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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2024 in all areas

  1. The hater is an abstract construct that exists in all of our minds, especially in the minds of professional athletes and evidently commentators. Renowned poet Soulja Boy once rhetorically asked us (thinking men), "got a question: why they hatin' on me?" He famously followed up with, "if haters want to hate, they'll get shot like a free throw (swoosh)". Who is "they"? Who is the "hater"? He isn't a real person. He's an idea. A motivational tool. An imagined enemy. The hater is whoever you want him to be.
    6 points
  2. Good pitching beginning to end ,1 big inning , and solid win. Congrats to Ramos for his 1st MLB hit and RBI !!
    5 points
  3. Sox win a series, on the road!
    4 points
  4. Very impressive collective pitching performance, 11 k's, 0 walks. wow
    4 points
  5. Dan Berstein is a giant boob, I totally stopped listening to sports radio during Spring Training and haven't missed it at all. The only good feeling I get about Chicago sports radio is that Hub Arkush has made a recovery from his stroke.
    4 points
  6. Emblematic of the whole discourse that the column misquotes Schriffen at the key moment. Scoop Jackson quotes him as saying "for all you haters" Didn't sound right to me so I played it back and indeed he said, "for all the haters" — you know, language that implies the haters are not part of the people watching NBC Sports Chicago But I guess people hear whatever they want to hear
    4 points
  7. To me the biggest issue I have (and I've been broadcasting for 40+ years) is the apparent lack of preparation. I get it, it's not easy especially for a guy who is known more for football and basketball. BUT... He's had a few months now to bone up, he's spent a lot of time with Steve Stone. Jeff Szynal is the Sox scoreboard director and historian, he's an outstanding resource and frankly he is supposed to be a professional Major League broadcaster. I just don't get the fundamental mistakes. That is 100% on him and it doesn't matter where he's from, what his ethnic background is, what sport he grew up playing... these things are basic. You've got to do your homework. The appearance for right or wrong seems to be he isn't doing it at all or isn't doing enough of it or he needs some help with it from others. He is off to a shaky start at best right now.
    4 points
  8. Man, I gotta be honest. Watching a team that is simply regular-bad is boring. Either be good or be historically bad.
    3 points
  9. I honestly think that's what we will be seeing at the end of the year. Bad year record wise, but some form of hope for the future with young guys doing okay in the 2nd half of the season.
    3 points
  10. Nice to see some bats get going and Garrett perform. At this point I'd settle for just being a 110 loss team with some promising young guys.
    3 points
  11. I hope not. I don't think he's at peak value yet.
    3 points
  12. The news stories that portray Standard as a small-town TV station owner are missing the point. Their parent company is a $100 billion hedge fund that owns Bally's casinos and has been trying to expand in television and media. At one point, they owned the 71-station Media General group before selling it to NexStar. They then tried to buy the 68-station Tenga group, but the deal fell apart last year after the FCC raised concerns. Starting a new RSN goes against industry trends, to put it mildly. But if Standard for some reason is willing to pay the teams a rights fee and take on all the burden of working out carriage agreements and selling advertising, I can see why the teams would prefer that to owning their own RSN and taking the risk themselves. I'm not sure whether NBCSC is a factor in these negotiations. NBC-Universal shut down NBC Sports Northwest and sold NBC Sports Washington, so they seem to be getting out of the RSN business.
    3 points
  13. f*** that yankees fan. Dude has gotten too big for his britches lately. He thinks he's more relevant than he is. Dude, you're popular because you made funny lip reading videos. Nobody thinks you're a real baseball authority. Also, just imagine how much MLB would be getting killed if the ball slipped out of a hand and affected the game or a guy got seriously hurt? It's not an easy call. I'm going to lean on better safe than sorry every time.
    3 points
  14. Oh no the media types had a long day! f*** off. Nice win. Go Sox.
    3 points
  15. Greg, that's still a bad team.
    2 points
  16. then write a better one. this ain't it.
    2 points
  17. I'll take south Side Stand Up! any day over Go Cubs Go, which makes no sense to sing after a win with the line Hey, Hey what do you say the Cubs are going to win today, When it's sung after they already won the game, so they can't win another unless it's a double header.
    2 points
  18. The rule is Detroit sucks ?
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 5-1 the last 2 weekends. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, haters!!!!
