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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2024 in all areas

  1. STFU keep that s%*# IN HOUSE YOU DUMBFUCK. Get this piece of human garbage OFF THE TEAM.
    4 points
  2. Whoever the other team that was bidding against the Sox for Fedde’s services must be really pissed off they didn’t up their offer by a few million.
    3 points
  3. He should hate his vets that are putting up historically awful seasons like Beni.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Still not as bad as Maldonado at-bats
    2 points
  6. That's a great sign. He's definitely Sox material.
    2 points
  7. How in the world did he let Lopez hit there? This was a horribly managed game
    2 points
  8. Any hope for Soroka was blind hope. He was absolutely horrendous last year and hasn’t been good in 5 years.
    2 points
  9. First time in a while I watched a few innings. I don’t know how anyone watches this.
    2 points
  10. Ramos with left quad tightness. You cannot convince me that this is not a systemic problem in this organization.
    2 points
  11. It's part of Pedro's F.A.S.T way......... F**ckin Airmail S**t Throws over the cut-off man.
    2 points
  12. That was awful by Pedro letting Flexen get shelled the third time thru with a rested bullpen.
    2 points
  13. We've paid him roughly 20 million and he's produced -1.7 fWAR. Impressive.
    2 points
  14. Fundaments are obviously not taught, Ramos had no reason to look the runner at second back with two outs, just throw the ball to 1B
    2 points
  15. Pedro Grifol, who seems a lot more comfortable in his second year as the South Side skipper, has been talking up his vision for how he wants his team to play for months. He gave it a name early on in spring training, instructing his players to “play F.A.S.T.”, it’s an acronym that stands for fearless, aggressive, selfless and technically sound. So we put a DH in RF who's none of the above.
    2 points
  16. Yea, I'm watching on a ghetto Iranian site that will probably give me malware.
    2 points
  17. Burger’s OPS’s have been 117, 113 and 120 and he had hard hit numbers comparable to Ohtani last year. Sorry just not buying that he’s an average hitter. Sox obviously aren’t growing 30 HR type hitters on trees here. At any rate, I don’t agree with trading a productive major league player with control for a single B- type prospect. Should have at least got two Eder types if you were going to trade him
    2 points
  18. I said it during the off season, and will say it again here, there was tons of collusion this winter. It might take a while to come out, it might never come out, but you won't convince me otherwise.
    2 points
  19. That's fair. I mean I am in the camp of unless you get a MASSIVE discount with multiple options on Crochet, that's the only way I would extend him. Robert has a better (but definitely not great) history.
    2 points
  20. From today's MLBTR chat with Steve Adams: KC Pain 1:25 Jake Burger, how legit was that half with the Marlins? Im looking at prior seasons and this seasons small sample and injury and a tad worried Steve Adams 1:29 He's not going to keep up the .350-.360 average on balls in play that got him to his '23 Marlins production, and he's not going to continue to struggle like he has this year with the BABIP pendulum swinging in the other direction. Burger's career numbers are basically what he is to me... a low- to league-average batting average with poor OBP skills, good pop and poor defense. He's a fine guy to have around when his cost is low, but I don't think he's someone teams are going to want to pay through his arb years as his salary escalates. I'm typically a "yeah, trade your pitching prospects because they all break" guy, but my initial reaction to that trade was still "I wouldn't have given up Jake Eder here"
    2 points
  21. As said ad nauseum, it's his perceived rate of exertion of what he can do without pain. Should we go to the examples of smiley face and frowning face medical professionals use with children. That's another example of ways to use patient feedback on how they are doing. Another one is rating your pain on a scale from zero to ten with zero being no pain at all and ten being going to the emergency room.
    2 points
  22. Robert is only 2 years older and will become a free agent at the same time.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I could see a Kopech/Pham for Triantos type deal
    1 point
  25. Reynaldo with another terrific start. No idea why those dumbasses never moved him back to the rotation.
    1 point
  26. My favs at Future Sox think Getz will be able to get a big return on Kopech and to a lesser degree the others like Fedde, Flexen, Pham. You could add Clevenger to the list also. Plenty of pitching in the minors to come up and show what they can do.
    1 point
  27. Wolkow the young savage 2-4 with a double and a walk and only one K.
    1 point
  28. They were also absolutely fucking stupid with the Sox, but in a different way.
    1 point
  29. 4 guys in the top 100 should be considered about average (1 out of 25 of the top 100 top prospects are in your org), no? Either way, nice to see the minor league system achieve respectability.
    1 point
  30. I'm getting excited about Thorpe.
    1 point
  31. If Sox can sweep the Nationals on Tuesday they officially are merely a bad team, not historically bad. If the Sox get swept, that is really gonna be deflating and could lead to another bad losing streak. If the Sox split, it means nothing. Just my takes.
    1 point
  32. Santa's doing good Pedro, Moncada is progressing well.
    1 point
  33. I wasn't hung up on this anymore, I wasn't even thinking about LuBob. Then Schriffen had to say "oh he was at 90 percent but now he's at 70 percent and we want him back up to 90 percent". What the f*** does that mean? I don't think anybody knows. just say 69 percent. at least that's funny.
    1 point
  34. Burger put up a .760 OPS in 2022. He put up an .827 OPS last year. But now that he has a .612 OPS in 69 at bats, he’s a DFA candidate in a couple years? What?
    1 point
  35. They didn't say he was 80% healed. They said he was running at 80%. That doesn't mean he is 80% healed. That means he is running at 80% effort. He could be 90% healed but the rehab protocol they set is protecting the muscle on a set time line. He is currently training at an 80% effort with no lasting soreness. The next step is to train at 90% effort and see if soreness lasts more than a day. If he can do that, he will return to games. If he is too sore after 90% effort they will back him down to 80% and try again. This is how rehab works. It's not linear.
    1 point
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