
    2 points
  34. Unlike the discussions on whether to trade Cease during the offseason or the trade deadline, do we all agree that there is probably zero reason to not trade Fedde by this year’s trade deadline?
    2 points
  35. Soroka has by far the worst FIP of all qualified pitchers in baseball. The combination of below average velocity and bottom of the barrel control is a big problem. If he can throw more strikes I guess it's possible for him to become something of a poor-to-fair starter rather than a horrible starter.
    2 points
  36. Pham and Mendick in the line up. This is a lock.
    2 points
  37. You want him to lose his wife too?
    2 points
  38. "They're giving us everything they've got. They just don't got a lot."
    2 points
  39. Not gonna lie - I was extremely excited for about a half second when I saw this: I definitely misread the logo as part of the text.
    2 points
  40. This is probably just a move for Charlotte, but I wonder if they're running out of patience with Vaughn.
    2 points
  41. Chris Getz is that dude who swipes right on everyone hoping someone will match with him.
    2 points
  42. I don't understand this at all, at all. I want the Sox to win. I want them to win the game I am watching right now, today. Would I like to see a winning Sox team with all young studs who are signed for years and know the winning is going to continue? YES! Of course. But when I turn on a game to watch or I'm there, I want the best possible players the Sox can put on the field at that time. I want the Sox manager and management to do everything they can to win that game, that day. I don't care if the players are 32 or 22. I want the Sox to win. I am happy when they win and unhappy when they lose. So, yes, this weekend was great. I hope they can do it again through the week and into next weekend. I just want the Sox to win. Do I understand the need to trade away older players to get younger players and build for the future? Yes, of course. But if a the Sox have a guy who is 33 who can play clearly better than someone who is at Charlotte and 23, play the better player, whatever his age, as long as you have him. Make that young guy at Charlotte become better than that 33 year old. But I am a White Sox fan, I am going to wear my White Sox year and watch the game, whether they win 50 game or 100 games.
    2 points
  43. The calculations and metrics were apparently based on the pitcher and his location rather than the shortstop. That was the error.
    2 points
  44. Yep, not sure why anyone wants to see Reinsdorf escape the embarrassment of a historic losing record after sabotaging the initial rebuild with TLR and refusing to go all in on free agency (Machado/Harper) and then giving Getz the nepotism hire, saying they are a few moves away from being competitive, and then having Getz cut payroll by around $55 million. Let him wear it. He’s earned it.
    2 points
  45. Was it fun though? I personally don’t get any enjoyment watching a bunch of losers who 80% of won’t even be here next year win some meaningless games. There silver lining is they can’t screw up their draft position, but I want this thing to go nuclear to force radical changes. That’s where the real win will come from.
    2 points
  46. I've been a member of Soxtalk for more of my life than I've not been a member of Soxtalk...
    2 points
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