    2 points
  21. The haters have taken a stance and seemingly won.
    2 points
  22. I love the StL crowd booing. Imagine losing 2/3 to this team.
    2 points
  23. Nice job, Wilson. I get the Cardinals are not good, but Sox pitching has been encouraging lately. Hill, Brebbia, Wilson probably all gone at the deadline though. Maybe Fedde too.
    2 points
  24. s%*# looked like a fly ball off the bat. If only we got more Mt. Eloy and less ILoy
    2 points
  25. Montgomery walked his next 2 times up.
    2 points
  26. HR Montgomery.
    2 points
  27. Here’s what you’re missing: Schriffen is not a jaded Sox fan like the rest of us. He’s getting paid to inject life into the broadcast and, by extension, the team. Yes, using the term “haters” was pretty cringe, but holy hell are some of y’all blowing this way out proportion. This feels like misdirected anger about the org as a whole more than anything else.
    2 points
  28. Hate is not the opposite of love....indifference is. There are many more indifferencers than haters when it comes to the White Sox.
    2 points
  29. Once again, does it even matter who “the haters” are? You will receive and deserve “haters” when you are on your way to a historic losing record. What am I missing here? How is anyone trying to defend this amateur sportscaster clown? The dude is trying to talk trash while the team he works for is on their way to their worst record in history. Once again, what am I missing here?!? You can’t talk trash when you fucking suck, end of story. Period. Schriffen is being a fucking pathetic homer doofus, and more than likely at the instruction of our garbage owner Jerry Reinsdorf.
    2 points
  30. But the original question still remains and is valid...who are the "haters" and even when we establish that...how are they "haters" of the White Sox? Is a "hater" people that have been critical of objectively the worst team in baseball?
    2 points
  31. He’s exactly the guy Jerry wants, and is spouting Jerry’s pathetic message. If you critique the team at all, you are a “hater”.
    2 points
  32. The word “competitive” shouldn’t be used in any sentence with the White Sox.
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. This is now officially the longest amount of time the White Sox have held a lead this season.
    2 points
  35. It doesn’t matter who is “openly hostile”. Sometimes you earn hostility towards yourself. Right is right. This outsider had no right to come in here and tell Sox fans how to fan.
    2 points
  36. I love how people keep bringing this up, even though the management that was guilty of this is completely gone, and the owner is dead. This is also rich considering you are still a White Sox fan, despite the Omar Vizquel s%*#. Which was just as deplorable, if not worse... That also happened much more recently. I am also clearly talking about a financial perspective here, and not "image".
    2 points
  37. When you have teams like the Sox, Rockies and Marlins and a few others there is no such thing as competitive balance in MLB.
    1 point
  38. Colas seems to have done something to piss off folks in the front office/management that's for sure. Granted I think the guy is as "baseball-stupid" as the rest of them but it seems pretty clear he's being railroaded and not getting a lot of chances.
    1 point
  39. Who cares? The competitive balance of a professional fucking sports league? Are you fucking serious. Jesus Christ.
    1 point
  40. The most important fact to draw from his tantrum is that he has near zero understanding of the actual sport. Player side aside, conditions that bad, heavily favor the hitter. Brebbia can lose his grip on a pitch and fire it into the backstop, the ball can skip off wet grass and a routine play becomes much more challenging, an outfielder has a near zero chance on a play at the plate on a single, an infielder can slip in the mud trying to range laterally, a ground ball can hit a puddle and come to a dead stop in the infield. It was 100% in the Sox’ interest to stop the game.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Lol. Bucknor is such dogshit.
    1 point
  44. Seems like a storm is getting ready to roll through Chicago
    1 point
  45. Grossman was a real find lol. Then there is Ortega. Never seen a team pick up so much garbage since Waste Management. Is Getz on the take?
    1 point
  46. The Cease rebound this year couldn’t have been more obvious. I’m happy they traded him before risking injury, but it’s disappointing teams weren’t more interested in him.
    1 point
  47. The Sox should have let Sosa play 120 games this season in the mlb. He's taken time to figure out every level and maybe he just completely blows but why not let him show it over a very extended period
    1 point
  48. When Schiffrin decided he was going to represent the “South Side” with his calls, and put all the “haters” on blast, that’s fine, but now that’s your brand and who he is. Two days later, he badly mis-pronounced the name of Bill Veeck on the broadcast. It wasn’t a flub, he read the name on the paper and thought it pronounced “Veek” If he didn’t make the haters comment, the Veeck mistake isn’t even mentioned. But when you want to puff out your chest and speak for the “South Side” then you better be genuine. Maybe brushing up on Sox history would be a good start.
    1 point
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